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  • I do believe that humanity has reached a crossroad.


  • I hate to exaggerate that, and I don't want it to sound sensational, but I think it's true.

    我不願意誇大這個事實 不想讓它聽起來譁眾取寵 但是我想這是真的

  • I think our species, the species of human beings is coming to a place where we are deciding about ourselves.

    我想我們這個物種 人類 到了決定我們命運的時刻

  • We are making a huge decision about "Who are we?" and "Who do we really choose to be?"

    我們正在做出重大的決定:我們是誰? 我們真正選擇成為誰?

  • "Who are we?" and "Who do we really choose to be?"

    我們是誰? 我們真正選擇成為誰?

  • "Who are we?" and "Who do we really choose to be?"

    我們是誰? 我們真正選擇成為誰?

  • We imagine that the issue is a political issue.


  • Then we say, "Ah, well it must be a financial problem."

    然後我們說 啊 那這一定是個經濟問題

  • The problem is not political and it's not financial. And it's also, by the way, not military, ...obviously.

    這既不是政治問題 也不是經濟問題 順便說一下 很顯然 也不是軍事問題

  • Circumstances don't determine who you are, they reveal who you are.

    境遇並不會決定你是誰 它只會揭示你是誰

  • And the world that we live in now, the circumstances are changing so rapidly, that we're being revealed.

    我們正在生活的世界 變化如此迅速 使得我們自身被揭示出來

  • There's no such thing as a problem. A problem is essentially a transition.

    所謂問題並不存在 問題實質上是一個過渡

  • So, I see the crises of today as a transition point for humanity.

    所以 我把今天的危機看作是人類的一個過渡點

  • Look down on the human drama, and discern through your critical faculties what's going on, without judging it,

    俯看人類的戲劇 不加評判地 客觀辯證地去瞭解正在發生的一切

  • just discern, 'What is this human drama about right now, and what role can I best play in it?'

    只是鑒別 現在人類的事件是什麼 我在其中能夠最好的扮演哪個角色?

  • The latest global risks report, published by the World Economic Forum,

    十字路口 —— 一個新世界觀誕生的陣痛

  • presents an astonishing "Risks Interconnection Map."

    "我們現在面臨的巨大問題無法用產生這些問題的思維層次去解決它" — 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦

  • It clearly reveals how all global risks are inter-related and interwoven,


  • so that economic, environmental, geopolitical, social, and technological risks are hugely interdependent.

    商業戰略家 永續發展研究專家

  • A crisis in one area will quickly lead to a crisis in other areas.


  • The interconnection and complexity in this map, compared to our surprise at the impact and speed of the recent financial crises,


  • illustrates the discord that exists between all systems we built, and shows just how disconnected we've become.

    它清晰地揭示了全球範圍內的風險是如何相互聯繫 彼此交織的

  • Our attempts at managing these systems are fragmented and simplistic, and not up to the challenges that we face today.

    所以 經濟 環境 地緣政治 社會和技術的風險在很大程度上是相互依存的

  • The way we use natural resources is based on our economic system,


  • which is closely related to our social values,


  • which directly affect our psychological and emotional systems, and all our actions.


  • What we see in the world is a reflection of who we are.


  • You cannot separate what's happening in the world, and what's happening within people.


  • So we're not just in crisis in politics, or in economics.


  • Human beings are now in crisis with themselves.


  • When I studied biocybernetics, it was a wonder to see that the more we delve into naturethe animal kingdom, plant life ecosystems,


  • we see that everything is interconnected through reciprocal actions, some of which we understand, some of which we still don't.

    自然 經濟

  • But now, human society is also becoming so integrated that it's like a single, closed system that encompasses the entire globe.


  • The crisis we are facing now is actually very unique.


  • We are all closed together in the same system, and we can no longer do whatever we want in it.

    這些價值觀直接影響我們的心理 情感系統 和我們所有的行為

  • World leaders, presidents, have lost the ability to manage the people.


  • It's as though the world began to move without any reins,

    社會人類學家 精神治療師

  • but rather according to a new lawof interdependence, of connectionthe law that is characteristic of integral systems.

    我們在這個世界看到的 只是我們自身的投影

  • And here we see that world leaders, first of all can't even make decisions, whether it's G8 or G20,

    你不能把世界上發生的一切 和人們內心所發生的割裂開來

  • and even if they arrive at something, they can't realize it.


  • In science, we started as Newtonian physicists, and we started pretending like we are machines, and that was the worldview for some time.


  • That changed with biologists coming along. Biology gives a different view of the human being altogether.

    生物控制 本體論學家

  • Biology says that we are machines, but we are machines with competition, with survival in mind, and we fight for our survival, we compete.

    在我研究生物控制的時候 非常奇妙的是看到 我們越融入自然

  • So our higher values are important only if they're important for survival. Outside of survival, there is no other impetus for the human being.

    —— 動物王國 植物生命 生態系統

  • And because of this idea, we have become, as you know, extremely competitive in our society. If somebody else has something, I must get it.


  • If somebody else doesn't have it yet, I must get it before he or she gets it. This idea is causing havoc in our society.

    我們瞭解其中一些 而另一些依然未知

  • Much of our progress in human civilization has been driven by egoistic competition. People try to outdo each other, and that creates better science, better technology, etc.

    但是現在 人類社會也已經交融到如此程度

  • However, now we're at a point where this ego drive has become so extreme that it will stop at nothing in order to be more, or have more, than others.


  • And so companies are destroying the ecosystem, bankers are creating economic crisis, people are building themselves on the ruin of others.


  • Our food supplies are increasingly at risk. Water resources are increasingly being strained, and our financial systems continue to be highly volatile and risky.

    我們都被封閉在同一個系統中 而我們不能夠再想做什麼就做什麼

  • At the same time, we're also discovering how all our systems are connected and interdependent. Clearly, business-as-usual is a dead end.

    世界的領導 總統們 已經喪失了管理人民的能力

  • In the previous days and times, we've been involved, not exclusively but largely, in the process of individual survival:

    突尼斯 一月

  • how do I get through the day, how do I get through the week, how do I get through the month.

    埃及 二月

  • In the 21st century, we're learning now that we can no longer concentrate on individual survival strategies;

    埃及 二月

  • that unless we begin to coalesce those strategies and learn how we can survive collectively, that no individual is going to survive in the long run.

    西班牙 三月

  • Again, I don't want to be an alarmist, but I realize that we are facing a very critical time now.

    英國 三月

  • The separation theology that humanity has established through the years has created a separation cosmology,

    希臘 五月

  • that is a cosmological way of looking at things that says 'everything is severed from everything else.'

    智利 六月

  • And the separation cosmology has produced a separation sociology, that is a way of socializing with each other that says

    以色列 七月

  • 'I'm over here, and you're over there, and our interests will not meet, unless they do.

    印度 八月

  • If they do we'll try to cooperate, but if our interests do not meet, if we have separate interests,

    美國 九月

  • I may just have to harm you, I may in fact just have to kill you.'


  • There's an old story of a grandfather who's speaking to his grandson in the lodge.

    但這其實是根據一個新的法則 —— 彼此依存相互聯繫的法則

  • The grandson comes in and says, 'I had a dream last night, and in the dream there were two wolves inside fighting,


  • and one was a black wolf, and one was a white wolf, and the black wolf scared me, Grandfather, and the white wolf made me feel hopeful.

    在這裡 我們看到世界的領袖們 首先都無法做出決策

  • Which one will survive?' And the grandfather said, 'The one you feed the most.'


  • And so, to me that is the nature of humanity, the nature of humans, is we have both.

    然後即使他們達成某種共識 他們也無法實現它

  • Which one we're going to feed the most is the one we're going to see in the world.


  • The Asch experiment is one of psychology's oldest and most popular pieces of research.

    在科學領域 我們開始於把自己當做是牛頓主義的物理學家

  • A volunteer is told that he's taking part in a visual perception test.

    我們把自己當成是機器 而這種世界觀持續了很久

  • What he doesn't know is that the other participants are actors and he's the only person taking part in the real test, which is actually about group conformity.


  • Please begin. The experiment you will be taking part in today involves the perception of line length.

    生物學家的到來改變了這種觀念 生物學讓我們對人類有了一個不同的認識

  • The task will be simply to look at the line here on the left and indicate which of the three lines on the right is equal to it in length.

    生物學說 我們是機器 但我們是擁有競爭機制的機器

  • The actors have been told to match the wrong lines.

    伴隨著求生的慾望 為了生存 我們相互競爭

  • The volunteer will be monitored to see if he gives the correct answer or if he goes along with the opinion of the group and gives the wrong answer.

    所以我們更高層次的價值觀 只有在對我們的生存很關鍵時才是重要的

  • In the first test, the correct answer is two.

    在生存之外 沒有任何可以驅使人類前進的東西

  • 'Uh, one'....'one'.... 'one'. .......the volunteer answers, 'It's two'...... 'one'

    由於這種理念 你也知道 我們在自己的社會中變得非常有競爭性

  • Once again, the correct answer is two.

    如果別人有什麼 那我就必須也有什麼

  • 'Three.....'three'.....three.... the volunteer answers 'three'.....'three'

    如果別人還沒有 那我得搶在他或她之前得到它

  • The Asch conformity experiment has been repeated many times. It's been suggested that first, the distortion happens at the level of action.


  • The subject believes the others are wrong, yet goes along with them anyway. Then it happens at the level of judgment.

    我們人類文明中的進化 在很大程度上是由自我服務性質的競爭所驅動的

  • The subject begins to think, 'Maybe they're seeing something I'm not seeing.'

    人們總試著超過其他人 而這也創造了更好的科學和技術等等

  • And then, it happens at the level of perception, which means that the subject's actual perception of what's right or wrong is distorted by the majority.

    然而 我們現在的自我服務的驅動 已經到達如此極端的地步

  • Now, when you link these conclusions to what's happening in the world today, you have to ask,

    為了比別人更強 或擁有更多 可以無所不為

  • 'In what way have we been using the influence of society, which is probably the most powerful force in human psychology?'

    於是企業們破壞生態系統 銀行家們製造金融危機

  • Over 40 years ago, I was cloning stem cells and one of the first experiments just so blew my mind

    人們把自己的成就 建立在他人被毀滅的廢墟之上

  • that it really changed the whole course of my education and my life.

    我們的食物來源遇到越來越多危險 水資源正在逐漸枯竭

  • I put one stem cell in a culture dish all by itself and that stem cell divides every ten to twelve hours.

    我們的金融系統 持續地大起大落 充滿風險

  • After about a week to ten days, I had thousands of cells in the petri dish, but what's most important is all the cells are genetically identical to each other.

    同時 我們也開始發現 我們所有的系統是如何緊密聯繫和互相依存的

  • And then what I didand this is the experiment-I separated the culture of genetically identical cells into three different petri dishes and I changed the environment.

    全球崩潰:麻省理工學院研究者預言 我們所熟知的世界即將結束

  • But, the culture medium to cells is like the world that we live in: it's got the the air, the water, the food, all the things in it.

    很清楚 一成不變是死路一條

  • So I had three different environments, yet genetically identical cells in each dish.

    在此前的年代 雖然不是絕對 但是在很大程度上

  • The results revealed that in environment A, the cells formed muscle,


  • in environment B, the cells formed bone,

    我如何度過今天 如何度過這個星期 如何度過這個月

  • and in environment C, the cells formed fat cells.


  • What was so profoundly important about this is that if you ask the questionWhat is responsible for controlling the fate of the cells?

    在21世紀 我們開始明白 我們現在不能夠再只是專注於個人的生存策略

  • what the experiment clearly revealed was that all the cells were genetically identical.

    除非我們開始整合這些策略 並學習怎樣作為一個集體生存

  • The only thing that was different from one dish to the other dish was the environment.


  • So, while at the time I was teaching medical students the conventional story out of the textbook, the concept of genetic determinism that genes control our fate and our lives,

    再強調一次 我不想危言聳聽

  • my experiments revealed a completely different story, and that was that environment the was primarily responsible and shaping the behavior and genetics.

    但我意識到 我們現在正處在一個極關鍵的時期

  • There's new research out of Harvard Medical School about social contagion.

    人類社會長時間所基於的分離理論 已經構成了一種分離的宇宙觀

  • I think it's kind of obvious and intuitive that you catch the moods of people around you,

    這種宇宙觀在看待事物的時候說 "每個事物都是與其它事物相分離的"

  • but now they're finding that people get fat in groups, they get happy in groups, they quit smoking in groups.

    分離的宇宙觀已經形成了分離的社會學 它讓人們在社會交往中說

  • Nicholas Christakis and I have been very fortunate to find a resource in the Framingham Heart Study that we never imagined we could find.

    我在這 你在那 而我們的利益不同 除非它們相一致

  • They were asking people for thirty-two years, 'who are your family members? where do you work? where do you live?'

    如果利益有共同之處 我們會嘗試合作 但是如果我們的利益不相關

  • And most importantly, 'who are your friends?' For the first time, now that we have data like this,

    如果我們的利益完全分離 那我可能不得不傷害你 也許我還得殺了你

  • we are able to get a bird's eye view of networks like the networks that you live in.

    黑狼 白狼

  • We had some validated measures of various emotions, including happiness, and what we attempted to show, and were able to show,

    有個古老的故事 關於一位外祖父在一個小木屋中和自己孫子的對話

  • is that my happiness depends not just on my own actions, thoughts and behaviors, but also on the actions, thoughts and behaviors of the people to whom I'm directly connected-

    有一天孩子進來說 "我昨天晚上做了個夢 夢到有兩隻狼相鬥

  • my friends, siblings, spouses, neighbors, coworkers and so forth, and the people to whom they are connected, and the people even to whom they are connected.

    一隻是黑色的 一隻是白色的

  • What this finding is showing us is that it's not just behaviors that are spreading through networks,

    那隻黑色的讓我害怕 爺爺 而那隻白色的讓我感到希望

  • it's also these emotional states that are spreading through networks.

    你說哪隻會活下去呢" 這位祖父說 "你餵得最多的那隻"

  • So we think that what's spreading is this tendency to transmit ideas, these norms of behavior.

    媒體人, 作家

  • You are, in fact, are a social organism. You are created by your environment. There is no 'you' and there is no 'me.'

    所以 對我來說 這是人類的本性 人的本性 就是我們這兩者都有

  • Once you begin to think about how everything you do has been taught to you, one way or another

    我們餵的最多的那個 就會是我們在這個世界看到的

  • granted you're putting things together and you're making decisionsbut your decisions are limited to the information that's been given to you and that you've learned.

    1951年 Asch試驗

  • So I'm a walking amalgam of a 'social engineering' so to speak. If I see myself as separate from everything else, that I can say is incorrect.

    Asch實驗是心理學這個領域最早 也是最有名的實驗之一

  • For example, everyone knows they have to breathe. Through time, people will begin to understand that their integrity is only as good as the integrity of everything else around them.


  • So what is happening in science is really quite pathetic, and what is happening in the public at large is also equally pathetic,

    他不知道的是 別的參與者都是演員 只有他自己才是真正參與這個試驗的人

  • because what is happening, is that by pretending to be something, we are becoming that something.

    而真正的試驗 是關於群體的同化性

  • I began to feel that I was losing my identity, that the person I call Clay, the person who put me in this place, the person who volunteered to go into this prison

    請開始 你們今天參加的試驗是判斷線的長短

  • because it was a prison to me; it still is a prison to me—I don't look on it as an experiment or a simulation.


  • It was a prison that was run by psychologists instead of run by the state.


  • In 1971, today's well-known psychologist Philip Zimbardo decided to examine what would happen if you take perfectly normal and healthy young students

    按照安排 演員們都選擇了錯誤的線

  • and create a prison-like environment within Stanford University, and tell them, "For the next two weeks, some of you will act as prisoners, and some of you will act as guards."

    研究人員觀察被測試者 看看他是會給出正確的答案

  • One day into the experiment, a riot broke out. The guards began humiliating the prisoners. They used physical punishments.


  • Some became extremely sadistic. The prisoners began to have emotional breakdowns.

    在第一個實驗中 正確答案是二

  • Some had to be removed from the study early, and after only six days, the experiment had to be completely shut down.

    "哦 一...一...一" 志願者回答道 "是二...." "一"

  • I had really thought that I wasn't capable of this kind of behavior. I was surprised... no, I was dismayed.

    再一次 正確的答案是二

  • to find out that I could really be a... that I could act in a manner so absolutely unaccustomed to anything that I would even really dream of doing.

    "三...三...三...." 志願者回答道 "三..." "三"

  • And while I was doing it, I didn't feel any regret. I didn't feel any guilt.


  • It was only afterwards, when I began to reflect on what I had done,

    實驗顯示 扭曲首先發生在行動層面

  • that this behavior began to dawn on me and I realized that this was a part of me I hadn't really noticed before.

    研究對象認為別人是錯的 但不管怎樣還是選擇跟著別人走

  • By pretending to be something, we are becoming that something.


  • By pretending that we are mindless matter-we're just material and that's it-we are excluding the finer aspects of life,

    被研究對象開始想 也許他們看到了我沒有看到的東西

  • we are excluding the finer aspects of our experience. And, this is very serious business.

    再之後就發生在感知層面 就是說被研究對象關於對與錯的實際感覺

  • If you take Darwinian theory, which says that we're in a competition and we have to compare each other as to where we fit,


  • and you mix that with a Newtonian vision from physics that the primacy of the universe is found in the physical structure.

    現在 如果你把這些結論與現今世界所發生的一切聯繫起來 你不能不問

  • Then you put those two together and you say, 'How do you know where you fit in the Darwinian world?' And the answer is, 'How much material do you own?'


  • And so, evolution of humanity since Newtonian times was to extract the material from the planet so that we could have possessions,

    這種可能是對於人類心理而言 最有力的影響力量?

  • and that the possessions then were a reflection of where we stand in the hierarchy.

    1967年 生物環境的影響 一個幹細胞試驗

  • If you were very low in the hierarchy of human life, you have nothing. If you're very high in the hierarchy of human life,


  • you have money and possessions and houses and toys and all these things. So then you say, 'Well, who suffers from all this?'

    40年前在我做幹細胞複製實驗的時候 其中一個最早的實驗深深震動了我

  • Well, there's great suffering at every level, whether suffering in the physical planet, or in the human civilization, there's suffering all over.


  • In order for me as a human to prove my hierarchy, I have to extract the material from the planet. So what do I do?


  • I mine the planet; I rape the planet of all of its possessions so that I can hold in my hand this chunk of gold and say, 'See how much I am worth! Where's your gold?'


  • The theory of evolution is not based on community but based on the individual. Newtonian physics said it's only the visible things that are relevant.

    大概一周到十天以後 培養皿中有了數千個細胞

  • But in a world based on quantum physics, which is based on energy, some of the things that we understand in the nature of energy are emotions and feeling, such as love and beauty.


  • These are expressions of energy, and in a world of quantum physics, we surely emphasize more the nature of love, feelings, energy, beauty and harmony


  • over the money and material expressions that we look at today. Why is this important?


  • Because then you look at the world and you say, 'Do you want a pound of gold, or do you want to be totally in love in your life?'


  • This is a painting known as, "The Supper at Emmaus," and in the 1940s, when it was thought to be painted by Johann Vermeer,

    但是 這些培養基對於細胞而言 就像我們生活的世界:

  • it was worth millions of dollars-it was literally priceless. It was in Holland and it one of the most renowned paintings in Europe. People would travel through Europe to see it.

    有空氣 水 食物 和其他所有的一切

  • Until one terrible day, when it was discovered that it was not painted by Vermeer at all, but by the great forger Van Meegeren.


  • In other words, it was discovered that it was not this painting, but


  • that painting, and all of a sudden its value dropped to nothing.

    結果表明 在培養皿A中 幹細胞形成了肌肉細胞

  • How you taste something is critically affected by what you believe you're eating. And this shows up in all sorts of ways.

    在環境B中 幹細胞形成了骨細胞

  • One nice finding involves children. How do you get children, not just to to eat their carrots and drink milk, but after they have the carrots and milk,

    在環境C中 幹細胞形成了脂肪細胞

  • to report that they tasted good. Better than your normal carrot. Better than your normal glass of milk?

    讓這個實驗如此具有深遠意義和重要性的是 如果你問這個問題

  • It's actually terribly simple to do this. This was done in a study a couple of years ago.


  • You take them out from a McDonald's bag.

    ——實驗很清楚地表明的是 這些細胞的基因組成是完全相同的

  • They get people in a brain scanner, and as they're lying on their back, there's a tube going into their mouth.


  • And they get to drink wine through the tube while their brains are being scanned.

    所以 儘管當時我在教授醫學院學生來自書本的主流理論

  • Above them is a screen where they can read information about the wine that they're drinking. Everybody drinks the same wine.


  • If they think they're drinking the cheap stuff, they'll report, 'Eh, it doesn't taste so good,' and they'll have a low-level neural response.

    基因決定論 所謂基因控制著我們的命運和我們的生活

  • If they think they're drinking out of a $200 bottle, they say they love it and the pleasure centers of their brain light up like a Christmas tree.


  • This is John Cage's work. It comes in a different name, but it's often called 4 minutes 33 seconds,


  • because it was a famous modern performance, where the pianist is instructed to sit at the piano and be silent for 4 minutes and 33 seconds.

    社交網絡分析 最新發現

  • Now, as you can imagine, this is fairly controversial-whether or not this is brilliant or just ridiculous.


  • But, my favorite fact about this is you can go onto I Tunes and you can buy,


  • for a $1.99, the entire thing of 4 minutes and 33 seconds, which is of course silent.

    你受到周圍人的情緒的感染 我想這其實是很明顯的 或者是很容易直覺瞭解的

  • And, I've read commentaries on this, where people are outraged, 'Look just turn down the volume on your computer,and sit there for 4 minutes and 33 seconds.'

    但現在他們還發現 人們成群發胖 他們成群獲得快樂 成群戒掉煙癮

  • But, psychologically I think that wouldn't be the same silence. This is 'that' silence, from 'that' performance.


  • It's astonishing to me that we don't realize we make this all up. We made the whole thing up. You know why gold is the value it is?


  • It's because somebody said so. That's it. You know why fuel costs what it does? Because somebody said so.


  • Somebody speculates, somebody decides, there's a belief, enough people join in: this is what a thing costs.

    三十二年來他們詢問人們 你的家庭成員是誰 你在哪兒工作 你住在哪裡

  • We've all decided this. So an awakening of we're repeating these cycles and we're getting kind of tired of it,

    而最重要的是 你的朋友都是誰 第一次 我們現在有了這樣的數據

  • maybe we should do something different this time aroundbe something different.


  • We have to hear that. It's the society; the media especially that puts ordinary people into this vain search of material goodies.


  • People didn't live this way even 50, 60 years ago. You know, this is just a very recent phenomenon,

    我們有對各種感情的有效測量結果 包括快樂 而我們嘗試 並且能夠證實的

  • that if you have instead of one cell phone, two cell phones in two pockets, then somehow you'll be better off.


  • Ha! Ha! Right! I'm the King of Excess. I'm the Sultan of Sales. I'm the Boss of Bargains.

    那就是 我的幸福不僅取決於自己的行動 思想和表現

  • My credit cards, they never fail. I got a seven hundred something on my credit score which means

    同時也取決於那些與我們關係密切的人們的行動 思想及表現

  • I don't own a thing and I can buy even more. I'm a buffet-eating, tabloid-reading lovable guy.

    我的朋友 兄弟姐妹 配偶 鄰居 同事等等

  • I get the best of the best that my money can buy. It's a wonderful life!!

    還有那些與他們關係密切的人 甚至那些與這些人關係密切的人

  • It's a wonderful life with my red-headed wife. It's a wonderful life!

    這一發現展示給我們的是 通過人際網絡傳播的不只是行為

  • The average U.S. person now consumes twice as much as they did fifty years ago. Ask your grandma.


  • In her day, stewardship and resourcefulness and thrift were valued. So, how did this happen?

    因此我們認為 被傳播的是交換想法 或者說行為準則的傾向

  • Shortly after World War II, these guys were figuring out how to ramp up the economy. Retailing analyst Victor Lebow articulated the solution that has become the norm for the whole system. He said


  • Advertisements, and media in general, play a big role in this. Each of us in the U.S. is targeted with over 3,000 advertisements a day.

    其實 你是一個社會有機體 你是被環境塑造的 這裡沒有"你" 也沒有"我"

  • We see more advertisements in one year than people fifty years ago saw in a lifetime.

    一旦你開始想想你所做的一切是如何教授給你的 以這種或那種的方式

  • And if you think about it, what is the point of an ad except to make us unhappy with what we have.

    姑且說 你在安排組織和做出決策 但是你的決定是受限制於

  • So 3,000 times a day, we're told that our hair is wrong, our skin is wrong, our clothes are wrong, our furniture is wrong,

    給你的訊息 和你已經學到的東西

  • our cars are wrong, we are wrong, but that it can all be made right if we just go shopping.

    所以可以這麼說 我是一個"社會設計"中可以行走的(各種元素的)聚合體

  • Mr. Rogers, who was the TV guy here in the United States, said 'The space between the television and the viewer should be sacred.'

    如果我把自己看作是與其他一切分離的 那我可以說這是不正確的

  • It comes down to moneyif they can sell it.

    例如 每個人都知道他們要呼吸

  • Even if it helps humanity, I don't believe that the make or break point for anything that's done in the media for the most part,

    隨著時間的推移 人們會開始明白 他們的正直完整 只會和他們周圍的一切一樣

  • 99%, is about the influence on the consumer; it's about 'can we sell it?' And if they can sell it and it's good for you, they'll sell it.

    所以在科學領域發生的一切真的很可悲 而在大眾身上發生的也同樣的可悲

  • But if it's not good for you, they'll sell it anyway. In my world, I think that matters greatly on the impact on the listener, because it changes their lives one way or the other.

    因為正在發生的是 通過把自己當成是什麼 我們正在變成它

  • Part of the problem is that people are focused only on their own little world, their own little lives,

    1971年 史丹佛大學監獄試驗

  • what it is they want to accomplish, when in fact there's really nothing you can accomplish that feels quite as happy as doing it with other people.

    我開始覺得 我失去了自己 這個我稱為Clay的人

  • And so I think there's been too much of the entrepreneurial greed—'me, me, me'—focus in the last few decades,

    這個把我放在這裡的人 這個自願來到這個監獄的人

  • and I do think that people have become aware that we're becoming more unhappy,

    因為對我來說它是一個監獄 現在依然是一個監獄

  • not just in the United States but all over the world. Depression rates are rising faster.


  • I don't know that people are always aware of it until you ask powerful questions.


  • The research is so interesting on this, that if you ask college students what they aspire to, they talk about money.

    在1971年 當今知名心理學家菲利普·津巴多決定驗證

  • But if you ask them what the best thing was that happened to them in the last month,

    看看會發生什麼 如果選取完全正常和健康的年輕學生

  • they mention experiences with other people; they never mention possessions.

    並在史丹佛大學內創建了一個類似監獄的環境 然後告訴他們

  • So on an intuitive level, people do understand what it is that brings them joy, but sometimes they have to find out the hard way.

    在接下來的兩個星期 你們中的有些人會假扮囚犯 有些假扮警衛

  • So we are in this ridiculous situation where we go to work, maybe two jobs even, and we come home and we're exhausted,

    實驗剛剛進行了一天 一場騷亂發生了 警衛們開始羞辱囚犯 他們使用體罰

  • so we plop down on our new couch and watch TV and the commercials tell us "YOU SUCK" so you gotta go to the mall to buy something to feel better,

    有些人變成極度的虐待狂 犯人們開始出現情緒崩潰

  • then you gotta to go work more to pay for the stuff you just bought so you come home and you're more tired

    有些人只能提前從研究中移除 僅六天之後 這項實驗不得不完全關閉

  • so you sit down and watch more TV and it tells you to go to the mall again

    虛擬獄警 兩個月後

  • and we're on this crazy work, watch, spend treadmill... and we could just stop.

    我真的曾以為我沒有可能做出這種行為 我感到驚訝...不 我感到失望

  • The world has changed


  • And we must change with it.


  • I have written an open letter to President Obama reviving that slogan.

    當我這麼做的時候 我沒有感到任何後悔 也沒有感到任何內疚

  • You know, during the Clinton presidential campaign, they had a slogan called, "It's the economy, stupid!"

    只有在這之後 當我開始反思我所做的

  • For me, the slogan is, "It's the world view, stupid!"

    這種行為開始讓我醒悟 我意識到這是我的一部分 在此之前我沒有注意到

  • Unless the world view changes, unless the world view acknowledges listening to the valueslistening to the personal meaning of life and the social meaning of life

    通過裝作是什麼 我們正在成為它

  • unless we do this, real change cannot come. So I wrote to President Obama that you talked about real change, change that we can believe in,

    我們把自己當作是無意識的物質 我們只是物質 不過如此

  • if you really want change that we can believe in, please help us to change our world view.


  • The change of man is the key to changing everything else in the world. Without it, nothing significant will change.

    我們排斥了自己經歷中更細微的層面 而這是非常嚴重的事情

  • What we need is not just patching up, not just solutions to current problems.


  • What we need is a transformation, a fundamental transformation,

    如果你接受達爾文的理論 說我們生存在競爭之中

  • which means a change of values, a change of thinking, a change of consciousness,

    我們必須互相比較 看自己的位置在那裡

  • a change in the way the human being thinks and acts.

    同時 你結合牛頓物理學的眼光 說宇宙的基本 是建立在物理性的架構之上的

  • World views affect the engine of civilization, it affects who we each individually think who we are and how we behave, our moral sense, business-it affects everything.

    於是你把這兩者放在一起說 你怎麼知道你在達爾文的世界 處於哪個位置?

  • An experiment was done by two social psychologists where they did the following:

    答案是 你擁有多少物質財富?

  • they took a bunch of students, and they had them read one of two passages.

    所以人類的進化 自從牛頓時代開始

  • One of the passages was a description of who we think we are, and the key phrase in this paragraph was: You're nothing but a pack of neurons-

    都是在從這個星球上獲取資源 這樣我們就可以擁有財產

  • that we're basically all material substances, in which case everything you think you are, all of your thoughts and emotions and all of your interior life is nothing but a pack of neurons.


  • And then they gave the students the opportunity to do a couple of experiments where they could cheat if they wanted to.

    如果你處於人類等級體制的最下面 你什麼也沒有

  • And what they found was that the students who read the passage, 'You're nothing but a pack of neurons' cheated significantly more.


  • If your world view says that there is no inherent meaning in anything, and ultimately the universe is a pointless object,

    你有金錢 財產 房子和玩具等等所有這些東西

  • and when you die you're dead and there's nothing else going on, then it changes your sense of 'how do I need to live right now?'

    那麼你會說 好吧 誰因此受苦了?

  • 'Well,I should get everything should to get right now! I should cheat if I have to!'

    且說 每個層次都經歷著巨大痛苦 無論地球本身 還是人類文明

  • Whereas if we had a different model, which said maybe you're part of some gigantic living system


  • with some kind of inherent meaning and all the rest, it could have consequences not only for yourself, but for your loved ones and for everyone else.

    為了我作為一個人來證明我的階層 我必須要在這個星球上獲取物質

  • All the problems that we're facing right now, they're not problems, they're actually questions.


  • Who are we? Who do we really choose to be? How do we choose to relate to life itself?

    我開採這個星球 我強佔這星球上的所有財富 這樣我就可以在手中舉著這塊黃金

  • How do we choose to relate to all the different elements of life, the environment, the planet itself, obviously the people?

    說 看我多麼有身價!你的黃金在哪裡?

  • Why are we here and where are we going from here?

    進化論不是以社會群體為基礎 而是基於獨立個體

  • What is the meaning of my life?

    牛頓物理學說 只有看得見的有形物 才是值得關注的

  • We're in a transition stage where the old answers are no longer sustainable, and that's why we're facing the crises we face.

    但基於量子物理學的世界 也就是能量的世界

  • So there's a population in a state of flux saying the old stuff doesn't work and we're ready for new answers that will create a newer, more sustainable civilization.

    一些我們理解的屬於能量性質的東西 包括情緒和感覺 例如愛與美

  • Simple point: the old civilization is no longer sustainable.

    這些都是能量的表達 在量子物理世界 我們必然強調

  • The answers are flawed.

    愛 感覺 能量 美與和諧

  • New answers are in, and we're in the moment of taking those new answers and weaving a new culture that will support those answers and support ourselves.


  • At this critical point in time, we have to redefine what it means to be human. We have to choose a new identityliterally choose a new identity


  • and re-create ourselves anew as a humanity, re-create ourselves as a brand new kind of living organism, a brand new kind of species,

    因為當你看待這個世界時 你會說 你是要一磅黃金

  • and re-create the organism as a cluster, as a group rather than as a scattering of single individuals.


  • We have to change our thinking about who we are in relationship to each other.

    Paul Bloom 博士 認知與發展心理學

  • We've been living in a competitive society for too long and the world we see is the resultthe ego, the competitive ego.


  • What we have to do is learn how to cooperate and drop the ego and realize again that if we have people in one country that are very poor,

    在20世紀40年代 它被認為是由約翰·維米爾繪畫的

  • and people that are very wealthy, the wealthy are going to have to get big armies and big fences to keep those other people out.

    它值數百萬美元 實際上是無價之寶 收藏在荷蘭作為歐洲最知名的畫作之一

  • It's not going to work with the divisions of society that we have today, and the stratification.


  • Man has to go through a change to realize that his life should be lived for the unity of mankind, in that we're all like one man in one heart,

    直到那糟糕的一天 人們發現它根本不是維米爾畫的

  • and we're sharing that desire, sharing that thought, where our mutual connection, making mutual concessions, and reciprocity like cells of a living body.


  • It's so simple, but we make it so difficult and it's these hard thingsthese challenges, these horrible things we see

    換句話說 人們發現 並不是這幅畫

  • are there to urge us to be better than we are, and I think until we start seeing that, they will continue, on all levels.

    而是另一副畫 突然它的價值下降到一文不值

  • We look at our economic crisis, we look at our ecological crisis, we look at our spiritual crisis, and we say:


  • I'm not happy, society's not happy, what's wrong with us? So that is the trigger.

    對於品嚐的感受有關鍵性的影響 這以各種各樣的方式表現出來

  • We have to have problems to have solutions. Problems create creativity. There's no such thing as a problem; a problem is essentially a transition.

    有個關於孩子的有趣現象 你怎麼讓孩子不只是吃胡蘿蔔喝牛奶

  • So I see the crises of today as a transition point for humanity. I see them as not necessarily something that's out of the ordinary.

    還要在吃胡蘿蔔喝牛奶之後 說 味道不錯

  • Again and again in nature, from the very most ancient bacteria to more recent species, they go through a juvenile phase of hostile competition to establish themselves,

    比普通的胡蘿蔔要好 比普通的一杯牛奶要好?

  • and then they discover the economics of cooperation. And when they find that it is cheaper and more efficient and more beneficial

    這實際很容易做到 這是兩年前的一項研究

  • for everyone to feed your enemy rather than fighting them, then we are on the way to the new civilization we're all looking for.


  • The wonderful part about nature being fractal is that we can use patterns in nature to understand other patterns that exist, because patterns repeat themselves.

    研究人員讓人們接受大腦掃瞄 讓他們臉朝上躺下 把一個管子放入他們的嘴裡

  • So now, if you want to look at a pattern that's playing itself out on this planet right now that will give us insight about what is going on, look inside a caterpillar that's growing.

    在他們通過管子喝葡萄酒時 對他們的大腦進行掃瞄

  • A caterpillar represents, let's say, seven billion cells living under the same skin. Each cell is a citizen.

    他們上方有一個螢幕 在那裡他們可以讀取酒的訊息 大家都喝同樣的酒

  • And guess what? They're people like us, they're working every day, cells in the digestive system are taking the food, breaking it down and making products out of it.

    如果他們認為自己喝的是便宜的東西 他們會說 "呃 味道嚐起來不好"

  • Some cells are the motility cells. Those are the cells that move the caterpillar around-structures of like our highways with trucks and vehicles carrying materials all over the place. Something like that.


  • Cells of the immune system are taking their job of protecting the system. The respiration system is making sure that fresh oxygen is being delivered. So all the cells have jobs.

    如果他們認為自己正在喝的酒超過200美元一瓶 他們會說喜歡它

  • The caterpillar's growing. If you were in there as a reporter, you'd be going, 'Yeah, the economy is going great guns, it's growing every day, everybody's working, full employment;


  • this is the kind of thing we love to see. How much are we growing every day, some percent, every day.'

    這是約翰·凱奇的作品 它有不同的名稱 但它通常被稱為4分33秒

  • And then, the caterpillar reaches a certain stage of growth, and at that stage of growth, it just stops eating, it can't take it any more at this point. It's reaching a maximum size.


  • Then if you're a cell inside that community, imagine what would happen, that you're on the job and all of a sudden there's less food coming in and you're a digestive center saying,


  • 'Well man, the work is slowing down here, the factory's slowing down.' Then all of a sudden it gets to such a low level that many cells get laid off of the job.

    現在 你可以想像 這是相當具爭議的 無論它是輝煌的 抑或只是可笑的

  • Now there are cells not working. Why? There's not enough food coming in to keep them all working. And as the food shuts down, then the other jobs are affected,

    但是 關於這個 我最喜歡的事實是 你可以在"I Tunes "上買

  • because if there's no food, then there's no energy, and all the systems start laying off cells, and pretty soon, there's massive chaos under the skin of the caterpillar. Why?

    支付1.99美元 整個4分33秒 當然都是寂靜

  • The system stopped growing, the cells are out of work, nothing is evolving and the thing is just falling apart.

    並且 我讀過關於這事的評論 人們憤怒了

  • If you were a cell in that caterpillar body at that time, you would look around and say, 'Oh my God, our world is coming to an end!'

    看 就把你電腦音量關掉 坐那裡4分33秒

  • And yet, in the midst of those billions of cells, in among them are other cells genetically identical to them,

    但是 從心理學上講那並不是同樣的沉默 這是"那個"沉默 是"那個"演出裡的

  • no different, but they think differently, they respond to the signals differently.

    讓我震驚的是 我們並沒有意識到 這都是我們自己編的

  • These cells have the interesting name called 'imaginal cells,' and these imaginal cells come up with new visions,

    都是我們自己幻想出來的 你知道為什麼黃金有它的價值?

  • and what happens is, in the midst of all this chaos, when all the other cells are running around thinking the end of the world is coming,

    那是因為有人這樣說的 就是這樣 你知道為什麼油價是這樣?因為有人這麼說

  • the new imaginal cells are laying out new ideas, new visions, a new plan, a new scheme, a new way of life, and around these ideas the cells reorganize.

    有人猜測 有人決定 形成一個信念 當有足夠的人加入:事情就成了

  • They start to create new massive organizations to create something much more fabulous than the previous system.

    我們都參與決定了這些 因此覺醒到我們在重複這些循環 並且我們正逐漸厭倦它

  • A system that is much more sustainable, a system with a higher level of evolution, and that system they're constructing called 'the butterfly.'

    也許我們現在應該做一些不同的事情 這一次 成為不同的什麼

  • So there's a transition from an old world of caterpillar with an old belief system and an old way of life that was no longer sustainable.

    人們對體驗 意義和價值感興趣

  • And therefore you have two choices in this world right now:

    我們需要聽到這個 那就是這個社會 特別是媒體

  • You can retain your caterpillar status and go, 'Oh my God, the sky is falling!' and be in fear,


  • or you can say, 'The caterpillar's going. I want to build the butterfly.' Why?

    甚至在五 六十年之前 人們並不是按這種方式生活的

  • Because if I become active and positive in the process of building the butterfly, I'm engaged, I'm working, we're creating the future.

    你知道 這僅僅是一個非常近期才出現的現象

  • If I sit there and bemoan the loss of the caterpillar, then I'm making myself sick and everything around me. Why? I'm not contributing to our evolution.

    如果你有兩個手機在兩個口袋裡 而不是一個 然後不知何故 似乎就會對你更好

  • And so, where are we? We're at the demise of the caterpillar stage of civilization and the rise of the butterfly.

    哈!哈!沒錯! 我就是過剩的王 我是銷售之王 我是便宜貨之王

  • What we have to recognize is that all this crisis, etc. is not outside of consciousness; it is also inside of consciousness.

    我的信用卡 它們從不會讓人失望 我有七百多的信用貸款 就是說

  • There is a plan to this madness. If we look at biological evolution, all big evolution is preceded by a catastrophe.

    我沒有屬於自己的一點東西 但我卻可以買更多的東西

  • So this is evolution of the human being that is going on right now, from being overly concerned with the negative emotions and irrational mind to listen to the values

    我是一個吃自助餐 看小報的可愛傢伙

  • love, beauty, justice, truth, goodness. We need to hear that. But how do we hear that without the pangs of suffering?

    我得到了我的錢可以買到的最好的東西 這真是一種美妙的生活啊!

  • I believe the issue is how can we cause the largest number of people to understand that we are, in fact, all one, to understand our unity.

    和我紅頭髮的妻子一起真是美好的生活 這真是美好的生活啊!

  • The environment has to be changed so that we are supported in a way where we respect each other,


  • while our value systems have to understand that we cannot survive any longer through our logical reasoning

    現在美國人的平均消費是五十年前的兩倍 問問你祖母

  • with the competitive mentality that's been perpetuated for so many generations.

    在她的那個年代 持家 智慧地使用資源和節儉是美德

  • If the environment continues to reinforce this selfishness, it's going to be that much more difficult to climb out of it.

    然而 現在這是怎麼回事呢?

  • So if we create an environment that helps us to have the courage to give, and it rewards and reinforces giving,

    二戰結束後不久 這些傢伙就計算著如何提升經濟 零售分析師維克多勒博

  • then I think we'll move much more quickly into that kind of bestowal mentality.

    闡述了他的解決方案 這已經成為了這整個系統的常態 他說

  • What we're beginning to see now is the fall of all the major institutions

    我們擁有巨大生產力的經濟 需要我們把消費變成為我們的生活方式

  • whether it's economy, politics, education, health careevery fundamental level of institution in the world.


  • So there's going to have to be changes at every level and it starts with education and awareness. Why?


  • Because the knowledge we bought into of who we are and why we're here turns out to be archaic beliefs that are not supporting our survival.

    我們需要不斷加速地消費 燒掉 替代和丟棄這些東西

  • We have to go from our old limiting beliefs that brought us to the current state of the world, rewrite those beliefs so that as we take the next step forward

    廣告 媒體總體而言 扮演了重要的角色

  • we do so with a new awareness, a new power, a new understanding of where we want to go. So we need to change education.

    在美國 我們每人每天被超過3000個廣告轟擊

  • Just imagine what would happen if we changed our environment completely.

    我們在一年內看到的廣告 比五十年前的人 在一生中看到的還要多

  • What if we would constantly hear in the newsthrough art, entertainment, advertisements


  • that we're all interdependent, that we're all interconnected as one integral system

    一個廣告 除了讓我們對自己已經擁有的感到不滿 還有什麼意圖呢?

  • How would our world look like? How would you relate to all the others in that system?

    因此 每天3000次 我們被告知

  • You would suddenly begin to feel that you relate to others as somewhat close to you.

    我們的頭髮有問題 我們的皮膚不好 我們的衣服不時尚 我們的傢俱沒品味

  • You will be less concerned about how do I exploit the other, how do I manipulate others, take advantage of them.

    我們的車不行 我們都錯了 但這一切都會改變 只要我們去購物

  • You'd begin to see that the other person is somehow close to you. You'll have some affinity towards the others, like they belong to you.

    羅傑斯先生 曾經是美國這裡的電視人 他講到

  • You'll start considering them just like you think about your children or your family.


  • You take them into consideration when you think about doing something in life. You think, 'How will it affect them?'

    一切都歸結於錢 只要他們可以把它賣掉

  • So, that is the kind of change we need to go through, and it can happen to us through the proper environment that we create for ourselves.

    即使它幫助人類 我不認為任何事情的成敗 有媒體的主要功勞

  • Well, we have these negative emotional brain circuits of competitiveness and greed and jealousy and anger and what have you,

    99% 是對消費者的影響 它是關於"我們可以賣掉它嗎?"

  • but we can also create a reality in which we make positive emotions for ourselves and in our relationships, and we can create positive emotional brain circuit

    並且如果他們可以賣 且對你有好處 他們會賣掉它

  • brain circuits that we have created by voluntary acts of loving, deliberately, by practicing.

    如果對你並不好 他們依然還是會賣 在我的世界

  • That will then nullify the negative emotional brain circuit so we can overcome our base desires.

    我認為這些事 對收聽者的影響很重要 因為它總會以某種方式 影響他們的生活

  • We began to think of emotions as having a kind of collective identity, as if there are emotional stampedes in human populations,

    問題的一部分是人們過於專注自己的那個小小世界 他們自己那小小的日子

  • a kind of a quiet riot that is just below the surface at all times.

    他們想要達成的是什麼 而事實上 你達成任何事時的快樂感

  • Because when we mapped this network, we were able to find clusters of happy and unhappy people in the network,


  • and we were able as well to show that happy people are able to influence the others to become happy, and that happiness can spread from person to person... to person to person.

    而我認為 過去幾十年聚焦的創業型的貪婪太多了 ——"我 我 我"

  • It's this kind of view of the human super-organism that has really started to change the way we think about ourselves as human beings. We are connected.

    而我也的確認為 人們已經開始覺察到 我們變得越來越不快樂

  • We are connected in ways that these other social species are, like schools of fish and flocks of birds.

    不僅僅是在美國 而且是在全世界 憂鬱症的發病率迅速提升

  • Animals have this. So-called 'primitive people' have this. We have seemed to have lost it through our intensive egoistic orientation.

    我不知道 人們一直都知道這些 直到提出了有針對的問題

  • If we recover this connection, then we will behave with greater solidarity to each other. We will extend our solidarity that exists in a family.


  • We can extend it over larger areas, ultimately to the whole human family and to the living environment.


  • We can encourage people in all walks of life, in all kinds of organizations, to come to the notion of true global family and implementing the kind of world we really all dream of.


  • What has increasingly been found is that the happiest people have vibrant social networks;


  • they work hard at cultivating relationships with other people. So it's the togetherness, the bringing people together that brings people the most joy.

    如果你問學院的學生他們的抱負是什麼 他們談論金錢

  • In some ways science has always recognized that everything is always interconnected. But everything is also interdependent,

    但如果你問他們 上一個月他們經歷過最美好的事情是什麼

  • and you can't study everything all at once, so science has been very good at sort of slicing up the world into little pieces,

    他們談論自己與其他人的經歷 他們從來不會提到自己的財物

  • and then diving deeply down each little piece, and that becomes a discipline.

    所以在直覺的層面 人們的確明白是什麼帶給他們歡樂

  • It's very easy to forget that that piece is actually still connected to everything else. We conveniently forget it,


  • which creates something which is ultimately a whole system, but it becomes fractured.

    因此我們陷入這種可笑的局面 我們去工作

  • And maybe that some small percentage of scientists are naturally drawn to this idea of

    也許做兩份工作 然後回到家 精疲力盡

  • how does the thing that I'm studying fit in a larger context.

    於是我們跌坐在我們的新沙發上看電視 廣告會告訴我們"你很失敗"

  • So for scientists who think about that, they eventually get to the idea that if they push it far enough


  • that the universe is really just one big thing.

    於是你得去工作 來支付你剛買的這些東西 然後你回家感覺更累

  • We ask the question, 'Why are we here as human beings?' The answer is then left to something as simple and disastrously bad as,

    於是你坐下看更多的電視 它告訴你再去商場

  • 'There's no reason for us to be here; we're just accidents of genetics, and therefore we can do anything we want because we weren't intended to be here in the first place.'

    而我們在這個讓人發瘋的磨盤上 工作 看電視 消費...

  • So we have a pretty big disregard to our relationship and the world around us, and the nature that we live in,


  • because we believe that organisms just got here by accident.


  • When you look at the planet Earth, you find that we live in a very narrow zone that supports life-a perfect combination of gases in the environment, a perfect temperature and all this.

    全球每年的軍費開支都在增加 現在已經超過兩兆美元

  • And it stays constant, which has been a very unusual event, of how can a planet keep a constancy in a world where everything is dynamic around it?

    75%的漁場幾乎被耗盡 40%的可耕地被毀壞

  • The answer is because nature has created one organism after another organism to keep the environment in balance


  • and compensate for the ranges of activities that occur around us so we keep what is called 'homeostasis.

    從2000年起 每年的自然災害遞增66%

  • A very simple example is this: When the world was primarily plants, the environment, which had carbon dioxide and some oxygen in it when it first started,


  • later became depleted of carbon dioxide and oxygen increased because the plants were using the carbon dioxide continuously and releasing the oxygen continuously and the balance shifted.


  • And there was so much oxygen on this planet that the planet was flammable.


  • So at times lightning strikes would hit and burn up all the oxygen and burn up the planet. Life was not sustainable.

    你知道 在柯林頓總統競選期間 他們有一個標語說 問題是經濟 蠢蛋!

  • So nature created a balance, and the balance was called animals.

    對於我 那個標語是 問題是世界觀 蠢蛋!

  • Animals breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide which is a complete reverse of what the plants were doing.

    除非世界觀改變了 除非世界觀承認傾聽內在價值

  • So why is this relevant? Because when you put animals and plants in the same environment,


  • as the plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, the animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This creates a cycle and a balance and harmony.

    除非我們這麼做 真正的改變不會到來 所以我寫信給奧巴馬總統

  • So animal introduction was not just a random event; it was required to keep balance in.

    你談到真正的變革 那個我們可以信賴的變革

  • Now look at life as a see-saw that goes up and down, And I go like this: As I put one organism on one side it throws the balance off until it's a see-saw this way,

    如果你真正想要我們可以信賴的變革 請幫助我們改變我們的世界觀

  • so nature puts another organism on the other side to bring the balance back.

    Ervin Laszlo 博士 系統科學

  • So I said: 'Where are humans in this see-saw and why is it important?'

    人的改變是改變世界所有一切的關鍵 沒有它 沒有任何重大的改變會發生

  • Because humans have so much power that if we're not clear what we're doing, we can take the see-saw and put a little weight on one side and shift the entire balance of nature.

    我們需要的不是貼膏藥 不是對現有問題的解決方案

  • Then we have to learn to come back and shift the balance back again.

    我們需要的是脫胎換骨 本質上的改變

  • Without our awareness of how we fit into nature,

    這意味著價值觀的改變 思維方式的改變 意識的改變

  • we lost sight of the fact that every other organism has been involved in keeping the environment more stable. We weren't to manipulate the environment.


  • But, if the balance now shifts way off because of humanity, then it means that nature will no longer support human life on this planet.

    Dean Radin 博士 電子工程師,物理學家,心理學家

  • It says that we have upset the balance of the environment and are causing our own extinction.

    世界觀影響著文明的發動機 它影響著我們每個人思考我們是誰

  • So, the writing is on the wall. We have to work collectively to create harmony back in the environment.

    我們的行為處事 我們的道德感和商業活動 —— 它影響著所有的一切

  • When we become aware of this, we can engage in that activity as the primary direction of human civilization.


  • Can we as a global tribe get our act together fast enough to be able to change our collective behavior fast enough?

    他們找了一群學生 他們讓學生們讀了兩段話的其中一段

  • There is a great potential, because it's not that everybody has to change at the same time, but what we talk about is a 'critical mass.'

    其中之一 是描述我們認為自己是什麼 在這段話中主要的字句是

  • We don't know how many people have to change for it to spread, but the fact is that when people begin to think differently, begin to act differently, that has an effect on others. It spreads.

    你不過是一堆神經元 我們基本上就是純粹的物質

  • Scientists at RPI have found that when just 10% of the population are deeply committed to an idea,

    這種情況下 你所認為的你是誰 你所有的思維 感情和內在的生活

  • their idea will always be adopted by the majority of the society. Now, what's interesting is their mathematical model shows that it's like a spontaneous leap.


  • That is, below ten percent, there is no visible progress; however, above ten percent, the idea spreads like wildfire.

    然後他們給這些學生機會做幾個實驗 如果他們願意的話他們可以作弊

  • I don't think it's going to occur first on the whole among the leadership, neither political nor business leadership.

    而他們發現的是 讀到"你只是一堆神經元"的學生們明顯作弊更多

  • I think there are always exceptions, and there are very enlightened political leaders, there are enlightened business people,

    如果你的世界觀說 任何東西都沒有什麼內在的意義

  • but on the whole these people have too much stake on the present system, and they're afraid of change,


  • because their own base of power and wealth lies in maintaining the current system.

    而當你死去的時候 你就死了 再無其他的什麼發生

  • So the change has to come from elsewhere. I don't think it can come from the very poorest people.

    那麼這會改變你對於"我現在應該怎樣生活?" 的感受

  • The very poorest people, maybe two billion people in the world, try to survive somehow.

    好吧 我現在應該盡可能得到能夠得到的一切! 必要的話我可以欺騙

  • They have to get the food and the housing and the job and the health care and the education that is a minimum requirement.

    而如果我們有一個不同的模式 說你也許是一個龐大的生命系統的一部分

  • We can't expect it from that maybe, two or three hundred million people who are really the wealthy and the leading classes.

    有某種固有的意義和它所帶來的一切 那你就可能不僅對自己

  • It has to come from those who are in between, who have a choice, who are becoming increasingly concerned,


  • and who know that something needs to be done, and the hope is that they will wake up.

    我們現在面臨的所有的麻煩 它們不是麻煩 它們實際是提出問題

  • If there are people who are aware that the world must become integrated, then the question is:

    我們是誰 我們真正選擇成為誰 我們選擇怎樣面對生命本身?

  • Can they come together? Can they make the initial step towards this?

    我們選擇怎樣面對所有的生命元素 環境 星球 當然還包括人

  • I think the problem with global crises is that from each individual's point of view it becomes difficult to know what do I do about it

    我們為什麼在這裡 我們從這裡到哪裡去?

  • When I say transform my ego, it's an illusion. How can I transform my ego when I'm dependent on so many other egos?


  • So because of the efforts of a few, it changes the world center accordingly. How?

    我們處於一個過渡的階段 舊的答案已經無法延續

  • Because this evolutionary pressure is acting on everybody. It's just that they don't have the right context. All they need is a trigger.


  • The trigger will be provided by this upper echelon of people who are working together to develop positive emotions,

    於是人們處於一種變化不定的狀態 舊的東西已經行不通

  • so they affect a much bigger number than is indicated by the little community that started it. So one little change in one little community can affect a much larger human community

    我們已經準備好接受新的答案 創造一個更新的 更加永續的文明

  • and the interconnectedness that we have to the internet, the interconnectedness of the ego, all of a sudden, without even knowing that it is doing so,


  • will change and establish itself and therefore changes can come very fast.


  • The basic idea is that there's this vast fabric of humanity stretching endlessly into the distance. I'm connected to you, and you to others on out endlessly.

    新的答案已經來到 我們正處在接受這些答案的時刻

  • Your actions can influence the actions and feelings of others around you, which in turn then can spread to still others, and then to still others.

    並編織一個新的文化 來支持這些答案 和我們自身

  • If you tell someone they don't influence anybody, they're not going to do anything.

    在這個關鍵的時刻 我們需要重新定義 作為人類意味著什麼

  • But, if you tell them they influence a thousand people, they'll change their lives. And that's why I think it's so critical for us to understand, first and foremost, how and why we are connected.


  • Thinking people, they can see opportunities in this, so we have to do this collectively.


  • We have to do this collectively through dialogues, first between two people, through relationships between two people, and then generalizing it to a whole family,

    把我們自己重新創造成為 一種全新的生命體 一個全新的物種

  • to the entire community, to bigger communities, to the country, to the entire world.

    重新創造這個生命體作為一個集體 一個群體 而不是散落的單獨個體們

  • It takes a society to recognize that we cannot do this by ourselves. We cannot do this alone.


  • It's actually very simple what we have to do. It's just getting people to identify with it and see the benefit of what that offer is,


  • the offer of working together and how cataclysmically better life will be, even materially and spiritually so.

    而我們看到的世界就是它的結果——自我 充滿競爭欲的自我

  • The lack of connection between people causes all the sadness in the world. No question about it.

    我們現在需要學習的是如何合作 放下自我 去重新認識到

  • We are at a crossroads,crossroads-and it's not going to be decided by fate. It's not a destiny.


  • We are at a point where the future of humanity is going to be decided by how people think about it today, and how they behave.


  • Awareness. Awakening. These are the key terms. We have a chance to change.

    那些富有的會去建立龐大的軍隊和巨大的圍牆 把其他的人擋在外面

  • One thing we have to recognize is that to change is no longer a question of whether or not.

    我們今天分離的社會 等級的社會 不會再行得通

  • Change is coming. The only question is whether it's coming unexpectedly and abruptly on us

    人類必須經歷變化才明白 生命需要為人類的合一而存在

  • so that we can't do much about it, we become victims of it.

    在這種存在中 我們就像是一個人一顆心

  • Or whether we can anticipate it, create those major changes that will bring about a better future,

    我們分享渴望 我們分享思緒 我們彼此的聯繫

  • And that is the unprecedented task of the generation now living.

    達成謙讓互利 就像一個生命體中的細胞們

I do believe that humanity has reached a crossroad.


Subtitles and vocabulary

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B1 細胞 人類 改變 毛毛蟲 環境 世界

十字路口:新世界觀下的勞動之痛新世界觀下的勞動之痛|完整版電影 (Crossroads: Labor Pains of a New Worldview | FULL MOVIE)

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    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary