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okay, that wasn't actually meet that was carried board.
Stand in Jackson.
I'm really trying to branch out and diversify, and no one else could do the job except me.
So this is the only way I figured out how to do it.
So thank you.
Now back to me.
He's just creeping in the back road all the time.
You have no idea how many times that that cardboard standing has actually legitimate.
It jumps scared me and the nights that I've been here anyway, thinking top morning noises.
Oh, that's the noises we make right now.
Welcome back she have on.
How you doing, you guys?
Everybody's good.
Listen, doggies.
Barchi Burkes green.
Get outta Sam's booty.
It's not your place to be.
You do not belong there.
That's Sam Secret Special Place.
What's up?
Shameless junior junior.
I hope that you're doing well.
I hope everybody's doing well.
I hope everyone's having a top of morning.
I, as you can see, I have been a busy little being on have made my spotter over here.
It's not done yet.
I didn't want to do the whole thing off.
Camera could never be like you queer vote to build it.
No, I didn't.
As you can see, my by my horrible steps right here.
This hook.
Okay, I'm not gonna see it, but it took a long time.
Chuck, the egg came from up there.
I saw that egg drop.
Are you trying to put the eggs up there?
So I won't get to them.
I'm going up there, buddy.
I'm going up there.
Get See this.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Hey, Trash!
Get that out of here!
Sohn drawn back there.
Book arino.
Okay, up we go.
Up we go up.
GOP up we go.
Top top top both morning.
Up to the top of tower.
This is my mob spawned.
This is the way I built it.
I don't know if this is efficient.
It's a trap door missing Laser trap door missing.
Who did this?
Why do we haven't put it on?
So the idea of the trap doors is I didn't know this until I looked at some stuff online.
That is that the trap doors is that Mob's think that it's like this all the time, so they always try and walk over it.
But if you keep it like this, they still try and walk over.
But the fall down into the water And if before they're in the water is the perfect amount that they fall all the way down into the hole and down at the bottom of the hole There's some hoppers with some chests attached.
Four hoppers and four large chests will hopefully be enough to fulfill my wishes.
But I need to fill out the rest of it while we're here.
Can you tell how fun this is?
Can you tell how fun it was to make this?
This is the most fun in Minecraft.
I don't want to hear people be like Jack.
You know, you could do this or this your mob sponsor, but judge is mine doing it my way.
Well, if you do have more efficient methods than be glad Oh, may not gonna have enough.
Blakemore got lots.
I made all the stone that a tidy boy could make Blue, blue, blue.
Down you go.
Should be in here.
All this happens who?
Probably not see.
The idea is that mobs will just spawn in these dark corners because I'm gonna block off this and there's gonna be no sunlight.
So that all just fall down into the middle and hopefully Dan down in the bottom, I can just start swiping at.
So let's block this off for now.
And now we play the waiting game.
I think this is the right dimensions.
No one was full choke.
You would have liked that, wouldn't you?
You would have.
You would have adored that.
What's in there?
Oh, little zombie.
Okay, hopefully this works.
We're going to give it some time.
I don't know if this is perfect or if it should be a different way.
Um, but I'm just going to let it do its thing.
Hopefully, when I come out, they'll be mobs in it.
And then I can come over and swept the rankles.
So I put their ankles.
They won't die completely when they fall.
Because if they did, then I wouldn't get e x p for them.
Is that right?
I still haven't put a name on Finbar.
We have Allie.
If she upon.
We have porridge porridge and his impossible brother who can't grow his.
He can't grow your poner for back because there's no green here.
because this is Isil it.
I changed.
No, it's still polo.
Play place.
I should change it to ice and shouldn't know because we're gamers.
We could do whatever we want.
Um, let's put it Excuse me.
Uh, let's do it down here.
They're perfect.
It's stuck in your nose for a shoot.
Thank you.
Ways or anyone?
What happened?
The other one that was over there, huh?
That he died.
Did your friend die?
I'm so sorry I wasn't there for him in his time of need.
I didn't even give him a name.
You know what?
The more things that give names, just the Harvard is with a when I lose them.
People also sent to feed my dog because Okay, well, that a lot Dr Rotten Flesh.
Of course, I've right impression on keeping it up for a rainy day because my dog's tail has been down since they were born.
There we go full tail again and have been whining the entire time.
People like Jack Feature dog.
I'm sorry, Samson.
I'm sorry.
Um what else am I doing right now?
I need some gold.
People found out a good idea for my golden ticket out of here.
I don't have any gold Can turn nuggets into something else.
No, this is stupid.
It's working.
Yes, there's a body in it.
Where did you come from?
You're not a body.
Get away.
Smelly, stinking.
Oh, yeah, I have to do that as well.
Uh, people gave me the commands that I could use.
I have to do a little cheeky, but it's for a good reason because I'm not taking fire or fall damage right now.
Creepers could spawn in days.
Oh, God!
Can't see me, can you?
Oh, hell, yeah!
Oh, it's so satisfying, So cathartic.
Did my things work?
Yes Way.
Oh, God!
Craft Scary.
They couldn't all be from you guys.
Not that many People feel that somebody fall and die own Lord, this is great.
I'm going up so many levels.
Okay, do it again.
Truck Now!
Okay, He's fine.
This actually works.
I can't believe it.
Camp buka.
So now that I get to get the finishing blow, that means that they get hurt.
That's not what I meant to say.
Hey, don't you dare look at May.
All right, stick to yourself because they fall down and they get hurt from the fall.
But they don't die.
And then I get to swipe.
That means I get E X so that I can go up levels like a smart boy.
I also just planted this tree here ages ago.
I never did anything with it.
Should I do something with my crops?
That's my firm.
Get out of the potatoes.
I know it's the best part of the whole place.
You shouldn't be in there.
Ah, you ruined one of my crops.
That was my favorite one.
You always are, Asness.
All right, Chuck, you better not die.
So what happens if Spider spawn in this?
If spiders far in this, they're not gonna fall into the water to fall down there.
Just gonna climb the walls in there.
And if spiders What did I tell you?
Okay, let me kill this creeper real quick.
Yeah, You see that truck?
I could do that to you at any moment, but I don't, because for some reason, I tolerate you.
You see, this is just a rash, just like you.
My God, this is This is amazing.
It's just nonstop creeper death I have perfected Minecraft.
This is epic.
So many already almost high level 27.
Do you see this, gamers?
Because if a bunch of spider spawn in that, then doesn't that mean that nothing else will spawn?
Because there's a limit to how many things can spawn presente how it works.
All I know is that I made it three blocks tall in case an n German wants toe greeters with his press holes.
That's right out.
I can't do a sleep.
There's monsters nearby.
She Akane Barrera.
This boy does not know monster more store stinky monster hiding over here.
Silly, silly monster.
These people are also saying making fun of me a sword saying bane of iris and parts tours Crap.
Well, if you see kill everything, those spiders never stood a chance.
Okay, same time.
Also kind of want to make this out a glass iron Buyers at it like a nice like Oh, this is scary spookiness to it.
But good God to six forever.
The break.
This is an efficiency.
Pickaxe want us around the class so it's easier to see everything that's going on.
People also said it makes stuff fall to the sides less because these are actual blocks.
Is that it just being like the bars being like a wall?
Basically, yeah.
Now we could see in the place is a little fuller.
You know what?
I I wish that if you join glass together didn't do this.
It's kind of annoying.
I don't want that.
Could you guys pipe it down up there that he's working?
This This all still works.
This is all still gummy gumdrops and fairytales.
Okey dokey.
On the hunt for gold.
I should be able to find it.
Not too hard.
I think.
If I just go down into my mind and dig around for a little bit, I can get some going.
Why is no?
I had nothing to spawn.
He's not in the spawn nous right now.
If I get any good gear, you guys give me anything.
Bone powder is pretty interesting for later on.
Because I haven't done anything.
It's gunpowder yet.
There is some stuff that we can do later on with it.
But that's late game.
Whoa, whoa.
Does everyone do it?
Y'all Y'all doing good, Noyce.
So the hoppers pick up anything that these drop And then like this one's attached to this one.
So anything that falls in there goes into the box is pretty Neto, am I right?
I know what you're thinking.
And you're right.
It is.
I'm gonna take these boots and I'm gonna disenchanted Get E X b So that the things that I kill her giving me expert I'm getting extra.
You expect?
Do you think about that fence cow nobody got?
Don't you show me your ass.
Fence your fence ass.
Whether they see you guys are nothing but leather and roll to me.
I know you have faces, but I do not see them.
All I see are stocks and profits.
How much you get?
Not bad for something that I didn't even really want.
So and then I could do this and wait for it.
I didn't hear a burning sound.
It went away anyway, it vanished.
It just didn't give me the sound.
Down into the mines we go for After all, this is mine.
So let's go to the mine shaft.
I don't have a thing with me.
I should bring a thing.
Even mine.
Carrot, everybody, Everybody's my care time everybody in.
I almost ruined it already.
And stick your hands up.
Go faster Way!
Okay, This is nice.
Brings me the whole way.
You ruined it, man.
Go backwards.
God so inconvenient.
Watch this.
Watch this.
Is there gold?
Any gold down here?
Thank you.
How good, Right?
Shouldn't have to break my bones every time I use it.
So many heck and mine crafts down here.
You only did the only to cease.
You don't need to cease the resistance.
What isn't here?
Is this water?
I feel like there's water showing up somewhere.
All I want is gold.
Just a little gold.
Not a lot of gold.
Y'all got any gold?
I have seen gold somewhere, and it should be very easy to find.
But for the life of me, I can't think of it right now.
I think if our diamonds here now, that's epic.
Okay, back in we go.
Can we go?
Bush must please was out.
Frickin dammit.
Can you You got the thing?
Can you?
Can you go?
You know what would be great is that if I didn't turn all of my gold into gold rails.
Yeah, that would have been That would be super cool.
But I don't roll that way.
I roll in the ways of the big brains.
Must be a gold vein Somewhere around here.
It was not in jest.
Surely twist nearby that I saw holds potato watch.
How the hick and heck are you?
You doing good?
I'm sorry that I forgot about you.
I'm sorry that you're stuck down here.
That's just a way of life.
Now I'm afraid you are stuck down here.
I can't get you back up to the surface.
Because if I do, you're probably gonna die If you don't want that to happen.
Do you want that?
No, I thought not.
Why would you want that to happen?
Is my gold is gone?
Card stolen.
There was gold in here.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Who paid you?
Who paid you?
Look at me when I'm talking to you.
Who paid you who?
You want a bribe?
Is that what it is?
Potato legal Coach.
Tell me who it is.
You want more?
I have lots of potatoes.
Karch, tell me who had wives who stole my gold You're tight lipped, but you're going to stay in here.
I'll get to the bottom of this.
Where is that?
My jewelry.
Yard goal.
He has it on his pants.
He's got a trillion pants up.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Well, uh, it was all my experience.
That's okay.
I got the experience of what it's like to be a warrior away.
I should be using my sword.
I'm gonna break it.
And I like this sword.
The sword is I could get a better one.
But you know what?
Let's not talk about trying to get what's better.
It's about using and appreciating what you have.
Where is this gold check inside this?
I want to see what's actually going on inside here right now.
Are there nothing spawned in here?
Wait your stuff on top.
Are you kidding me?
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
This is a terrible idea.
This was off.
But mistake.
Let me Don't let me.
Don't let me.
Don't let me.
Don't let me.
Don't follow me.
God way!
Don't think for leverage.
Oh, if we got to change your mind, everything's fine.
I need to put a lot more lights on top, then I guess.
You die now.
Oh, so sad.
I hate you guys.
Listen, Hendarman, are you sporting so close to my this excuse?
May Yeah.
Run away, Run away.
Long legs, Big daddy.
Long legs.
Oh, teleported away from fire because you're afraid of it.
Water, I mean, not fired.
This is water.
It's actually the complete polar opposite of fire.
He's dead.
That's all I care about.
You didn't drop anything good, though.
Give me any under balls.
No, we didn't.
He's a sucker.
But even though I don't need them anymore because I found the stronghold away I don't need them.
We need to make eyes Avenger, talk and build.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
Do not blow up and kill May.
Oh, I hate it when they do that.
Oh, God, You're ruining my day.
Everything about this bucks, I didn't mean to fall in horses everywhere.
There's no rhyme or reason to her the air, but nothing.
Whatever's falling appear every game, you come back at some point to just, like, build out the sight of this and make it actually looks like it's part of the castle It's higher than the castle.
Now, that's weird.
I don't like that.
Okay, cool.
Is that enough?
Is that enough curiosity for me today before I get myself killed?
Okay, so I need to turn back on.
Am I supposed to allow cheats and start line world?
Uh, there's a game rule.
Oh, God.
Paul Damage?
Said it to know.
Said it's a true fire damage.
So now I should be able to take fire and fall damage again, which is the way it's supposed to be.
What is it?
Jacks up the guy video If I'm not taking fire damage, Huh?
Well, after 10 Okay, I'm just hoping that one of you drops going way.
That's so hard to find gold.
It was never this hard before my anvil broke, you know, completely forget and bill blocks of iron, three blocks of iron and four iron.
Ooh, that's a lot hurts, Owners.
Brad, I didn't know Angela could break.
Where's my anvil break?
Their fine good as new, I guess.
Is that gold I see.
Is that gold off in the distance?
Ouchy That hurt my feelings.
Don't break.
Pick X.
Don't break.
I need you Stay with me now.
Stay with me now pick Ex.
Hey, Level 25.
I was level 20 eight.
I had to upgrade stuff.
You high creep arino.
Oh, come on.
You shouldn't have exploded.
It was far away.
I thought I thought this is a different place.
Is this a Wendy's?
Is this the Wendy's drive thru?
I might have the wrong place, Matt Man map, But a doubt without I warned them.
Oh, I warned them.
I don't know how to get out of here now.
Um, hello.
I got the goods.
Johnny, I got the good.
Start the car.
Just get out of here.
This This is not the exit.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is.
You guys remember me being here ages and ages ago.
You remember this is being my life safe little Kobe place.
Remember all of this?
I remember.
You know what?
I'm gonna take this coal.
Actually, I could use that back in Homebase Charco.
Ah, Bo arrows shovel through this stuff and bring it home where they're wasting it down here.
I thought I was gonna come back a lot more.
And then I realized you know what?
I have better things to be doing with my life Way.
Meet again, brother Ha!
Hit by your own arrow.
Also, I feel like there's a delay between swing and shield.
Now, my mind craft pro tactics are just not working anymore.
Guys, they're not cutting it.
Where am I?
Where am I going?
Base is looking a little messy now.
Doesn't read.
This thing is massive.
I don't need to make them that big.
Maybe you don't, but that's what I did.
Um, but I need to make it look more a castle if you catch my drift.
Oh, stay Quite fans.
Cows You're No one has been through.
All right, light weighted golden pressure plate Boom, baby Down to the pot of gold.
So the pope depository down back into Johnsburg.
Don't hit that down there.
I'm gonna see my good buddy Coach.
I hear in in German.
There you are.
Oh, dude, you're trapped.
Caught way that could hurt.
Oh, so what doesn't like water?
Oh, good.
That it costs.
Who are you working for?
Okay, I'll get it out of you eventually caught.
You're not here for you.
Not here for that.
I'm here to do this.
Yeah, Gold done.
Thank you, Gamers.
You help me out.
You saved my marriage to video games.
It actually looks like a part of gold.
No, that's so sweet.
Um, I kind of feel like we needed hidden, though.
It needs to be somewhere else.
I can't just sit there.
That's way too easy.
It needs to be somewhere else.
Somewhere secret somewhere that you don't even know You want fish?
Is that what you want?
These air cooked those?
You're not gonna eat them.
You're too picky.
So if I put it down here, there's lava right underneath.
Which means that anyone who wants it is really gonna have to work for it.
Also, this might have been a terrible idea for me to come down here.
Um oh, Yikes.
Let's do that.
String it out of here If I just build.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Yeah, This feels like a bad idea.
I got it.
I got it secret under floor area because the rainbow comes down like this is the edge of the fire.
The rainbow comes down, like way over at the edge of the point.
But let's just make this whole thing like a a sub pub, some pub area.
So somebody end urban spawning here.
No, you're not getting away again.
Come on, let me Clyde the die, is he?
Oh, come on.
I had him, but I got a what areas do you think you can escape the fiery wrath of Jack?
So the winter ball.
Whoa, bye.
So what I want to do is get rid of that.
Oh, yeah.
This is where my Redstone is O K.
So I can't go any further than that.
Okay, put it back down again.
We need to make these walls extra special somehow in some way, shape or form as time goes on.
But for right now, we can put this down down our pot.
Down this on top of it.
So this is where the part of gold is gonna be.
There's gonna be a shrine toe.
Ireland, Right here.
I hit my most on.
We're going to put, um, item frame and I don't have any uncooked potatoes there.
We go on Irish potato for right now, and then we can.
This is the pathway.
The pathway that you follow to get it.
You just come in on This entire area is just a shrine for a pot of gold.
How do I make it more spectacular?
What do I add to make a shrine even more elegant?
How to make this look like spread out?
How do I How do I make it look like it's an actual shrine, like something miraculous, amazing and shiny.
Come up out of here.
And does this lever work?
If I just put it next?
It does.
Wait, Let's get it if it's there.
Yes, Yes.
Nice one.
Okay, then.
Get out.
Too conspicuous, though, don't you think, don't you?
Maybe Maybe we don't need a lever at all.
Maybe we just need to know that it's there.
It's kind of hidden it.
Nobody tell Cart.
Okay, Carter, you're listening to all of this.
What did you hear?
What did you listen to?
Who you working for?
Could you come back here?
Oh, my God!
Scheepers, be back.
What do you What do you do it?
That is a I think the plan is set in motion.
I think that They summoned the bike ice.
I think they summoned evil here.
Coach, do you still love me?
Are you still my friend?
Are you still part of the gang?
The cat is plotting something.
I'm scared.
I'm legitimately scared of this cat.
Just get yourself something in the door.
Come in here.
How do you even know the password?
You don't even speak potato.
Sit there.
Be the wait!
Come here.
God, no!
No Cut carts.
Come here.
Come here.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Come here.
Give me your come here.
Come here.
Stay there.
You need to be the protector.
The first thing people see when they come in through the door.
These animals and Minecraft could be the death of me tonight with my other Golden Die truck.
Did you do this?
Did you turn him into an egg?
You turned my iron Golem into an egg.
Is this how you want to treat me?
Is this how you love me?
After all I've done for you?
Part of me wanted to keep the same.
But you know what?
You remember what I can do to you.
You remember the power that I have over you.
Where you going?
Where you going to do about it, Chuck?
Yeah, So I thought Who is there an endorsement in my base?
Get out of here!
Ender Manner Island Human.
Oh, come here.
You are so dead.
Get a boring.
That's right.
Fake sheep.
Bring the bring.
Bring the ball to me.
Fake polar bear and bring the ball to me.
Damn it!
These animals are useless.
Sweep the legs.
Thing is awesome.
I'm not getting great gear that if there's a way of getting better gear from these but this clearly does not seem to be it.
He'd spawn and keep falling.
Come on.
Who's next thinking?
Come on.
Top of mourning.
That which Welcome to my home In a body.
Well, you're dead.
So welcome about anything.
Isn't that right?
Fake Jack.
That's right.
Let him take over the episode.
I just threw the end or pearl by an accident.
I thought I was going to my potatoes to eat.
Ah, free for, um Minecraft.
By also Did it hurt me when I used it, but understand Hagen, my craft.
Oh, my God.
How do I Oh, how'd Oh, I leave?
How do I make a Villager into ah, prisoner and I mean our worker friend.
I know that we can hold on, sir.
Hello, sir.
You cannot sell your wares on the point.
That is not how it works.
Oh, God, You're on.
Parker's gonna die.
Brown dye, oak sapping.
Does anybody ever buy anything from you?
They dio okay, I don't believe you.
I have never bought anything from you because all of your items are terrible.
Okay, into the water.
There you go.
They could find your own way out.
Don't land on my rainbow on.
Expect to be treated nicely.
This is Ireland.
Like I could get Villagers and bring them back to my place and give them jobs.
People keep saying that.
Kidnaps of it.
I mean, borrow some Villagers, bring them back to earn it.
I'm gonna go over to this village right here.
Hello, Sweeties.
I said hi out of niceness and politeness.
But if you get in my way, I will end you water.
Excuse me.
What are you doing out here?
Are you Chuck's brother.
Are you one of Chuck's brothers that I threw into the ocean?
Did you spawn out here?
Get in.
Get in.
Get in.
You could stop flapping your in the boat now.
Oh, my God.
Chuck's brother chick through all this time, I thought I was teaching him a lesson by bringing them out back and throwing them into the ocean and letting him see chick.
You could never know that you exist.
You can never know that.
Your life okay, it's gonna go.
I'm gonna take you out.
I want to take you out, chick.
I'll take you out and give you a new life.
A new life in a new land.
This is your new home.
This is your new village chick.
You could live here for all eternity.
Just don't ever return home.
He can never know.
He can never know other ways.
My power over him as God.
My power over him is lost.
I just really love the ocean.
Don't you wait.
Where you going?
You're not gonna try and get back into the water over there.
Are you chick?
No, chick?
No, I forbid it.
Where do you want to get back into the ocean.
Where do you want to go?
Over there.
You're gonna stay here and you're gonna be happy.
He just He wants to go for the ocean.
Chick, Stop!
There you go.
You go, Chick.
Stay here.
Why did I do that?
Why did I jump in again?
I don't know why I did that.
That was stupid.
Stay here forever.
Enjoy it.
Why do you have a hat?
Which means you're a farmer.
Excuse me.
I'm trying to have a conversation.
Sweet, glorious fire damage.
I was wondering if I was even living at that point.
Okay, But you don't.
I have a job yet, right?
I just put you in a boat and bring you with me.
You're okay.
I'm laying a trap.
I'm laying a trap.
Here you go.
You go.
I'm not potato.
No, not potato.
No, to drop all of them.
I didn't even know I could do that.
If you hold the whole crouch and throw throws, all of them.
I didn't know that.
Hey, hey, hey.
I was providing us dumb not nice potato.
Do you realize how hard they are to come by, Trump Trump.
Get it.
Get it about.
Come on, Come on.
And you go.
Can you go, buddy?
Can you go?
Yeah, you are.
Mind you become a back to Ireland.
Potato famine is over.
I told you I am fixing sniper.
Oh, God.
He doesn't want me to bring him home.
He doesn't want Ireland to flourish again.
No, that was an evil British soldier.
I see what's happening.
I thought those troubled Times Rover and bringing it back Maribel upon it.
This is your new home.
You're gonna love it, man.
It's great iron and is full of prosperity and traders.
That won't go away.
I told you, I'm not buying your wares, silly Billy.
All right, what I put you, I need I need Thio.
I need to figure out how to do this.
How do I actually make Villager?
I could make it become a cleric just by putting a brewing stand near him.
That's all it takes.
I don't think I can build a brewing stand, though.
I think I need to actually find one of you.
We can't onion plays, Rod do.
That means I'm gonna have to go back into the fiery pits of the Netherlands and see older, scary Dutch people again.
I could make a tiny little prison for you getting Yeah, you're mine now.
You're stuck in here.
I'm gonna go on, make a brewing stand for you.
I could just feel the one I have, but that's my Jesus.
The cardboard could have freaked me out.
I got jumped Scared by it.
My graft is dangerous.
People don't play it.
It's a scary game.
All right, I'm going to give you and even some lights so I don't want things to spawn in there with you.
N German.
You like potatoes, huh?
You like potatoes, huh?
You want some more potatoes?
Where that came from Pretty good.
Come back here all running straight to Iceland.
Like a coward.
You are.
Beanie, baby, It's important all over the place.
That's what Cowards!
You can't fight.
Do God also got an enterprise?
That's pretty good.
No pipe down, drama queen we about done.
Okay, We're back.
Your place to be.
You want to come between portals on?
Really sad feeling some shit.
That's what to get you All right.
All right, We're heading over this way.
Where was that second fortress arino?
Well, the lab's still vanishing.
You see that?
This is so figurative.
Last time.
Turns out the nether lands doesn't move until you're in it.
Quantum Netherlands Unless you're in the Netherlands, you can't see the Netherlands.
So works science.
Here it is.
My lovely dark fortress.
My lovely, lava filled palace does not love filled but on me if I wanted to be.
This is the Netherlands.
Exactly the lad I'm looking for.
Not today, buddy.
More, please.
Come on, come on.
Just sparkle out.
If you just Sprinkle them in, just twinkle, twinkle, Drink cold Sprinkles.
Where you in here?
These are just regular ass is You don't deserve to be in the Netherlands.
You didn't go through the hard graft to get here.
Oh, God!
I got him.
Got him.
But now I take fire damage again.
Got out?
Oh, God!
Oh, God!
There's so many of them.
Oh, God!
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm not getting hit by any of the come here.
Meat snack.
Good wound.
It's a bad boy.
That's a bad boy.
I don't like it.
I got this watch.
Excellent thank you through my Impenetrable shield because my shell is made of Ireland.
You're I have four blaze rods.
Let's not get greedy at all.
Let's just bounce out.
That's just I I'm ahead out, you know, classic SpongeBob.
Oh, die.
Oh, quite I am.
Unless the priorities right now is to not die.
So if I make a room, you know, little area that I have the guy in If I just put a brewing stun next to him, we've become a cleric.
Reason I wanted to become a cleric is that they have a chance of being able to sell you.
Um, just being able to sell you ender pearls, but not always.
So if he doesn't that I'm just stuck with a cleric who's useless.
Oh, I angered them.
I angered the masses.
Oh, he want by accident?
Kill me.
New motor potatoes.
Oh, no.
When I was being a bit out of potatoes in the nether.
Okay, Did this stop chasing?
No, no, no.
Okay, go this way.
Go this way.
This is good.
This is good.
This is the way.
Oh, Hey, Did you look at that swimming pool?
Isn't that nice?
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
Oh, I missed you guys.
Hi, everyone.
Back to miss.
May I miss you?
Good job.
He's smoking a pipe brewing Stand perfect.
Let's convert the rest of them in tow that way.
Wait, Booth.
Bring Said stays.
Even if I put it down, right.
If it would have done wrong, I need to move it again.
I'm not out of potatoes.
I had 64 left.
Surprise potatoes.
Irishmen never runs out.
I'm just gonna put this experiment.
I'm just I'm just put that there.
You're not selling anything good, huh?
That was useless.
Your yield, Sister.
You know, you're lucky I'm very close to murdering you.
Stay there.
No, stay there.
I need to try this again.
So now it's big brain since me bringing you all the way back to my place is a pain in my rectum.
Are you still here?
Wait, chick cook once for yes.
You're still here.
Good to nobody will be back.
I want to know if I could just big brain and put this next to somebody here and that will make them become cleric work.
Am I speaking the language of the big brain?
Sorry about your house or even anyone still alive in this godforsaken dump.
Is it just the farmer guy left?
Was it just the two of them?
And I separated them.
Wait a bit.
I think that might have just been two of them.
I think I got this village almost eradicated completely.
Yikes, That's bad.
Maybe Europe here we would have been the Himalayas.
You're just having a parody.
I see.
Okay, everybody go home.
Think being tough.
That's the sound of danger.
Guys, get out by trap, you know?
No, Come back.
Oh, I was saying it.
You didn't let me finish.
I was just saying, if I trap you and don't let you escape like that, yes.
And now I put a thing nice.
You sell garbage is well.
Who do you mean?
You didn't mean to?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. 00:44:38.720 -