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(festive music playing)
- Hello and welcome to a deaf girl
and an American try British accents.
- Wait, can you teach me how to say
"hello lovely people" in BSL?
- Oh yeah.
Okay, sure, sure.
- Is it just one hand, right?
BSL is just one hand instead of two?
Or ASL is just one hand?
- No, other way around.
So ASL uses one hand for the alphabet,
and I think a variety of other words,
but mainly the alphabet.
Whereas, BSL, everything is two hands.
- Okay, so what happens if you only have one hand?
- You can actually still do BSL.
- Okay.
- So often if we're in the car or something,
Claudia can still sign to me,
but I understand what she's saying.
She's just using one hand.
- Okay, how do I say "hello lovely people"?
It's something with your jaw.
- Okay, so you go, hello.
- Hello.
- Lovely.
- Lovely.
- And then, people.
- What is it?
- So it's like a beard for a man.
And then, this is woman because they have soft cheeks.
- Okay, people?
- People.
- People, okay.
- It's actually not gendered, because there are people
who grow beards and people who don't.
- Hello lovely people?
Did I do it?
- Yeah.
And then you just have to do it quickly.
- Okay.
- Hello lovely people.
- I can't do it right.
- Hello lovely people.
- I can't do it.
Every time, I'm like, which way do I -
Can we do it really slow?
- Hello lovely people.
- I did it!
- Very good, see?
- Yay!
- All right.
Hello and welcome to a deaf girl
and an American try British accents.
If you couldn't tell, I am the aforementioned deaf girl.
According to the internet, you probably couldn't tell.
I know, I don't "sound deaf".
But weirdly, deafness is about what you can and can't hear,
not how you sound.
And this is Stevie, my American friend.
- Hi!
I don't know anything about British accents, really.
- But she has a strangely good Dick Van Dyke impression.
- I don't get that.
Why do you keep saying that?
You say I sound like Dick Van Dyke or the Artful Dodger.
Isn't Dick Van Dyke American?
- Yes, but in Mary Poppins,
he played a British man terribly.
- Ohhh, yeah!
He was like, "oi, what's up?"
I don't know.
- That's you.
And we're also filming a video for Stevie's channel,
which you can go and watch.
It will be in the description, and in a card above,
and it will be less family friendly than this video.
- I'm gonna make her guess kinky words and what they mean.
So, you obviously want to see that.
- Yeah.
Helping us in the video today is going to be
the lovely Josie, who's gonna sit off camera
in a corner and smirk at me.
She's gonna try and help us go through each accent
of the British Isles, and then mark us
and see who does it better.
- So what's the first one we're gonna do?
Should we do my Walter accent?
- The first accent that we're gonna - what?
- My Walter accent?
- Your accent for my dog.
- Yeah.
So Walter, his name is, how do you say it?
- Walter.
- That's how he knows his name.
But in my accent, it's Walter,
but he doesn't know that's his name.
He doesn't come to it, so I have to say
(exaggerated British accent) Walter.
She just calls me Dick Van Dyke every time I do it.
- Right.
I think we should therefore start with my accent.
- Okay.
- And you can try and copy it.
My accent is called RP, Received Pronunciation.
I have a video about why I sound this way,
which you can go and watch.
Also, a lot of people connect this accent to the Queen,
but it's not actually her accent.
So we're gonna use a website called,
which apparently has all of the accents
that we need to know.
- Well, here we go, go!
- [Website Voice] Last autumn, our scones
were named the best in the UK.
- Oh my God.
- Say it.
- Last autumn, our scones were named
the best scones in the UK.
- That's not what that is.
- Wait, one more time.
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Why do you say "scons" instead of "scones"?
- Because they're called scones.
- Oh, okay.
Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
That wasn't terrible!
- Okay, so how did we do, Josie?
- I know, Josie is the judge.
- Considering it's my own accent.
- [Josie] You're really good at your own accent.
- Ten out of ten for me.
My own voice.
- How did I do?
- [Josie] I'm quite impressed with yours, actually.
- Yay!
- [Josie] You get a seven.
- Seven!
- Seven!
- That's really good.
- Ooh.
- I'm really proud of myself.
- [Josie] We'll do Stevie's next.
- Next accent.
- Is it mine?
- [Website Voice] Last autumn, our scones...
- I really expected to hear an American.
Instead I heard the Artful Dodger.
- [Website Voice In Cockney Accent] Last autumn,
our scones was named the best in the UK.
- Why did they say "was" instead of "were"?
Last autumn.
Our scones was named the - I can't do it,
I can't stop laughing.
The best in the UK!
- [Josie] Why are you shouting?
- 'Cause he sounds like he is.
- So Cockney is quite in the throat here.
- Okay.
- And in the chest, so it's more like "last".
So last autumn, our scones was named the best in the UK.
- That was really good!
- How was that?
- [Josie] Ratings?
- Yes.
- Rate us.
- [Josie] Well, Jessica won again
because you were shouting and screaming.
- Oh my God.
- I won!
Last autumn.
- Walter.
- Yeah.
- This is so much fun.
- Okay, what about our numbers?
What did we get, what did we get?
- [Josie] Hmm, they're both really bad.
But you were better of the bad.
- I was least bad!
- Least bad out of two.
- [Josie] I'm gonna go, Stevie, 3 at a push.
- I'll take it.
It's better than nothing.
- [Josie] Jessica, five.
- Ooh, okay.
I'm on 15, you're on a ten.
- Okay.
- [Josie] North West.
- North West.
- [Website Voice In North West Accent] Last autumn,
our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Why does it, oh it does sound northern.
- [Josie] It could be Manchester too.
- Yeah, once again?
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Hey, that was great!
- [Josie] I feel like I'm watching Coronation Street.
- Autumn...
Our scones were named the best in the UK.
- If you like, flatten your tongue and roll it.
- These are all so similar to each other.
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Last autumn...
All right, rate us up.
- [Josie] Is that your attempt?
You didn't say the whole sentence at any point.
I think Jess is going to win every single one.
- Obviously, she's from here!
- I win, I win!
- We should have done the opposite.
We should have done us trying to do American accents.
- That is the video we'll make when you next come to stay.
- Yeah!
- There you go.
- All right, rate us.
- Rating, rating!
- Out of ten.
- [Josie] Right.
Well, you get minus one point
for not saying the entire sentence.
- I did!
I said the whole sentence.
- Minus one.
- Wait, roll the tape.
Our scones were named the best in the UK.
- [Josie] If you did, then you get a one.
- Okay, it's between one and ten.
- Or just zero.
Just a ten, we'll leave her at ten.
- [Josie] Okay Jessica, you get an eight.
- Yes!
- Wow, you're killing it!
- I'm on 23.
- [Josie] You're really good at this.
- Wait, are you on ten?
Nine, ten, or eleven?
- Oh, I'm really bad at math.
- [Josie] I have not been keeping track.
- Are you - no, no, no, but are you giving her minus one,
zero or one?
- [Josie] Minus one if she didn't say the full sentence
when we play it back.
And one if she did.
- I did say the whole sentence,
I was just laughing during it.
- Okay, eleven, we'll give you the one then.
- [Website Voice In Standard Scottish Accent] Last autumn,
our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Were named.
- Exactly!
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
Last autumn - no, I've gone back again, haven't I?
Goddamn it, can't get above the border.
Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
I can't do it.
- That sounded British to me.
- It's all British!
- Exactly.
- All right, I think we failed Scotland.
We've let the Scottish people down.
- [Josie] Stevie, Stevie's was better.
- I won one?!
- [Josie] Yeah.
- Yes!
- Fine, rate us.
- All right, what's the rate, what's the rating?
- [Josie] Stevie, five.
Jessica, two.
- Got my highest score yet, woo!
- Okay fine, I'm on 25.
You're on...
- You're winning.
I don't know, I'm bad at math.
- You're on 16.
It's getting closer, you're gaining.
- Uh oh.
- [Josie] Southern Welsh.
- Oh my God.
- [Website Voice In Southern Welsh Accent] Last autumn,
our scones were named the best in the UK.
- That sounds exactly the same as all of them.
I don't hear anything different in that.
UK, why does he say it that way?
- Last autumn...
- Do you want to go first?
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- All right.
- Just make everything go up in it, it's Welsh.
- One more time.
Last autumn, our - I don't even remember the words.
- It's the same phrase!
- I know, I know!
It's so bad, I can't hear a difference in that at all.
It just sounds like singing.
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Last autumn, our scones was named the best in the UK.
- Rate us for our Welsh.
- [Josie] Okay, yours was really good.
- Oh really?
- [Josie] So I'm gonna give you a seven point five.
I think that will make it special.
- 32.5.
- [Josie] Stevie...
- Come on, give it to me.
What's the verdict?
- [Josie] I'll give you a six.
- What?!
- [Josie] Yeah, only because...
- It's seven and a half and a six.
- [Josie] Only because you were really good
apart from the end, the way that you went up was different,
but otherwise, it was really good.
- Huh.
That's the highest I got so far, I'm getting better.
- Fine, fine.
- Uh oh, catching up.
- 22 and 32.5.
- I feel like she's gonna pull my hair out if I win.
I can't wait to read all the comments on this video.
- So sorry.
- If you disagree with Josie about what rating
we should have got, let us know in the comments.
- But just if you like Stevie, don't give her extra points
just because you like her.
That's not fair.
- Oh my God!
You are such an enneagram for "I can't even".
- I don't even know what that is.
But sure.
What is that?
- You need to be special.
- Oh!
Well, I'm also an Aquarius.
- Okay, next.
- [Josie] Okay next, Northern Irish.
- Okay.
- [Josie] Ready?
- No.
- Are we ready for anything?
- [Website Voice In Northern Irish Accent] Last autumn,
our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
That was my try, okay your turn.
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- [Josie] You both look so terrified of your ratings.
- We're so scared of you now, Josie.
- Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait!
- We're stuck.
I have a lot of pins in my hair.
Sorry pin.
- I bet that looked adorable.
- Okay, we're gonna do it again then, Jesus.
- Okay, gotta be happy with it this time, I guess.
- Sure.
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- Last autumn, our scones were named the best in the UK.
- [Josie] Hmm, Jessica wins that one.
- You gotta give us a rating!
- Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, okay, okay.
- [Josie] Your tone was exactly right
so I'm gonna give you a six.
- Okay, okay, good, good.
- [Josie] Stevie, I'm gonna give you a five point five.
- Okay.
- Ooh.
- [Josie] It was still good but just not...
- Ooh, okay.
- I don't think I understand tone in accents
and how it's different yet.
So yeah.
- So wait, I got - did I get a six or six and a half?
- A six.
- Okay, six.
- Everyone from all of these places
are gonna be so angry in the comments.
- I am so sorry.
- So sorry.
- But in our defense, deaf and American.
Literally, it's in the title.
You knew what you were clicking on.
- I need you to send me just that,
you saying that sentence.
Just send that video to me please.
In our defense, deaf and American.
- You knew the video you were clicking on
would be like this.
- This was a great time.
- I have lost count, but I'm gonna put it on screen.
But I think we all know that I won.
- Yeah, obviously.
I can't wait to make you do American accents.
- We all knew the results.
- Oh it's gonna be so fun.
- Okay.
The only American accent I can do is my grandmother's.
- Do it.
- (in Boston accent) Park, car.
That's about it.
Sorry, she was from Boston.
I really apologize to everyone from New England.
- Oh I can't wait, I'm so excited.
- Oh boy.
Thank you so much Stevie for joining me
in attempting some accents.
We're sorry we were terrible.
We apologize to everyone whose accent we tried.
- I definitely have abs now from laughing so hard,
that was a good time.
- Yeah, I think it was a fair attempt.
Please rate us in the comments down below.
Please don't be too harsh, please.
- Sorry to everyone from these places.
- Yes, good bye now.
We'll hide our heads in shame.
Good bye.
Go and watch the video on Stevie's channel,
we'll also be hiding our heads in shame, good bye.
And don't forget, subscribe to both of our channels,
Stevie does a lot of very interesting things on her channel,
- What?
I do sex, dating and relationship advice for queers.
Yes and also, subscribe to Jessica obviously.
Okay, bye!
This shirt.
- You ready?
- I think so.
- Okay.
- Don't you dare give me shit about being ready for camera.
Little miss primper!
- You look cute.
- Thanks, so do you.
- Thanks.
(festive music playing)