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  • Here's a coding interview problem from Amazon:

  • We have an array of tuples, or an array of arrays of two items each.

  • This represents points on a two-dimensional space

  • So for example this first item, (-2, 4) represents

  • this point right here because the x-coordinate of this point is -2 and the y-coordinate of this point is

  • 4 and the problem is this:

  • given these points,

  • how would you find the K closest points to the origin? And of course the origin is at (0,0).

  • So for example, if the given K is 2, how would you find the two closest points

  • to the origin out of these points? The two closest points here are (-1,0) and (0,-2)

  • so you should be able to print these points and try solving this problem in a more general way

  • To practice pause the video right here

  • And think about how you would solve the problem and then come back to the video

  • the first natural step for solving this problem is to find the distance to each point from the origin and

  • of course we can use the Pythagorean theorem to do that so to find the distance to for example at this point, (-2,4)

  • We can just find the value of square root of

  • minus 2 squared plus 4 squared which

  • is equal to

  • square root of 4 plus 16 which is square root of 20 so that's

  • the distance from the origin to (-2,4) and we can go through the same procedure for

  • every other point to find the distance for every other point as well, and after that you can just

  • construct a new array with objects

  • containing the coordinates of each point as well as the distance to each point from the origin and

  • this new array might look like this

  • I'm calling this new array points_with_d as in points with distance and the first object of this

  • new array will correspond to the first item in the original array

  • with the coordinates (-2,4) and with this is square root of 20 of course,

  • and we're going to have the same type of object for every other point in the original points so the length of points_with_d

  • the new array will be the same as the length of the original array points,

  • and you can use dictionaries or hash tables to store this information

  • Instead of using objects as well

  • Once you have this array all you need to do is, you just need to find the K objects or the K points

  • with the shortest distance

  • So at this point this problem is actually equivalent to the problem of finding the K smallest

  • elements in a given array of numbers

  • for example if the given array is this array of integers, and if the given K is 3

  • We want to be able to find the three smallest items out of this array

  • Which are 1 2, and there are right here now

  • There are a few different approaches for solving this problem

  • The simplest approach is the one in which you sort this array in an ascending order so that the smallest items

  • come first and out of the sorted array take the K first items,

  • and that approach would take Big O of n log n in time if you use for example quick sort or merge sort

  • another approach is using a variation of something called selection sort and

  • I'm not going to go into detail here in this video

  • But this approach would take Big O of nk in time

  • Now my personal favourite approach is the one in which we use a max-heap and this one would take

  • Big O of (K + (n - k) log k) in time. Let me explain

  • how it works. First of all let's quickly go over what a heap is. In a sentence

  • It is an efficient way to keep track of the largest value in the given collection of numbers

  • Suppose as an example

  • You're given these three numbers

  • 4, 1, 5. If you construct a max-heap with these three numbers, you can sort of visualise it as

  • a bag or a box of these three numbers,

  • and however many numbers you have in the max-heap

  • Retrieving the largest number out of it is very efficient. In fact, asking the heap what the largest number is

  • Without modifying the heap, so just examining what the number is without retrieving the number itself

  • will be done in Big O of 1 in time. Now, there are a few other operations

  • we're going to use on a heap for this particular problem. The first one is create

  • creating a heap, a max-heap, with K items

  • takes Big O of K in time the second operation is replace.

  • So for example, if we want to replace the current largest number in

  • the given heap, this one with a new number three,

  • then this heap will be rearranged so that the current largest number will be four, and they will have one and three

  • below it. This operation takes Big O of log K,

  • where K is the number of items in the heap, and the third operation is print all.

  • This prints all the items in the given heap in the order

  • that's not necessarily sorted. So for example, this operation on this particular heap

  • Might print 4, 1, 3, and this operation takes Big O of K in time.

  • Now, how can we use a max-heap and those operations on it to find the K smallest items in a given array of numbers?

  • Let's consider this array of numbers again and

  • Let's say we want to find the three smallest items.

  • Then the first step will be to construct a max-heap with the first K items, or with the first three items.

  • After that, for each item in the remainder of the array, ask ourselves, is this number

  • smaller than the current largest number in the heap? If it is smaller then replace it

  • with the current largest number.

  • So when we are examining this number right here, 2, the heap will look like this,

  • And the current largest number has become 4, and when we're examining this number 3,

  • 4 will be replaced with 3.

  • We're going to keep going like that, and when we're examining this number, 10,

  • because this is not smaller than the current largest number in the max-heap,

  • we'll just ignore that number, and at the end of this process just print all items from this heap,

  • and we're done. We have the K smallest items from the given array. Now let's quickly recap our entire strategy

  • Using pseudocode we're going to define our function closest,

  • which takes the given points, and K, for finding the K closest points to the origin.

  • And from this function, we're not going to return anything,

  • but we're going to print the K closest points. And in this function, first of all using points, create

  • points_with_d for points with distance, an array of objects

  • containing the coordinates, as well as the distance to each point from the origin.

  • After that, using points_with_d

  • the array of objects, create a max-heap with the first

  • K items, and use the distance as the key when we create a max-heap.

  • Let's just call this max heap MH. After that,

  • run a for loop for each point in the remainder of the array,

  • and if this point's distance is less than the current max of MH,

  • then replace MH's current max with p, and once we're done with this for loop, then just print all points in

  • MH, and we're done. Now what about time complexity? Let's think about it line by line.

  • The first line here, using points creating points_with_d

  • takes Big O of n because we go through this array only once,

  • and creating a max-heap with K

  • items, as we discussed earlier, takes Big O of K in time, and here we're running n-k loops.

  • In each loop, replacing MH's current point with p takes Big O of log K,

  • and so the runtime for this entire for loop will be Big O of n-k times

  • log K in the worst case scenario.

  • After that, printing all points in MH will take Big O of K in time.

  • So adding them all up, Big O of n plus Big O of K

  • plus Big O of n - K times log K + Big O of K

  • We're going to have Big O of n

  • plus n - K times log K. And that would be the runtime for this entire solution.

  • Ok, thanks a lot for watching this video. If you liked this video I would also recommend

  • my course on Udemy, 11 Essential Coding Interview Questions, in which I cover

  • 11 of the most essential coding interview questions to master with coding exercises in Python and Java.

  • In case you're interested in taking the course. I put a discount code below in the description. Alright,

  • I'll see you in the next video.

Here's a coding interview problem from Amazon:

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亞馬遜編碼面試題--最接近原點的K點 (Amazon Coding Interview Question - K Closest Points to the Origin)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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