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  • Hey, Tech Lead here and welcome back to my show. It is coffee time. Instant coffee today. Very good.

  • I wanted to tell you something. I wanted to share a little bit of news with you today. I am financially

  • Independent. That's right. I'm retired. I can essentially sustain myself

  • Indefinitely within this sort of living environment. I have everything that I need here

  • I can live like this for as long as I want. I have water. I have coffee here. I have shelter and

  • I have cut down my living expenses so much that essentially this is my lifestyle now. I just live here. I don't do anything.

  • I don't partake in any activities. I don't travel. I've gotten rid of my family. I've gotten rid of my

  • Responsibilities of my family. I haven't gotten rid of my family

  • They're still there, but I'm just not taking responsibility for them anymore. And with this sort of revolutionary mindset

  • I have freed myself from the rat race. I am free from the 9 - 5.

  • I don't have to work, if I don't want to. I can just be here and relax chill.

  • My time is my own. I am my own boss.

  • and as long as I can free my mind of any

  • Materialism and stay a minimalist. Then this is all I will ever need and I can just live like this

  • Indefinitely. I am financially independent. I am retired you could say. I've made it

  • This video, by the way, is sponsored by myself. That's right.

  • As a financially independent person, I am self-supporting check out my video, Tech Lead season 1 HD complete.

  • 1995 tons of cool episodes tons of cool features lots of good content in there and I can guarantee you that it will save you

  • Much more than 1995 worth of your money. Great value. You're gonna make so much out of it

  • You're gonna be able to live a financially independent lifestyle just like myself

  • I'm telling you this lifestyle that I've got right here right now

  • That's right for 1995 you too can be successful just like me and you can have the exact same lifestyle that I'm living right now

  • This is success and it can be yours. There'll be a link for you in the description

  • So I wanted to talk to you today a little bit more about financial independence and what I've learned about it

  • Having lived through it. And the first thing to realize is that actually all of us are in the way fine

  • Independent already. Financial independence is essentially when you're able to sustain yourself sustain the lifestyle

  • Indefinitely, you don't have to work. You don't have to work the nine-to-five or the rat race

  • You can just relax chill read a book play some computer games, whatever you want sit on the beach and the fact

  • Is that everybody has had this at some point in your life.

  • It was when you were a kid. All children in the sense are financially independent. They don't have to worry about money

  • They don't have to worry about working or a job or any of that

  • for at least say eighteen years while they're being raised by their parents their parents are providing everything for them and as a child you

  • Were financially independent until you got so sick of it and you wanted something more for yourself

  • You wanted to see what more you could do with your life. You wanted to move out

  • You wanted your own living conditions you wanted to win the respect of people you wanted to attract a partner for your life

  • You wanted a career you want it to be successful you wanted to see what you could make of yourself

  • and so it's funny that for many people they've sort of come full circle and they want to go back to being

  • Financially independent once more and find ways to downgrade their lifestyle. Well, I've got news for you

  • It's very easy to be financially independent. Just go move back in with your parents

  • You will cut down your costs so much

  • rent usually takes up the bulk of your

  • expenses. Food doesn't really cost all that much and if you were to cut down on your activities and remove all of your

  • Vacations, you can essentially live with very little basic income. You would essentially be financially independent

  • You could go live on the beach

  • In fact, if you don't really want to move in with your parents

  • The other thing you could do is just go live on the streets. That's right

  • You could be homeless you could go live on the beaches of Santa Monica. You can sleep in all day

  • you don't have to work and that's financial independence too.

  • Even my dog is financially independent financial independence at first sounds really good

  • It sounds like a very creative revolutionary idea where you essentially just can sustain yourself indefinitely

  • one easy way to do

  • This is if you have say a million bucks and could make four percent off of that on the interest

  • stock investment returns every year. That's like a 40k income and you could just keep that going for as long as you want and you

  • Never run out as long as you don't spend above say 40k a year. Now, inflation may eat away at that.

  • So in reality, you may need more than that. A while ago when I had come into some sum of money

  • I had thought to myself

  • Well, I could just retire on this, you know

  • If I choose to just lower my living expenses, lower my expectations,

  • I could probably live forever on this amount of money and I thought, "Well, where would I live?"

  • I wouldn't live in Silicon Valley, because it's just way too expensive.

  • Maybe I could go to Nevada or something like that. And then thought about, "Do I really want to go live in the deserts of

  • Nevada?"

  • No offense to the people who actually live there

  • I'm sure you're having a great time there being financially independent and all. But I thought,

  • Well,

  • I could just go to Southeast Asia to where expenses are even lower and I could have an even better life

  • I could live like a king over there. I'm sure that there are many backpackers and Instagram influencers

  • Who have chosen a life over there and say Bangkok, Thailand or Bali in Indonesia

  • Somewhere like that

  • I'm going to take a look at this picture of this fishing village that I saw and when I first saw it

  • I thought well that just looks

  • Amazing! Like, what a great life living a carefree life in this smaller though unknown fishing village

  • Enjoying a rustic Idol life.

  • I mean that really sounds great. It's all I could ever want really, you know, I don't need money if I can have that

  • lifestyle.

  • Sometimes I wonder to myself if

  • Given that choice would I just go out there go

  • find a small little village to live in sipping coconuts and sitting on the beach all day and

  • That's one. I realize anyone can do it

  • Really you just go to somewhere cheap somewhere in Southeast Asia or somewhere?

  • and you know

  • You can get that lifestyle. Funny thing is a lot of people choose to not go after that and I think that's where financial independence

  • Really starts to show its flaws

  • Imagine that you could get a million bucks and you were making four percent off of that

  • You have a 40K annual income and that all sounds good until you realize that

  • There's still a lot that you don't get with that

  • Your health insurance is one thing to think about like if you have to provide health insurance for your spouse

  • Two to three kids plus yourself. That's like four to five people already right there and you need to pay for each person individually.

  • A career, a job will get you that automatically. Otherwise,

  • You're gonna have to pay for yourself and it's not even going to be very good

  • there's gonna be pretty weak insurance and people are gonna be afraid to go to the hospital and everyone's going to be wondering

  • Yeah, maybe I should just sit this one out. Maybe I just shouldn't skip the hospital on this one

  • It's gonna be expensive. It would be great

  • If people can just go get themselves taken care of if they need to. You might also be missing out on career path

  • Which I think a lot of people think about. You know, it's not so big of a deal now

  • But over the long run you might find that as you get older as you get into your thirties, forties, fifties.

  • You find your classmates your peers they keep rising in status and level and you know

  • some of these people are getting into like director positions, vice-president positions, their salaries going up. And meanwhile,

  • You don't have that career path. You're just sitting on the beach, maybe with your financial independence.

  • You've got some amount of income that's coming in

  • Maybe that amount looked good when you're in your 20's.

  • But over time it didn't really keep up with the career progression, because there was no career progression there.

  • You also don't have social status, which I think a lot of people care about. I think financial independence usually sounds good for single people.

  • When they don't have to think about their family when they don't have to think about whether

  • their kids are going to respect them if their wife or husband is going to respect them.

  • If their friends will respect them so much. I remember when I would go around trying to date people

  • I would just say, "Oh, yeah me. I'm - I don't work.

  • I'm financially independent." And then people weren't really impressed by that. They were just saying that's weird. You know, I don't believe it.

  • I think everyone wants to hear at least something more solid than that.

  • Like, an actual career path something that you're passionate about something that you're at least working on. Not just life

  • We're just gonna sit around, because, I think the fact is that financial independence

  • Itself is not so sustainable, right?

  • It's sustainable with a steady velocity

  • But in reality, most people don't have a steady velocity that velocity is

  • slowly accelerating over time as their career goes up and even if you could sustain

  • Income that is not translatable necessarily to sustaining friendships or relationships

  • With people your friends are going to be wondering. What are you up to? What are you doing? Why don't you do anything?

  • Why do you all you once you just sit around on the beach?

  • Dinner conversations are always going to be weird when people ask, "Well, what do you do?" and you just say, "Well,

  • I don't do anything, really. I just sit around." So, I think my realization has been that

  • financial independence gets you a very bare-bones lifestyle. Very basic stuff and

  • Most people already had that and it's really more about realizing. Well, maybe we're all financially independent

  • Maybe we're all good. Anyways, now what's next? What do you want after that?

  • It may really be more about seeing what you can do

  • How far can you go how much more luxury do you want? And how much are you willing to work for it?

  • I think it's really about creating more options for yourself, you know at the most basic level

  • Maybe we can all afford to go live in Nevada in the desert in a very sparse bare-bones lifestyle with our parents.

  • But maybe we want a little bit more than that and you may visualize to yourself

  • Well, what sort of life would you be content with?

  • When I think about it, I might want something like the ability to live in a pretty nice city.

  • You know like New York City, San Francisco, Seattle

  • with at least a nice apartment, good view and

  • I would want to be able to support a family if I wanted like a bigger family and I would want to provide everyone with

  • Health insurance. I don't want to go out to nice dinners

  • Anytime I want to and it would be nice if I could take say two to four nice vacations a year

  • Maybe go out to movies and theaters, if I would like to, and on top of it all it would be really great

  • if I wouldn't have to worry about being

  • Stingy or cheap about any of this stuff?

  • Like I don't want to feel the burn of money leaving my pockets every time I go to a nice restaurant

  • it would be nice if I could just go there and not even think or worry too much about it and just feel good and

  • Have a nice dinner without having like a stomachache after that

  • Worrying about how much that dinner just cost me thinking about the trend to justify it to myself

  • It would be great. If I could just say what that was delicious wasn't it? Yeah, that was good

  • It's not something where I have to think about whether it was worth it or not

  • and it would be great if I could have

  • Even some respect from people around me, from my family, from my friends. Who would say, "Well, this guy seems pretty cool

  • He's kind of a role model.

  • He's not just like a deadbeat guy, but he seems actually like he's a productive functioning member of society." That would be great.

  • Now you may not need any of these things and I don't either.

  • Nobody needs any of this stuff as I told you

  • The only thing we really need is basic food water and shelter and we've already got all of that.

  • Most of us already have it.

  • It's really about what you want and to what degree you're willing to work together. You know, like when I was "financially independent"

  • So to speak. Where I just simply wasn't working for a period of time. I would say to myself,

  • Well, there's a nice camera over here and I would like it

  • But I know it's a bit of a splurge and personally I would not buy that not with my own money. Not with my

  • financially independent money.

  • I'm not gonna waste money on that, but I'm willing to do a little bit of additional work to get that

  • So this camera costs 500 bucks

  • So I'm willing Craigslist, looked for jobs and found the job paying 500 bucks for me to create an app for them.

  • So, that's what I did.

  • I just built-in that for them got my 500 bucks on PayPal and then use that to go buy this camera piece. And

  • That's pretty much like a job, isn't it?

  • Now, I could have easily said to myself that I don't really need to get this camera thing

  • 500 bucks. Not gonna work for. I'm just gonna go sit on the beach and relax and chill. And

  • You know we can all do that, right?

  • So if all you want to do is go sit on the beach then go ahead go down the beach

  • I hope you have a great time.

  • But I think it's just important to remember that all of us can go sit on the beach.

  • That's an option that anybody really has we've all had that option ever since we were kids

  • It was an option that most of us decided that was not sufficient enough

  • Plenty of people do choose to go sit on the beach

  • You could go to Santa Monica find a bunch of homeless people there

  • Those are the people who chose that route and many people just said to themselves. They wanted more than that.

  • They wanted to taste the finer luxuries of life. They wanted more options, more security

  • They wanted to see how far they can push themselves.

  • They wanted to play the game and I think that's a good way to think about this, right?

  • Imagine you're playing the game and this world has so much to offer

  • excellent food, fine luxuries, nice scenic destinations. Play the game

  • See how far you can get and over I'll do it in this

  • sustainable way, such that, if you were to ever lose your job or if you wanted to just quit or do something else

  • That it would not hit your lifestyle too hard

  • I think that's really where the mindset financial independence

  • comes in. Where you keep your spending controlled, such that, you always have to freedom to do what you really want to do.

  • If it ever gets to that point and I think it is that freedom, which is what this is really all about.

  • Anyway, that's all I have to say on this topic. Let me know your thoughts on financial independence.

  • Would love to hear. If you liked the video give it a like and subscribe. I'll see you next time.

Hey, Tech Lead here and welcome back to my show. It is coffee time. Instant coffee today. Very good.

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財務獨立的祕密("我是如何提前退休的")。 (The secret to Financial Independence ("How I retired early"))

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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