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  • (bell dings)

  • - Hello, and welcome to another Coding Train video

  • about neuroevolution.

  • So this video, what I'm going to do is,

  • I'm going to take my previous, finished,

  • sort of finished, version of neuroevolution,

  • the process of evolving the optimal weights

  • of a neural network to solve some kind of,

  • perform some kind of machine learning task.

  • In this case, I'm making a guess

  • based on the environment

  • of this very crude Flappy Bird game.

  • I'm not making this,

  • the neural network is making a guess

  • whether it should jump or not.

  • So this is a very simple, actually, scenario to solve.

  • And so it's a nice demonstration of the idea.

  • I've been meaning to return to this topic for quite a while

  • so I can try to look at some more complex scenarios.

  • So neuroevolution can be applied to a lot of problems,

  • at different,

  • reinforcement learning algorithms are also applied too,

  • but it's a pretty different technique.

  • There's like five, or six, or seven videos

  • all about neuroevolution

  • that I would recommend you check out,

  • or you can start right here.

  • Because what I'm going to do in this video is,

  • I am going to take the existing version that I made,

  • which used a toy neural network JavaScript library

  • that I implemented in yet another video series

  • to, kind of, learn more about neural networks

  • and spin up a very, very basic one

  • in JavaScript without other dependencies.

  • But I'm going to replace that now with TensorFlow.js.

  • What you're seeing here

  • is the last example from Part Five,

  • where I saved a trained model

  • and I'm loading it into a version of the game

  • and watching it play out.

  • What I did previous to that,

  • is what you're seeing right here,

  • which is, this is launching 500 random neural networks

  • to try to make guesses.

  • I can use this slider to sort of speed up the system,

  • and over time those neural networks

  • are going to perform the processes

  • of crossover and mutation.

  • It's not actually doing crossover,

  • it's doing crossover which would be the act of combining

  • two agents' genetic material together into one.

  • I'm just taking one and copying it,

  • but then I am mutating it

  • to optimally search for the configuration of weights

  • that will work the best.

  • And just to remind you, when I'm talking about the weights,

  • this is what I'm talking about.

  • So we have the Flappy Bird game,

  • this is the agent that needs to make a decision.

  • In a way it's a classification problem.

  • Should I go up or should I not go up, right?

  • These are the only two possibilities,

  • a very simple classification problem.

  • Two categories.

  • I have done, I'm the human being,

  • have basically done the feature extraction.

  • I could use the environment, the input to the neural network

  • as this image, like all the pixels of the game,

  • that would be a wonderful thing to try

  • and I would love to do that,

  • especially once I have convolutional layers

  • with TensorFlow.js,

  • which is not something I have

  • in my toy neural network library.

  • You might not know what a convolutional layer is.

  • Don't worry, if I use it, I will explain it.

  • But, I have done that feature extraction.

  • So I have decided that the features

  • that I want to use as inputs into my neural network

  • are, I think it was like, the bird y position,

  • the bird, y velocity,

  • the top pipe location, the bottom pipe location.

  • And then, I'll call this x,

  • the distance to the nearest pipe.

  • So these are what I've decided

  • might be all the important values to use from this game,

  • to feed into the neural network.

  • So that means the neural network

  • has one, two, three, four, five inputs.

  • These all get normalized

  • into a value with a range between zero and one,

  • and fed into the neural network.

  • Then the outputs is a classification problem.

  • So there are just two outputs,

  • and they would each output a number.

  • If I got something like 0.8 here and 0.2 here,

  • that means there is an 80%,

  • basically, an 80% probability confidence score

  • that I should jump, so I will jump.

  • Now I could actually pick random numbers

  • and that kind of thing,

  • but I'm just going to take the highest one,

  • the arg max, so to speak, and go.

  • So, neural networks are able to learn

  • a sophisticated amount of information through hidden layers.

  • So the inputs don't pass directly to the outputs,

  • but the inputs pass through a hidden layer.

  • And I don't recall what I picked

  • as the configuration of the hidden layer,

  • but I think it was something like eight.

  • So if there were eight, I think that's what it is.

  • We'll look.

  • One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,

  • these are what are known as dense layers.

  • Meaning, every single node is connected to every node.

  • I will not sit here and draw all of them,

  • but I will start that process.

  • And then all of these, sorry, are connected to the outputs,

  • like this.

  • So a neural network's core data,

  • the configuration of that data is in a matrix.

  • 'Cause every one of these connections has a weight.

  • So if there are five here and eight here,

  • that is 40 weights.

  • If there are eight here and two here, that's 16 weights.

  • Now the truth of the matter is, there's also a bias.

  • So there's a bias for each one of these

  • and a bias for each one of these.

  • So the configuration is all of the weights,

  • all of the biases for each of these nodes.

  • But these are the details that I cover a lot more

  • in the series about building a neural network

  • from scratch in JavaScript.

  • So if you want to learn about that, you can go back.

  • But all you need to know for here,

  • is that I have a way of creating this neural network.

  • I have a way of feeding these values into it

  • and looking at the stuff that comes out.

  • So let's go look at that code.

  • So if I go look at the code, we can see that here,

  • there's this idea of a bird object.

  • And the bird object makes a neural network

  • with five inputs, eight hidden nodes, and two outputs.

  • I don't know what I've said here, but this is known

  • as a feedforward neural network.

  • Multilayer Perceptron, it's two layers.

  • The inputs, it looks like a layer,

  • but these are just numbers coming in.

  • There is a hidden layer in the output layer.

  • That's important terminology.

  • So that's happening here, and you can see in the bird,

  • the bird sort of like, takes all of those properties,

  • its y position, the closest pipe,

  • the closest pipe's x position, its velocity,

  • makes that into an array,

  • feeds that into a predict function,

  • and then I just sort of like,

  • if the first output is greater then the second output, jump.

  • So this is that process.

  • And all of this happens

  • in this neural network library.

  • So there is neuralnetwork.js and matrix.js.

  • This is like if TensorFlow.js was made by one person

  • who really didn't know what they were doing (laughs).

  • That's what's in here.

  • So what I want to do, is I am going to delete this folder.

  • Right, I'm deleting it, it's gone.

  • Gone, move to trash, boom!

  • So now when I go over here and I hit refresh,

  • of course, it doesn't work.

  • Because we have no neuralnetwork.js.

  • Can I get this, I don't have a watch on,

  • in however long I have right now,

  • in the course of this video,

  • working again without my library,

  • but with TensorFlow.js instead.

  • That's the thought experiment here.

  • So here is my html file,

  • and you can see that it has the P5 libraries,

  • it's loading my neural network library,

  • and then these are all the files

  • for the Flappy Bird game itself,

  • as well as the file that includes some information

  • about how the genetic algorithm works.

  • So what I want to do, I need to take these out,

  • and then I want to import TensorFlow.js.

  • So I have the TensorFlow.js website up

  • and this is the script tag for importing TensorFlow.js.

  • So I'm going to add that here, and actually I am pretty sure

  • that the most current version is 1.0.4, so let's add that.

  • And now I'm going to go back here and hit refresh.

  • Now, of course, ah, NeuralNetwork is not defined,

  • so we have fewer error messages here now, which is good.

  • I just want to make sure tf is loaded,

  • so, for example, I can call tf memory,

  • and there is no memory being used,

  • but I can see that tf js is loaded,

  • 'cause I can call tf functions in the console now,

  • which I'm going to need to do to figure all this out.

  • All right, so now the thing I think I want to do is that,

  • actually, I don't need to do this,

  • but I think it would be nice for me to create,

  • I'm going to create a file called nn.js,

  • and I'm going to make a little wrapper for a neural network.

  • And actually one of the reasons why I want to do this is,

  • as you know, I've made a lot of videos

  • using a library called ML5,

  • which is a wrap around TensorFlow.js,

  • which allows you to work

  • with some of the machine learning algorithms

  • without having to manipulate

  • the lower level details of TensorFlow.js,

  • and so this is, kind of, a little bit,

  • of maybe a preview of that.

  • Because this ultimately,

  • this idea of neuroevolution is something

  • that I would like to work on putting into the ML5 library.

  • So if I make a neural network class,

  • and I write a constructor,

  • we know here, that in the bird object

  • what it's doing is, it's making a neural network

  • with five inputs, eight hidden nodes, and two outputs.

  • So there's no reason why I can't actually

  • just keep that same structure,

  • and I'm going to have three arguments,

  • I'm just going to call them a, b, and c,

  • because at some point I might need

  • to call the constructor in different ways,

  • and I'm going to then say,

  • this.input_nodes equals a.

  • this.hidden_nodes equals b,

  • and this.output_nodes equals c.

  • Then I'm going to put, I already,

  • by the way, I did this in a coding class

  • that I'm teaching, last week,

  • so I kind of have quite a bit of the sense of the plan here.

  • So I'm also going to write a function

  • called this.createModel

  • 'cause I might need to do that in different places

  • and then I'm going to make a separate function

  • called createModel.

  • So this now is the function,

  • where I want to create my neural network,

  • using TensorFlow.js.

  • And I'm going to use the layers API.

  • The truth of the matter is,

  • this particular architecture, right,

  • this is perhaps one of the simplest, the most basic,

  • vanilla, so to speak, neural network architectures.

  • It's got two layers, one hidden layer, very few nodes,

  • there's no convolutions, no fancy stuff,

  • just the very basic.

  • So I could probably do this

  • with just simple TensorFlow operations itselves,

  • but I'm going to use something called tf.layers

  • which is actually based on Keras,

  • which is a Python library for TensorFlow,

  • and Python, so many things,

  • I've talked about these in videos.

  • But basically tf.layers is an API

  • that allows me to create a model

  • from a slightly higher level perspective.

  • So one of the key functions in tf.layers,

  • and I'm going to create a variable called model,

  • is tf.sequential.

  • So if I say tf.sequential,

  • that should create for me a sequential model.

  • And we can just take a look at that here on the console,

  • and see, there we go.

  • It made something that works,

  • you can see all these parameters that it's training.

  • Now interestingly enough, what I'm doing in this video

  • is not really what TensorFlow.js is designed for.

  • Almost everything in TensorFlow.js

  • has to do with optimization functions

  • and algorithms for learning

  • and tweaking weights, and back propagation.

  • I'm not doing any of that.

  • This neural evolution thing is quirky and weird

  • and all I actually need is a bunch of neural networks

  • and the ability to feed the data through them

  • and then I can just delete that and mix them up.

  • So actually most of this stuff will not get used.

  • But what I want to create then, is my first layer.

  • So the first layer, I'm going to call hidden.

  • So I'm going to say,

  • const hidden equals tf,

  • I think it's dense.

  • So I think I better look up the documentation at this point,

  • I certainly don't have the stuff memorized,

  • so I'm going to go to the API, tf.layer's dense.

  • This is what I'm looking to do.

  • And I can see a nice little example of it here.

  • This.

  • So I'm going to create a tf.layers dense.

  • Dot dense.

  • Then I need a little object

  • which is going to contain

  • all of the configuration information for that dense layer.

  • And what are some things I can configure?

  • I can give it the number of units, that's my hidden nodes,

  • which is the hidden nodes.

  • I also want to tell it how many things are coming in,

  • like what is the input shape, so this is the layer,

  • I need to tell it about the input shape,

  • I forget what that's called, somewhere in here I'll find,

  • inputDim, which would be the input dimensions, I guess,

  • which would be this.input_nodes,

  • I'm forgetting my this dots, as always, I always forget.

  • So there we go, what else do I need?

  • Ah, I think an activation function I definitely need.

  • So activation.

  • Now this merits quite a bit of discussion.

  • An activation function is how the data gets processed

  • as it's fed forward.

  • So all of these inputs,

  • the numbers out of these values come in here,

  • they get multiplied by those weight values,

  • summed together and passed through an activation function.

  • The activation function's job is basically

  • to squash the values, to enforce non-linearity,

  • to allow for the stuff to go to the next layer.

  • And there are all sorts of reasons

  • why you might pick one or the other,

  • there's more recent research and change over the years,

  • and I've talked about this in other videos.

  • I'm going to pick sigmoid

  • as a kind of default activation function

  • that squashes all values between zero and one.

  • Now I'll include some links about sigmoid

  • in the video's description, if you're curious.

  • So I forget exactly what I do here,

  • but I think I can just write sigmoid as a string.

  • And somewhere in the documentation

  • there's a list of all the activation functions.

  • Do I need anything else?

  • I think that's good.

  • So then I just want to say this.model.addlayer, maybe?

  • So tf.Sequential is what I'm doing here,

  • which would be here,

  • and oh, input shape is probably what I want,

  • not input dimensions, we'll see.

  • I'm noticing that there's input shape,

  • actually I think that's what I want.

  • That's certainly what I used previously.

  • So input shape,

  • and it would be just that number of nodes,

  • but inside an array.

  • A shape is a way of defining the dimensionality of data.

  • So if it's just a list of stuff, like a list of numbers,

  • it's an array with five things in it.

  • So that's how I define a shape.

  • So then I would say, model.add

  • so this.model.add the hidden layer.

  • Now I want to make an output layer

  • which is going to be tf.layers also dense,

  • and I want to,

  • what do I want?

  • The units is

  • this.output_nodes, and then,

  • I actually do not have to define

  • the input shape for this layer,

  • because it can be inferred from the previous one.

  • So I couldn't infer the number of inputs from the hidden,

  • because hidden is first.

  • But the last layer here, these outputs,

  • I know that I just added this layer,

  • if it's dense, this is the shape of the input.

  • So all I need to do is that,

  • and I also need an activation function,

  • I'm going to make it softmax.

  • So softmax is a activation function which writes sigmoid,

  • squashes all the values to arrange between zero and one,

  • but it does something even more.

  • It basically enforces that all of those values

  • also add up to one.

  • It basically turns them into probability

  • or confidence scores and all of them add up to 100% or 1.0.

  • And there's more to it than that,

  • it's a kind of interval mathematics involved,

  • but that's the basic gist of it.

  • And that's what I want, I want the probability

  • of whether I should jump or not jump.

  • So now, I should be able to say,

  • this.model.add output

  • and then if I go back to the documentation,

  • I don't need to do this fit stuff,

  • but do I need to compile it?

  • So interestingly enough, usually we need to compile,

  • we need to give a loss function.

  • Traditional machine learning

  • you're going to have a loss function,

  • an optimization function,

  • you're going to train it with data,

  • I'm not doing any of that in neuroevolution.

  • Remember, if you watched my other videos on neuroevolution,

  • I'm doing this weird thing,

  • I just need a random neural network, that's all I need.

  • So I don't know if I need that compile step,

  • I'm guessing I kind of do,

  • so I'm going to say this.compile,

  • but I'm just going to give it an empty object.

  • 'Cause I don't care about those other things.

  • Let's try this.model.compile

  • So now that I have that, I should be able to,

  • with my code, I'm kind of getting a little bit further.

  • Like look at that.

  • Cannot read property 'minimize' of undefined.

  • Because I didn't give it any object.

  • Let's get rid of the compile.

  • Let's see if I get it to work without the step model.compile

  • Maybe compile only has to do with the learning process

  • that I'm not using.

  • Great, this.brain.predict is not a function.

  • So now I have the next thing that I need to implement.

  • So where is that?

  • That's in bird.js and what is it saying?

  • So I'm able to make the neural network,

  • and then I am calling predict

  • and I'm giving it an array.

  • Perfect.

  • So what I need to do now in my class here

  • is I'm going to write a function called predict,

  • which will receive an array.

  • Now what I would essentially be doing

  • is now calling this.model.predict with that array.

  • Only here's the complexity of using TensorFlow.js.

  • TensorFlow doesn't work with traditional job script arrays.

  • It works with something called tensors,

  • which are multidimensional arrays,

  • they are multidimensional things, collections of numbers,

  • that are living in the GPU's memory.

  • And that's for optimization purposes.

  • The operations can happen faster on the GPU

  • which is optimized for a lot of matrix map.

  • I don't really need that optimization, to be clear,

  • because I'm working with the tiniest thing here,

  • but I still need to convert this stuff to tensor.

  • So I'm going to need to say, the xs, I'm going to call this,

  • the inputs are often referred to as xs, equals tf.tensor,

  • and what do I have, what is the shape of my array?

  • It's one-dimensional, right, it's just an array.

  • But the thing is that what TensorFlow.js expects,

  • so this is my data, it comes in as an array of numbers.

  • One, two, three, four, five, right?

  • All of this stuff, that's only four, whatever,

  • you get the idea, there's another one there.

  • The thing is TensorFlow.js thinks like,

  • you would never be so crazy as to give me just one thing.

  • Usually you're going to give me a thousand rows

  • or data samples.

  • So it's actually looking for a shape that is like this,

  • that would have a bunch of these.

  • So I just need to take my inputs

  • and put them in a 2D tensor.

  • Because it's an array of arrays.

  • So if I do that, tensor2d xs.

  • I think that's all I need to do.

  • Then I need to call predict with the xs.

  • Now that's happening synchronously,

  • I need to get the data off of,

  • oh, and this would be ys, sorry.

  • The ys would be the result of feeding it forward.

  • So that's exactly this process,

  • predict is the function to feed this stuff forward

  • and now I have ys.

  • I'm going to do something that is a little bit ill-advised,

  • I want to be able to look at those values.

  • So right now the ys are a tensor

  • and that's living on the GPU.

  • In order for me to pull it off the GPU to use it,

  • I need to call a function called data,

  • which is getting the actual data

  • and that's not going to happen asynchronously.

  • So I need to deal with a promise or a callback,

  • but because I'm working with such tiny bits of data here,

  • it's going to be much simpler for me right now

  • to get this working, to just say, basically,

  • the outputs equals ys.dataSync

  • So the dataSync function gives me those outputs.

  • Let's console.log them, and let's say return outputs also,

  • just so we see what's going on here.

  • So I'm now going to run this,

  • NeuralNetwork.predict at Bird.think is not defined.

  • What did I miss?

  • (bell dings)

  • Sorry, there's a major error in here

  • that you probably all noticed, but I didn't.

  • I'm taking that array and converting it to tensor.

  • Arr is the array,

  • and maybe it would make sense to me to call these inputs.

  • I'm taking the inputs as a raw array,

  • converting them into a tensor,

  • passing them through the model,

  • pulling out the outputs and returning it.

  • Okay, let's see how that goes.

  • Tensor2d requires shape to be provided

  • when values are flat.

  • Oh, guess what, this has to be inside an array, right?

  • Because the whole point is it wants the 2d thing,

  • so it wants that array inside of that array, okay?

  • So that should fix that.

  • Great, oh look, I'm getting stuff.

  • I'm getting things, oh, look how slow it is.

  • It's so slow.

  • So it's kind of ironic in a sense.

  • Like I'm using a much more powerful job script engine

  • for deep learning, that does all the operations

  • on the GPU with WebGL to optimize it

  • and yet it runs super slow.

  • This is really because I'm a crazy person

  • and kind of doing this in a weird way

  • that TensorFlow.js is not really designed for.

  • I have all these different models,

  • and I'm copying the data with dataSync.

  • So there's a couple of things I could do.

  • Number one is, let's just for now,

  • and I'll have to come back to this

  • or think how to make this run faster

  • or be more thoughtful or maybe do this stuff asynchronously.

  • But what I'm going to right now,

  • is I am going to just reduce the number of birds to half,

  • and I'm also going to something a little bit silly,

  • which I'm going to inset tf.setBackend cpu.

  • Because actually the amount of data

  • that I'm working with is so, so, so, so small,

  • I don't really need to use the GPU,

  • I don't need to copy stuff back and forth,

  • let's just use the CPU, it's perfectly fast enough.

  • Remember how well it worked

  • when I had my own silly little JavaScript library?

  • So let's use the CPU and I think you'll find that now

  • it's still running kind of slow.

  • I have a feeling this console.log

  • is definitely making things kind of unhappy.

  • So let's take out that console.log

  • and let's refresh and there we go.

  • So now it's performing pretty well.

  • Is it as fast as it was before?

  • I don't know.

  • Can I get it back to 500?

  • But it's better.

  • Ah, but now we have a problem.

  • Copy.

  • So copy is not a function.

  • Because I didn't write a function to copy a neural network.

  • So what do I mean by copy a neural network?

  • So normally this isn't something you would necessarily do,

  • but it is fundamental to neuroevolution.

  • And by copying it, we can say like, this was a good one,

  • let's make a copy of it, to keep it.

  • And I actually want to copy it, not keep a pointer to it.

  • Because I could also want to mutate it,

  • and I want to mutate it a bunch of times.

  • So I have to figure out,

  • what is the way to copy a model in TensorFlow.js.

  • And ultimately if you want to try,

  • the proper way to do this, in terms of neuroevolution,

  • would not be to just make a copy

  • to go to the next generation,

  • but to take two of them,

  • and make a new one that's kind of a mixture.

  • When I say mixture, I mean mixture of all these weights.

  • But I'm just going to copy it.

  • So what I need to do,

  • is I need to go back to this class again,

  • and I need to say copy.

  • So if I say copy, I could just say,

  • return new NeuralNetwork,

  • and I could just put like,

  • inputs_nodes, hidden_nodes, output_nodes,

  • but it wouldn't have the right weights.

  • So let's think about this.

  • Let's do,

  • I'm going to say modelCopy

  • equals this.CreateModel.

  • So I'm creating a model,

  • which is the same,

  • ah, and I need to create model with, oh, it has that stuff.

  • So I can call CreateModel, it's going to do the right

  • inputs_nodes, hidden_nodes, output_nodes, okay.

  • So it's not a copy yet, it's another random neural network.

  • But really, the architecture's the same.

  • So in a sense I've copied the architecture,

  • I've made a new neural network with the same architecture,

  • now I need to get those weights.

  • So luckily for me, there is a ntf.js,

  • there are two functions called getWeights and setWeights.

  • So let's take a look at those functions.

  • So for example, if I go to the console here,

  • and I would say something like,

  • can I say, let n equal new NeuralNetwork,

  • what's it, 8.5.2, right? No, 5.2.8, 5.8.2.

  • So I'm making one of those.

  • And so n.model is that model itself.

  • And you can see, it's got all that data in there.

  • So what I want to do is, say n.model.getweights.

  • No? Oh, I said mode.

  • I want to say n.model, can we just click here,

  • model.getWeights.

  • These are all the weight matrices, why are there four?

  • Shouldn't there just be two?

  • Well, there's four because there are

  • the weights and the biases, one, two,

  • the weights and the biases, three, four.

  • So that is what is here.

  • So all I need to do is take these weights and copy them.

  • So let's see.

  • I could say, constant weights equals this.model.getWeights

  • and then I could say modelCopy.setWeights

  • Then I could say return new NeuralNetwork

  • with modelCopy.

  • Now there's a bit of a problem here

  • that I think I'm going to have to do,

  • but this is pretty decent start.

  • Right, make a model of the same architecture,

  • get the weights from the other one,

  • and put those weights in the new model, and then return.

  • I think there's going to be a problem here,

  • but this is kind of the idea.

  • So now, if I were to ...

  • Ah, what I need to do here is,

  • now I'm making a neural network

  • without giving it the input nodes,

  • I need to basically say,

  • if a is an instance of tf.sequential, is that right?

  • Let's see, so then if I go back to the console,

  • n.model instanceof

  • tf.sequential false,

  • tf.sequential with a capital, true!

  • Okay, I need to check if it's tf.sequential object,

  • then this.model equals a.

  • So, in other words, I have two ways

  • of creating a neural network.

  • If I pass the constructor an existing model,

  • then I just assign it.

  • Otherwise, I create a new one.

  • However, I've really always got to keep track of what,

  • it's a little, this is some redundancy here,

  • 'cause the input nodes, hidden nodes, and output nodes

  • are in the model itself.

  • But let's just add another argument here.

  • And then I can say, also, this is awkward,

  • I could refactor this later.

  • So now I'm also going to always require

  • that I also give it the shape basically,

  • and so here when I'm making this new neural network

  • with model.Copy,

  • I'm also going to say this dot, what is it, input_nodes,

  • this.hidden_nodes,

  • this.output_nodes.

  • Okay, so this is me making

  • that new neural network with modelCopy

  • and I'm also just giving it the shape also

  • so that it retains that information.

  • So now, I should be able to go back,

  • and we've got a copy function.

  • Let's speed this up.

  • Ah, can't read!

  • Cannot read property 'setWeights' of undefined.

  • That's not good.

  • (bell dings)

  • Okay, I've sort of made a mistake in the way

  • that I've designed this program.

  • What I want to say is

  • this.model equals this.createModel

  • and I don't actually want to set it here,

  • I'm going to just make in the createModel function,

  • which is where I'm going to make this a variable,

  • const model, and then I'm going to say model.add,

  • model.add,

  • and then I'm going to say return model.

  • So this function, this could be leading somewhere else,

  • a static function or something,

  • but it's making the model

  • and it is in setup, sorry, in the constructor.

  • It is creating it and returning it

  • and placing it in the instance variable,

  • or here it's creating it and returning it

  • and putting it in these copy variables.

  • So that should work better.

  • So let's see.

  • Great, so now I don't have a mutate function.

  • No problem, no problem, this is the way to deal with that.

  • Bird.js line 33,

  • Bird.js line 33,

  • let's just not bother at mutate.

  • No worries, don't mutate.

  • Let's speed this up.

  • (upbeat electronic music)

  • All right, let it run for a bit,

  • we can sort of see, did it get better?

  • Kind of, but there's only one,

  • they're all making the exact same decisions.

  • So two things are wrong here.

  • Number one is, without mutation I can't get any variety.

  • But there's something else that I'm pretty sure is wrong,

  • not a 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure is wrong,

  • so I want to protect myself against this,

  • is I haven't really made a copy.

  • So I think in the case of my copy function, which is here,

  • this is the weights as tensors.

  • And I am assigning them to the copy.

  • But they are all being assigned the same tensors.

  • Even though they are multiple models,

  • they're all using the same weight table.

  • So if I were to mutate them,

  • they're all going to mutate in exactly the same way.

  • So I need to really make sure I'm copying them.

  • And there is a function in ts.js called clone,

  • which is to make a new tensor that is a copy

  • of an existing one.

  • So I think what I should do is,

  • I should say const weightCopies is a new array,

  • and then for let i equals zero,

  • i is less than weights index i, i plus plus

  • No, sorry, weights.length,

  • so I'm going to iterate over all the weights,

  • and I'm going to say weightCopies index i equals

  • weights index i dot clone.

  • So this is kind of the idea, like deep copying, I guess,

  • I'm not sure if I'm 100% accurate about that,

  • but the idea of actually copying them into a new tensor,

  • so it's not the previous one,

  • and then I should be able

  • to set the weights to weightCopies.

  • So this should guarantee

  • that I really got it copied correctly.

  • So let's do that.

  • I'll run it again, speed it up a little bit.

  • So it's still converging, kind of,

  • into it alternately being just one of them,

  • that the one that happened to do the best.

  • But it's not doing that

  • because I haven't properly copied,

  • it's doing that because there's no mutation.

  • And you can see actually,

  • that it seems to be taking a little longer to get there.

  • So I think maybe that copying is better now.

  • Okay, so I do need that mutate function.

  • So what do I need?

  • Where was mutate?

  • So I need a function called mutate,

  • and it's getting argument 0.1,

  • which is presumably the mutation rate.

  • So the process of mutation in a genetic algorithm

  • is to say, look at the genetic information,

  • which is basically all of these weights and biases,

  • and one by one examine them,

  • and at some probability make it sum adjusted,

  • make it random, change it, mutate it.

  • So that's what I need to do.

  • So it's more involved

  • than just making a copy of the weights.

  • I need to look at every single weight individually

  • and then mutate it 10% of the time.

  • I'm not sure how to do this, but let's see, okay.

  • So if I go into neural network

  • and I go into,

  • I made a copy function, now let's look at,

  • sorry, let's look at mutate.

  • So I want to do the same thing.

  • The first thing that I want to do,

  • is I want to get the weights.

  • What I call this, this.model.getWeights.

  • Then I want to maybe have mutatedWeights,

  • is a new, just an array.

  • So I get the current weight tables

  • and then, weight tensors, sorry,

  • and then I'm going to go through and make mutated weights.

  • So let me once again loop over this array,

  • and I'm going to say, tensor equals weights index i,

  • 'cause it's a tensor, and then what I want to do,

  • I want to get the values,

  • so I'm going to use dataSync again.

  • I want the shape,

  • 'cause I'm going to need that when I convert it back,

  • I think I can just do this.

  • So I need the tensor, which is the data,

  • I'm going to need to retain the shape,

  • because I need to put it back into a tensor,

  • but I want to mutate them.

  • I don't think I can mutate the tensor

  • without looking at the values.

  • Who knows?

  • So now I'm going to go through and I'm going to say,

  • let j equals zero, j is less than values.length,

  • j plus plus.

  • So the actual weight which I call w is values index j.

  • And what I want to do is say

  • values index j equals a new random weight.

  • So I could do something like this, right, just give it,

  • and I don't even actually need the current weight,

  • I could just make a random one, right?

  • I'm mutating, oh, but only 10% of the time.

  • So this gets a rate, so I could say,

  • if random one is less than that rate,

  • then make a new weight.

  • I do think this is a case

  • where there might be some benefit

  • to rather than picking a totally new weight,

  • and I don't know what initialization was used

  • to make the initial random weights,

  • that's probably somewhere in TensorFlow.js,

  • so there might be some operation I can call here,

  • but I'm just going to tweak it.

  • So this is why I want to grab that weight,

  • and I'm going to say, weight plus,

  • and I'm going to use P5's random Gaussian function

  • which basically gives me a random number

  • that's kind of near, with a mean of zero

  • and a standard deviation of one,

  • so it's just going to adjust that weight a tiny bit.

  • So it's like, kind of,

  • what you might see with graded descent, dial up, dial down,

  • but I'm just making a total guess,

  • just dial it, some direction.

  • So it's going to equal that,

  • this loop is looking at individual set of weights,

  • it might be between inputs and hidden

  • or hidden and outputs or might be one of the biases,

  • either of those weights.

  • And I have it as a tensor.

  • And then I have its values, now I mutated those values.

  • Aha, I need to make a new tensor,

  • newTensor equals tf.tensor, and give it those values again,

  • right, the mutated values, with the shape.

  • So this is what's nice.

  • I don't have to worry about what the original shape was,

  • dataSync is just going to flatten everything

  • and give me all the numbers, pretty sure, I think.

  • And then, what I can do, is then mutate those, it's flat,

  • and I can put it back into a tensor with the same shape

  • and it should be back just like it was before.

  • I can say mutatedWeights index i, is now that new tensor.

  • So I grabbed the tensor, I got its shape, I got the values,

  • I mutated them, I made a new tensor,

  • and it's going to go in my new array, of mutated weights.

  • And then when that's done, I can say,

  • this.model.setWeights mutatedWeights.

  • I think this is mutation.

  • There is one mistake here, which is that tensor, sorry,

  • which is that

  • dataSync is actually not making a copy of the values.

  • So I'm still going to be stuck

  • with a lot of things pointing to the same exact data,

  • so if I mutate one and it's copied for a bunch,

  • all of those are going to get mutated in the same way,

  • and I want to have a bunch of different mutations

  • happening in parallel.

  • I discovered this issue around dataSync in this discussion,

  • and thank you so much to one of the creators

  • of TensorFlow.js, Nikhil Thorat,

  • who answered my question about this,

  • so dataSync is mutating,

  • I'm mutating the underlying values in the tensor.

  • Apparently there is an arraySync function

  • that I could use instead of dataSync,

  • that doesn't actually copy,

  • but me, according to a Coding Train viewer

  • actually suggested that I just call .slice,

  • which is a job script function for copying the array.

  • So this I really really need in there.

  • Because I really have to make sure

  • that I'm not mutating the same underlying information.

  • So I should add .slice here.

  • And then I think I have this done,

  • we're about to find out?

  • The only way to find out, there are other ways to find out,

  • I'm sure, is to let this run for a while

  • and sort of see if it gets anywhere.

  • So I'll let that do that for a little while.

  • (upbeat electronic music)

  • So I would say that this works.

  • Because, there we go.

  • I have an agent that learned basically,

  • again this is a very simple problem for it to solve,

  • but this technique that I've now done,

  • there's no reason why it couldn't be applied

  • to a more complex scenario.

  • So I now have neuroevolution with TensorFlow.js,

  • but I'm not finished.

  • I could do this in the next part,

  • but there's a huge problem here.

  • I haven't thought at all about memory management.

  • And if I do tf.memory in the console,

  • ah, I have 128,870 tensors and I'm using all these bytes,

  • oops sorry,

  • if I start from the beginning I have that many tensors,

  • and look how it's going up.

  • So I'm leaking memory like crazy.

  • I'm not cleaning up any of the tensors that I'm using.

  • And so the way to do that,

  • I don't know why I'm coming over here,

  • but it's very important.

  • In addition to the getWeights and setWeights functions,

  • there are two functions

  • that I really need to be conscientious about

  • when working with TensorFlow.js.

  • One is tf.tidy, and this is a function

  • that you can basically give it a callback,

  • and any code that you put up in there,

  • it will do the cleanup for you.

  • So it's kind of like TensorFlow.js's

  • garbage collection feature.

  • It's like just put the coding here and don't worry,

  • we'll take care of disposing memory that's not used.

  • So this is probably one I want to use most of the time,

  • but any tensor I could also individually call dispose on,

  • when I'm not using it anymore.

  • So let me go and find everywhere in my neural network code

  • that I'm using tensors,

  • and make sure I'm cleaning up memory

  • that's not being used anymore.

  • So I'm in my code, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling,

  • this should be fine,

  • I don't think I need to dispose models,

  • maybe I do, but here, okay, oh, look at this mutation.

  • So I'm creating new tensors, I'm doing stuff,

  • this is definitely a place where I want to say tf.tidy,

  • and the nice thing is it's literally as simple as this,

  • I just put everything inside of tf.tidy.

  • So maybe there's a slightly more optimal,

  • better way of doing this, but this should work.

  • In predict, this one's a little easier,

  • I could say like, I don't need the xs anymore,

  • so dispose of those.

  • And now once I have the outputs, I can dispose of the ys.

  • So I can put manual dispose in here,

  • like that's me disposing,

  • but I probably will also just use tf.tidy,

  • same exact thing.

  • But there's a little something else I need to do here.

  • Because this code is returning something,

  • I need to return the result of tf.tidy.

  • So that should be fine.

  • I feel like the model stuff is fine,

  • this should be all the cleanup that I need.

  • But let's see.

  • Oh, copy, oh, yeah.

  • I guess let's do tf.tidy in here also, tf.tidy,

  • let's do this.

  • I also need to say return, since I'm returning a new model,

  • I mean I could put tf.tidy in this, let's see if I need to.

  • Let's look at the memory now.

  • So that's a 1000 tensors, that makes sense,

  • because I have 250 birds

  • and there's four tensors, four weight matrices,

  • that's a thousand.

  • So 3000, oh, I missed something.

  • So every generation, I'm keeping some of the old tensors

  • that I don't need anymore.

  • So let's try putting, I suppose, tf.tidy here,

  • and also return, and let's see what happens.

  • Ah wait, something undefined.

  • What did I mess up?

  • (bell dings)

  • That didn't seem to work.

  • But I have a better idea,

  • I don't know why that didn't work,

  • there's probably a very good reason,

  • and I will hear from somebody about it,

  • but I think I know what I need to do.

  • Where am I copying?

  • Here, but I have tf.tidy here.

  • I was thinking that once I make this new neural network

  • I would call dispose on the existing model.

  • (bell dings)

  • Okay, after examining this for a bit,

  • with a little bit of help from the chat,

  • it looks like the issue that I have is that,

  • it's a little bit weird, what I'm doing here,

  • I have a bunch of different arrays,

  • I have birds, saved and savedBirds.

  • So savedBirds is kind of like the previous generation,

  • and I make all these new birds for the next generation,

  • put them in the birds array.

  • But the models, the savedBirds models still exist.

  • So I need to dispose those.

  • So the way I could do that

  • is find the place where I'm done making the next generation,

  • and iterate over the savedBirds.

  • The way I could do that is, I could also,

  • in the bird object right now,

  • I could add a function called dispose,

  • little silly to do this, but why not,

  • which just says this.brain.dispose

  • and then in the neural network class,

  • I now have a function called dispose,

  • which I would say this.model.dispose.

  • So this is sort of a manual disposal of all of the memory

  • that that particular model is using.

  • And then somewhere in the sketch,

  • when I call next generation,

  • that makes the next generation and then I go on,

  • that's in my genetic algorithm, which is here.

  • So this is making the next generation,

  • and then clearing the savedBirds.

  • So before I clear the savedBirds,

  • I think it's, I could just use this total value,

  • what I can do now is,

  • I can say savedBirds index i dot dispose.

  • So that should call the dispose function

  • which calls the dispose function

  • which calls the dispose function.

  • So now, I'm looking at a 1000 tensors,

  • and then let me speed this up,

  • so it gets to the next generation faster.

  • Wow, it just got like a good one.

  • Next generation and now,

  • still a 1000 tensors.

  • (whistles)

  • So this is really complete.

  • I mean there's so much more that I could do,

  • but this is complete

  • in terms of the idea of neuroevolution with TensorFlow.js

  • and this particular Flappy Bird game.

  • All right, so what's coming next,

  • what could you do, what could I do next?

  • So one thing is, in my previous coding challenge

  • I saved the model to reload later,

  • and TensorFlow.js has functions for doing that.

  • Save and load layers, models,

  • I forgot what those functions are called,

  • but they're in there.

  • So I could come back and add that to this.

  • The other thing would be to apply this idea

  • to different scenarios, different games,

  • to different environments.

  • One of the things that I would like to do

  • is work with steering agents,

  • whether they're finding food or avoiding predators,

  • that would be an interesting thing to try.

  • So hopefully I'll come back and do this same idea,

  • but with a different environment

  • that has maybe more complexity to it,

  • with a less obvious result.

  • Because I have a feeling

  • that I could have gotten a bird to solve this game

  • with just some if statements.

  • Like I could probably guess like,

  • you should always jump, if you're too high,

  • you shouldn't jump if you're higher

  • than where the pipe opening is,

  • and if you're lower, you should jump.

  • So I could write an if statement

  • instead of using neural network.

  • Thank you for watching.

  • If you make your own version of this,

  • if you have ideas for how to make this better,

  • please let me know in the comments

  • and also over at,

  • you can submit a link to your version of this

  • running in the browser,

  • and I'll take a look at those

  • and hopefully share them in a future video or a livestream.

  • Thanks for watching and goodbye.

  • (whistles)

  • (upbeat electronic music)

(bell dings)

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11.3 使用TensorFlow.js的神經進化Flappy Bird (11.3 Neuroevolution Flappy Bird with TensorFlow.js)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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