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  • (ding) - Hello.

  • In this video, I am going to make a bot

  • and I am going to make an image bot

  • and I'm very excited about this project

  • because it pulls together a whole lot of different things.

  • I am going to use processing to generate an image.

  • I am going to use node to call processing

  • to generate the image and I'm going to use node

  • to talk to an API and the API is Mastodon.

  • So one thing you might want to do

  • is I'll refer you to all of my,

  • a tutorial series about the basics of making

  • a Mastodon bot, I will start largely from scratch here,

  • but I am going, I've already gotten my API keys

  • and I already have imported and installed

  • this node package called mastodon.api

  • and this .env package that loads my API keys for me.

  • So that is stuff that I've done in another video.

  • If you want to see that, I'll link to that

  • in the video description but I'm just going to get started.

  • So what is the first thing that I want to do?

  • Okay, actually, let's go to, so this is my inspiration.

  • Tree bot, made by Alix Novosi for National Bot Making Month

  • and I am going to try to recreate this.

  • My trees won't be nearly as nice.

  • So the first thing I want to do is I want to use processing.

  • I don't have to, I could find some node package

  • that does drawing or generates an image,

  • svg, whatever, but I love processing, it's my happy place

  • and I'm pretty sure I could get processing

  • to generate a tree, in fact, I don't even have to write

  • the code for this because I have before.

  • I'm just going to go to examples, right,

  • isn't it in here somewhere?

  • Topics, simulate,

  • no, no, no?

  • Okay, I'll be back in a second.

  • Oh yeah, I'm back, I found it under fractals

  • and L-systems tree.

  • Well look, recursive tree by Daniel Shiffman.

  • This is my, this is a recursive tree

  • and as I move the mouse, it changes the angle.

  • So let's alter this code a little bit.

  • Let's say that, we don't care about a frame rate.

  • And let's not, let's have the angle be random

  • between 0 and two pi.

  • Oh and it's converting it to radians,

  • so okay, between 0 and 360.

  • Whoa and it's doing it over and over again in draw,

  • that's exciting, I'm going to say no loop

  • so it's done each time I run this.

  • I get a random tree.

  • There's so much more that I could do to the design

  • of the tree and I'm so tempted to recode the tree

  • but I'm going to just leave it as is, ya know maybe I want

  • to not have so many large angles and there we go,

  • beautiful tree, okay.

  • So now, now that I've done that, what do I want?

  • I want my processing sketch to also save

  • and I'm just going to call it tree.png.

  • So when it's done drawing, it's going to save an image.

  • I've got my code here.

  • This is the code that will talk to the Mastodon service

  • and what I want is for this code to actually run

  • a processing sketch but this is node, this is JavaScript.

  • Processing is java and it's a desktop environment

  • where I hit the play button, how can I possibly do this?

  • Well the first thing I'm going to do is actually go

  • and save this processing sketch in where my bot is

  • and I'm actually working in this folder,

  • Mastodon bot 3, you can see node modules, bot.js,

  • so I'm going to save it there and I'm going to call it treegen.

  • So I'm going to save it treegen, I'm going to make sure

  • it still runs, it still runs.

  • And now, what I'm going to do,

  • I'm going to show you a little trick.

  • Now wouldn't it be nice if I could just execute

  • a command like processing run.

  • Of course, in terminal, in the shell,

  • it's not going to know what that is

  • but a little known fact about processing,

  • which I have done this in other videos before

  • but just to start anew again, processing command line.

  • There is actually a way to run a processing sketch

  • command line by saying processing-java,

  • the path to the sketch and then --run

  • but the only way you can do that is by installing first

  • to your system so this is installing

  • a command line command to run a processing sketch.

  • So I'm going to do this, install processing java,

  • I'm going to say yes for all users.

  • It's going to want to use my password.

  • So I'm going to enter my password 'cause it needs

  • to be able to put that where it needs to go

  • and now I can actually say processing-java

  • and you can see, I get all sorts of stuff.

  • It doesn't know what I want to do but watch this,

  • I can say, let me just look in here,

  • there is the treegen processing sketch.

  • So I can say processing-java, sketch=,

  • is that what it was?

  • Let's go look at the, sketch=, now I need the full path

  • so the full path and I'm going to show you a way around this

  • in a second, is this, treegen, right,

  • this is the full path to that processing sketch.

  • Then I can say --run, here we go.

  • Magic.

  • It ran it, look, there's the processing sketch.

  • This is really cool, now watch.

  • What's exciting about this and it's bothering me

  • that the background isn't 51 which is very important.

  • I can actually quit processing completely.

  • I don't need to have processing open and still do this.

  • Look at that, there it is.

  • There's my tree, ah, but I actually do want

  • to have processing open 'cause I've got

  • a little bit of a problem here and we can see here,

  • look, that image is there, it's now saved.

  • What I want to do is go back and open this again,

  • open, open, open, open, open and I want to add one thing.

  • I want it to go away so I actually want to say

  • after I save it, exit, and I'm also,

  • this is going to be helpful for me later,

  • I want to say println("Tree generated");

  • We'll see where this comes up later.

  • Okay, now, quit processing.

  • And now I'm going to run this.

  • See it, there it is, oh, finished, tree generated, finished.

  • One more time.

  • There it is, oh, finished.

  • Okay, this is really exciting

  • 'cause there's so much stuff you could do.

  • Now, here's the thing.

  • I am executing this command via the shell

  • but I want node to execute it.

  • How can I execute it in node and it turns out

  • there is a way to execute any generic shell command

  • from node and it is with the child process package.

  • So if I go to child process, you'll see here

  • that there is a method called exec.

  • Child_process.exec spawns a shell

  • and runs a command within that shell.

  • Truth of the matter is it might useful to use

  • this execSync because I'm going to want to,

  • sync means synchronous, meaning wait until it's done

  • to go on to the next thing but I've got a crazy plan here.

  • I want to do asynchronous stuff with es8,

  • this await and async function,

  • you may or may not have heard about.

  • So I'm going to use this one, exec.

  • So what I need to do is in my node code,

  • I need to say const exec = require('')

  • and where was this, it is in child process.exec,

  • child_process, no there's no, yeah, that's right, huh,

  • oh .exec, yes I'm confused.

  • So this is me requiring the child process package

  • and I don't have to mpm install this.

  • You'll notice that I'm on the node.js documentation page.

  • I'm not in some separate third party mpm package,

  • this is built into node, but, just like file system is.

  • But I've got to say that I want to use it.

  • So require child process and all I want

  • is that exec function.

  • So now, there's no reason why I can't just say

  • exec and then pass in what?

  • Exactly this.

  • Oh let me make, this is so unwieldy.

  • So a nice little trick that I can do

  • is I can actually always get the current path.

  • If I want to get the current, I just type pwd,

  • print working directory.

  • Well guess what?

  • I can actually have pwd executed within this command

  • by using these back ticks.

  • I'm pretty sure this is how I do it.

  • So now I'm saying run and I think I don't actually even need

  • this first slash, right, run sketch =

  • print working directory, then treegen run.

  • Let's see if this works.

  • It is done, okay.

  • So now, so great so I can grab this, this is my command.

  • We're going to get to the Mastodon stuff in a second.

  • Uh (clicking tongue).

  • Constant command = let's just put this

  • in a variable like this.

  • Then I could say exec command and then that's going to have

  • a callback, oh, I don't want the,

  • let me just run this, let's just run this,

  • let's see what happens.

  • Node bot.js.

  • Hey, look what happened, it made it happen.

  • Now here's the thing, the next thing I was going to do

  • was add a callback but I'm a new,

  • I'm turning over a new leaf, I'm turning a new page

  • in the book of JavaScript and I'm a kind of person

  • who uses promises and I'm not only a kind of person

  • uses promises, I even use the async and await keyword

  • to really make my life full of just (sighs) ease.

  • Eh, it's not full of ease but I'm doing my best.

  • So what does that mean?

  • The thing is, this particular node package,

  • child process.exec, and I have a feeling if I bother

  • to look at the chat (laughs) which I'm going to open up

  • for a second, someone's going to tell me I could just use

  • something else now that natively supports promises.

  • Oh I'm being told that node.js has underscore

  • directory names so there are other ways,

  • people are telling me other ways I could get

  • the directory name but what I'm going to do

  • is I'm going to promisify, which is a word apparently,

  • promisify, I'm going to, oh look at this,

  • I must have googled this another time,

  • unless it's just very common, by using java,

  • not java, sorry, the node package util.

  • So node package util, if I go look at util

  • and I actually just want to be here,

  • there is a promisify,

  • util.promisify.

  • So what I can actually do is I can say

  • const util = require('util') and then I can say

  • util.promisify, what a weird word,

  • what happens if I promisify myself, uh, this.

  • So now, this require child process exec function

  • no longer uses a callback, now it uses a promise

  • and what does that mean?

  • That means I can say .then and whatever

  • the result, the response is.

  • I can console log that response.

  • And then I can also catch any error

  • and I console.error that error.

  • Now, this might be and there's no semicolon there,

  • there's a semicolon there.

  • This might look completely insane to you

  • if you haven't seen promises used before in JavaScript.

  • It's very similar to a callback but instead of saying

  • a callback, I basically have this callback

  • that happens in .then.

  • I'm also using the arrow syntax.

  • The arrow syntax is a nice way of sort of shorthanding this.

  • I'm getting the response as the argument to the callback

  • and I'm console logging it.

  • So if you want to know about those things,

  • I have a whole playlist about promises

  • and a video about the arrow function

  • that you could go and look at but this is the basic idea.

  • This is a little bit of an advanced video here.

  • Not advanced but I'm using kind of modern JavaScript stuff

  • if you consider three years ago modern.

  • Okay, so now I've got this exec function

  • so let's actually run this one more time.

  • And see, it should do exactly the same thing

  • but look at this, that response has standard out

  • standard error so in other words, standard out it what?

  • That's the thing that, I closed my processing sketch,

  • I guess I should have left it open.

  • The processing sketch has a print line in it

  • so I can read whatever that print line is

  • so I could actually get more information

  • from processing if I want.

  • For example, I could get the angle.

  • Actually this is great, let's add a little feature to this,

  • this will be fun 'cause why not make this video

  • longer than it already is?

  • Where am I, desktop, desktop, Mastodon, Mastodon bot 3,

  • treegen, so what I'm going to do here,

  • look at this, this is great.

  • Let's leave this open because maybe I'm going to want to

  • do more stuff with it.

  • I am going to, let's make the angle between 0 and 90,

  • that's what it says in the comments

  • and then I'm also going to say print line

  • and I'm just going to say angle or was it angle?

  • Theta, whatever, A, I'll just keep the A

  • and I'm going to say floor(a) so just get the,

  • or int(a), I'm just going to convert it to an integer,

  • so watch, so now, when I do this in node,

  • I'm going to say console.log response.standard out.

  • So I don't need to see that whole object,

  • I just want to see the stuff that came out of processing.

  • Let's run it one more time.

  • And you can see it, that was the angle 42.

  • Ooh, spooky, spooky 42, meaning of life.

  • Okay, so.

  • Great, so here's the thing, I want to once I have

  • that image, I want to post that image to Mastodon.

  • Isn't this all about Mastodon?

  • I've loaded up and connected to Mastodon through this bot.

  • If you don't know what Mastodon is, did I say this already?

  • I've got a whole set of videos describing that

  • and then you can go back and look

  • but I want to somehow post it to this particular bot,

  • the coding train bot, okay.

  • So now, in order to do that, I need to look up

  • the functions in the Mastodon API.

  • So I'm using this Mastodon API node package

  • and if I go here, I can look and see

  • that it has Mastodon, get Mastodon post.

  • So this is what I want, Mastodon post.

  • Here's the thing, I didn't realize this

  • when I made my other videos about Mastodon

  • 'cause it says path, parameters and callback

  • but guess what, this supports promises.

  • So I actually am going to do this without a callback,

  • with promises, I'm going to break this out

  • and didn't I say I was going to use async and await?

  • I was going to write it with just that

  • but I think I have to start a little bit,

  • I have to go a little bit further

  • with the full promises syntax, then I'm going to clean it up

  • with async and await in a second.

  • So now, there's no semicolon there.

  • So now what I want to do is I want to basically say this.

  • I want to post the image and I want to return this

  • 'cause if this returns a promise, guess what I get to do?

  • I get to say .then response and have another function,

  • right, so this is the idea of chaining promises.

  • And this is what in theory, I mean,

  • basically the whole theory of this is to avoid callback hell

  • and really we're just in promises hell, it's all hell

  • but eventually we will float into the clouds

  • and feel like we're like butterflies on wings or something,

  • I don't know, okay, so if I return the post

  • that I want to do when that's done,

  • so I'm executing this command when that's done,

  • then do this, and then when the next promise is done,

  • then do this.

  • All right so, what do I need here?

  • The path, so the first thing I need,

  • what's weird about and actually it might be worth

  • just taking a minute to write these steps out

  • 'cause it'll make it more clear.

  • I want to exec processing,

  • that's one.

  • Then two, I want to upload image

  • and then three, I want to toot.

  • All right so what's, this is the same thing for

  • the Twitter API, it doesn't work that you just,

  • if you want to tweet an image, you don't just simply

  • send your tweet along with the image,

  • you have to first upload the media, get that path

  • to the media and then you can tweet

  • with that media reference.

  • So this will actually return an ID for the media

  • and then as long as I attach the idea to this.

  • So this creates output.png.

  • This creates an ID and then I use that ID here

  • and then I'm done, then we're just done.

  • This is the three step process.

  • Each one of these returns a promise.

  • So when you do this, then this, than that.

  • All right, that's the process I'm working with here.

  • All right so (vocalizing) now, so, okay so the path.

  • So let's go to the Mastodon API docs

  • and I'm actually looking for media.

  • So we can click here and this is what I,

  • this is what I would do, media upload.

  • I think media upload is just this.

  • I post to here and then these are the things I need to send.

  • Okay so file, description, focus, let's look at that.

  • Okay so I need to, I'm going to create some parameters,

  • oh no, I'm up here.

  • I'm just going to create some parameters

  • and I need the file which is presumably output.png

  • and this is not exactly right yet.

  • I can't just put the filename there

  • but I'll get to that in a second.

  • Then, I want the description.

  • The description is really important,

  • this is not the text that is going along

  • with the actual post.

  • What this is is alt text, alternative text.

  • This is for accessibility.

  • So somebody who's blind or with low vision

  • who's using a screen reader instead of seeing this image

  • would actually hear this description.

  • So I would say a randomly generated

  • fractal tree.

  • Oh and I want to get, this is,

  • I'm going to say const angle = response.stdout

  • with and then, oh and I need to use my,

  • the new thing that I always use now

  • which is template literals for strings with angle.

  • So this would be the description.

  • And then there's one other.

  • So the file is required, the description it says is optional

  • but it really shouldn't be optional,

  • you should be alt text for accessibility

  • and then focus, this really is optional.

  • I am assuming, actually I have not tried this yet

  • but I'm assuming this has to do with where the crop is

  • if it's showing a preview image, something like that.

  • Okay so then, I can say so this is done.

  • And then path and then those parameters.

  • 'Cause this could be an array.

  • Oh path, no, but okay.

  • Path, oh yeah the path is media, sorry,

  • I'm posting to this path, the media path of the API

  • so almost there but this actually is incorrect.

  • It doesn't work.

  • The API is not going to just accept a string

  • of the filename and figure out how to read that file

  • and post all the data of that file to the server.

  • What I actually need to do is give it a readable stream

  • and so the code for doing that, it's part

  • of the file system package so I need

  • to actually also require that.

  • We could look up the documentation for it

  • but I happen to know it I think.

  • So I need to say, I'm going to say const stream = file system

  • create, there it is, read stream auto complete, thank you.

  • Output.png, oh, and this actually isn't even right

  • because guess what, remember, output.png was saved

  • in the processing sketch which is

  • the folder treegen/output.png.

  • So now this is the stream and this is the description

  • that goes with it and then I want to make sure this worked

  • so I want to actually console log the response.

  • So now in theory I have the code all the way

  • for executing processing, uploading the image,

  • I need to, when I get the response,

  • I need to get the ID and then I go

  • and actually just post the status.

  • Okay here we go.

  • Let's try this.

  • Ugh, unhandled stream error in pipe, no such foul.

  • No such foul, no such file.

  • Oh it's not called output.png, I called it tree.png.

  • Okay.

  • Let's try that again.

  • Finished and great.

  • So look, this is all the stuff that I got back.

  • Now it's kind of too much stuff for me to look through.

  • Ugh, what a pain.

  • Did this actually work?

  • My goodness, craziness.

  • But this is all I care about.

  • There's more important stuff, there's more stuff,

  • lots of tons of metadata about the image

  • that you just uploaded but all I really need

  • is

  • So let me just go here and say console log

  • And I apologize, apologies to the bots and dots space

  • for overloading your server.

  • You can see, there's the ID.

  • Now, the next step would be to use this ID

  • and then actually

  • in this response, right, I exec, I execute the command,

  • I upload the image and then I should be saying

  • return again and I'm going to,

  • the path I'm going to is statuses.

  • So this is what it should be doing

  • but I can't resist.

  • Do you see how this is, I mean it's great,

  • it's kind of nice.

  • Start the promise chain, then do this,

  • return a new promise, then do this, return a new promise

  • and if any error happens anywhere in here it catch,

  • so why not but this is the thing,

  • now is there a way, there is a new way for me

  • to write all of this in what feels more sequential,

  • more synchronous in fact with less kind of indentation

  • and brackets and stuff and that is using

  • this async and await syntax.

  • So what I'm actually going to do is I'm going

  • to write a function.

  • I'm going to call it tooter or just toot

  • and I'm going to modify this function

  • with a keyword async.

  • This means this is an asynchronous function.

  • This is indicating to JavaScript,

  • this is a feature of es8, a new feature of JavaScript

  • that's indicating that this function will be handled

  • asynchronously and always, always, always return a promise

  • and it will automagically, it will basically automatically

  • return that promise and we'll look at that later,

  • how it does that.

  • So in other words, but this, I want to do the same thing.

  • What I want to do here is I want to say exec,

  • execute the command, right, these are the steps.

  • And then I want to say post the media.

  • Post the media.

  • The nice thing about using the syntax is I don't have

  • to separate it out with these, chaining these dot thens.

  • I can actually just use the await keyword.

  • What the await keyword means is don't go to the next line

  • of code, await the end of this function.

  • So if I have a bunch of asynchronous things,

  • if I package them altogether in an asynchronous function,

  • I can write them sequentially as line after line

  • after line and essentially,

  • and I'm going to have some other params here,

  • so this is basically I get to write it like this.

  • Now I need to do stuff in between, that's the thing.

  • For example, this returns a response and then what I want

  • to do is get the angle and create the stream

  • so this goes here.

  • So this is my step one, right, execute processing.

  • Look at it, it's just exactly like this and now

  • I have my step two where I need to create

  • these parameters that are getting passed

  • and by the way, I don't have to make a separate variable,

  • it could be embedded right in here but it's just sort of

  • a little bit, for legibility,

  • I'm making it something separate

  • and so I'm not going to say basically

  • step two

  • is upload,

  • upload,

  • upload, ha, media and that's going to have a response

  • and then what do I need?

  • I need to get the ID out of that

  • and then I am now going to

  • say step three and by the way, I suppose

  • if I'm being accurate about this, this is all,

  • I suppose this is part of step two,

  • I don't know, it doesn't really, this is a little bit silly

  • what I'm getting myself worked up about

  • but which line of code is part of which step, I don't know,

  • but step three and maybe I'll name this params one

  • just to be, just for, I don't know why, why not,

  • have them have different variable names.

  • Then step three which is params two,

  • I want the status to be,

  • and this is, I'd have to, I think I know what it's supposed

  • to be but behold my beautiful tree

  • with angle

  • and then I should use the template literals again.

  • Degrees.

  • And then I need ah, so now, so this, okay,

  • let me look this up in the

  • Mastodon API docs.

  • Okay I found it.

  • This is the API, this is the path statuses

  • for posting a status and this is the text of the status.

  • There are other things you could do here

  • that I've talked about in previous videos

  • but this is what I want, media IDs.

  • Notice this is an array.

  • It's an array of media IDs because a particular status

  • could have and it says here maximum four,

  • more than one image associated with it

  • so you can upload more than one image.

  • So that might be an exercise that you try

  • to do after this video but basically now I can say

  • comma media_ids and I just have that one ID

  • so I just put, I can make an array and put it there

  • and then this has to be statuses params

  • and then, what I can do, is I can, and this is the response,

  • and I can just now say return response.

  • So if we could look at this all together,

  • I think I have to make this a tiny bit smaller

  • for you to see it.

  • Can I fit it all in one

  • nice place?

  • Look at this, look how beautiful this is,

  • it's almost like I've written this code

  • in a language like Java or C that's perfectly synchronous

  • and linear and procedural because what I'm saying

  • is await executing this command.

  • Then, do some stuff, then await uploading the media.

  • Then do some other stuff, then await posting

  • the actual status and when you're done, return,

  • and guess what, if I now say, let me make this bigger again.

  • Whoops.

  • If I say toot, guess what, this toot function

  • that I've written async, remember when I said

  • it natively returns a promise,

  • well by the way, I said return right down here

  • so this thing right there is the promise it's returning

  • and I actually might, I could configure my own object

  • which could be kind of interesting, like what if I said,

  • return, I could just say something like success true

  • and status,

  • status behold my beautiful tree, whatever,

  • and I could just say angle, whatever,

  • I could put angle

  • and then that angle there.

  • I could actually configure an object

  • and I could pull stuff out of the response there.

  • I could return that and then I would say then,

  • then response,

  • I can't spell today, I mean I can never spell,

  • console.log that response, catch any error,

  • consol.error error.

  • And this needs a period here and I need to hit save

  • and something's wrong, oh there's too many dots.

  • Too many dots, Mozart, too many dots.

  • Still too many dots?

  • (ding) Okay.

  • It's not too many, it was too many dots but I fixed that.

  • The issue is the dot goes on the next line,

  • that's the convention, that's what it's looking for.

  • There, now it's formatted the way I want it to be.

  • So I still have to engage, oh boy, with this idea

  • of a promise but I can basically wrap that all

  • into this one asynchronous function and people on the chat

  • are telling me I can actually, I don't need to do the then

  • and catch in this way 'cause I could actually put

  • a try and catch inside of here but aah, one step at a time.

  • I think I might be done.

  • All right let's see, let's see what happens.

  • Okay, no, response, await, ooh.

  • So I have also reused so I should call this response one,

  • response two, maybe there's a more thoughtful way

  • of doing this, response three.

  • I didn't actually use the response but whatever.

  • There we go, start the bot, make the image,

  • the angle's 72, finished, params is not defined,

  • oh I was so close, I was so close.

  • Params one, params two, params two here.

  • And I think params one there.

  • All right.

  • (light drum roll)

  • I'm feeling pretty confident.

  • Aah, success, angle is 56 slash finished.

  • (buzzer buzzing)

  • That's a little weird but let's see here.

  • Let's go to the bot.

  • Look, behold my beautiful tree

  • with angle 56 finished degrees.

  • Okay, so there's a little bit of awkwardness in there

  • in that the standard out is just always giving me

  • the word finished so because I would like this to work,

  • work without that, I think, guess what I'm going to have

  • to do is, is that just something that happens

  • with processing java?

  • Because I didn't write finished anywhere in here, right?

  • That's not a print line I put in here.

  • So I think what I could do is when that comes,

  • the standard out comes, I could say response,

  • I mean I could just do a substring, I could do

  • a regular expression, there's so many things,

  • so many things I could do.

  • Why don't I split it?

  • Out = response, response standard out split

  • and I could just split it by the line break,

  • right, 'cause finish comes after the line break

  • and then, whoops, and then I could just take the first one.

  • So this split is a function that takes a string

  • and splits it up into chunks based on a limiter

  • and you could get really fancy with that

  • but I think and then this should just be out

  • without the caps lock.

  • I mean I should really test this

  • but I'm going to have to just rely on the fact

  • that I think I wrote that code correctly.

  • That's my way of testing it.

  • Let's run this one more time.

  • (light drum roll) Undefined true angle 55.

  • What's that undefined there?

  • I liked seeing that.

  • Oh there we go.

  • (celebratory horn)

  • Behold my beautiful tree with angle 55 degrees.

  • What was undefined?

  • What did I console log in an undefined way?

  • Console log response standard out.

  • Is that it?

  • No, no, that's 10 finished.

  • Wait, if it was 10, why did this become 55?

  • I'm so confused.

  • (laughing) Let's be a little

  • more methodical here.

  • Oh because, huh?

  • Oh what am I looking at?

  • Oh I did, aah, it does it twice, I have it happening twice.

  • Let's take that out.

  • Apologies, everybody.

  • This thing is happening twice 'cause I had

  • the old code in there.

  • I mean, I'm just going to delete that.

  • Throw caution to the wind.

  • What a little mess here.

  • Okay, that's weird that it did that twice.

  • So confused.

  • Okay.

  • (light drum roll)

  • Angle 74, just did it once.

  • (celebratory horn) There we go.

  • Okay one more thing that I need to do

  • just so this becomes a true bot

  • is what I want to do is I want to say set interval

  • and have it do this thing that it just did there

  • every, well, let's have it do it every five sec,

  • every 10 seconds right now.

  • I don't want it to do it every 10 seconds

  • but just to,

  • what's wrong here?

  • This is opening the function, that's closing it,

  • no, there's no parentheses there.

  • That's the end of the function then this, then this.

  • We're good, we're good, this is it.

  • Oh but look out weird, I hate, I don't like this at all.

  • This is making me crazy.

  • I'm going to do, I'm going to do this.

  • I mean it's so silly.

  • Function tooter and then I'm going to put,

  • this is, I'm a ridiculous person.

  • I'm going to put this in ooh, no, aah, oh, help me, help, help,

  • I'm going to get this and put this

  • and then I'm just going to name my function.

  • Forget about this anonymous stuff.

  • This is what I want, right?

  • I have a separate function which calls

  • my asynchronous function, does the then the catch

  • and then I'm going to have that happen every 10 seconds.

  • Okay.

  • By the way someone in the chat, k1nhjulian is asking

  • would it be possible to ask the botch to create

  • a tree with a specified angle, yes and that is what

  • I'm going to do in a followup tutorial.

  • You'll see that in the next one.

  • Okay here we go.

  • (light drum roll) And we have

  • a tree, oh no, I forgot, it's going to wait,

  • so one thing about set interval, womp womp.

  • (sad horn)

  • Which is that, I mean it works,

  • okay, I'll just keep going now.

  • Set interval will not execute that function immediately,

  • it will wait the amount of time before doing it

  • the first time but now we did it twice every 10 seconds,

  • first one was angle 44 and the second was angle 28.

  • We can wait 10 seconds, you can watch this video

  • for 10 more seconds, we could also speed this up now,

  • let it happen four or five times but I think that's good.

  • So let's just go and check,

  • here, and we can see 83 degrees, 28, 44, there we go

  • and 44, 28 83.

  • 44,

  • 28,

  • 83.

  • Wonderful, okay, so this is working.

  • You know, now of course, I don't want to leave it like this,

  • right, having a bot post every 10 seconds,

  • no one wants to follow a bot that posts every 10 seconds.

  • Maybe I want it to just once a day it's going to do,

  • maybe once an hour might be the maximum,

  • the most I would do but let's just,

  • if I want to do it once a day it would be 24 hours

  • times 60 minutes, there's 60 seconds in a minute

  • and 1000 milliseconds in a second.

  • So this would now be but, I wouldn't want it

  • to wait a whole day so I probably want to call it once.

  • So I'll call it once, then set the interval

  • and I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do that

  • that all of you will someday will write in the comments

  • and here we go and ah, ooh, ah, ooh, node bot, aah,

  • bot.js, here we go.

  • It does the first one and then now,

  • we're going to wait, 24, we're going to wait 24 hours,

  • I'll wait, yes we'll wait and then in 24 hours,

  • I'll still be standing here.

  • I could technically go home, have dinner,

  • go to sleep, come back, this laptop would still be here

  • and it would do the next one.

  • We're just going to have to believe that that's going to happen.

  • Again, there is a question of well where

  • would I actually want to deploy this?

  • I've got to talk about that in a separate

  • but the quick answer is you're going to want to find

  • server, maybe you have one through a hosting company,

  • maybe you happen to have a computer that's always on

  • in your home or raspberry pie that can act

  • as a server but you need somewhere where

  • you can just let it run over and over again.

  • Forever.

  • Okay, so thanks for watching this video.

  • (ding) Making a Mastodon image bot.

  • And what I'm going to do, I want to do one more tutorial

  • because how would you do it so that if someone

  • at mentions the bot, let's say with an angle,

  • then the bot replies back with a tree with that angle.

  • Let's see if we can make that work,

  • that's going to be fun.

  • Okay, see ya in the next video.

  • (upbeat music)

(ding) - Hello.

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編碼挑戰#118.1。猛獁象分形樹機器人第一部分 (Coding Challenge #118.1: Mastodon Fractal Tree Bot Part 1)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary