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  • Once upon a time, there was a brother and a sister called Hansel and Gretel.

    很久以前,有一對兄妹叫 Hansel和 Gretel

  • They lived in a small house by the forest with their father and stepmother, and they were very poor.


  • One evening, Hansel overheard the husband and wife talking

    有天傍晚, Hansel偷聽到了夫妻的對話

  • Honey, we need to talk.


  • Problems? Sweetheart, if we continue like this we will all soon starve!

    問題? 甜心,如果繼續這樣下去,我們很快就會餓死

  • You are right, but I don’t know what we should do.


  • I have a plan. We have to leave the children in the forest.


  • Never! How can you say that? How? Tell me!

    絕對不行,你怎麼會說出那樣的話? 怎麼做啊? 告訴我!

  • If we continue to live together, we will all starve.


  • This way, at least we can take care of ourselves.


  • But…….


  • In the end, the father agreed to abandon his children in the forest.


  • The children were so hungry they couldn’t sleep, and they heard everything their parents said.


  • The following morning, Hansel and Gretel were taken to the forest.

    隔天早晨, Hansel和Gretel 被帶到森林裡

  • As Hansel already knew their parentsplan,

    Hansel 已經知道了他們父母的計劃

  • he had collected some pebbles to drop along the way to mark their way home.


  • When they were deep in the midst of the forest, they finally stopped.


  • Children, wait here. Your father and I will go collect some firewood.


  • With that, their father and stepmother turned and left them all alone.


  • Hansel and Gretel waited and waited, but their parents did not return.

    Hansel 和 Gretel等啊等,但他們的父母並沒有回來

  • The forest grew darker and darker until the sun finally set.


  • Frightened and confused, Gretel started to cry.


  • Oh Hansel, our parents have abandoned us! How will we ever find our way home?

    喔 Hansel,我們的父母拋棄我們了,我們要怎麼找到回家的路呢?

  • Don’t cry Gretel, lookthe moon is rising. Soon, I will be able to find our way home.

    別哭, Gretel,看,月亮升起了,很快我們就能找到回家的路

  • As soon as the moon rose, the white pebbles Hansel had dropped along the way began to glow and sparkle in its light.

    當月亮升起,Hansel 沿路丟的白鵝卵石開始發光

  • Hansel and Gretel could see them clearly, and were able to follow the moonlit pebbles all the way home.

    Hansel 和 Gretel 可以清楚的看到路,並延著月光照耀下的發光鵝卵石回家

  • When they reached home, their parents were stunned to see them.


  • How did they manage to find their way back?


  • Tomorrow, I will take them so deep they will never get out!


  • The next morning Hansel and Gretel were led back into the forest.

    隔天早上, Hansel 和 Gretel 被帶回森林裡

  • This time, Hansel didn’t have the chance to pick up any pebbles so he scattered breadcrumbs instead.

    這次,Hansel 沒有機會撿鵝卵石,所以他改灑麵包屑

  • Soon after the children had been left alone again, the sun set and it became dark.


  • Hansel, how will we get home this time?


  • Don’t worry, I marked the trail again.


  • You did?


  • They stared to walk but the breadcrumbs were nowhere to be found!


  • The birds must have eaten them all up.


  • Hansel and Gretel were left alone in the forest not knowing how to find their way home.

    Hansel和 Gretel 被單獨留在森林裡,不知回家的路

  • They went deeper and deeper into the forest, almost losing all hope of ever finding the way out.


  • Suddenly, they came upon a very curious looking house.


  • When they came closer for a better look, they were amazed to realize that it was all made up of tasty treats.


  • Hansel, look! The windows are made out of cookies and the door is chocolate.

    Hansel,快看! 窗戶是餅乾做的,門是巧克力

  • Wow! And there are candies in the walls instead of bricks!

    哇! 而且牆壁裡是糖果,而不是磚塊耶

  • Hansel and Gretel were very hungry by that time,

    Hansel 和Gretel 這時候實在太餓了

  • so they began to snatch cookies and candies out of the house and eat them.


  • Suddenly, the door creaked open and a fearsome old hag appeared.


  • Who is eating down my house?


  • We are sorry, but we were very hungry.


  • Oh my, you must be lost in the woods.


  • Help yourself to whatever you want, and then come inside for a nice nap.


  • Hansel and Gretel had as much as they wanted and came into the house.

    Hansel 和Gretel 拿了所有他們想要的,然後進到屋裡

  • The old woman was very kind to them, and offered them more delicious food.


  • They ate until they were stuffed, and fell asleep right there.


  • In fact, the ugly old woman was an evil witch.


  • She put Hansel in a cage, and forced Gretel do chores around the house.

    她把Hansel 推進籠子,逼迫Gretel 打掃房子

  • Everyday the witch gave Hansel lots of tasty food.


  • She wanted to fatten him up because she was planning to eat him.


  • Each morning she would check on him to see if he was fat enough to eat yet.


  • Hansel, stick out your finger. I want to see how fat you are today.


  • But Hansel was very clever, and would always stick out a chicken bone instead.


  • The witch couldn’t see very well, so she believed the bone was Hansel’s finger.


  • Why aren’t you getting fat Hansel? I will have to feed you more.

    為什麼你都不會長胖Hansel? 我必須要餵更多食物給你

  • Finally, the day came when the witch could wait no longer.


  • She decided she would eat Hansel whether he was chubby enough or not.


  • I will not wait any longer. Gretel, start the fire, I am going to cook Hansel!


  • Gretel was very scared, but the she remembered that the witch had bad eyes and decided to trick her.


  • She just sat in front of the oven without making a fire.


  • The witch began to grow impatient.


  • Why haven’t you started the fire?


  • I can’t get it to start.


  • Move aside, you stupid girl!


  • The witch couldn’t see the oven properly on account of her bad eyes, so she moved her face closer to the fire.


  • Desperate, Gretel seized the moment and shoved the witch into the oven!

    Gretel 趕緊抓住機會將巫婆推進了烤爐

  • and the witch burned to a cinder in the flames.


  • Gretel immediately freed Hansel from the cage,

    Gretel趕快將Hansel 從籠子裡釋放出來

  • and when they entered the witch’s room, they realized it was filled with treasures!


  • Taking as much as they could carry, Hansel and Gretel left the witch’s house behind and went off again in search of their home.

    他們盡可能的拿寶物,Hansel 和Gretel 離開了巫婆的房子又開始尋找他們回家的路

  • They walked through the forest for many hours, and finally found the way back.


  • Dad! Stepmom! Were back!

    爸爸! 繼母! 我們回來了!

  • After abandoning their children, their father and stepmother continued to grow poorer and poorer.


  • They began to feel very guilty and miserable and tried their best to find the children but it was too late.


  • Now, they spent all their days crying over their misfortunes and hoping that the children would somehow find their way home.


  • Suddenly, Hansel and Gretel burst through the door.

    突然, Hansel 和 Gretel 衝進大門

  • Dad! Mom! We missed you so much.

    爸爸!媽媽! 我們好想你們喔

  • Children, I am sorry for leaving you. I am so happy to see you again, alive and well!


  • Can you ever forgive me?


  • Mom, dad, look!


  • Hansel and Gretel showed their parents the witch’s treasures.

    Hansel和Gretel 拿出巫婆的寶藏給父母看

  • From that day forth, the family lived happily ever after.


Once upon a time, there was a brother and a sister called Hansel and Gretel.

很久以前,有一對兄妹叫 Hansel和 Gretel

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