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  • Happy Pi Day!

  • It's 2020, this year's Pi Day, it's today

  • and I would like to do, it's not really today because I'm recording this a couple days early.

  • But I would like you to see this on Pi Day a coding challenge themed around the number pi

  • and thank you to FantinBibas

  • Who suggested this one: Pi Day, find a sequence in pi issue number one four six four

  • I wonder if those numbers are where they are in pi, we'll find out by the end of this video!

  • How to look at how one might search for any given sequence of numbers in pi.

  • Now, I'm in this suggestion, this particular website is mentioned

  • it has a bunch of different resources

  • A resource of where you can download all the digits of pi a place to search for pi

  • This all reminded me of a wonderful project from Fathom information design.

  • So if you don't know about Fathom they're an information design firm

  • founded by Ben Fry who was one of the creators of Processing itself , you can find out more at

  • But they created this project Peek inside PI, which you can play with at

  • There's also an app version a lot of the versions. I'll link to all those things in the video's description

  • So the idea here is that I can type or I could tap. Can I tap?

  • Where is it?

  • [Tapping]

  • No it's not working, my touchscreen doesn't work!

  • The point is for any given sequence like one four one five nine and there it is

  • It's found at the first digit of pi. So now let's pick another sequence. Like what's a wonderful sequence?

  • It is today's date is March 14 2020

  • and that is not in the first 1 million digits of pi. Ah, if only we had more digits. I must have more digits.

  • [music playing]

  • Coding train: breaking news!

  • I'm told that I should search for the number nine nine nine nine nine nine

  • Which is the 762nd digit of pi

  • So let's remember that and make sure when I write my own version of this that I find the same digit

  • I'm gonna do this with p5.js JavaScript in the browser

  • I'm it's not gonna be as nicely designed with a beautiful interface like this

  • But I'm first going to recreate this exact thing and then what I'm gonna do

  • is I'm gonna go from one million digits and go to 1 billion digits

  • And see if I could still search for a digit in pi

  • and probably I'm gonna fail because we're gonna need some kind of like Optimization

  • it's gonna only run too slow

  • Everything's gonna come crashing down, but I'm gonna try it nonetheless

  • and we'll see where we get to by the end of this video

  • I'm starting with a simple p5 sketch and two text files

  • one with one million digits of pi which is just a Megabyte and one with 1 billion digits of pi which is a Gigabyte

  • that's a much bigger file. So let's start with the 1 megabyte file

  • [music playing]

  • I've uploaded that file to the p5 web editor and I can load all the text from that file right now using preload

  • [audible typing]

  • I'm going to just take away animation here. I'm going to get rid of the draw loop and I'm gonna say no canvas

  • and then the file itself has all of the digits of pi in one line

  • But loadStrings loads text files into an array with each element of the array being a different line of the text file

  • so what I'm going to do here is create a variable called digits and just say it is

  • the first element in that raw data array

  • Let's console.log digits and just see what happens

  • Ok, so all of the digits of pi are down here in the console.

  • Now what I want to do is search for a given digit. Let's make an interface a very very crude simple interface for searching.

  • [music playing]

  • Now I have this tiny tiny search box up here. Can I make that bigger?

  • I also just increased the font size for any input element on the page

  • So it's a little easier for you to see.

  • The interaction that I'm looking for is any time anyone types anything into that search box?

  • I want to look for that string that that those digits in PI itself

  • [music playing]

  • And p5.js has a special event function called input

  • Which you can call on the search box and pass another function that will be executed

  • Any time a change has been made

  • So let me write that search it up function because that's when I was looking for something. I say search it up

  • [music playing]

  • I'm gonna be a little silly and make these global variables

  • [music playing]

  • Then let me get what I'm searching for

  • [music playing]

  • From the search box and console.log that

  • [music playing]

  • So now whenever I type anything into that search box, I should see what I type here in the console

  • [audible typing]

  • And that's working

  • This is gonna actually be a really easy project to do

  • You know why? Because I could just use the indexOf function in JavaScript to tell, let me do that real quick

  • Just please please can I do that real quick? I'm gonna do that real quick.

  • [music playing]

  • Digits indexOf search

  • This is saying look inside the long string digits and give me the index of wherever this string search

  • Happens to appear. If it doesn't appear. I'll take a negative one, please.

  • Let's make another element on the page

  • [music playing]

  • So now when I get that index back

  • I can say index P

  • Dot HTML that index which will put the actual index where it's found in the paragraph text there on the webpage

  • So for example, if I say 1 4

  • 1 5 9 hmm. Why does it take two so really when counting the digits of pi?

  • What seems to be the convention is the first digit is the first digit after the period so it's three point

  • The first digit is one so I should really say

  • Index minus one and now one four one five nine. I got one and then

  • what if I say nine nine nine nine nine nine we got it! 999999 appears at the

  • 762nd digit in pi

  • so if it's a three, I don't want it to find that zero digit so i'm gonna start searching from index two

  • The chat is also rightfully pointing out that I could just chop off

  • The first two digits of the string would be much too easy. I'm gonna do it this way

  • so i'm going to start from looking at digit two

  • and I'm going to say

  • as Long as index is greater than zero

  • Set that, otherwise say...

  • [music playing]

  • Otherwise I'll put a message about it not being found

  • Okay, so let's try one four one five nine nine nine nine nine nine nine not found so I now have

  • essentially without the care and thought

  • Into the interaction design, the visual design, the layout of the page all of those elements

  • Recreated my my own version of this peek inside pi

  • This video is not over though. I got two more things I want to do.

  • Number one is I want to just investigate: what does it mean for me to actually perform this search myself?

  • To write my own indexOf function because maybe if I do

  • that might unlock some other creative possibilities and also I might learn something about programming

  • And then let me increase things to one billion digits and see what happens

  • what breaks down once I have a one gigabyte file that I'm loading all the digits of pi in

  • as opposed to a one megabyte file. All right, so let's first write our own index of function

  • so I'm just going to change them to comic this out and I'm going to say

  • let index equals index of

  • search in this string for this search string

  • So search in the string digits, for the string search

  • [music playing]

  • And so the function looks like this it's name is indexOf

  • It needs to receive a block of text and the substring that you're searching for in that text

  • Let's start with what's the first character in the search string?

  • [music playing]

  • Then I want to iterate over the entire string of text

  • [music playing]

  • And say hey does this character in the entire string of text

  • match the first character of the search string

  • [music playing]

  • If so, I need another loop

  • Then I need to loop through all of

  • the characters of that search string

  • [music playing]

  • This is supposed to say four

  • so I don't need to start at zero because I've already checked to make sure that's zero and I want to check

  • is text charAt I plus J the same as search charAt J

  • Again, I'm, I'm not worrying about running this optimally or elegantly. I just want to get the core idea out

  • [music playing]

  • So let's say this is my text and what I'm looking for is:

  • I want to find out where is four one five in that particular string? This is my search

  • What I have going on here is I know the first character of what I'm searching for is four

  • So I, the index I is starting here and looking is that four as that four? Is that four?

  • Is that four AHA this is four!

  • Now let's, let's save our, let's save this spot and then based on this length three

  • Which, let's iterate over this length with J

  • zero one two

  • And let's add j to i zero one two and see if all those digits continue to match

  • so ultimately really what I'm looking for here is

  • any of those digits that aren't the same. So I really want to look for first

  • I'm going to be very strict about this and use the triple equals and then I'm going to say not equals

  • I'm going to make a guess that I found it

  • [music playing]

  • As soon as I find the first character be the same, aha, I found it and then anytime I find anything to be different

  • I can now say found equals false. So the question becomes

  • Right here, if found is true

  • then I can break out of things

  • And once one is not true. I don't need to check the rest so I can break out

  • and then if

  • found

  • Return what?

  • So I'm gonna say let found index equals negative one. I'll give a default value of negative one

  • and then actually if I've found it

  • Right here

  • Found index should equal what

  • I, wherever we started with I

  • and then if I've gone through every

  • Possibility and I haven't found it. Then I'm gonna get to the end and I'm still just going to return

  • Negative one but found index will have negative one

  • So if I found it somewhere I'm gonna set it equal to that first index get out of the loop

  • I don't need to check anymore because I just looking for the first instance and then return what I found

  • Let's run and see if this works

  • No, found is not defined sketch line 22

  • This if statement has got to be inside here

  • This is where I'm looking at every single character in the large string on searching through

  • as soon as one of those characters is equal to the start

  • check every, check all the subsequent characters and then if I found it break out of that larger loop

  • and keep going so that this should be right now. I'm sure there's other mistakes, but that will be fixed

  • All right, one four one five nine at digit number one

  • The chat is giving me a nice suggestion where I could simplify this code where I don't actually need this found index

  • Because I could just return I

  • which will automatically break out of the loop. And then if I get to the end I could just return negative one great

  • So this works

  • Let's try the 999 thing

  • [audible typing]

  • There we go, so this really wraps up a small piece of this coding challenge I have made my own

  • version of fathom informations peek inside pi. I even wrote my own string search function.

  • There's so much more that you could do with this to be creative

  • I mentioned at the top that you could think about what if what you weren't looking for were just

  • Numbers, but you were looking for some other piece of data that's encoded into numbers

  • So we could you find secret messages in pi or pieces of music in pi

  • are there other kinds of algorithms that you could explore

  • that you could optimize this particular search algorithm with

  • And I'll list some of those in the video's description

  • That's a little challenge out to you to research some of those and tell me about your favorite substring search algorithm in the comments

  • but those are going to be needed for when I take the next step and

  • Attempt to get this working with a billion digits of pi and for that. I'm also going to need a node server

  • so at the very least I could be like, okay, let's run this exact same code, but now let's take a

  • Text file that has a billion digits of pi. So I'm gonna go back to add file here. And I'm gonna go back to my

  • File system. I'm gonna come over here. I'm gonna find my billion digit PI file

  • Drag that into the browser here and

  • mmm, the web editor will not let you upload a file that big and even if it could am I really gonna expect my

  • Client-side code to load. Well a one gigabyte file with a billion characters in it. Now there's plenty ways probably that file could be compressed

  • Encoded a different way. I probably get down to like 600 megabytes or something

  • But whether it's 600 megabytes or a gigabyte, I've still really got the same problem. I have this like huge file

  • So rather than try to work with it client-side in any type of clever way

  • I'm just going to use a node application

  • by the way

  • I could probably do this in processing because a desktop piece of desktop processing is not gonna have any problem loading a really large file

  • But I want to stay into JavaScript

  • I'm going to create a node server that can load all the digits, store them into memory

  • and then my client-side JavaScript code could query that node server

  • now if you've never used node before I do have a few basic beginner tutorials about

  • installing node and getting set up with node and I'll refer you to those but I'm gonna start from the point where I have

  • a directory with a blank JavaScript file

  • A package dot JSON file to describe my project that I'm building and both a million digit and

  • Billion digit file of Pi so I'm going to start by working in index.js

  • to write some code to load that file. So first I need to require the filesystem module

  • [music playing]

  • And one thing that I could just do is just with the million digits of pi. Let's just read file sync

  • Let's just read the whole file in.

  • [music playing]

  • Interesting, so the file has been read in but look how it's being displayed. It's giving me the binary information into the console

  • so I want to tell it that I want to read it as a string and I'll use

  • Utf-8 so that's a second argument to read file sync and now here we go

  • And there's all those digits of pi all those 1 million digits

  • Now let's just change it to, why not change it to a billion. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Interesting, it did something but it didn't print anything out. So I know this is just basically a bad idea

  • I don't know whether something crashed or memory ran out but read file sync for a gigabyte file is not a good idea

  • and I Think what I want to investigate here is createStream createReadStream

  • So let me just look for that on the node documentation page createReadStream

  • So createReadStream is a function

  • I can call to open up a stream for reading the file so I can read it bit by bit

  • I can kind of track how long it's gonna take

  • and get what I want and piece it together, it just gives me a lot of options. So let me do that by saying

  • Stream equals FS.createReadStream and let's go back to the million

  • [music playing]

  • And then once I have a stream I believe that I can

  • Basically handle different events. So for example, I can say stream on data. That's when anything is actually coming in

  • I can then have a callback function and just

  • console.log the data

  • So now if I run this hopefully I'm gonna see all those digits streaming out

  • I'm still just gonna use the million, the million digit file

  • Okay, oh I'm getting I'm getting the binary data so probably I can say just data to string

  • Great so that's the million digits of pi, you're in, I'm sort of curious to do

  • Console.log like how big are the chunks that it's reading this in?

  • Yeah, you can see these are the chunks that it's reading the data and they're pretty large

  • Because I put some line breaks in between each

  • Chunk of the stream. In fact, I think a lot of examples use the word sort of like a chunk here

  • So now let's try

  • 1 billion digits of pi

  • Yeah, okay

  • [music playing]

  • Boy this is taking a while.

  • There we go all 1 billion digits could I possibly just put them all into one string

  • [music playing]

  • And then uh-huh, if I have stream on I believe it's end I think there's an end and a close

  • [music playing]

  • And by the way, if this arrow syntax isn't familiar to you. It's a nice way of writing

  • Callback and anonymous functions and there's a lot more to it than that and I have a whole video about arrow fucntions you could watch

  • [music playing]

  • Let's just do digits dot length and see if we get 1 billion digits

  • Digits is not defined

  • Data!

  • digits

  • And look at that, it's 1 billion in 2 because the 3 and the 1 don't actually count

  • Okay. Now let's just search for a digit. Let's grab my

  • index of function that I wrote previously

  • and bring it into the node code

  • and then let's look for

  • I'm just going to hard code this, lets search

  • what was I looking for 9 9 now let's look for 999 and then

  • IndexOf digits search and then

  • Console.log index

  • 763 old minus one minus one minus one minus one

  • Okay, so that works now. Here's the thing

  • that didn't take very long because that is actually found at 762

  • does anybody know of a

  • Sequence of digits that's very very far into the sequence of a billion digits

  • That would be helpful to know while you're thinking about that. For those of you who will happen to be watching this live

  • Not in the recorded video that you right now. I'm not you watching this live, but you watching this later or watching

  • Let's just quickly add in a web server so I can make a call to ask for the location of a given digit

  • so in this video

  • I'm not going to go through all of

  • The pieces of adding a web server and how HTTP requests work and get requests and response and all that stuff

  • But guess what! If you're interested in a much lengthier series about all of the details that I'm going to add quickly right now

  • You can find that in the working with data and API's in JavaScript, a learning playlist that I have on this channel

  • But for now, I'm gonna go and copy paste, I'm gonna copy paste from the code that I have for those examples right here

  • I want to create an express app

  • So I'm gonna add an Express app. I want I don't need this database stuff. So I just need to create an app Express

  • I want to listen at port 3000 and then I need just a get request

  • So I'm gonna grab this I just want to handle one route

  • I'm gonna say get whenever I do I'm gonna just call this route search. Actually, I'm gonna call this pi

  • and then I'm going to use one of those things called resti and routes something like that to

  • Look for some sequence of digits

  • Let's call it search. Let's keep it with search some sequence of digits

  • [music playing]

  • Request params digits

  • So basically

  • I have a simple get request when if ever I run this server any time somebody navigates to search slash some sequence of digits

  • I'm gonna pull out those digits and just send them back. I'm gonna get rid of just this on end stuff right now

  • I don't need this. Actually. I'm just gonna write console.log

  • Billion digits loaded

  • And let me run the server

  • Mmm error, oh, I've got to install Express. So Express is a Nice framework for making web servers in node.

  • Let me run it again

  • So I'm listening at port 3000 the bindle billion digits are loaded

  • I'm gonna go to localhost 3000. There's nothing there. But now if I go to

  • slash search slash 1 like 4 3 3 2 5 4

  • See it I got it and I sent it back. Guess what I can do now

  • Really exciting. So if I take this code where I was searching before?

  • And I bring it up here and I can say search equals

  • request params digits

  • Search for it within the digits and then send that response back

  • But ultimately, I want to turn, make this JSON so I'm gonna say index

  • I'm gonna make this a nice little JSON object and I'll also send back. What was the search string as well?

  • So let's try this one more time, and let's switch to a million digits.

  • So I'm going to just change this to a million digits

  • Go back to the browser, hit refresh

  • I've got to restart the server

  • Go back to the browser and there we go. This particular sequence of digits was found at that index

  • Let's double check this with Fathoms. Pecan pie. The digits were 4 3 3 2

  • It's found at the 35572nd digit of pi

  • Is that what I got. Yes, that's what I got. So my search is working and now

  • Let's change it. Well, let's get it working from our interface first, then we'll try it with a billion digits

  • So now I don't want to just do this by hard coding this into the browser

  • I want to go back to my p5 code

  • And in my p5 code I'm not going to load the data file there. I don't even need to do the search there

  • So index of can go to way go away

  • But whenever I want to search it up

  • Instead of actually running the search. I'm going to make a get request. So I'm gonna say load JSON

  • The URL is localhost:3000/search

  • And then add in the actual search value

  • This is a string literal which is an incredibly convenient way to put a variable into a string. I'm gonna

  • I'm gonna call load JSON, got results and then when I get the results

  • The result comes back in index

  • And that is where I'm going to put it in the paragraph

  • [music playing]

  • And get rid of these things I don't need.

  • So basically, this is just the interface and the interface whenever a

  • Interface goes and asks the server to look in the digits

  • with a server being the one that can handle holding on to those billion digits

  • But

  • I need to host this webpage

  • and the way that I'm going to do that it's use Express the same Express server that is serving up the digits of pi

  • The index value into the digits of pi to serve up these web pages and that I can do with

  • Adding like Express static something-or-other. Let me go look back to my older tutorials about this

  • It's right here app use Express static public

  • I want to host everything that's in a directory called public which happens to be what I just called it back into the server

  • There we go

  • You can see the p5 sketch that I've been working with is in the directory public

  • We don't need this million digits of pi anymore

  • There, it's not part of the clients at all. Just part of the server

  • Let me restart the server

  • Let me go to localhost

  • 3000

  • Mmm

  • Uncaught error: raw is not defined. So I've got some errors in my p5 code. Oh, I don't need

  • The digits no longer belongs here. There we go. Okay now!

  • Okay, it's searching, it's always finding negative 2

  • Because it's searching for this like colon what what where'd that colon come from? Where did I put that in by accident?

  • Oh! Look at that.

  • It's just an extra colon that I had actually in the string that goes away, bye, go away colon

  • It works it's searching in PI, but the searching is happening on the server. So now it's time.

  • [drumroll]

  • This is the grand finale of today's Coding Train Pi Day Challenge.

  • [train whistle]

  • We are going to search in 1 billion digits of pi to find any given sequence of digits, it is time.

  • I'm going to do it, let me go back to my server code.

  • That was anticlimactic, I'm gonna change it to loading the billion digits of pi. I'm gonna restart the server.

  • Got to wait, it loaded the billion digits. It's now waiting for me, going back to the webpage.

  • Let me just refresh this web page and I don't know, let's try.

  • Searching

  • Question is has it found it. No, it didn't find that

  • So, somebody needs to fact checks this for me

  • Is that sequence not in the first billion digits of pi David suggested a string.

  • Two zero, seven seven five, five one zero. Let's see if that works.

  • Two zero, seven seven five, five one zero.

  • This is at digit number 176866377.

  • That's pretty good. Well, I have an idea

  • Let's look at what's in that text file the last few digits

  • [music playing]

  • Digits dot length minus ten.

  • I could use like substring or something, but I'm just like afraid

  • [music playing]

  • So, let me print out the last ten digits, oh no, no

  • digits.charAt()

  • Fun okay. Does it really have to be like this?

  • I'm doing this in the weirdest most nonsensical way

  • So with a little detective work

  • I have determined that these are the last ten digits in the first billion digits of pi

  • So just to see how slow is the searching I'm gonna refresh this page

  • and I'm going to paste those last 10 digits in here and we're gonna see how long it takes

  • [clock ticking]

  • [congratulatory music plays]

  • There we go, it found it!

  • That's not so terrible

  • So we can even with my crude brute-force algorithm

  • Find any

  • Sequence of digits in the first 1 billion digits of pi by having both a server and client talk to each other

  • So many possibilities here. How could you optimize the search algorithm?

  • How could you make the API do all sorts of more fun creative things to give you more information about what's in pi?

  • Could you put this on to glitch? So we could maybe, we could make this.

  • Glitch is like a hosting website that allows you to deploy different kind of creative web applications

  • So maybe I could make a version of this that runs on glitch that people could remix

  • I will include a link to that if I can get it to work in this video's description and

  • You could just be much more creative about the interface and once again, what are you actually really searching for?

  • Could you search for secret messages in Pi by thinking about encoding text into digits music in Pi by encoding?

  • Musical notes and melodies and rhythms into digits, colors into digits. What data could you search for in pi?

  • And what wonderful things could you discover that way?

  • And maybe you could find a text file with more than a billion digits!

  • and make your own version that searches into even larger number of digits of pi

  • I hope you enjoyed this Coding Train coding challenge for Pi Day

  • thanks to Fathom information design for the inspiration with peeking inside pi and thanks also to FantinBibas

  • and all of you watching this liven during the live stream with all of the

  • Suggestions and help that you offered. I'll see you soon next time on The Coding Train

  • Have a great day, ride, all aboard, all that nonsense , that catchphrase. It's coming one day. Oh, this is my catchphrase

  • It's not a phrase. It's a sound, it's a train whistle sound. That's my catchphrase

  • [train whistle sound]

  • [outro music]

Happy Pi Day!

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編碼挑戰#156。窺探Pi的內部 (Coding Challenge #156: Peeking inside Pi)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary