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time room alive Your life?
Well, I Hello.
I don't know if anyone's here yet, but still.
Because you might be watching this back.
So today I'm going to be discussing all of the questions that came up from my video about Quaker ism on Dhe, my village of my religious beliefs.
If you haven't seen that video already, it is down below in the description should probably watch out first before you watch this because then you'll have a basis of understanding of the things we're going to discuss today.
But I suppose you don't have to.
I have ask people questions on the community tab, which is on the Channel Main channel and then is a community.
Have a clip.
I paced things like Great a grass.
Sometimes I'm just made stuff I like trapped on occasionally use you as my big group.
That's the thing I asked.
People have some questions.
I'm going be answering them.
Be answering them.
I knew those questions to get alone.
Hi again.
You know you gonna wave, comes to camera, then reach I did it.
That's her hand.
She's also wearing a power Morty chef, But those of you who just like to know what T shirts, flowers wearing actually murdering time streams that ways Am I division?
It's her thing.
What's a hot property matching kadisha?
Just have it redone.
You can check that out on her instagram leaner and tell her at every require their critical Have.
That's it.
Okay, she would get on.
01 more thing to more things.
I forgot to say.
There's a preamble to the first thing is that if you are a sponsor and part of the carbon throws out club, you can use emojis special emerges that we have had specially made.
So how do you get those roads up, Clara?
They can and see them.
They see the tickle Gino.
Okay, then we'll be a little if you click on a marriage e, they will be on the top.
There you go on.
You got a picture of my face.
A picture of closed space, each of the dogs on dhe, a little dressy in a wheelchair because that was fun.
Andi, the final thing before I have to get to the questions.
Is that that hand yours thinking super chaps?
I am Eddie just learned about Really?
Uh, well, if you try Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm trying, Thio.
Okay, I'll explain what I am going to D'oh!
You're gonna be okay.
So Clara has with her bag of puppets policy proper is no the bad kind, the good kind on every time that someone sends a super track Is that what it's cool?
It's cool.
Every time someone said the super chat, she scared pop pop because fun I mean, to liven up a discussion on religion.
Well, there it could get pretty lively.
We'll see.
Like I done had depression.
Are we ready?
First question.
Hit me Turkey.
Well, people really, really want to know about quick arisen Bigness is yes.
Crackers in on Vega's and slash vegetarianism.
Again, This has been a super chat.
All right.
I'm really excited for someone to do.
Is Jupiter largely says she can Papa properly?
Someone became a sponsor.
Someone became a spotless and a key.
Hi, Vicky.
That is awesome.
It's obviously you're different.
Victorino's dicking Els It's a different thinking.
Hi, Vicky.
So we have a friend called Vicky.
She's constantly ill and that maybe she's watching.
Oh, no, now this is simple.
I okay?
Let's just send a supercharged Hi.
Thank you.
Were both learning go on them essentially making flowers Day I realized that you ready?
I think it's okay.
You can leave it.
You don't have to clean up bringing the glitter You Thank you.
Ah, so that is what happens every time.
Someone from something super champ right to veganism.
Say what I'm holding is quick and faith.
Quaker Faith on practice, which is not our version of the viral, but is it's kind of ways to live your life as a Quaker.
But it's all written by Quakers, and it's a constantly evolving book.
So as different people different times happen on come along and change with the Times were bright new things in the book on We take away all things stuff that no known replies to modern people.
Because that's another thing anymore, sir.
Veganism vegetarianism in a radio, A section So one more.
Because it is easier for you when you get right ahead.
You pop pop, is it?
This is breaking today.
New sponsor Lisa highly sought a new sponsor.
No, no means Luna.
So mezzaluna.
I was reading some one else.
I'm really sorry.
I'm so sorry.
And then Brian D really wants is a takeover happened on then.
Want to know what is the next movie streaming?
Oh, okay.
Brian wants to know when the next time I'll be streaming is That's a good question.
I will let you know through the medium of Twitter.
Yeah, I to visual for this.
Oh, my God.
This is gonna be great.
I feel like we should grab some warning and started this video warning for Jessica Wasn't anything.
Okay, right active veganism.
So I was really the section 25 point.
All speeches and the ass itself had independent into the pendant role to be in creation.
Chema Kind is not the species to whom all other subsidy int, but one about among many cannot reach that summer today.
Go on, then further down.
It's right that we show love and compassion for people.
Surely it is right that we should extend our love and compassion to animals with the field there and experience pain in much of a way of humans.
They may not be able to speak, but we can certainly see fear in their eyes and Davina.
I feel that being vegetarian is a natural progression from being a pacifist and a Quaker.
Now this is anyone of many, many Quakers.
I rode up with a lot of Vegas.
You're going to quit, Prevents Andi.
I say, You know, good.
More than 50% of people were vegetarian or a vegan.
I feel like veganism has is more of a recent thing.
I think when I was a child, it was much rarity begins.
That feels like the case.
I'm thinking everything.
No, sure.
Hey, we just want to clarify this matter anyway.
Actually, I think it's because there weren't enough good protein alternatives.
Um, where is now with more than food?
There is.
Personally, I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, but that's largely because it would not be possible for me to be one with the diet that I have.
Um, I can't because I may dismiss your medical condition.
The things I eat very restricted on dhe.
I can't eat grains, pulses, beans.
I reduce my soy but add up.
So knock on dso yoga so that nothing I did try and make changes were possible.
It's like I said, the soy Yo, get on this.
Look on DDE.
Andi trying had challenges in that way on always have soy protein powder.
So sometimes I will just use that as my protein in a meal rather than you took an animal.
But I do try and always get my meat from good, sustainable sources where possible and organic on dhe free range that anything and try and do my bit of the world.
It's quite unfortunately, do you think is that you get the whole argument.
That's a whole video, actually.
Disability and demerit and environmental guilt.
Yeah, that's it.
That's a whole thing.
But yes, Many Quakers do believe that being vegan and vegetarian is just the right thing to do, based on ideas of pacifism and sustainability.
That was a long answer.
I'm sorry.
That's okay.
Really know the next question is gonna be from a supercharged from CASS, huh?
See a set, CASS?
Yes, House.
I'm so sorry.
I'm butchering the name.
The witness is excellent.
Have a deaf drowned.
He and she wants to know if you went in the Quaker.
Yeah, So you think it won't participate in another religion?
Local religious practice?
Oh, that's a really good question, and I want to go there.
Sorry, Mrs Harry.
Hey, it's a fashion show.
Oh, it's hanging from the light.
How you doing?
I'm so sorry.
This is just accident.
Can you guys hear clouded, by the way?
Because when you repeat questions, I moved when I should repeat it on Parisian.
A shower.
Okay, so the question waas why would I be part of another religion if no plagiarism if I didn't know about breakers?
And that's a really good question.
Um, that's really difficult to say.
You think you have grown up a great I I think I haven't still believe in the innate goodness off all people.
So I feel like I would struggle with any religion that would that puts people is no being equal.
So maybe I could get into Buddhism.
Maybe I'm not sure.
Maybe I'll just be one of those people who says that the spiritual, because they're looking for their religion, it's probably not a very good answer.
But I think not See any answer I could give?
Well, next one from a super chapters.
Now, I might just slow down with the coppers because I don't have the men you have a case of Lake wants to know with bad language is not allowed.
What is your personal choice?
Oh, okay.
So things like swearing and what's not?
Um well, Quakers are encouraged not to used language that could upset for fun somebody Because it's not our place to do that.
So obviously, is that I think I just as a child, I found swearing.
I didn't like it when people swore on me, so I just decided to not do it.
Um, now older.
I still have people around me who swear on dhe.
I don't judge them for it.
It's, I think now it's definitely more of a personal preference that it is from Quakers and because I can see over it.
See that my friends is swearing and having conversation.
Neither of them are injuring each other with the language.
Um, I just Yeah, I just choose not you.
I find it doesn't work for me.
It's not something that set 12 with me past me memory from my mouth.
But I'm okay with it coming from other people's mouths.
Next quest.
Would you like to John into ethical debates?
Creation or one of what?
Being a Quaker.
Oh, my questions.
I mean, that is more ethical values such as a horse show and order More sexually.
Sure, we we could go straight to abortion.
Why not Let me get to my section.
As a section for everything in this book, I just like to know everything.
So the section on abortion has to.
Well, it has wound me for So it has five different and testimonies from different people on their beliefs and how they believes now they know all the same.
This is the thing about Quaker faith in practice.
It doesn't say on his medicals.
I love her.
Let me give you the straight answer.
Instead, it has different people's thoughts on dhe.
How they perceive cracker testimony on the answer that it gives them.
So gonna read to you.
So the first thing it says it's that many reasons why a person may consider an abortion.
Friends in this yearly meeting have no united view on abortion in general.
Nor is there agreement on principles.
Understandably, there's been little au contrary of experience and therefore sadly, almost no public to some cash in amongst friends.
As a result, many individuals face a decision without being able to call in practical and spiritual support of a gathered beating or small group without the help of friends and seeking the light.
And then we have to pass my accounts, one of which is from I believe, a woman, uh, who's writing about a member of my family became pregnant on a decision had to be made quickly.
Within 24 hours.
A baby was not intended.
Neither of the young people concerned had financial resource is a child would affect the establishment of a least one if not two, careers.
I was to solve 100 supportive family.
So what?
I do not care for a child.
It was clear to me.
Then it was clear it was all the early Borden was the right answer.
That does not mean that abortion itself is right.
But when human beings get him a situation where every choice is wrong and courageous and responsible decisions have to be made on the consequences left with now, it is very interesting.
It is, in a sense, an unborn child carried for all of us the cost of being a broken family in a broken world.
So this is actually saying that abortion in that moment in that decision in that family was the right thing to do.
However, then, later on we have a Quaker Billy.
She's quick unmasked on.
She was asked to become involved in the procedure for therapeutic abortion.
I was forced to decide on her final decision, made after much heart surgeon was to say no.
As a result, I had to move to a less convenient place.
Hospital for my decision was accepted, and at no time was my lovely threatened.
Not in her case.
You'd use the right to choose, but this left mu dilemma.
Where should I stand on another's right to choose to have an abortion?
My truth was respected and my rights maintained.
My responsibility had to be to respect another stories and maintained their right to my compassion and understanding so that we can kind of take that.
It's really up to you to make the decision, and it's a very difficult thing.
Not having a clear way.
I think it would almost be easier to make moral choices of aggregor if they were just right.
Yes and no next to each topic, but no, um, the idea is that we have to take from it the best way that we feel to live our lives on Dhe.
Like this nurse says nobody judged her for not wanting to be involved in an abortion.
So she felt that she didn't have the right to judge anyone else who didn't choose to have one.
And I think that's generally what we could say is the Quaker ideas on abortion that it's that people's right to choose whatever you passing the feel or don't feel.
So they go and I feel much the same that it's up to everyone.
I have no idea what I would do in that situation.
I melody who aren't Phil.
So I can't saying one way or the other.
I've never been there.
Okay, Well, Dickie, Applause.
That was deep.
Okay, we're moving out.
Beautiful, I hope.
Sorry, I have to enjoying this.
By the way, do you feel like you off?
I'm really enjoying just reading things out.
L G B T Q plus.
I don't even need to look in the book.
I'm very gay.
Very married.
Um, yeah.
Quick Charism Quakers in Britain I was actually at the meeting.
This is the wonderful remark Records.
We decide on the news collectively.
So we have people clearly meeting where every local meeting, as in every town and village, sends a representative or more morning.
It's very large Meeting to Britain, nearly meeting Andrea will sit together on we decided on topic on DDE in Got for you, is it?
Oh, I'm not sure it was in New York, though.
Quick yearly meeting in York Terrible.
I should know it was before before the legal passing off gay marriage in the UK because Quakers were ahead of our times I remember that on real came together on Dhe decided the Quaker view on gay marriage in Britain Andi obviously decision past and we were very good about.
But there are many things in here written about LGBT Q press people about how we you know how we are all created the way they are that there's nothing deviant wrong with people.
They're LGBT Q plus that we should not allow people to be discriminated, that straight allies should stand up if they see anything like this happening that people should be welcomed.
Um, very much about to love his love type of equality in the wake of marriage persons my dicks there and make a video.
I was wondering if one of you interested about breaking marriage it seems like everyone is.
So I make an actual proper video.
That explains it all to you on the news that we say in Quaker marriage practice because we don't have the vicar priest.
Whenever we marry each other, we give ourselves to each other on DDE.
In that, uh, you can use the words husband, wife, partner.
I think I think that maybe something else I will read up again for the video so you can choose whatever you would like to call your other half, and it does not matter what gender is on the birth certificates, you can use any of those clouds.
There was also I was reading an interesting thing.
The car earlier about gender was Mac.
See if I can find that I really like this passage.
It is not an accident that throughout the centuries women have provided the cool Christian worship, although in order to fulfill the divine will of that particular place and time, Jesus was born the son of Joseph when he passed out of time into eternity.
Surely sex with transcended might we not gain also, if male images the Lord Almighty replacing our imagination by conception more in line with Julien vision of the Mother Christ, the jewel emblem The mystery of created love.
But I take from that is that the cells don't have gentleness, which I quite agree with.
I think that we do.
I think we have bodies that have sex, sex, sex is on gender presentations.
But I don't believe our souls too.
Well, I think when you love someone to truly love someone, it doesn't really matter what they're outside is at war.
It's just all about assault.
Hey, guys, it's a lot of me talking.
Please do ask more questions.
My goodness, they are.
Trust me.
You are asking questions.
Not real.
Aim will have soon as quickly as you can.
Yes, Bible in is Jesus part of a charism.
But, like do we use the Bible?
Yeah, I like but his?
Generally geriatric.
Quick and meeting.
You will see quick thinking.
Practice is part on the table.
In the center on will be on some of the chairs that was picking up.
Um, but they will also be the Bible in various different editions.
Um, no, no crackers.
Use the Bible.
But I would say most Quakers do take lessons from the Bible with quite selective with it.
Andi, I think it's time to apply Kreager principles to the viable.
As in, we don't take the bits where there's violence, and you won a lot of people going.
That's another lot of people on.
Take that as a wider message.
Um, I think it's more about the spirit of something in the letter, but I did.
Jesus, I break this down.
Here you go, Bengay.
So this gravel, the Religious Society of Friends, is rooted in Christianity and always found inspiration in the life and teachings of Jesus.
How do you interpret your faith in the light of this heritage?
How did you to speak to you today?
Are you following juices?
Example of love in action?
Are you learning from his life?
The reality and cost of obedience to God?
How does his relationship with God challenge inspire you?
Seriously, Quaker, those badges actually just asks you questions that you ask First of my own yourself.
I love that.
It's so nice.
Um, if that's the kind of thing that we're taking from the Bible and the story of Jesus's life, the idea of love on DDE, you're going against everything for what you believe is right.
Um, trying to help people as best you can, even if it puts yourself at a disadvantage.
That's a good answer.
I think so, Yeah.
I have to keep checking with Clara or I Let's get in, bro.
By people.
Bad people.
People really have trouble with that.
Like what happens?
We've really over him.
What happens with really old from people?
Do you want my personal opinion first and then I'll give you Cracker facing practice.
My house, My opinion, My personal take on bad people.
I know.
Like I said, You there.
No, I don't send the video.
There are no bad people.
There are only bad actions.
And I do genuinely believe that I don't think that anyone is born evil.
I think you couldn't be born with an imbalance of chemicals in your brain that make you a sociopath or psychopath.
I don't think you evil.
I don't think that's your fault or your choice?
Um, the actions that you then take Probably not going to be great ones, but maybe that's all to the false society that you recognize something within you and stepped in at some point, You're not getting what they always say with psychopaths like, Oh, well, he did murder animals of you.
The trial.
Maybe some of your stepped in it stopped, not and get him some help.
Um, sorry I'm using him that I attended.
Um, yeah.
And also Okay.
So again, my thing with bad there, no doubt people are any bad actions is if we look at people who were diagnosed as psychopaths was like one in three of the top CEOs of the world.
It's a diagnosed psychopath, just studies.
That's quite interesting, because those traits can either be used for very negative things or they can be used for I didn't have his positive, but, um, they could be used to your advantage in a way that doesn't necessarily damage other people.
It was Does that give more of an idea about you're not a bad person, but the actions that you do, Maybe that does that make sense in the same way that this is one people always bring up.
People always brand Peter Falls because I don't think that is I think that someone can be totally blamed for having those feelings.
They're just feelings on dhe.
There also, um, often unintended.
What's the oh, what's the thing that pops into your brain?
Thank you.
After people have intrusive thoughts about this type of thing, so that not intended they don't want that thought, It's just there.
They're not that person for having that intrusive thought.
Like sometimes I started on the edge of a mansion, and I like what happened in just we're gonna do it.
But I still got that board.
But that doesn't make me And suicidal Patton.
Um, but then, if someone goes actual news things again, my personal belief would be that they're probably not in there.
Right mind?
Probably know eventually.
On dhe that they need some form of like, looking off, um, Quaker is greatest.
And leave that prison is for reform more than it is for punishment.
You're not putting someone in prison just to punish them.
You should be putting him in prison to help them build the skills they need to be a good and useful member of society.
Okay, yeah.
Does that make sense to people?
Gets There's more I can read in the book, but it's against that kind of thing again, that prison and the importance of helping of helping people.
Is there anything in the book?
You disagree?
Oh, good question.
Is that anything?
I disagree?
Why he's in the one A great sponsor.
Oh, I think because most things in the book have a yes, no and maybe answer.
There are definitely things that I disagree with.
Um, I do struggle with Does that does that Julian Quakers and that bad actions don't.
And that's not okay to do a bad action to get a good end result.
So you shouldn't harm someone you shouldn't.
You didn't physically get involved in a war on start killing people because you think that that will lead to a positive results for your country.
So you shouldn't go against your principles to lead to something given the end.
But on the other hand, there are There's also the belief that we shouldn't have to.
I shouldn't have to, but we shouldn't abide by the law.
If we don't see that it is a good um if we don't think that it's a good law, which I struggle with quite a lot and we're writing, I was example I want to give you, but I'm trying to strike all of the past Movie tells from it so that no one can find who this is.
Okay, um, in a certain quick meeting, there was a group of people who were protesting against a satin weapon that their country was creating on DDE.
They took this protest against this weapon from just holding placards and chomping and raising money in awareness to breaking the law.
Trespassing going into this government site on damaging property, damaging weapon itself.
On one hand, you can argue this is a really good thing because now this weapon can't go and injured lots and lots of people, even though the weapon was intended just to be kept as you know, defense and no actually used, but it couldn't have abused.
However, on the other hand, the government has fixed it so which they were obviously going to do anywhere.
So they're just using taxpayer money again.
I don't agree with the government using taxpayer money on these types of things because it makes us all complicit.
But that's another story for another time.
And so they had to use more taxpayer money to fix this weapon, which is what they would have done anyway on then.
Also, the people involved were facing jail sentences, and they said that previously in the past, Quakers have been jailed repeatedly.
Many, many times.
Um, when Quakers and first came about George boxes abound that on his followers were often imprisoned because they were in a religion that contravenes the law.
And they continue to hold their quake meetings even when they were told.
If you hold this meeting, we will put you in prison on They did, and they took all of the adults and they put them in prison.
And then the Children came back and held a meeting.
Anyway, on DDE there, damn it, they better put the Children in prison.
So did that on.
So there's a long history of quake is being put into prison and contravening the law for their beliefs, are going against slavery going against conscription, obviously this time thing.
But I don't feel that that was necessary in this situation.
But yet people still used a charism to justify what they had done.
See, so there's lots of backwards and forwards in Quakers and like this on It's quite nice that it's a religion that announced very yeah, different people to interpret what they will from it.
Yeah, that's the one thing that I probably have a difficulty when I hope that was a good answer on was not too long and rambling.
Thank you.
If you have more questions, please do come.
Also, super chats have inquired closer more pockets because you know she wants to.
Or is it?
I think it's easier to see your question because it comes up in a different but I don't know yet because I can't see it.
And you're a high.
Thank you very much for joining me, by the way, I was slightly.
Now this about making the video about Quakers and Ice order.
Full people wouldn't be very interested in it, but I'm really amazed.
It's really interesting.
Her people have got to find it quite fascinating, which is God.
I I find people's religions very fascinating and people still ese, so I'm glad you do too.
Thank you very much for joining me, uncle.
Watching that one next customer, please jump in a deep Oh, God.
Deep topic more you to live.
They are knife having.
And how, um, I it's my believe I think that no quick is Yes, I think I resent that.
Hell, I'd say most breakers and might be a good one.
But what I have been taught at Quaker meeting on Dhe Children meeting is that there is no help.
Because why would that be again?
There are not bad people on DWI all redeemable on.
We'll have the chance to redeem ourselves, whether that be before after.
So we didn't believe in the afterlife.
Quite large.
Do you believe in the afterlife?
Um, I personally do.
Do you believe in the opera?
But there's no hell because there's no what the hell?
There's no doubt Is there temptation of another worldly kind that is driving you to do bad things?
There you go that way faster than I was shorter than you're expecting again.
I could give you some quotes.
What is that?
Now is the shortened fashion take jumping desires on creation.
is jumping into Sion waiters and your personal beliefs.
My my personal beliefs about science and religion.
Her science is science is science.
Science is back.
Yes, I believe in science.
But at the same time, he was always more that we do not know.
There are new scientific discoveries all the time.
So I think what science teaches us is that there is no definitive answer to anything.
Not really the walls of the universe.
Eyes to just one vague, open mystery was that way.
That's that.
You know, I mean, the stones of Stone.
But is that a stone in this?
You know, us.
And the next on parallel universes and distant Galaxies.
Nice back, cracker.
General View, General view with breakers, if I can find it.
Is that folding down the ones we've already down?
Is that Mmm Mmm mmm.
Oh, get science.
A literal just wrote it, as science said is often supposed that science and religious beliefs are incompatible.
And I crossed me.
Does exist between some traditional views of God's interactions with the universe and scientists perception of natural laws.
If we only use God to fill the gaps.
Wherever a rational explanation has not been found, God's world must diminish.
A scientific understanding grows I got of the gaps is inevitably a rather small god.
However, the imminence of God in our world may be appreciated through science as vividly as through the arts.
Many scientists daily experience gone through their work in the arrogant and sophistication of natural design or in the beauty and harmony revealed and satin Berries, a growing body of scientific knowledge demands computers rethinking off.
What is that I created with greater understanding magnifies rather diminishes our appreciation off God.
There you go.
Basically, the idea is that science and religion have much in common on that believing scientific fears are believing in the Big Bang is in no way diminish the power of God.
Whatever you I do.
Maybe so I got excited because they give you so thank you very much.
You have make Lars Day just then.
She's very happy she gets to do another.
Papa was kidding.
Very Go on.
I don't Why is too deep for you?
She has to.
Vega, if you feel like this life, she's going to deepen any moment.
Please do feel free to let Cara blow Papa.
Well, it's because where you don't you don't let me interrupt.
You know I'm done.
It's all right, OK, That was it.
Yea going to Yea, no incompatible.
That was it all?
I don't know if it's Bonanza.
I'll eh?
Oh, see Age e a off there.
Elvia, I'm sorry.
I don't even know what letter she's saying.
She stopped even signing this.
Sorry, What a Yeah, I'll Yeah, yeah.
H yeah, e a Alfa.
Is that right, Alfa?
I'm so sorry and buck urinate, but she would like to know.
How does one become a quite care officially?
Oh, is that Spencer?
Allow me to the process way going up there again.
This is amazing.
What's gonna come home and very much appreciate this.
You know what?
Because it's alright.
A masquerade.
Anyone who does not follow me on Instagram Twitter and therefore does not know that I met my wife four years ago today It was owes them You met in a pub called the setting sun and he's not talking until the sunset.
He was beautiful and then we got kicked out because they were like shall have to leave you like we love each other.
So then she walked me.
Have you seen my doorstep Control for an hour, And then she moved in because we're lesbians.
Next question.
What was the question?
I'm so sorry.
They were like 100.
Happy anniversary.
I lost all the question.
Hey, have anniversary.
Oh, how does one become a Craker?
Yeah, you have to laugh.
Was it right officially, like you wanting one?
How'd you officially become a member?
So the quicker I Let's see.
Let's see if I can remember.
I was 16 because that is the age of which we are allowed to officially become quicker.
Um, just remind me to be different meetings After thinking basic.
There are Quakers around the world today.
Do have different ways of doing things in different countries.
My leg meeting that I had attended since I was a child, I write in the letter, it officially write a letter to the meetings that you would like to become, and then but And then I told you about elders in the Quakers and video.
So if you haven't seen that and you're just watching this perform Hi.
Um elders are essentially people within the meeting who holds jobs, then notes They're not more important than anyone else on.
You can only hold the position of elder for three years and going to it twice in a room.
No one flak ahead in town.
You can't put yourself forward, can be nominated by other people and so simple.
So I have to write a letter.
And then the elders read it.
And then they take it to the meeting and they asked the meeting collectively.
So and so would like to become a member on the meeting.
Says yes, meet with them.
Yes, we did.
You kind of like you're in the meeting.
Hi, that's funny on.
Then they send some Elvis to your house, too lovely to let Beals by right at the time.
My mother was also an elder, but obviously she couldn't do it because I am a child.
They should send to other people for reference.
How old do you have to be?
Another know, being an elder is in no way related to your age.
I could be another right now if someone nominated me proceed for seats.
You don't have to be old to be another.
You just have to have a good working knowledge of Quaker ism.
So you can You can't be that fresh.
You have to be a member as well.
And then we know stuff on then to elders.
Come to your house.
You have a conversation.
They ask you things that there's a teenager.
They asked me things about how I reconcile being a Quaker with my friends, teach drinking on DDE bikes.
How I would handle dating at the Quaker on big questions.
They do, I guess.
Deep kiss I d.
Much out.
How sorry, Crump.
Promise how?
All right.
Oh, hey, How come you still see me?
If I sit here, I'll write it of it.
Oh, hi.
I'm just going to massage my foot.
Plus, we continue this conversation.
Oh, e occasionally get cramp.
Terrible, terrible cramps in my limbs.
Uh oh.
That's a painful right.
Exciting times.
And then on this live stream Oh, yeah, anything could happen.
You just Turner Good times.
That's so bad.
Oh, my God.
During semester.
Nice call Diet Coke for a minute.
Oh, Graham.
Oh, boy.
Um oh, Everyone is concerned.
We're sure It's all right.
Don't panic.
This happens.
Oh, right.
Surgeries like running around so well doesn't panicking right now.
Thank you, darling.
Good boy.
Good boy.
Don't worry.
So, to come to your house, there are three things much like when Claude and I had a Quaker wedding.
You meet before hands with the elves, the meeting you don't get married at.
And they ask you various very searching questions about Quaker ism in your life and how you're work makers and into it more how Quakers and has already been worked into life on.
Then they take from this conversation on they take it back to the meeting.
Me too, for business, which is a different kind of reaching to the meeting for worship.
Meeting for worship is where it happens every Sunday reels of explaining the balloon You can sit around.
It's our idea of a church service how that works, But I'm meeting.
Business happens probably once a month, and it happens after meeting worship on.
We use quick business practice.
That's another video as well.
That's deep, but basically this decision's made by silence as well.
So someone put a proposition forward.
Everyone sits in silence.
It's been discussed by one person standing up and ministering and then sitting down more silent.
Someone else stands up, gives their point of view.
It could take long.
The staff have decided on then at meeting for business on the first movie business.
What happens after the elves have had the meeting with you on?
They feel that had time to think about it.
They will bring that your application to become a member or that particular meeting to the whole meeting on DDE.
Then they sent So would like to become a member.
Is this cool?
Is this agreed?
Apart on Dhe, we'll say Hope so.
I guess that's then how you become a number.
I believe There you go.
Someone else.
The difference is between a tender Onda visitor on a tender is just someone who is known to the meeting.
So you would come for a number of years.
You probably would get involved in social occasions with other Lakers on DDE Germany attenders of family members.
Well, some people come attenders and then they become members.
But you don't give him some kind of special plaque that you're in a tender Andi attenders are allowed most meetings and social functions, but they can't get involved in a meeting for business because business has to be decided by the members off the meeting.
I'm a visitor is someone who just it's visiting.
They could be like your fifth visit, But you're not tree part of that party meeting.
There you go.
Take to be a member.
Can you like, resign?
Oh, they're so they always actually in that you'd have to pay.
No, you don't have to pay to be a member.
But once a year it is encouraged for crackers to give.
Was it what they can in order to help the upkeep of the running off?
Uh, quick isn't Britain, which is the overall thing saying it on dhe things was a collection at the end of meeting for any kind of charitable cause.
We have a country of like a chargeable chords of the month, the most meetings.
That's one of the things that you can charge because of the year.
So whatever you have at the end of meeting knew it put into the little collection pop on that goes towards whatever the charity is on.
There's always a box at the end of the house, which is just giving up.
Keep off the building itself.
So if you're walking past me as a ruddy massive hole in ceiling there, I'm going to write a check and pop it in this box.
Then you are very welcome to Dizzy.
Um What?
Can you resign from being a member?
Yes, you can.
It's very sad.
Yes, you just follow much.
The same process is becoming a member.
You just write and say that you'd like to withdraw your membership and then you meet with, uh, sort of the elders.
And they say, you know, why is this happening?
Is it because we're not doing well by you?
That's only we're not doing well enough that you need us to change.
If you just say no, it's not really feeling quake with many more ready.
It's for me.
You are beside it.
Could go off Israel.
Where in religion.
Then they okay, And again it comes out before we get businessmen.
It Ah, that's a shame.
Okay, that's what's right for the person.
Did you hear that?
Did that make a noise?
You're a bit yeah.
Nice sticking the cramp in my foot.
Okay, good batch.
Now, that's great.
Why are you ready for a hard question from a sponsor on the live shot Super Child?
Oh, place.
Why don't I get difficult?
I don't ever I'm so excited by this guy.
Didn't do it because this is just fabulous.
I wouldn't put this little around my house.
Well, I'm gonna pop.
You ensure my hair?
Can you just like the car?
It's so good going.
Hey, it's beautiful.
All right.
So if quicker reason wasn't okay with gay marriage a way Struga started quite prison.
Wasn't okay with gay marriage.
The question is church or Korea.
Oh, okay.
I have a bunch of religion that is no okay with who I am.
I would be like, Bye.
I'm a I believe that God and I can have our own talks.
On God made me on good things.
I'm pretty great.
So I was born gay.
Um, I obviously rich.
Well, that's one of the answer to that question, isn't it?
It's not my 70 choosing Claudia.
It will be choosing myself.
Thank you, strong lady.
Yeah, You do what's right.
for you, then anyone break you down?
Oh, sorry.
Yeah, This seat.
I know you will keep this on different.
He chained you were some seven questions.
Yes, general abuse and sex before laughter, marriage and all that.
Okay, general, this is one in crude is biggest concerns.
On our first date, she was like deafness.
Whoever disabled?
What if I could deal with that?
Because do you drink?
Do you have sex before marriage?
No, to the 1st 1 Basically, that creepers in is that much like everything else we do.
We should not be injuring other people in any way and especially not playing with them emotionally.
So it is very important with your sexuality.
What you doing?
So sorry.
There's no team.
I was distracted.
It's very important with your sexuality that you use it talent.
You express yourself in a way that does not cause harm to you and does not cause harm to any other person.
If you off happy Lee,