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e smell a little beach guy swatches, huh?
Watch this, huh?
This is what you all been complaining about?
What the fuck has happened is that you can't see anything.
Oh, yes.
A beta posture.
He's just staring at the ground.
No, I haven't.
The feel of you has been all messed up.
I fixed it.
Ooh, Look at that lamp.
Your mind.
I control this.
Hey, come in.
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
That's what I'm finger licking titties.
Christian talking about.
Come here.
All right.
Now we can play the game for Riel.
Have the three episodes.
Thanks for being so patient drugs.
Ah, I feel good.
I feel fine, though.
Hey, Hey.
All right, God, hopefully my camera doesn't freeze.
That's my only concern right now.
Diarrhea or by Dean O.
Same thing also.
Obviously, I'm gonna look at the ground.
That's where all the items are.
Just so we're clear, gamers, Just stop it.
Come here.
Just so we're clear.
But now I'm looking up.
Look, there's so much up here.
Look at the time.
Look, there's, uh ah, look out.
Look how easy it is for me to reach because I'm so tall.
Look at that.
Look how easy it is to reach out because I'm so tall.
Thank you.
But you tiny little midgets have trouble.
Not that there's anything wrong being a tiny little Ah.
Is it better let me Maybe it's worse.
I don't even know.
All right.
We got a little a little snacky snacks everywhere in this game.
Okay, I like that.
Totally paper.
Finally, we can survive the virus.
Hey, guys, present.
Bye bye.
Look at the nipples, bro.
I was not that close.
Oh, really?
Oh, well, come here.
Could make a big banquet.
Come here.
That's what I'm talking about.
Well, then I hit Stop record or something.
I'm so paranoid now.
Don't eat it.
I catch them every time.
Oh, no, Mr Chair.
What they do to you?
That's nasty.
All right, All right.
Let's get out of toilet paper.
I'm gonna need a lot of it from gonna make it out of this virus.
Here we go.
Oh, never mind.
Never mind.
Yeah, Yeah.
What is that thing?
Maybe they want a drink.
You want a drink?
That's disgusting.
I don't like that at all.
Come here.
What's beeping and my beeping?
Or is it you guys?
Ill out.
L stop.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Hole!
All right.
What do we have here?
I'm looking at, Right.
Donate toilet paper, obviously.
Hello, soap.
You really start reading?
E ain't so bad, huh?
Phone you?
Yeah, lamp.
More like lame.
Yeah, I know.
All right, so they're dead.
But suppose we jumped down there, huh?
Safe lining every time.
I'm good at this.
I know what I'm doing.
Oh, God.
Look at this.
000 I didn't know that did not register.
I wish they tweak that a little bit.
It's like it shouldn't be that hard to just throw it off.
Your Why were really loan How full up, I guess.
Another thing is that, uh, wow, I don't have any.
The menu, Your arms that kind.
Like this length.
That's why I look down a lot more.
It's not like I look at the menu like this.
Okay, So, like, all right, you know what I mean.
Don't be hating.
That's all I'm saying.
Don't behave or else Or else Or else.
So I'm not allowed to look down.
All right.
I was kidding.
Oh, damn.
I'm good at this game.
Damn, I'm good at this game.
Anyone wants some hoo?
I bet we need That's a lot of AMA.
We should try and get in here.
Okay, I Dude, that is so nice.
All right, motherfucker.
Ey, ey ey, motherfucker!
Let go!
They go the ball!
Drop the ball!
Dropped the ball!
I said drop the ball!
Give it to obey!
Give it!
Give it up, Bob.
You'll pay for their Sorry.
That's my WhatsApp.
I keep forgetting I can't chick stuff in real life.
Give me the ball.
Give me the ball.
I'm done being nice cop.
You like that?
Yeah, Yeah, yeah.
Give me to me.
Give it now!
You're really pissing me off, you fucking bitch!
You fuck with me again, I'll fuck you up.
All right?
I understand what it is.
Do you?
Atmosphere You want tomorrow after its fair number of games.
Can I shoot those?
That takes a lot of animal.
There better be something here.
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me?
Come on, give me something.
Ah, man.
um, main owns I a man.
Um, let me go.
Uh, bleach.
Bleach, son.
Know your milk?
I don't care about milk.
Oh, I knew it.
Mother fucker.
Oh, my God.
That was toilet paper and sign Plage, my love.
It scared me, too.
Don't worry.
We're gonna get out of here.
We'll get out of here together.
Oh, my God.
All right, all right, Bleach.
I want you to look at this.
I want you to see me There.
This Do you understand, Beta?
You like that, leech?
Give it to me.
Squeeze to arm and trigger that that Shut up.
Shut up!
Those are big go Bleach saved the day.
You fucking useless!
Oh, Another one.
We're not God damn, That's disgusting.
Oh, more.
Where's Bleach?
Let go.
Let go!
Thank you.
Where's bleach?
No, No.
Like this?
No, like this.
Are you kidding me?
All right.
We're good for fun.
Or they looked at Hoyt, huh?
They looked for fun for Yeah, it All right?
We got our stuff.
You motherfucker!
You nasty, You nasty, huh?
You fucking nasty bitch.
You understand?
All right, come on.
Come on.
Give it to Danny.
That's right.
That's fucking right.
That's fucking right.
No one says no to me.
No way was cooking in the kitchen, Mother for us.
Do you think I'm scared?
Put that here.
All right.
Stupid milk.
What is this place?
A milk place, huh?
Stupid thing.
Oh, God, You're heavy, huh?
Go, bitch!
Oh, that's sorry.
I'm sorry, guys.
I'm so sorry.
Never let me go in an apocalypse.
The fuck is this, huh?
What is this?
When his ship kitchen is what kind of non i ke a kitchen milk?
Who needs it?
Shut the fuck up!
You see that wrestle?
I hit the ceiling.
That's why I shot God damn it!
I'm not afraid of electricity, huh?
Do I look like a kind?
Oh, God.
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up.
Uh, bring it with bleach was bleak, huh?
You up there, huh?
You up there, though?
Is this batteries?
When the moment is gone and you can go Bring it.
Suck my ass.
Come on, Come on.
Come back here.
Come back here.
I can't shoot him.
I Percy!
All right, It's fun.
Let's salute first and then engaged.
Why could I know shoe Because I hadn't cocked it.
Where is he?
Do you want to find me or nine?
Where are you gonna get you?
I'm gonna get you.
Bring it here.
We're gonna get I'm gonna get you rich.
I get I'm gonna get you.
I'm going to get you.
I'm going to get you.
Come to Poppy.
Don't be afraid.
Oh, God.
This bed, You can run, but you can't.
I smell a little bitch.
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Yeah, Suck it.
My night.
What happened?
It was like a star looking white.
Don't make a ramp, dawg.
I killed it.
And it crapped out this thing.
It's a hard, hetero head.
Oh, maybe you can use that Is battery nice.
I feel good about that.
That went well.
Oh, my God.
How am I not figured out that yet?
I'm not crawling underneath there.
That's way too much effort.
All right, so we got electricity and stuff.
That's fine.
More ammo.
That's why they gave us so much ammo before.
People are like Felix.
You don't find all the ammo.
When I was at this point I have this much, and I'm like, Shut the fuck up.
I don't need to find every and win the game to beat the game.
If you think that's how you played games and you don't understand games.
All right?
I'm a veteran, all right?
You're nothing.
I climb, I climb vending machines.
What do you do?
It is not a vending machine.
Will you understand the point of what I'm saying?
Well, you need every item in the game to beat it.
Otherwise you're pregnant, Rog.
So knowing money minced up, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
You have to understand, your backseat gamer.
And what you're saying isn't helpful.
So eat ass.
You thought I This should work is a battery, right?
I want my baby.
I want my baby.
I want my little baby.
Where are you?
I know she's here.
I know she's here.
I'm on my baby.
I'm gonna find her.
That's something we're finding.
That's something worth fighting for because I'm actually loaning health.
That's why.
Hey, girl.
Hey, Let go!
Don't be scared.
Felix is here.
Felix is here.
He's gonna take care of you.
There you are.
Oh, no.
Little one Come here.
Hey, Hey, You're scared.
The gun already?
It's just me and you.
What's your name?
I was Bjoern Hope here.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
It's gonna be fine.
Stop crying ing the origin safe on DS Little be Ernie, You're so pretty.
Say good bye to this world.
Bye bye.
Bjoern sleep for red.
Oh, that's good those, Bernie.
Thank you.
I knew you would do it and that you were a good one.
I knew it show.
All right, let's go.
Yeah, guys, what is it?
Loads right there.
Come on.
Are you kidding me?
I'm worried that my camera's gonna freeze because I can't just remove it from the screen If that happens, which would be tearing by Terry Bad.
All right, It's dark again.
No, I just haven't hit Load.
Come on.
He wasted a shot.
The gameplay to ruin, I hope.
All right, squish.
What do we got?
Oh, damn, this one is tricky.
Nicky Holloway.
How would I possibly do that?
I just have to spend it while I do it.
Okay, so let's do the easier ones last.
Oh, wow.
Oh, cool.
I see.
Since their way, we can spin it So they're all connect, despite all the odds.
Hey, just ignore like all the errors.
Say then.
Just like don't worry about that.
We all make them.
We'll make them.
Is that right?
Sit down.
I don't know if I Oh, whoa, Dude, your nails look pop in new.
I'm not.
I'm not falling for that tramp.
That's a trap waiting to happen.
All right, Leo, something.
Excuse me.
Always got maids do nice.
Catch it!
He had Amul too.
I got it.
No, no, I said no!
Let's check here.
My baby.
Oh, my girl!
Hey, this is my bitch mother fucker this month.
Show me your arm then It's hard.
It's harder to hit the thing.
Almost my little girl.
Hey, what should I name you?
Hey, don't be scared.
Hey, Hey, It's okay.
Take a wiggle jiggle week.
Oh, yes.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You can make another one, right?
You're so beautiful, huh?
You're so great.
I'm fine knifes, you know that.
Don't be nasty.
Oh, look at that.
Alright, here we go.
That elevator will take me up to the substation.
What is this?
I'm so strong.
It's a front.
I don't want to take the elevator.
I want a club.
I don't wanna go.
Boom, Boom!
Give me the pain.
Give it up, man.
Give it a pet.
No, I didn't.
God fucking damn it!
Can I reach it?
I mean, I might be able to reach it.
I'm sure we're gonna go down there later.
I pulled out a mag underneath my head.
Scheme sucks since the game's fault.
Yeah, the hell.
I guess we jumped down here, huh?
Put off.
Oh, God, no!
God, Yeah.
We are going down our way.
That's right.
That's right.
Give me that.
Give it a pan, Mother.
Give me the Pam.
All right, This dangerous one, huh?
Pen gang banking, banking, paying gang.
That's a paying game.
Balsa steals.
I respect it.
I respect him.
Uh, gang with pain game this stuck in the door.
Thank gang with the fucker paying gang with the foot.
Come out.
Sit the fuck down, mother fucker.
I know I should stop fucking around.
Hold up.
Hold up, guys.
I got an appointment with you paying gang with bang game with the book.
Not fine.
I feel pretty good, actually.
Jump up present It's just for you, buddy.
A special gift pen game.
We'll bring the pan.
We bring the Pan Gang.
Yeah, Yeah.
I wonder if I can break it with my hands.
Who would?
I feel scared.
Still can't do it, guys.
Paying gang during the pan.
You know, Miss, you know, I'm saying, you know, I'm saying just chicken footage looks okay, right?
Actually, I'm not sure if you see my health bar.
I just realized it'll matter.
Yeah, portions left about Yeah.
Yeah, I want some challenge.
Did I want a fucking challenge?
All right.
Uh uh, My ankle bring it.
I ain't afraid of no fool.
Sit down.
It's like, God damn, that feels good.
You're mine.
Your mind?
I'm I know day.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Where to go?
A mine.
All knife A mine own Stop to those diamonds are inside.
And I'm on your town.
I'm on your mom.
I mind my too Um yeah.
Bucket Gang.
You're my new hero.
Oh, my God.
What is this?
Sky room?
Who here?
A little a scared child.
Koldo Muoi's Locally the scar.
If I kill.
These shotguns are the best, right?
All right.
You can't hurt me.
Yeah, nice.
Some smooth Do I need?
Put it there.
That's right.
It's nice getting the hang of it.
It's almost like carrying around a night like this is this to me, is looking around because it's clearly items around.
I'm not looking for the fucking Easter eggs and shit.
Uh uh.
You know what I mean?
Like that.
Who looks for East drinks like this.
But, you know, I bet this is super lame.
I bet you are.
God damn, It's cool.
Come, for fuck's sake, register.
It won't.
How did they fuck this up?
Such an integral fucking part of the game and I can't do it.
All right, We're ready to solve the puzzle.
Sure, sure, I could.
As I I'm just gonna look around a little bit more.
I know that that's there, but I'm full literally.
So All right, let's puzzle.
Let's puzzle gamers.
Let's bring the pain.
Uh whoa!
All right.
Uh oh.
They're moving.
They're moving.
Oh, all right.
Still easy for a big brain.
Of course.
That's it.
That's it.
A mag.
All right.
I guess I can carry this in my hand.
All right.
Time to go.
Iki my fucking show, motherfucker.
Hello, motherfucker.
I hate those.
I guess I need your factory.
You know, between the smite Ning dog.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid of you.
Stop, Stop, Stop!
Look at you, honey.
That's awesome.
Lightning dog.
More like lightning.
My queen, are you Are you gonna come or should I have?
I'll get that later.
Can I shoot him?
What the hell?
Can you stop that?
What's ahead now?
Can't hide anymore.
That dam is fast.
Dang it.
Uh, well, better, huh?
Oh, come to me.
I'll set you free.
Put you there.
All right, all right, all right.
Give me that.
Not not the fucking chair.
You're pathetic.
What's that?
A long time ago.
You were a legend.
Well, that ain't now, is it?
When you ain't now, are you?
Uh huh.
Look at you.
Barely a chair.
Look at you.
You're nothing pathetic.
Okay, How did we get all right?
Uh, all right.
You're gonna drop in a down there.
Oh, hello.
Yeah, I know I don't use burst fire, but whatever it may be I use it now for the boss.
Which button is it?
That is not the button for the breast fair.
Which button would it be?
How do I I don't know how to switch the burst fire.
Um, all right, so we gotta get his battery.
We came here.
There's nothing in the ven or he escaped, but there must be somewhere we can go.
Where would that be?
Unless we're supposed to fight him out here.
Which would I can't hear anything, huh?
Oh, cable.
Why don't I hear strange?
Look at that.
It did it.
It did the mean to one.
All right, we're recording.
Is it working?
God, I'm so paranoid.
It's so scary.
Recording and beer.
Am I shorter now?
Say it Honestly.
Am I shorter at my short now?
I will kill you.
I will kill you, You understand?
No, Don't do that.
That's annoying.
I don't like that.
No, no!
Oh, no, no, don't stop shooting.
Are you gonna keep doing that?
You're just gonna keep doing that?
Mother fucker!
You're pathetic!
You put Daddy!
What happened?
Development went into it.
We're gonna be Yes, it was Russell bound up Waas.
That was fucking crazy.
That was fucking awesome!
Holy shit, guys.
All right, up.
All right.
First trying bomb step.
All right.
I thought I missed that.
I missed something.
Oh, God.
I'm gonna dying.
It's gonna squish me.
Oh, God, This is bad.
Israel banned.
What do we do?
Oh, God, I can't move.
I'm froze out.
We're fine.
We're fine.
Yeah, and Ah, yeah.
Take my hand.
Oh, that's a worrier.
Shouldn't think about Alex.
You don't force is moving at three miles an hour, fugitive.
You know, they got one leg obstacles.
No direct pop.
You know what?
I'm not gonna lie to you by now, but we're going up to the thing.
That's so cool.
You're the one he did towards the danger's way.
Should be the one worried about you.
I'm not Fred.
Who wants some Who wants some who wants him.
Come get some.
That has to be an upgrade station that I missed because I feel like I haven't seen one of forever.
Maybe it's done here.
Yeah, for some reason, it's harder to pick up items that are further.
I mean, closer English.
Help me.
That's a big ass drawer.
Do if I ever saw Big drunk.
Do you think there's something underneath the bed from bed bucks?
You can't fault me for not looking all behind the mirror.
Okay, Tap twice The toggle burst.
Thank you.
Uh, burst fire burst fire?
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
I think you know it's the answer.
I really didn't have to get it there.
I'm fucking around too much.
How did they put these vases everywhere?
Not make them smash a ball, huh?
Valve, huh?
I gave you so much credit in the beginning.
Uh huh.
Finally, Alex, I don't have you noticed, but fucking half of them aren't wearing shirts.
Can you put in your backpack?
Thank you.
Can you not look?
Look away, motherfucker.
It's important to wash your hands.
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to be burned.
T What's Ah, Sergei.
I know.
I didn't know that.
Did you?
Did you know that?
Where's the money?
Uh what's my fucking money, huh?
You know I don't like the way.
Where's my fucking money?
How's your looks?
What's that bitch?
Deaf Children.
All right, Check if It's safe but soft.
All right.
Oh, I should done a Spiderman jumped there.
I didn't I didn't commit.
I don't know why I didn't.
I don't know why I didn't come in.
Jack the throat.
He's so sweet.
He said my half light videos.
A great I actually was gonna give Jack a shot because Jack is really good at doing Let's place I'm not.
So if you're looking for a good let's place of half life check out Jax.
I really mean that.
Because I know, I know.
I mess around too much for people's flavor.
I just can't help myself.
You know what I mean?
You know what I mean?
I just skedaddled.
I just skid addled.
I can't help it.
I can't help it.
It's too fun.
I mean do Oh, come on.
You're immune.
You're immune.
Oh, she, uh never.
Yes, Queen Green!
Going, going, going!
Create My lord!
My queen!
My queen!
Let me please.
I'm not worthy.
I am a simple I am yet my fellow.
Eager, Please, Please, just That's right.
You know not I'm still your number one, right?
I'm still your number one, right?
That's what I thought.
You thought you talked?
Oh, no.
It's gonna be an explosion in the backroom gamers bathroom bathroom.
Learn English, I bet a kilts to get there.
God damn, that's, um, explosive dago Barnicle.
I hear more, so let's be careful.
I feel like I missed himself over there.
Let me just check it.
Great, bitch.
But you look good tonight, which I want you.
Is there learning?
It's literally nothing.
All right.
Where was I?
I literally don't remember where I came from.
I was there, remember?
Oh, maybe in here.
I feel like there ought to be something more, but Okay, I guess not.
All right.
Who wants him?
I am.
I'm coming.
A I'm not talking to you.
I'm not talking to you.
I don't think those you could double pump coming notices.
I'm making no sense.
Did you see something?
Am I going crazy?
J sex.
That's a long way down, Monda.
No, I'm serious.
Thank you.
No, I need that any day, Any day, any day.
Uh oh.
I know.
I'm Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I'm alive.
I'm alive, Dad.
All right, let's be careful.
Hey, I will shoot any bird any.
Oh, nice.
Come on.
Come on, baby.
Come to me.
Come to me.
Don't be scared.
All right.
All right.
Came on foot catching.
No, no!
God damn it!
Shut up!
All right, I'm in.
What were you doing in there?
What were you doing in there?
Co spackle!
Come, You're all stuck.
It doesn't.
No, he's dead.
What in the world miss this game, dude, Where you get your nails done, girl?
Let me watch your girl.
Oh, God.
What did I do?
Damn, Your girl.
Your nasty, huh?
Hey, homes, you dirty is how main What you up to, huh?
What's your job, huh?
Ah, you too.
You make a lot of money doing a Yeah.
See, Ninja make a lot of money.
You heard of that £40 motherfucker?
I love him.
I fucking love him.
Ah, uh uh.
Uh, getting tired of this place.
It's boring.
I don't like it.
I want to go somewhere else.
Come a come a Come a come a Come on to me.
Uh um ah.
Uh uh.
You you like that?
Oh, my God.
How I miss Point blank.
Fucking range, huh?
How does that happen?
You mean it?
What amount?
That's fine.
All right.
Where am I spinning around?
Too much, girl, you look good.
You want something useless to chew on?
All right, We're getting close to the end here.
We're getting close.
We're getting really, really, really close.
All right.
I suppose in here, then.
Uh oh.
Don't do it.
This is a Creavy s quarter there, man.
The game has lagged, and we're still good.
There's no handles on the doors.
Oh, spare percent, though.
No, no, no.
That was dope.
Deca Waco.
What is that the hell is that?
I should have saved that.
Oh, no.
Oh, God.
The Georgians, Granddad or whatever.
Oh, my God.
The hell happened?
Your mom has breast cancer.
Oh, my God.
Oh, What happened?
All right.
Oh, God.
He scared me so much.
Hold up.
Is the food ready?
Okay, I'm coming.
She says correct.
Don't ever do it.
Don't do that.
You can't do that.