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  • Imagine that you are in charge of a company and are hiring for a new position. Here are

  • the candidates. Without thinking about it too much, which one would you choose?

  • My guess is that you went for one of those in the middle and avoided the people on the

  • ends. Why? Because research shows that we tend to unconsciously think that the individuals

  • in the middle of a group tend to be more important. Some of the work has examined the TV quiz

  • show, The Weakest Link, in which contestants stand in a semi-circle and vote one another

  • off. Those standing towards the middle of the

  • semi-circle won the game on average 45% of the time, whilst those standing the one of

  • the ends won just 10% of the time. So if you want to make a good impression

  • during a meeting, make sure you sit towards the middle of the group.

Imagine that you are in charge of a company and are hiring for a new position. Here are

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說服心法:如何在會議上給人留下深刻印象? (Persuasion mind trick: How to impress in meetings)

  • 539 55
    VoiceTube posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary