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Alright guys! So I'm just gonna jump right into this:
It is now time to announce the winner of the Geograbee contest that we had earlier this year
Now, there were a lot of really cool submission from all over the world, I'm so glad we have such a diverse community here at Geography Now
And trust me, IF I COULD I would absolutely love to visit every single one of you guys
nonetheless, I read a lot of your comments, took a lot of thought into consideration
I contemplated about it
and a lot of you guys, especially people who are not even from this area
suggested that I go here
because you would really like to see what it looks like and what it would look like if we went here
and, I agree! it's a very fascinating place, I've never been there
and I think it would be very interesting to document
so, without further ado.....
Somaliland! (disputed with Somalia)
thank you, Ahmed for submitting your video for the Geograbee
I've been talking a little bit to him
we're gonna try to figure out all the travel details and what's gonna happen and when
but right now, we're gonna try really hard to get to Somaliland for the Geograbee
now, one of the reasons I chose somaliland is because it's so obscure and unheard-of
you know, it's not exactly a "tourist destination" and a lot of people don't know about it
and, to me, that's something that draws me in
the unknown
however, THAT IS NOT ALL
I did mention that I would try to do more than one Geograbee
now, here's the deal
i'm kind-of working on a little bit of a project that i'm not allowed to talk to much about.....
but this project requires me to travel to 5 different countries
and one of the guys who submitted for the Geograbee is from one of these countries
so, kind of by default
I decided to do a geograbee in this country as well
and that country isssssssssss (drumroll please!)
NORWAY! (Oslo)
thank you Stefan [not Karl Stefansson :(] for your submission video as well
but wait, you're going to Norway?
Ohhhhhhh not only that!
So in March believe it or not this project requires me to travel to:
Norway, [the] Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembo[u]rg, and France
and, not only that
Ken and Keith are gonna come with me
all three of us are gonna do a little mini euro-trip
in March
I kind of made of a little bit of a cryptic post on this on my 'Community' tab and on social media
but yes, we will be traveling to Europe and we will be working on a project
we plan to do meetups in every single one of these countries
if you would like to meetup in Europe we will post our meetups and times and locations shortly before we arrive
in those countries
we actually haven't even planned anything yet for the meetups
we don't know where or when
actually we're kinda open for suggestions
if any of you guys know of any good public places we can meetup that'd be great
let us know
keep posted on social media
and finally guys
after the Netherlands video, I'm gonna take a little break from Geography Now :(
it's getting kind of ridiculous
first, I just wanna make it very clear:
this IS NOT a YouTube burnout video, I don't feel burned out
I feel like I could keep going, I could keep uploading, I love this channel
I love making these videos
I love researching, I love everything
but, the problem is
my body is like: NOPE
i'm just gonna cut to the chase
this is what is what I used to look like last year
and a few weeks ago, I took this picture, this is what I looked like
working on this channel
I mean, i'm on the laptop for like the majority of the day
i'm staying up until 4 am (in the morning)
like, you guys notice I upload VERY EARLY
some of you guys are like, oh is that like a timed upload?
like, no that's literally me awake at 4 o'clock in the morning pushing the upload button
I try to exercise but it doesn't even matter because i'm eating junk food
and like, diet is like 70% of your fitness
I kinda let myself go (just so you know I'm not faking)
and also, some of you guys have noticed if you look at some of my videos,
I have this like, weird red bump on my eye
yeah this thing right here (too close!)
this is called a Chalazion
this is a stress-induced red inflammation on the eye
these things usually go away after a week
I've had this for almost 2 months [that's insane]
this is kind of an indication that something is not right
and I think partially because I keep doing the same thing over and over again
I keep staying up late
I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure any doctor will tell what I'm doing is really not healthy
so guys, I really need to take some time to just kinda get back into shape, take my health into consideration
this [once again] isn't a YouTube burnout video, it's more of like a YouTube I need-to-burn-the-calories video ;)
so after the Netherlands episode, I'm gonna take a break
one of the reasons why I keep uploading is because I need to make money
and I notice that if I don't upload in 2 or more weeks the revenue starts to sharply decline
and so, I'm always nervous I can't stop I have to keep uploading
but you know it's getting to the point where like, I don't even care anymore
I'm gonna lose money, but it's worth it if I can be healthy and happy
plus I just did some sponsored gigs, so I have some money saved up, so it's good, it's good
in the meantime, thank you guys so much for not just watching the channel, but also interacting and I love this interaction stuff
and I really can't wait to meet you guys in Europe
and, we're gonna try really hard to get to Somaliland
so let's see what happens alright?
alright, so that's just my announcement, hope you guys have a good one, stay cool, stay tuned