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I'm definitely out of focus right now.
You're touching the lines to my eyeball, so that will be all over.
Well, there's gonna be one of the window one of my dear.
I thought you said the fans didn't come in.
I didn't think they came in their supposed coming tomorrow.
But these are your fans.
The other stuff didn't come.
I would have more than enough for being in the same way.
So I've been trying to make this for a while.
I just got all the parts in two nights ago, I I figured out how to set up the display.
So now I finally get to assemble the whole thing.
Started the temperature sensors.
I don't even know how this is gonna go, cause, like, I don't really d'oh.
I don't really do these kinds of videos.
And I really don't know what I'm doing with hardware.
So don't take this as a tutorial is not a tutorial, is it?
Just me, Like trying to make it sketchy air conditioner on the back of our dorm room.
Okay, A little bit of an update.
I've been wiring stuff for the past, like, three hours, and I just got all the switches set up.
So now, pretty much all the controls are working.
Like you can change what you want.
The temperature to be the top is my room, and the bottom is there, and I can say turn the temperature up, temperature down, and then this is the current temperature.
So it'll try and make it that temperature lookout.
Fricking crazy.
This looks on one bread board.
I thought I would have a lot more time to actually build the What's gonna be in?
Yeah, we need literally one day.
We need to make a ventilation system, which is what's next, I guess.
Hello, Sam.
Last times the same came over, I struggled to turn on an led way.
Have to route all of these wires into the other room.
Like I'm going insane after this.
Probably three more of those books should have done.
But, you know, at the same time, I should have duct tape.
Three together.
Yeah, every way smarter.
All we have to do now is build the actual ventilation system out of cardboard and hooker fans, and our air conditioner should work.
Look at this.
We got I don't know if I showed you this, but we got to set up here now.
That way it's closer and you can see the temperature is their rooms on the bottom.
But where does all up there?
This temperature sensor is just duct tape.
It is another day of making the air conditioner cameras over here.
There's cardboard everywhere, making supports sticking to the roof.
I have one more fan Thio put in cardboard and then I have to put it in this block.
A lot of cardboard arts and crafts right now.
We interrupt our program.
We both We thought we were going to do really good on this contest.
And we, uh we need to get in.
Yeah, on most of the questions, I answered half the question and I was like, This is great.
Now we're very sad.
So you want to eat somewhere sad, happy meals or to have?
You should go to McDonald's and ask this sad Mir.
Wait a little update.
I kind of suck.
I broke the first Arduino started.
We know right here it's stopped uploading sketches.
It's not that big of a deal comes.
They're only, like, $18 to buy, but That means I had to order a new one.
And then last night, I also broke these guys temperature sensors because of the way I saw it on the first time.
I want to take that off the paper towel under the napkin.
Yeah, this is all the learning process.
So, like, I know there's some people that are gonna come to this video that it didn't know a lot about electronics.
But this is my first ever project with an Arduino, and I'm learning by making this.
So I really wonder.
Like I gotta film when we try and stick it to the ceiling.
Because if this does not stick to the ceiling, that's a major issue.
Yeah, I work for Will stick to the ceiling.
So now is the moment where I test the Mountie tape.
Whenever the hell we got from Walmart, I'm gonna try sticking this random piece of cardboard in the ceiling.
Justin can't stop saying Yeah, you you know, just a piece of cardboard stuff your wall forever.
Well, it's still there.
That's gonna be there forever.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
So I just fixed up to the other fans to the bread board so I'm gonna put it all in now and see if it works.
Put this on top of the other corner.
Look at that very organized wire.
You got that?
There you are.
Oh, this 16 in this 170 I think I got the numbers wrong.
That's why that one's not intense.
Ares cable's fine.
So what's happening?
Digital output should be five volts.
It's 4.5.
I wonder if that's too low to trigger the moth That So I'm gonna try and a lot.
So I need to change.
No, instead of digital, you have to just goes correctly.
We should see three lights.
Oh, this is like pushing the art we know to the living.
So now what happens if I make my room lower?
No higher than 21 my this one should turn off?
No, it does not strange.
What's wrong with the logic?
If temperature 10 I don't ever set him too low to be.
I said from the high once, but I don't ever set them back.
The low rookie mistake.
Justin would have known that, right?
Justin here.
This will attempt to a V G.
Dev fans, I don't ever set them too low, so they're just always at high.
You know, Even if I didn't, I was just expecting him to go back.
They don't just like people upstairs and a longer right.
I gotta move all this outside here now because this happened.
And so programming on re right now, why is the room saying 19?
No idea, because it's not 19 but hope we'll have a go sit your room's 21 it turned on the fan.
It's my turn.
My set temperature up Turns off if I turned your set temperature of past 26.
25 turns off lower back.
Big ones did not turn off.
Oh, it's still the same thing.
I didn't send it to a low ever genius programmer, Devon Crawford.
And then we make yours.
What's next?
Sticking it to the seal does that.
He's so good.
Hey, viewers feel the Air Force.
You can definitely feel that 20 years when virtual reality gets really good, he's going to push this thing up.
All right, don't double.
I don't like these noises.
Another error report tape lasted five minutes.
This one stuck.
So if I could just all good back e don't care, do you?
I'm trying to put hoc law this.
Well, it work.
Probably not do the hardest thing I've done in my life.
We will just leave this up as a test just wired up.
This van looks pretty sketch or in a plug it in.
See footwear.
Oh, work like freezing cold air coming in our room.
Now it's gonna take the cold air from the outside.
Looks good.
I don't want no jinx it or anything, but like it's there it is.
Frankenstein up you.
So what's the next day?
And, uh, yeah, somehow this main centerpiece did not fall in the middle of the night.
It is still up here.
This piece fell in the middle of the night.
I didn't get it on video.
I should have gotten on video, but I woke up.
It was on the ground.
So their room is reading 24 Celsius minus 19 because this thing is still spearing out hot air.
So I'm tryingto trying to combat that My air conditioner pillow.
Did I even mention the pillow last night?
Because the window has to be wide open.
But if the windows wide open, then we'll have all this extra space.
So we just put my body pillow there.
Smart idea, right?
Very smart.
Okay, so a little bit of an update.
I turned on the fans and stuff and I've been trying to make their room 20 degrees and he's actually working.
Like if I walk into their room now, it feels like almost a little bit colder than Mirer Weaken.
See, it's trying to keep the room a 20 Celsius, and if it sees that the room was done in 19 like if I make this higher like the set temperature, like 22 it's turned off.
I think that took about an hour for the room to cool down and up.
Have you showed the shit?
I don't think so.
Really well acted forcefully up.
We've tested it, and it kind of works, but unfortunately it's warm outside now, so it doesn't work quite as well as you could see how it just turned on the sides off, and it actually keeps up with the heater, like calm about the heater, like, which is an air about.
You can keep the room 20 Celsius, which is good.
You see, this fan turns off, but the back fans stays on because a temperature on our side of the room is still lower and it just shares the I'm surprised.
Like there's so many variables that could have been wrong.
Like it could have not stuck to the ceiling, which he didn't.
It could have not made the room like 20 Celsius, which did a lot of sketch you wiring.
As you can see his this, I was gonna clean it up.
This is just to make sure it all works.
But I never did anything else Dr like wire here before I break.