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  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.

  • Now, As I was messing around in far Cry five with a couple of graphics cards, I noticed that some of the static from my previous place session had disappeared jumping into the graphical settings, and I noticed that the game had switched a borderless mode instead of full screen.

  • Now I remember watching Kyle over bit wits video awhile ago regarding this subject, and it turned out any differences between the display modes are usually negligible.

  • But I couldn't ignore the apparent performance increase of far cry here, so I'm excited to investigate further.

  • Using my 10 70 rise and 5 1600 I tested a few popular and modern Triple A releases in full screen borderless and windowed mode at 10 a teepee with ultra settings to see if I would notice any difference for myself.

  • I also tested out the G T X 6 60 on older card to see if switching display modes would benefit in older and weaker card mawr.

  • After all, if there is any difference even of a few frames per second than running a game in borderless as opposed to full screen mode, may be ideal for any of you out there who are on the line between playable and unplayable.

  • So let's get started to make things as accurate as possible around the endgame benchmark tool of each of today's tested game's starting with Assassin's Creed Origins.

  • As you can see, gaming in borderless 10 80 p mode gave us the best overall average and even eliminated some of the static found in Force Green mode.

  • This game tends to stutter for May since the latest update at the time of recording.

  • So while on paper it eliminates some of those issues, you can't really feel any changes during real world gameplay.

  • But too far cry five now.

  • And it seems any change I felt must have been in my head or occurred with an unknown settings change because in actual fact, there was no real difference.

  • Despite four screen offering, the best average, borderless and windowed mode offered more consistent frame rates, and one advantage to borderless is that my twig in video calibration settings didn't reset in game, a problem that I've noticed within video control panel lately.

  • GT five Windows mode actually shaved a few pixels off the resolution and wouldn't let me change it back to 10 80 p.

  • Instead, running at 1914 by 10 51 kept the result in because this change meant that while you wouldn't notice a visual difference, you may see an extra frame or two.

  • But just like the rest of the results, this is negligible and wouldn't make much difference in real world gameplay, which I'm showing you here.

  • Instead of the building benchmark, though, the benchmark was run five times with each display conflict for the results.

  • Finally, with Rise of the Tomb Raider, it was windowed mode that produced the best average frame rates.

  • But borderless on paper produced the most consistent results between the 1% and 10.1% figures indicating less overall stutter, though, just like before, you won't feel the difference between the three modes.

  • Full screen, however, shows us a larger increase between the 1% and 10.1% figures so borderless, maybe a better option here.

  • Having said that, all of the above results are too close to make any significant in game difference.

  • This was also true with the Jew T x 6 60 rising 3 22 100 g as you can see by this far cry five result.

  • Take my word for it.

  • This was a similar story throughout all of the same games that I tested with the more powerful hardware to conclude.

  • Any differences between borderless full screen and windowed modes will likely be minimal, but will depend on the game you want to play.

  • For example, the smaller gap between the 1% and 10.1% figures in rise of the two Morita may mean you'll experience a few less stutters every so often.

  • But it won't completely transform your gaming experience if you even feel anything at all.

  • So, as always, if you enjoy this video lever like on it, leave a dislike if you didn't subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already on dhe, hopefully of sea wall in the next one.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.

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在 "無邊界 "或 "窗口 "模式下進行遊戲是否會提高性能? (Does Gaming In "Borderless" or "Windowed" Mode Increase Performance?)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary