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(bell dinging) - Hello this is a first video
in a new series about making a Mastodon bot.
And you might be asking yourself,
okay, why are you making, what is Mastodon,
why are you making a Mastodon bot
and why should I care?
(laughing) I'm not really sure why you should care
but I'm going to try to answer those other questions
and you yourself can decide.
So this playlist is essentially a replacement
for Session 4:Twitter API and Bots with Node.js.
So I'm going to not redo 15.1 and 15.2
if you have never used Node before
or don't know what NPM is, you can go back
and watch those two videos,
but I'm going to start here basically with setting up,
setting up a Twitter, setting up a Mastodon.
And so what is Mastodon, why are we here?
So the Twitter API, which I used to create
these set of tutorials, recently changed quite a bit.
So it is much harder to signup for a new account
authorized for automation, making a bot
that posts in an automatic way to Twitter.
They also changed something about the API
called the streaming API, the way that you could
connect to Twitter and listen for certain events.
They changed the API and that is no longer available.
So while I encourage you to still experiment
with Twitter as a platform if you so like.
If today is your first day wanting to like
learn some stuff about node and social networking
and making up social networks and making a bot that posts,
Mastodon is going to be a more pleasurable,
easy-going experience for you that's going to allow you
to express your creativity in a much more immediate way.
And then there's another reason.
It has to do with this idea called decentralization.
So Twitter, I don't know if you've noticed,
it's kind of an awful place to be for the most part,
I don't want to get too far down that discussion,
but is there, is there another way?
Is there another way that we can communicate
with each other in a less centralized governed
and owned by large corporations kind of way.
And one way to do that
is with a concept called decentralization.
And Mastodon is an open-source, I don't know
maybe I should go somewhere where it actually says
what it is, well you can read it,
Follow friends and discover new ones.
Publish anything you want link, pictures, text, video.
All on a platform that is community-owned and ad free.
You know this is not like some sort of sponsored video
I'm experimenting with this platform
because it interests me and maybe it'll interest you.
It is open-source project.
You can see it's on GitHub here
and the decentralization runs
with a protocol called ActivityPub.
So let me try to give you an understanding
of what I mean by all this stuff.
What is Twitter, I don't know if anyone
should really answer that question but (laughing)
I will give you a little framework.
So Twitter is a company, they run probably a lot of servers.
You can be sitting on your laptop or your, you know,
phone, that's a phone apparently,
and you could sign up for an account on Twitter.
You could give yourself a Twitter user name
like @shiffman and then you could post messages
like the heart emoji and you can read other messages
that other people are sending into Twitter.
This is what you would refer to as a centralized platform.
The software that runs Twitter
is on a particular server, it's proprietary.
The way Twitter is governed in how, where,
what certain posts are allowed and aren't allowed
are all run by this same company.
And all of your data, all of the tweets
you've ever posted, all of your user information,
your password stuff, all of that is stored
on this centralized server.
The web didn't start with this idea
of a centralized platform, the idea was
many different nodes all interconnected,
being able to share and publish with each other.
And so there is, slowly entering the Zite guys now,
this idea of decentralized platforms.
Probably if you're not familiar with that
you're probably familiar with something
called Bitcoin, right, which runs on something
called blockchain which is a protocol
for decentralized financial transactions
which I am not going to make any videos about
at least anytime soon.
But, Mastodon is an open-source,
decentralized social network and it probably resembles
Twitter the most but there's some nuance to that.
So how is it different?
How does it work?
Well number one is there is no single server.
For example I have actually set up my own server
known as an instance.
And I'm not going to show you in this series
how to set up your own Mastodon instance,
but if that's of interest I certainly can provide
some resources to do that and I could do a video
about setting one up.
My instance is at a particular domain,,
this is my Mastodon instance,
so we'll call it Choo Choo.
There are other Mastodon instances.
For example, there is also,
let me erase some of this stuff here.
choochoo,, there are some other ones
that I have seen, for example, there is
which is an instance for people interested
in data visualization I presume.
There is another instance called
which I am going to use in this series
to make a bot that runs on this
So the idea here is I've set up this instance.
Let's say you want to sign up for an account
with this particular instance.
You would go, I'll show you to in a second,
you would go there and you would sign up.
And so my user name, I'm a client, my like picture
of my like laptop over here which is strangely,
it's a weird bizarre angle, I am
So this is my local, this is my local Mastodon instance.
When I want to sign on, when I want to post something,
I post it, a sign on through this server,
I post it through this server,
my account is with this server.
But there is this concept called federation,
sounds like something out of Star Trek,
and it kind of is, which federation,
and I know I'm kind of getting close
to writing off the top,
is a way for all of these instances
to communicate with each other
in a decentralized fashion.
So if I post something saying like, hello,
I ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning,
this post that I make through here
will get propagated throughout
the entire network of Mastodon instances.
So there is both, when you're browsing Mastodon
there's both this idea of a local timeline
as well as a federated, or you could think of it
as global timeline.
And I'll show you this in a second.
I could browse and just look at all the posts,
I think they're called toots, all the toots,
for people who are at this instance
or all the toots from people all throughout
the federated universe of instances.
By the way the protocol that is used
for all of this, for all the communication
to propagate throughout the network,
did I mention this already?
It's called ActivityPub.
So the software that runs a particular server
is completely open-source.
It took me awhile to get it up and running
but I have it up and running here.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you
my account here, I'm going to show you,
which is an instance designed for people
who want to make bots.
I'm going to sign up and create a bot on
and interact with it here and then just show you
how the global network of stuff works.
So, the only prerequisites really for you
going to the next video is to have node installed
on your computer and you can go back
and watch my two sort of intro to node
for Twitter bots videos
and the same concepts there will apply
although I'm going to use different node packages.
Okay, so now we're over here.
This is the website.
You can find out a lot of information.
I would encourage you to click on this,
How it works, what is mastodon video
which is on YouTube which will explain all that
much better then I did, get started.
You could find an instance that you might like to join.
This is the GitHub open-source repository
with the software that's running.
Now, and now, dadadadadadada, here is my instance.
(whistle tooting)
The choochoo, people are notifying me
and saying hi and look, K. Wichmann
says, Look ma, I'm on the live stream.
Okay, excellent, please use caution when posting now.
So this is what it looks like.
You can see it looks like some other
social network service that you might sigh up for.
The difference is I am actually running the software
for it on my own server.
This is a server I happened to sign up
through DigitalOcean, which is a web hosting company,
that is not a sponsor but could be a sponsor,
hello DigitalOcean, but and you could set up your own.
And so what, but here's what I'm going to do.
You can look other instances like,
this is the instance and you could sign up.
In the next video I'm actually going to sign up
for an account here so I can make a bot
that posts on it.
You can see here's some bots already
that are posting things.
The Cyberpainting biedermeier in the North Pole
inspired by Hubert Robert.
Ah, okay, the sequel is here, get ready
for guards 2: define.
I don't know what, please, have a tree picture.
This is a tree bot, come on, oh, let's make a tree bot
it's going to be so nice.
So again, these are things that you can do
on other services but Mastodon being open-source,
it's a really friendly and easy place
to get started with in terms of the API
which I'm sure will rapidly change,
and who knows how quickly this video
will go out of date, but that's the current spot.
So if you want to sign for a Mastodon account
not on or,
a new one for yourself, you can come,
you can go to
and you can go look here.
You can look for something like, oh, you're an artist,
yes, and you speak English.
Oh, this dots social, there we go,
a social space for anyone
in data visualization, creative coding, etc.,
and now you can see this is
and you could sign up here.
Now once again even if you sign up at a certain instance,
that's just your name and address and your local instance,
but through federation, through ActivityPub,
through decentralization, you are still participating
in the broader world that is a Mastodon.
Okay, so what's going to happen next?
In the next video I am going to sign up
for a account,
I'm going to show you how to get your API keys,
I'm going to write a little node program
that posts, that toots to it automatically
and then I'm going to show you lots more ways
and things and how the API works and different ways
to post images and replies and favorite things
and all that kind of stuff, okay?
So hope you enjoyed this exploration
of the open-source project Mastodon,
and I look forward to hearing what you think
in the comments.
(upbeat music)