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I stopped reading news several years ago, and you probably should, too.
I used to be really internews and I would read Google News everyday yahoonews.
I would read The Economist once a week, and the reason I did all this is because my livelihood depended on it.
I was a day trader, and that needed to be able to understand all the news that I possibly could.
And I would just absorb best much news as I could.
And I would try to use this news information to make informed trades every day.
Like I thought that basically, I would be up to get some sort of information.
And based on that, I could make some intelligent trade.
However, if you read most investing books, they actually tell you that short term trading is not really a good strategy.
You can't really beat the market easily that way you're competing with, you know, all the using information is already president, and I was finding that sometimes I make money.
Sometimes I would lose money, and it was really hard to make their trades, and most of the time the information was already Preston.
You got high frequency trading algorithms which are trading within milliseconds of news about breaking and is now even.
And we basically you're not even trading against real humans anymore.
It's like 90%.
The trades on Wall Street are done by high frequency trading.
So you're just treating against computer machine learning algorithms that our life just trying to interpret the news sentiment.
So you should ask yourself, What value does the news have and what are you expecting to gain from that?
And when I thought about all the news that I have been reading, it was pretty much value of this.
Like, I wasn't able to gain any monetary value from that news, and it was basically becoming like entertainment to me like I might those will have been reading read it were just a lot of fun or too, by the way, and the other thing I realized was after I had spent a good year or two trend to stand top of the news, I found that I had developed no skills and that reading news is not a good investment of time.
We're knowledge because that news that information becomes outdated so fast it depreciates incredibly quickly.
It's not like spending time to learn a skill, and that skill becomes useful throughout the rest of your life, spending your time reading hours and hours of news.
That information is really valuable only for perhaps that one day and then by the second day is both outdated information.
And there may be some long term value, but it is so difficult to bring out that long term value.
There's too much noise to signal ratio.
In the old days, it was considered very respectable to read the news, and I would agree with that like there was fair.
There are only a few newspapers that would be reporting information about the world, and there was a competitive edge for anyone to be able to understand what was happening in the world These days.
With the Internet, it is basically information overload, and everyone is always reading Blog's ready Facebook, social media, Twitter.
Just tons of information is coming in, and reading is basically not valued scale anymore.
I would say what is valued is being able to filter that information these days.
If he just wants to spend your time reading the news it would take, you probably hold.
They just finished reading, often use, and even then you wouldn't have covered a lot of it.
How do you feel for that information, Right?
Like I've seen, some people say they're just gonna give Facebook or Twitter or give up all social media.
And I don't feel that that's really quite the right solution, because all that information could be useful and what you really need to be doing this, understanding how to filter that information and being able to handle massive amounts of information.
And I can tell you one thing is that when I used to work at Google, the best engineers and project managers and knew there would be handling probably 5 to 10 times the amount of information that a normal person is handling, they are really on top of things, and they need to be for their job, like they need to just handle tons of email, tons of documents, tons of presentations and just absorb all that information.
And I would say that a lot of those people basically have really good filter set up, like maybe they get tons of email every day, and they would just have really good filters to help them organize what could be noise and what could be a signal, maybe just quickly skinned emails that may not be useful news and things.
Maybe the checker once a day or something like that, like they just need to have a legal system set up so that they're not wasting all of their time reading news.
And some people would say that it's important to reading you so that they seem like they're intelligent and they can have intellectual conversation with another person at, like a dinner party.
But, you know, that's really pretty circular logic.
And that was, that's again based on very old ideas like the world's different now, being well informed of what's happening in the world.
I'm not sure if that's really a valuable skill to have any more like It makes you entertaining at dinner parties.
Maybe, but even many people these days I can't spend another time trying to figure out like who's the vice president or how many wars were fighting right now, and along with that, I would say that even reading itself is no longer an issue.
I would imagine that I mean, the roads should probably be like 99% vigorous like everyone's reading blood, social media comments there, texting to each other.
I don't think reading is really a problem for teams anymore, because people are reading all the time now just to be able to communicate with their friends.
Everyone's doing that now.
So the idea of reading and the idea of reading news, these air skills that probably used to be valuable, but they're just not that valuable or anymore.
So what's valuable?
It is just being able to stay on top of tons of information.
And the more information that you can manage and gather, I think that's the key that's that will help.
You have a good understanding of the landscape, and you really need to be able to target which information you spend your time trained together.
I would say, for example, if you work in tech, spend your time reading tech news.
I mean, if you work in like investment banking in the energy sector, don't spend your time reading news about oil and energy.
If you're like uh, micro bones trader, that's been your time reading news about finance.
Since this is a tec channel.
I thought I would just tell you, which news sources that I pay attention to.
So if you're just getting started out in tech, I recommend regime to new sources.
Hacker news and tech Me on dhe Thes two would pretty much cover you on tech and you way want to understand what we're really looking for here.
And that's really about.
It's not just random tech news or, like the newest iPhone came out or something like that without looking for personally is actionable news.
Like if a new A P I or platform is released or a new framework that can be used, then that might be interesting for me to use to start a new side business.
So I'm basically looking for, like, the Gold Rush opportunity.
We're like some company opens up a new platform, and developers are invited to build for order some new technology or something that's interesting.
And, you know, that might be usable in some of my work, either currently or in the future or just good information to know.
So that's really what I'm looking for.
And, um, hacker news, basically, I think, is great for staying up to date with, like start up tech news and then tech name is generally like bigger company.
The tech news like industry, your white technique.
So I think those air cover you.
And then I also checked this'll other fund the site zero hedge dot com, which is like, I don't know why I check it.
You know, it's just a day trader website, basically, and they report on very contrary and news.
I almost there's almost no value in this.
I just It's just a habit that keep around, then it's just human gloom news, really, and it gives me kind of a healthy contrary and balance to about the mainstream news.
So, like, basically, your perspective on the world is shaped by the new sources that you choose.
Like, for example, if you watch a lot of Fox News, then you probably become a very conservative type of person because that's the bias of that channel.
And then, like CNN, for example, maybe a little bit more liberal.
I basically don't read much zero hedge because it's just the articles air so opaque and it's difficult to read.
I don't even know what they're talking about, so I wouldn't really recommend that one, and then I would check some of my social media, and I would say the key to this is you don't want to check it all the time every day.
Like I would say, if you check that once or twice a day, that might be sufficient.
But doing that a lot, I think I just end up bringing a lot of your time.