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It's a good morning.
You're joining me on my commute to work.
I was thinking at the weekend about a Nintendo.
I love a Nintendo.
At least at least I think I love Nintendo.
I grew up with a Nintendo entertainment system.
The great box.
Tell one here in the UK, I remember opening my Nintendo entertainment system on a Christmas morning.
Andi had a combined cartridge off Super Mario brothers.
One duck on Zach.
But Andi, we wind it all together.
And it was It was just the best thing ever up until Leonard, the only computer access I'd ever seen was BBC Micro, which has no problems there.
But this this was it was fast and colorful.
It made noises you just never heard before.
It had a big orange gun in the box in the eight year old me was very, very excited.
I remember we got to the end of Castle 1.4, and that took some real trying.
It's weird because now you think anybody would know how to do that.
What's what's the big deal back then?
You know, you just you've never seen a game like this before.
It just It was all new and novel, and surely this this system is not capable of delivering anything else.
After we get to the end of 1.4, that's got to be the end of the game.
We're we're in for a shock when the one of the seven worlds and I remember when I first discovered my war zone and and, of course I have a lot of nostalgia for it, and you know, that makes me think I really, really like intended.
And I used to love my contender every Saturday and Sunday morning.
I would be playing it before walking up to the shops and or getting on the bike.
But it was it was always the on DDE.
I used to love collecting the manuals on go to as I got older, because I think I had got the console when I was eight years old, perhaps maybe a little bit older than eight.
Um, but I I kept playing it until I was about 14 so I'd go around all the car boot sales and local fifth markets and try and find the cartridges.
And either they were, like 60 pence for Mega Man Juan.
I remember distinctly remember 60 pence from Mega Man Want you look on eBay now, the prices they started starting to shoot up for some of these cottages.
Anyway, I then went on to get a super Nintendo.
The sneeze we call it in the UK On I go a second hand one, uh that came ways came with theme Park on DDE.
It didn't come with Super Mario World.
I had to borrow that off a friend.
Anyway, for the snares I had, uh, yes, theme park, which I thought was fantastic.
The nerd in me was starting to escape this time.
Uh, and I didn't really have many action games, but I did have two games which might make you a few people.
Now, the first snows game I actually bought for myself I got from will worsen Welsh pool of all places on It was a big red box by all the computer games I thought was a novelty display item.
And it wasn't It was the Super Metroid box and they just have loads of them.
Nobody was buying this game.
They must have had a marketing problem or a budget problem, but anyway, I picked it up for £11.
And I thought it was the absolute bee's knees.
It was fantastic.
I love the moodiness, the atmosphere.
I like the fact that the I wasn't very skilled games is there's a child.
Maybe I'm still not very skilled now, but I love the fact that it was accessible but also challenging.
As I got older and I got another game from our ghosts on, they were having a sale on this one.
I remember was 17 99.
You remember the games?
Games back then were about the same price they are now.
You're £40 for account Ridge on.
Anyway, this this this August game was secretive.
Manner s Oh, yes, I have a completely intact, secretive manner.
I even have the poster that comes in the box and the user manual and everything.
I've seen this on eBay for over £100.
Now I'll never sell it because the secretive manner, to my shame, he's one of those games.
I just never got around to finishing.
So I loved my snaps a great deal.
It always smelled funny.
It was a secondhand one.
I never had that many games.
Niceness I'll put up a list of my game somewhere.
Uh, way.
It's a standard Monday morning commute as we grow into a halt.
I wonder how many people who look in the car and go I want to get a camera.
I was very excited for the PlayStation one, and I don't know why I think it was because it was it was pitched as a grown up's console on you know, you at that age were obviously you are super mature and nobody knows anything better than you.
So I thought, you know, I'm a grown up.
I need this grownup console on DDE.
You couldn't order stuff online.
Back then, we went into town and we went to Dixon's and we picked up the Sony PlayStation.
My mother and I on.
We picked up the PlayStation with Crash Bandicoot.
Um, that was that was that was game changing, the clarity that colors the the music, the fact they had a loading screen.
It was frustrating, but slightly slightly odd because you felt this is this is different to what we had before.
This is this is the future.
Here we are.
There's loads of data here.
You know the amount of resources and assets in these things is going to be super.
You know, my friends were buying a Nintendo 60 fours.
I think this is.
Were Nintendo started to go wrong.
Let's put aside for a minute all of the handheld consoles.
I did have an original game boy on.
I went on to get a Game boy color, which bit underwhelming at some point.
A Nintendo, a designer at Nintendo decided to carry on, making their consoles look like Children's toys.
On the end, 64 the Ultra 64 is well, knew it, waiting for it to come out.
Um, looks dreadful.
Maybe that's that's controversial, but it was awful.
And I think the control of the Trident thing was was awful, too.
Now I know there will be many gamers say, Actually, no, the ergonomics of that control of work with the best for playing marry or 64 gold nine on dark arena of time.
And I'm not going to to argue that I don't have enough experience to make that criticism.
But I didn't like it, and I thought that it looked like it looked like a toy.
Bright, garish plastic colors.
Where is the PlayStation?
And to some extent, the satin Sega satin.
They looked like things you could put on the television.
They look like things that weren't embarrassing on my, uh, maturing young man's shelves.
No, the toy box was hidden in the loft.
You didn't You didn't you have your friends round, he said.
Les, check out the latest consoles and look at my latest games.
You didn't.
You didn't sort of open the toy box and start playing with Play Mobile and Lego at 15 years old.
And so that's when I was the last contender counsel that I I bought.
Which makes me a bit sad, because I've often felt I've missed out on the Marios games on DDE.
Super Mario Brothers 12 and three will forever have a place in my heart as being just superb games.
Mary Brothers two takes a bit of getting used to, but actually in its own right, it's not a bad game at all.
Super Mario with this three, that's that that was just super is still a sea fire that up, they just oozes quality, and it's the little details of it.
The sticking it stick in my mind, certainly all of the games, but most of the games you have played on the Nintendo entertainment system up until that point have the synth synthesize chip tune sounds and Mario three had the steel drums that the site was playing.
Samples in the audio in the background just sounded on a different level.
Looked on a different level, scrolled on a different level on introduced exploration A ll game play with depth.
It wasn't it wasn't just go down the pipe and collect the coins.
It was go down a pipe on.
Perhaps that's something else hidden in this room, or there's a puzzle to solve, or you don't know where it'll bring out on the map.
You could move in all directions on the map, and so I won because I did enjoy Super Marry a world on the snares.
A cz well, I think, because I didn't spend much time with it.
That's why perhaps it doesn't rank.
There is was one of my favorite games of all time.
I have only ever briefly played Super Mario 64.
Um, because I didn't own the end 65 to go around a friend's house.
It did.
And course that's age, Really.
All you did was go around.
Two friends have some watch them play the computer games.
Likewise, when people came over to my The Last marry, oh game, I played Waas paper.
I think that was for the Game Cube, but I was playing it on a friend's, a Nintendo Wii.
I didn't like the way I know it was tremendously popular, but I don't like waving my arms around to play a computer game.
I appreciate a Nintendo got some marketing bods in that said, Hey, look, we can sell.
This is a fitness accessory will sell millions off them and fair play.
They did what a great decision.
But I I don't want to jump around my living room.
That's why the Connect was never going to be something I wanted on the PlayStation I toy.
And it seems all the games developers jumped on the jumping around your room bandwagon on DDE.
That wasn't for me.
I liked to sit on a couch, usually with a cup of tea playing games until I physically couldn't play them anymore.
My body said You have to get off this couch uh, final fantasy, fellas, Registration plate looks like it says yakuza.
Hey, no, I think how a console looks has been a deciding factor on how successful it's been.
The GameCube, to be fair, didn't look too bad, but it was still, while the ones that I saw was still a purple cube again, right?
Garish plastic coolers.
Even this generation, the PlayStation four looks like a set top box.
It was the week.
You I mean, come on, Nintendo.
So that brings us to the Nintendo switch on every time Nintendo releasing of the Consul.
I get excited thinking, or maybe I should get this and I complain, the latest elders and the latest barrios, and maybe they'll release a good Metroid for it.
A good to decide.
Schooling Metro police.
Um and so I got very excited about it, but I just I can't see the switch being something which will have a such a profound impact on my life, as as other councils had again.
Nintendo have gone for Let's Go for something which isn't technically is powerful.
A czar rivals on rely on our branding, so we're definitely going to release another Mario game.
We're definitely going to release another Zelda game.
Nintendo do make quality games, but it really seems that the running out of original ideas I mean, I think the price for the Nintendo switch is is very north.
They've had two miniature ice and some powerful technology.
Get it into a tablet form factor.
You're buying a tablet here.
How many only high end gaming tablets can you buy?
I can understand.
Some people have been a little bit revolted by the cost of the controllers, the control of being 1/3 the cost of the gaming units itself.
I will say this for Nintendo.
At least, they tried to make gaming the focus of this console.
Yes, it's a tablet, and yes, it's possible.
But you can play games on it, and it comes with a fairly standard control into okay.
They can clip onto the side, and you can move them around.
But you know, that's there's no extra gimmick.
There's no extra widgets required, and you don't have to fasten a controller to your ankle and swing.
It'll ASU around your head to press the X button able.
But it doesn't make me think this.
Why are a Nintendo not just pushing their games on other people's systems.
Why are they still in the hard work market?
I believe this will be down to an old fashioned board, not a Nintendo who have looked at the history of Nintendo, said.
Look, we shifted millions of units of Nintendo entertainment system.
We've shifted millions of game boys.
We've shifted millions of d s.
Is when we shifted millions of ways.
Well, actually, yes.
Okay, they did shift millions of consoles, but really, did they shift millions of copies of Mario millions of copies of Zelda?
Perhaps we're entering that age now.
A Nintendo will just become a software manufacturer.
We see this with the Super Mario Rule release for tablets on phones, clearly the not averse to licensing their franchises in the eyepiece.
Two of the platforms.
In fact, they've been doing it all of the existence.
Think the next generation of consoles will be so similar that it really wrote matter?
The consumer could just buy any will be generic games machine that sits underneath your television on.
You subscribe to a particular software ecosystem that games machine can play, be it through streaming through downloads.
I think physical media will disappear entirely.
Game is want to then bye two or three.
Very similar looking, similar performing machines.
They'll just want to buy the one on.
They'll settle on the one that has the most games on def.
If that's not you, then you're going to be finished.
So I would say Ditch your hard work on, Keep innovating with the games.
If you can keep up the quality, that level of Polish that is applied to your games, you will be fight generations of Children in the future.
Thinking Daddy, Daddy wants a Nintendo and you'll say, Well, they used to be.
It's amazing Games company Now they really saps very sad.