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J: Hello, lovely people, and welcome to Day 8 of Christmastide! [Sparkly sound effect]
J: Yeah, I know Christmastide is technically almost over. C: It really doesn't feel like Christmas any more.
J: There have been some delays in filming and getting these out, OK?
J: But we're gonna leave our decorations up until the end of our Christmastide.
C: Yeah. J: Because that's the traditional taking down of all the decorations.
C: Our family always left the decorations up until the 5th.
J: If you've never seen us before, I'm Jessica and this is Claudia, and we're married!
C: Hello! To each other.
J: Oh yeah!
J: We are married... C: To be fair, we went to a wedding fair
C: one time, J: Yeah...
C: and the lady was like,
"Oh, who's getting married?" And we were like, "Oh, we both are.
C: "Oh, wow, what day?"
C: "The 3rd of September."
C: "Wow, you're having your wedding on the same day! Isn't that lovely?"
C: Yes.
C: Oh dear.
J: [Sarcastically] 'Oh, we're just best friends; organised a wedding on the same day!'
J: But, yeah, so we're gonna be answering some of those later.
J: But today we're having a very-- C: Just so people can see...
C: Look, there's Walter!
C: He's just getting involved.
C: Hey, dude!
C: Aww. J: OK!
J: But back to the fun stuff.
C: I'm just randomly holding this bowl of porridge.
C: I mean bowl--it's not even porridge.
This, um, custard, and it's making it--good thing it's in a little bowl like this so it's not face-shaped,
because I have this real instinct to just--instinct?
C: Don't know if that's instinctive.
C: Impulse!
C: Like, into your face!
J: Actually-- C: If you're wondering why I have a little bowl of custard,
J: Oh, yes. C: it's 'cause...!
C: It's day eight! J: Yes, we're giving each other presents
J: every day of the Twelve Days that relate to the 12 Days of Christmas song.
C: And this is-- [Both, singing] Eight maids are milking!
C: This has neither got milk or sugar in it.
C: It's really just a bit of yellow slime that you can eat!
C: It can just stand up in it, look.
C: That's not right, guys!
J: I still appreciate you making me this, though, as my present. Thank you!
J: Here's your present. C: Thanks!
C: What is it? 'Eight maids are milking...'
C: Are we gonna go see--are you gonna take me to see some ladies?
C: "I have loved you for 1,626 days."
C: "And I'll love you for every day to come."
J: Because you're not a maid any more.
C: Awwww.
J: Because I married you. C: Thank you!
J: I counted. These are all the days since the day we met.
C: Oh, since we met; not since we got married. J: No.
J: Because I knew on the day we met that you would be my wife, so...
C: Aww.
C: Doesn't sound enough! 1,626. J: I know! Doesn't.
C: Sounds like--feels like we've been together for, like...
J: I'm surprised I didn't meet you the day I came out the womb,
J: to be honest. C: Sounds like it should be more like 6,126.
C: You sure you didn't get that wrong?
J: I'm pretty sure I counted correctly. C: Aww, that's so cute.
C: I'm glad we equally got each other very low ethic presents for this one.
C: Sorry.
[Loud voice] J: I counted every day
since the day we met!
C: You know you can work out how many days are in a year, and then that would have been a year...
and then you would have just had to count from...?
C: Anyway.
[Annoyed] J: Yeah, I also after doing it realised that there's a Google calculator
J: that does it for you. C: Oh yeah. Aww.
C: Good to know.
C: Anyway.
C: This video is about...
J: Assumptions [inaudible] C: Assump--yeah, yeah, yeah.
J: All right, I'm gonna eat my custard.
J: And then we're gonna go and see financial advisers.
J: Mention in the comments if you, too, are doing your taxes.
C: 31st of January. Gotta pay your tax, people.
C: Yeah. Don't leave it 'til the last minute.
J: No.
J: This is a cautionary tale about doing your taxes; that's what this video is.
J: Anyway. We'll see you later
for some assumptions.
C: Bye-bye!
J: Hello, lovely people! C: Hii.
J: It's the end of a very long and tiring day.
[Softly, as if tired] C: It is.
J: And we have ordered some take-away, because... C: Yaay!
C: Chinese! J: ...can't cope.
J: So, in the time it takes for the take-away to come...
C: Which apparently is only like fifteen minutes.
J: I know! C: They're very fast.
J: We're gonna answer some of the questions that I asked you yesterday on our Instagram account,
(which is our couples one)
about assumptions that you may have about us.
J: Some of these were lovely.
J: Like one of them was,
"You'll make all holidays, birthdays, and vacations absolutely magical for your future children."
J: Like, I don't know if that's an assumption that we can say yes or no to.
Although someone else then said, "You don't want to have kids."
C: Oh, that's weird. Why do they think that?
C: Maybe because we're so dog-obsessed. J: How would we ever--ooh, yeah!
J: Is that how we've given off that impression?
C: Only the standard pet names.
C: Like 'darling...'
C: 'Baby'
Both: Bubba
J: We don't ever call each other by our names, though.
C: Yeah! Jessie. I say "Jessie."
C: You say "Claudie."
J: If it's just the two of us. No. C: We don't have pet names. We don't have, like--
C: I don't call her, like, "my Mushy Squishy Mii" or something like--I don't have some weird pet name for you.
J: "Smushuls" C: You call me pumpkin.
J: I do call you pumpkin. C: She did start calling me princess for a while; I was like...
J: I called you princess once!
C: And I'm like, "I am not. a. princess."
J: Guessed right. C: No, we don't, actually.
C: We have very... We--we agree on most aesthetic things
when it comes to interior design.
C: Like, my style's very different from yours,
C: but we both like our house to be... period features; J: Traditional.
C: antique - like, good; well-made furniture.
C: I mean, I would quite like--maybe... Sometimes I think, 'Mm, yeah, my taste is a bit different
and if I was with someone else, my house would probably look completely different.'
C: Because I think I'm a bit more flexible?
To what I want.
C: I think you dictate how our house looks.
C: And I just go [compliantly] 'OK!'
C: Er, we don't--um...
I wouldn't say so.
C: Unless we're playing Scrabble; I'm pretty good at Scrabble.
J: I'm highly dyslexic. C: Yeah...
J: So...
C: Monopoly, I just--I hate it.
J: Because I win. C: Yeah.
C: No.
C: That's not true. I think probably I initiate most cuddles.
J: I would firmly agree
with that.
J: It's true.
C: No, Walter snores louder.
J: Thanks so much for that one. C: Jessica snores, that's true. I'm silent.
J: OK, we don't KNOW that you're silent.
J: I just take my hearing aids out at night.
C: That's true. J: So this has never been proven.
C: That's true.
C: That's not an assumption!
C: Isn't that, like, a very--an observation?
J: It's a very good observation, yes. On point observation.
C: I don't know.
C: Yes, I would call myself British,
but I'm not VERY British 'cause I'm half--I'm not even ethnically...fully British.
J: What is ethnically British? C: But then what's British? There's no ethnically British; no, there isn't.
J: I love this one.
J: "I assumed you'd been together for, like, a year,
because you seem to be in a honeymoon phase,
but bop."
C: "But bop"?
J: Yeah. I don't know!
C: Like... We're still boppy.
J: Yeah, no. Four and a half years later.
C: Yeah. J: Still bopping along.
J: OK. "You get in fights about little things, but it all works out in the end."
C: No.
C: Unless we do and we don't realise.
C: We're not argumentative people and we both don't like confrontation. J: What on Earth would you call our "fights"?
C: It's more like... It's more like, J: 'Don't do that.' 'OK.'
C: 'Pick that up.' 'No.' 'OK.'
C: Or like, 'Can you empty the dishwasher?' 'Not right now.'
C: 'All right.'
C: Pacifying the mood. J: You can't really fight with me.
C: No.
C: I do--I have fought with other people before that I've dated.
C: So, it is in me.
C: And sometimes--when we first started dating, I really wanted to have fights every now and again.
J: You did, yeah. C: But she was just like...
[Gently] C: 'No.' [Gently] J: No.
C: And then I'm like, 'Oh, OK.'
C: And after a while, I'm like, 'I love you!'
C: 'It's always so nice with you.'
J: Yes.
J: This background's not very attractive.
J: It's really nice the other side of the camera.
J: Shall we turn it around?
C: What, mid...? J: Just mid-way through.
C: Yeah, why not? J: We're gonna change the background,
C: All right. J: hang on.
C: That's a little bit-- J: Now it's more aesthetically pleasing!
C: Yeah, rather than just us on our horrible brown sofa.
J: Next question: "You guys have the best friendship out there."
C: Awww.
C: I think we have a pretty good friendship. J: We do, I would say so.
C: Yeah. J: You're my best friend.
C: Yeah, you're my best friend.
C: I wouldn't choose you as a friend.
C: Like if we went to school...
J: Aw, my Mum said that to me when I was a child. C: Yeah!
C: It's like a weird thing. It's like I had-- J: Everyone says that to me.
C: Like, I fell in love with you; by that, you are my best friend.
C: By...what's the word? Proxy.
J: OK. C: You're just very different to my other friends.
J: No, it's fine, I'm very different to everyone.
J: I know.
J: Pretty much all my friends are like, 'I would never have chosen you.'
C: 'You forced yourself on us.'
C: 'And we were like, "Oh, no!"' J: My entire family, as well!
J: 'I don't know that we'd have chosen you, Jessica, but it's very nice that you're here.'
C: And then it's like, 'OK, actually...'
'Actually, you're quite charming.'
J: Oo! "You are both extroverted." Lots of people guessed this one.
C: Mmmm.
C: The guess is wrong because it--I would--we don't... No.
[Misunderstanding] J: Ha! "We don't know." We do know. C: No, no, no.
C: No, no, no, I mean we don't think I'm an extrovert. J: No.
C: No. J: I wouldn't call you an extrovert.
C: No. We decided I'm a confident introvert.
J: When needs be, she's there.
C: I'm like--but then we were talking about this the other day with my friends and I was like...
I don't think it's black and white. You can't--it's not just like introverted-extroverted.
C: I think there's a scale.
C: Um, and also I think probably mine is a bit, like, fluid.
So...some days I'm more introverted than I am extroverted, as is probably everyone.
J: Yes.
C: I'm probably leaning more towards the introverted side. J: Personalities are also fluid.
C: Yeah.
J: There we go. C: Jessica's extroverted, definitely.
C: She gets loads of energy from being around people, whereas I find being around people drains me.
J: Next assumption:
[Doorbell rings] [Dogs bark] C: Ooo.
[Dogs bark]
Both: Oooo.
J: Ooh, did we get prawn crackers? C: Yeah!
J: Oh! C: And they're the nice ones!
J: Ooh!
J: Oh, I love these ones. Spicy ones.
J: On this topic of food...
J: (Thank you.)
C: No, we both like cooking.
C: Jessica tends to cook the day-to-day
weekly food for us,
especially if I've been at work all day.
C: I tend to cook on the weekends.
J: You do the big cooks.
C: And if we're entertaining, I do that.
C: Yeah. J: Yeah, she likes to be in control of the kitchen
J: when there are other people around.
J: [assumption] I am way more affectionate than you.
J: I wouldn't even say that's true, though.
J: I'd say shockingly - shockingly -
you're more affectionate than me.
C: Really?
C: I think we're as affectionate as each other.
J: Yeah, to be fair, yeah.
J: "Claud is the big spoon" - many people guessed this one.
C: Yes, I am.
J: Right, this one is one that was guessed an awful lot.
C: What, compared to me?
J: Yeah. I don't know, just a giant in general.
C: When people meet us--like, when people who watch us and then they meet us,
they do say, 'Wow, you're like...'--
'You're not as...'--actually, no, wait, they either say we're taller than they thought we were
or we're shorter than they thought we were.
J: Oh. C: But that would be completely obviously understandable, because...
J: People vary in height.
C: Yeah, they've got some assumption.
J: I'm five foot nine and a half.
C: Oh, all right. She is a giant.
C: I'm five foot six and a half, if you're gonna add the half.
J: Yeah, actually, some people guessed:
'In bare feet, Claudia's taller than Jessica.'
C: No! J: Like, have you seen our pictures?
C: No, no, no, I'm not.
J: In the pictures where we look vaguely the same height,
J: I've not got shoes on. C: I'm smaller than people think I am.
J: Mmm. C: Generally.
J: You're always smaller than I think you are, as well.
C: Yeah. I'm only five foot six, really.
J: The half is a lie. C: Right, two more and then we're gonna eat.
C: Because that's what you promised me. J: OK. This is a really vital question.
C: Because my introverted self's coming out.
J: Come on now. C: [Jokingly] I'm gonna go eat on my own.
J: You've gotta answer this; this is very important.
C: No.
J: Ooh.
C: I just always liked Michelangelo.
J: That's OK. C: I don't know why, I just liked the name.
J: You can like Michelangelo.
C: I think I had a Michelangelo toy.
[Sparkly sound effect]
C: Is that for both of us?
[Guilty crunching] C: Yeah...
J: We're the late ones. C: Yeah.
C: And with--and with that
nice little segue into--yes, and now it is time to eat food.
J: And clearly we're filming this late(r)
than planned.
J: I love you.
C: I love you.
J: Mwah.
C: Have you left lipstick on my face?
J: Love you! Thanks for your assumptions.
J: Both good and bad.
C: There weren't any bad ones.
C: Or did you not read those out? J: I didn't read them out!
C: OK.
C: See you later!
J: Feel free to leave more assumptions in the comments down below.
C: We may or may not answer them.
J: Oh, yeah, let's go through randomly and just, like,
answer comments. OK.
[Mwah] J: Goodbye, friends.
C: Byeee.