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  • Once upon a time, four sisters lived together in a cozy little town.

  • Meg, the eldest, was beautiful and very grown-up.

  • Jo, the second sister, was a tomboy and wanted to become a writer.

  • Beth, the third, was shy, gentle, and kind.

  • Amy, the youngest, was the prettiest of all and could get away with almost anything.

  • Their neighbors called them the Little Women.

  • One day, a soldier came to their door.

  • He wanted to take their father away to the army to fight the Civil War.

  • I have your draft notice, sir. Please get ready to leave.

  • Don’t cry girls, I will be back before you know it.

  • After their father went to war, hardship descended on the family.

  • Without Father, they couldn’t get enough money to buy food for all of them.

  • Their mother tried to work but she still didn’t make enough to support the family.

  • They didn’t know how they would make it until their father’s return.

  • One day, a letter arrived from the battlefield.

  • It said that their father had been wounded in battle and was now in the hospital.

  • I have to be there to take care of your father,

  • but where can we get money for the train ticket?

  • Mother was very upset, and as she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes.

  • It will be alright Mother. I will find the money.

  • Jo was the toughest of the sisters, and she believed she would find a way.

  • When Jo finally returned home, everyone was shocked to see that all her beautiful hair was gone.

  • With a big smile on her face, Jo took out some money and handed it to her mother.

  • You see, I found some money, like I promised.

  • Jo! Where did you get so much money!?

  • Oh, I sold some of my hair.

  • In front of her family, Jo pretended that everything was alright,

  • but that night when she went to bed, she couldn’t help crying.

  • Meg tried to console her.

  • Jo, please don’t cry. Please.

  • I’m sorry, I should have sold my hair instead. I'm sorry.

  • No, that’s alright. It will grow back soon.

  • Oh, Jo!

  • The sisters embraced tenderly.

  • Their mother left and the sisters had to take care of themselves and do chores around the house.

  • Be careful, Amy!

  • Hmph! Mind your own business Meg.

  • One day Beth became very ill.

  • She had a high fever and was shaking all over.

  • Her sisters took very good care of her.

  • How are you feeling, Beth? I’m, sorry I was mean before.

  • Please get better.

  • Despite her sisterslove and care, Beth felt worse and worse.

  • Jo, we need a doctor, Jo. Will you be able to find his house?

  • Yes, it’s the one with the big tree.

  • That’s right. Please bring him as soon as possible!

  • Alright. I will be back.

  • Hurry, before the snow gets worse.

  • I will be back very soon!

  • A terrible snowstorm raged and howled outside,

  • but Jo knew she had to get the doctor no matter what.

  • Finally, the doctor arrived.

  • He examined Beth closely and pronounced his diagnosis

  • She has scarlet fever. Keep the fever down, and she will be better soon.

  • The sisters were relieved that Beth was going to be alright, but they had another worry.

  • The doctor couldn’t understand why the still looked so concerned.

  • Don’t fret, girls. Beth will be okay as soon as the fever is gone.

  • We are very glad to hear that, but I’m afraid we have no money to pay for your visit sir.

  • We are so sorry.

  • That’s not a problem. I will ask your parents when they return. How about that?

  • The sisters heaved a sigh of relief.

  • Thank you so much, Doctor!

  • After the doctor’s visit the sisters took even better care of Beth, hoping to make her well soon.

  • Unfortunately, Beth was unhappy because she missed her mother.

  • I want Mother.

  • Shhdon’t disturb yourself, Beth. She will be back soon

  • Please get better she will be coming soon. She will come back soon.

  • At that moment, their mother walked through the door.

  • The sisters were overjoyed and ran into her arms.

  • Mother! Mother!

  • Yes, my daughters, young daughters, how are you?

  • Beth was also very happy to have her mother back.

  • Beth, I am here to take care of you now.

  • Oh, I feel better already just because youre back!

  • Maybe Beth was just pretending to be sick because she wanted you back so badly.

  • Everybody laughed, because they felt safe and happy.

  • Mother, is father coming home soon?

  • The war is almost over.

  • Your father has hurt his leg, but he is already getting better and missing you all very much!

  • I hope he will be with us soon. So don't worry Meg.

  • We miss Father so much mother!

  • I know dear. You have been so brave, taking care of your sisters.

  • Oh, I can't wait to see him

  • Christmas Eve came, and the sister hung their stockings above the fireplace, waiting for presents.

  • Amy, why are you hanging out two stockings?

  • Do you hope to get more presents? Give me one!

  • Beth! Give Amy her stocking. She needs two because theyre smaller.

  • Give it back!

  • They were still very poor, but they were happy to be together.

  • The mother watched her daughters feeling worried and a little sad.

  • It was almost Christmas, but she knew they didn’t have enough money for presents or a holiday feast.

  • This is going to be a sad and lonely Christmas.

  • That night, as the sisters lay down to sleep, each dreamed of the present she wanted most.

  • Meg wanted to fall in love with a dashing young man,

  • Jo dreamed of a beautiful dress,

  • Beth dreamed of a piano,

  • and Amy imagined a delicious frosted cake.

  • Christmas morning came,

  • and the sisters were disappointed to discover there were no presents under the tree.

  • They didn’t even have any food for breakfast.

  • Suddenly they heard a knock at the door.

  • Let's see who it is?

  • Who is it?

  • There was no response, just more knocking.

  • Amy ran to the door to see.

  • Who’s there?

  • The door swung open

  • and there stood their father!

  • How have you been, my Princesses?

  • Oh, father we missed you so much!

  • Having their father back safe and sound was the best Christmas present the Little Women could ever have imagined.

Once upon a time, four sisters lived together in a cozy little town.

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小婦人-睡前故事動畫 | 最佳兒童經典動畫高清版 (Little Women -Bedtime Story Animation | Best Children Classics HD)

  • 597 90
    姚易辰 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary