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[christmas music]
Hi, I’m Jessica. If you have not been to this channel before, it is all about taking
things I’ve learnt through a life with chronic illness and disabilities and making them fun!
And also kind of applicable to other people who aren't in said situations.
Like a lot of people with chronic illnesses, I spend a lot of time in bed,
which seems really fun… and you weirdly get people saying things like:
‘Wow i wish i could do that’
But no.
You don’t.
It's not that fun.
But here are some things that I do to keep myself occupied because yes,the main thing
I like to whilst lying in bed is…
Much like the main thing I like to do at all times is…
Because to be honest, to me creating videos and editing photos is just my idea of the
best time ever.
But when I’m not quite up to filming or editing or writing or maybe my brain is not
feeling great today, these are the things that I do in bed instead.
Subscribe if you would like more videos like this and by the way yes, my hair is wrapped
up and there are rollers underneath. If you would like to know how to wrap your hair like
this there is a link in the card above.
Number 10: Phone games. I go through different phases when it comes to phone games. I was
really into Candy Crush for a while. And I kind of like Dots and Mind Color, I got really
into that after I went to Malaysia and picked up a physical Mind Color board. But my all
time favourite and current obsession is 2048. I don’t know why it’s so addictive, it
just is. You just add together the little squares and they go up and up and up and eventually
you try and make the number 2048.
I have done it! I have done it! Now I just can’t stop. [videogame sfx]
Number 9: Craft something out of wire. It’s strangely satisfying. See my video on creating
your own DIY vintage headpieces for more.
Number 8: Build a pillow fort! [kids cheers sfx]
Number 7: Write a poem. Probably about how boring it is to be stuck in a room staring
at just the ceiling.
Number 6: Tissueball! Like basketball but with tissues, and I’m equally bad at it.
Number 5: Find a random Habsburg and research their entire family tree-
did you know Princess Isabella of Parma had a very gay relationship with her sister-in-law,
Archduchess Maria Christina?
Want to see a historical profile on that one?
Number 4: Do an interview.
How’s your day going? [crickets sfx]
Number 3: Read. A lot.
Number 2: Spy on a neighbour
Number 1: Write complex stories set in fantastical worlds about extraordinary people battling
against ordinary problems that are really an allegory for how you feel about life with
a chronic illness and then get really terrified at the idea of showing them to anyone because
actually they display more of your wounds from the past and hopes for the future than
you’d quite realised and since your core audience is essentially yourself that’s
actually quite terrifying.
I mean… that was just a… suggestion.
Definitely can’t relate (!)
So, those are some of the ways that I entertain myself when I’m stuck in bed. What do you
do? Let me know in the comments down below.
Remember to subscribe if you are new here and don’t forget everyone, tomorrow we have
a livestream. 5pm, UK time, I will see you there.
We’ll be unboxing wonderful things from my PO box, thank you so much for everyone
who has sent things in, I can’t wait!
See you then! [kiss]
[christmas music]
Tilly, [laugs] come here look at this!
Number 4, do an interview. Ok.
Number 4 do an interview. Hello..
Number 4 do an interview. How are you finding the day? (that was too obvious)
Matilda lay down.
Number 4 do an interview. How’s your day going?
Okay like that uh? I see…
[christmas music]