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  • Hi, Vsauce. Michael here.

  • You can practice speaking backwards, so when your words are reversed

  • their intelligible. But here's something else that is weird.

  • The digits in the speed of light are exactly the same

  • as the latitude of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

  • And, as the anagram genius has revealed, all the world's

  • a stage but if you rearrange the letters in the meaning of life

  • it becomes be engine of a film

  • or, more pessimistically, the fine game of nil.

  • What does all of this mean?

  • Are these just coincidences?

  • Or are greater powers at work?

  • Why is it so easy for us to find

  • hidden messages? Why can a mere coincidence give us chills

  • and why is it so fun?

  • When you reverse Neil Armstrong saying 'small step for man'

  • you can hear what sounds like man will space walk

  • Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F Kennedy

  • and this interview he defends the Fair Play for Cuba committee

  • of which he was a member.

  • Now listen to what it sounds like when we reverse him saying

  • 'and the Fair Play for Cuba'.

  • is that a coincidence or a subconscious confession hidden within his own words?

  • It's a coincidence.

  • For crying out loud, if anybody says 'and the Fair Play for Cuba',

  • and then reverses it, it sounds the same.

  • This app, by the way, is called Virtual Recorder.

  • It's a really easy way to quickly reverse your own speech.

  • Matthew Hutson in 'The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking' points out that if you record

  • yourself saying

  • and then reverse it

  • it sounds a bit like happy birthday to you

  • Kind of.

  • If a word can be spelt the same forward

  • and backward, it's a palindrome.

  • But if a word or phrase

  • sounds the same, whether spoken forward or rewound,

  • it is a phonetic palindrome.

  • For example,

  • say yes. Reversed

  • Pretty cool. But check out this poem by Karsten Johansson

  • By the way, some people can speak in reverse on the fly

  • It is really cool to see them in action.

  • Watch Guy's lean back

  • after this video. It's linked down in the description and it's full of pretty cool coincidence videos.

  • Apophenia is the perception of connections or patterns

  • in information.

  • One type of Apophenia is Pareidolia -

  • the scene or hearing of things that weren't meant to be there.

  • For instance, hearing your name being called or your phone ringing

  • in the sound of running water, or hearing English words

  • in a non-English song or seeing faces

  • that weren't purposely placed there. Our brains are good at this kind of work,

  • probably because being hyper attentive to patterns and faces

  • can save your life. If there's ambiguity as to whether that

  • thing hiding in the shadows is a threat, or just a shadow,

  • it's advantageous to air on the side

  • of threat. Organisms with a healthy sense of Apophenia

  • live longer, long enough to have kids and raise them

  • and naturally become the norm. We connect with

  • faces so well Hutson relates a story of a friend who draws

  • faces on things she doesn't wanna lose, like her bags.

  • She says the faces make her less likely to forget about them.

  • If you like it, you should have put a ring on it, if you like not losing it,

  • you should have drawn a face on it.

  • We are so good at

  • teasing out patterns and faces from random noise

  • actual random sequences don't always

  • feel random to us.

  • Originally, Apple's iTunes shuffle feature generated complaints from users.

  • They said that similar songs, or songs from the same artist,

  • appeared in a string, which, of course, is to be expected

  • from randomness but it didn't feel random enough.

  • So Apple introduced a smart shuffle

  • that avoided totally random sequences that nonetheless

  • didn't seem random to our pattern loving brains.

  • As Steve Jobs explained, "we're making it less random

  • to make it feel more random".

  • Our impressive ability to imagine patterns also expresses itself when it

  • comes to connecting songs

  • and moving images. This dancing Spider-Man animation will

  • famously sync up with any music you play.

  • Try it. What kind of black magic is going on here?

  • Well, as it turns out, most of it is in our heads.

  • Radiolab reported that Michigan State University explains that the major movements

  • of dancing animations like this one, or this one,

  • move at typical song tempos but also contain, like most

  • dance, various other different related rhythms of movement allowing them to seemingly

  • fit many different tempos.

  • Selection bias helps a lot too.

  • We fall prey to this when we reject all the times the animation

  • doesn't really sync up, focusing instead on the more surprising times

  • when it does.

  • The bizarre pyramid coincidence mentioned earlier

  • is a lot less bizarre when you consider the fact that we got to control where

  • we placed the decimal point,

  • and that a number of degrees this precise isn't necessary to locate the pyramid.

  • By the fourth decimal we're only talking about a matter of a few meters,

  • so it's easy to make the rest fit the speed of light exactly

  • and have still picked a point on the pyramid.

  • Confirmation bias also comes into play here.

  • If you really want two things to sync up,

  • they will.

  • We often look for evidence that supports what we already believe,

  • while marginalising things against it.

  • As Marshall McLuhan said "I wouldn't have seen it, if I hadn't believed it".

  • These biases also help explain the seemingly mind-blowing coincidence that

  • famous movies and famous albums can line up.

  • One the most popular states that if you start playing Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon

  • at the same time as The Wizard of Oz, they will eerily

  • line up. Entire communities have sprouted around the syncing

  • of movies and albums. Some of my favorites are the Yellow Submarine soundtrack

  • and the Little Mermaid, Lorde's Pure Heroine and Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn 2,

  • and the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey

  • with Pink Floyd's Echoes.

  • There are conspiracies

  • that these were somehow secretly planned, though in reality

  • they're just accidental music videos. The product of selection bias,

  • confirmation bias and

  • the law of near enough.

  • A behaviour of our pattern sensitive minds.

  • Two things don't have to line up exactly, or literally,

  • for us to see a connection. This is why vague predictions

  • are a great way to look psychic. These are also actually

  • unsurprising when you consider the fact that the number of narrative

  • paces and rhythms we enjoy, and typically use,

  • are much smaller than the number possible.

  • In 'The Improbability Principal', David J Hand calls this

  • "the probability lever".

  • What may be rare

  • on average, or when considering all possible scenarios,

  • can be less rare for specific scenarios,

  • even if they are only marginally different. Getting struck by lightning

  • is a proverbially unlikely event, but Walter Summerford

  • wasn't just struck by lightning once during his life,

  • he was struck three times. It never

  • killed him but four years after his death

  • his gravestone was also struck by lightning.

  • What are the chances? I mean, clearly Summerford was some sort of

  • robot built out of lightning rods or had somehow angered Zeus,

  • right?

  • Probably not. You see, while for the average person

  • the chance have been struck by lightning is quite low, for an avid outdoor

  • sportsman like Summerford,

  • it's not as low.

  • The law of truly large numbers

  • also comes into play here.

  • With lightning striking Earth forty to fifty times a second, billions of people

  • for it to strike and

  • thousand of years of recorded history, it's actually not surprising at all

  • that at least once a story like Summerford's

  • would have happened.

  • Given the truly large number of people

  • who visit Disney World every day, and the fact that they take photos and lots of them,

  • it's actually not surprising at all that at least one so far,

  • a story like Alex and Donna Voutsinas' has happened.

  • While sorting through old photos before their wedding, Alex and Donna found a photo

  • of Donna

  • at Disney World, fourteen years before the couple met.

  • But then Alex noticed something. He too had visited Disney World as a child, and there,

  • in the background, was his father pushing him in a stroller.

  • Sometimes coincidences can be tragic.

  • In 1864, Abraham Lincoln's son,

  • Robert Lincoln, was saved from serious injury - or possibly even

  • death - when a stranger grabbed him by the shirt collar

  • moments before he plunged on the train tracks below.

  • That stranger turned out to be Edwin Booth, one of the most famous

  • Shakespearean actors of the time. So famous in fact Robert recognized him

  • and had a letter sent thanking him for saving his life. Less than a year later

  • Edwin Booth's brother, John Wilkes Booth, undid the favor by

  • assassinating Abraham Lincoln.

  • Strange as they seem at first,

  • math says that given enough time and psychology says that given enough interest

  • in finding them,

  • coincidences and connections will be found,

  • even unlikely ones. The coincidences between

  • Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy are famous.

  • Both were elected to the presidency in the year ending with sixty.

  • Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre,

  • Kennedy was shot in a 1961 Lincoln Continental four-door convertible,

  • made by Ford.

  • Both presidents' last names have seven letters

  • and both assassins had 15 letters in their names.

  • The list goes on, as it should.

  • If you look long enough, you can find coincidences between any two people or

  • things or events.

  • They may seem strange at first but tend to wind up being in the end

  • pretty expected. For just one example,

  • name length isn't that wildly variable.

  • Seven-letter names are pretty common. Lincoln,

  • Kennedy. Michael. Stevens

  • In the famous spooky presidential coincidences contest,

  • held by the Skeptical Inquirer in 1992, one contestant alone

  • found similar lists of crazy coincidences

  • between 21 pairs of former presidents.

  • Given the vast amount of details in any one of our lives,

  • it's pretty easy. This court can be exploited to almost comedic heights

  • when it comes to over-analysing.

  • Of course, hidden messages and signs are often intentionally included in media

  • for fun, or to reward attentive viewers.

  • But unintentional, extraordinary things

  • happen all the time. It's not really that extraordinary.

  • There's a famous calculation

  • that is known as Littlewood's law. Given the number of hours

  • we are awake every day, and assuming an event only takes about a second to occur,

  • if you calculate the odds of something happening to you are only one in a million.

  • Well, you should expect that thing to happen to you about once every 35 days.

  • David J Hand took this even further with seven billion people on Earth

  • the chance that an event with a one in a million probability of happening

  • to each of us won't happen today is 1

  • in 10 to 3040. As Persi Diaconis put it,

  • the truly unusual day would be a day where

  • nothing unusual happens.

  • And as always,

  • thanks for watching.

  • You may have noticed a lot of YouTube channels making videos about learning this week.

  • Well, that is not a coincidence. It is school of YouTube week.

  • Many people are going back to school or college right now

  • but across the world millions of children won't be

  • either because they work to support their families

  • or live without a home. Or in areas where there is conflict.

  • They may experience overcrowding at school or a lack of teaching

  • and school supplies. But luckily, we can help.

  • Donations to Comic Relief's School of YouTube campaign

  • can help disadvantaged young people all around the world

  • get an education. It doesn't take much to change a life.

  • You can learn more in the description below or donate right now.

  • And as always, thanks for helping and thanks for learning.

Hi, Vsauce. Michael here.

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詭異的巧合? (Spooky Coincidences?)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary