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My diet is simple.
Bread and wine.
That is a f***ing cliché, okay.
Hey guys, salut it's Alex.
Today, I'm gonna reveal the ugly truth
about my personal diet.
and...uh... spoiler alert. There's no frogs, there's no snails.
So just get a grip. It's gonna be fine.
So, in previous episodes from the tartines series
uh... I just quickly mentioned my diet and I just
felt like you would be
interested into knowing more about it.
So, all along this episode
I'm gonna use pictures from my Instagram...
and from my Facebook 'cause those are foods I eat everyday.
And if you want to stay tune you better
subscribe to one of those.
You can't be a subscriber of the Facebook page
AND the Instagram account.
Doesn't work.
You would break the internet.
Viewers discretion is advised
So, I am no nutritionist
and my diet is not perfect at all.
So, please keep that in mind
'cause I get really pissed off when I see
sometimes chefs online
talking as if they were nutritionists.
Just because they are lean, and...and...
also nicely photoshopped on their Instagram
doesn't mean it's only because of
THEIR diets.
I mean there are SO many factors in the game.
Like DNA, environment, culture
so many stuff that you don't know about.
So, it's not only about the diet.
Right? Good.
I do follow an omnivore diet.
Which means I can eat almost anything.
It doesn't mean I eat everything in equal proportions.
That being said. Let's eat our way through
a typical work day.
eight-ish, at the studio the morning
I usually don't have anything before that.
and...uh... from very often to quite occasionally
this is what I get early in the morning
Cereal bars,
wheat, oats, rice, nuts bar.
I'm trying not to eat too much of one kind.
Especially wheat which is everywhere and
I tend to diversify the things I eat
in the morning.
The second would be fruits.
I mean I'm a big fan of fruits.
I find them very...uh
convenient and also full of energy.
So, bread, butter and jam.
Uh... this is very occasional for the week
I mean it's more likely to happen
on the weekend with the family.
I never get enough croissant.
Let me tell you the reason why.
It's not because...uh
It's fat, or there is so much butter in it
which is absolutely true.
No. It's more like the bakery next door just sucks.
I CANNOT possibly have
a bad croissant in the morning.
It's like betraying someone, for me.
I mean this is serious stuff for us. No?
Liquid-wise, in the morning
is always the same.
Starts with lots of water,
but then it's immediately
Tea, tea, tea, tea
like black tea, green tea, whatever tea
Sometimes. Sometimes...uh, coffee.
If the night was really rough.
But, other than that, tea.
and I like to have mine with...uh
No sugar, and no milk.
" 'Cause if it doesn't go in my glass of wine..
it doesn't go in my cup of tea".
It's simple.
I eat between midday and two pm.
and it lasts about...uh thirty minutes like-so.
And no. I don't work while I eat.
It's very important.
I mean, from time to time I do take a snapshot.
You know from...
Anyway, for me
it's sacred time.
I know it sounds stupid, but this is one of my go to.
Rice noodles, wheat noodles, buckwheat noodles, egg noodles
whatever noodles.
I need something sturdy to keep me up all afternoon
and this is the most convenient.
Of course, as an alternative to noodles
A big chunk. Mostly under the form of a sandwich.
I love that because it's mobile
and I can have it on the go.
And also bread here is cheap and high quality.
There has to be at least one vegetable in my lunch
Or, more likely two or three in fact.
Go to would be celery, bell peppers, fennel, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini
Of course there are many more I like, but
they have to be edible raw
or they have to cook super quickly.
Otherwise it's just a nightmare.
This one is a classic for me
I love the energy and the lightness
it's providing me with.
Cured meats.
If I get any meat in my lunch that would probably be ham.
Cured ham or chorizo
All those kinds of stuff.
Preseved fish.
If I get fish for lunch
then that would probably be sardines
or mackerels.
Those fish in cans are very convenient, cheap, and full of flavors.
I'm a really big fan of eggs, but
I just have them more on weekends
like the...the Saturday lunch omelette
is a classic for me.
So, liquid-wise for lunch is always the same.
Juices. Mmhnn, not so much.
Sodas, not so much either.
and beer, wine no way.
I'm just gonna snore all the afternoon afterwards.
Even though desserts are a very French thing to do
at the end of a meal.
I can't say I'm a big fan of sweet stuff
so usually when I want to have a sweet thing
at the end of a meal. I would just wait
for about thirty minutes, one hour so
I guess it goes more into the snack sections.
So, it can happen in the late morning, but
it's more likely to strike me like around four pm.
My number one snack.
It's weird 'cause I have this certainty in my head
somewhere that I can eat as many fruits as I want in a day,
it will always be good for me
I know it might be wrong,
but I do believe in that.
Nuts? Nuts.
Walnuts, definitely my favorite.
Followed closely by hazelnuts and almonds.
Which are good too.
Ah! Chocolate!
So, I guess... oh my... so I guess I'm very lucky
'cause I don't have a sweet tooth.
However, chocolate doesn't abide by this law.
I mean, I love chocolate and it's hardly the
only dessert I would ever consider. Like...
it's just sickness!
So, liquid-wise it's always the same.
The afternoon is just...
tea, tea, tea, tea. I'm being obsessive with that.
I guess it's just, you know, a nice ritual.
Just something to get me going throughout the afternoon.
Pre-dinner or aperitif
So, it doesn't happen everyday.
I mean, more likely two maybe three time a week.
Uh... but it's some kind of an institution at my place.
I keep it very simple.
Like olive oil and salt on a plate. Maybe a few olives,
a touch of feta cheese, but definitely everything in small proportions.
And keep in mind that the more there is at apéritif or pre-dinner.
The less there will be at dinner afterwards.
The liquid is the centerpiece of the pre-dinner or the apéritif.
I can have a beer, like a good IPA
or maybe a dry stout. I love those.
But, I'm more likely to have a glass of wine.
Like, if it's white wine that would be you know, some flavorful
sauvignon, chardonnay, some good stuff.
Or, if it's red wine. I like wine with body.
And, that probably is my favorite meal of the day.
I mean, it's so chill. Like, you're at home,
everything is going to be okay. Relax.
It's just fine.
Dinner is always a bit more comforting than lunch.
not especially about calories, but more like about
properly cooked stuff. Like simmered, sizzled, seared, et
caramalized, roasted. Like, get involved! Do something!
If there is someone else in the room or in your apartment.
You have eat together.
The table is highly communal. Like...
I'm not sure if this is an English word, but the table
still is highly communal.
Stop thinking about stupid greens.
I'm talking about caramelized, soy, and sesame eggplants.
Steamed leaks with a tangy dressing.
Charred bell peppers with crispy chickpeas
Most of the time the oven is your best friend for this...uh
dinner. 'Cause you just drop everything in a roasting tray
add a bit of oil, add a bit of seasoning.
Like use, for example spices or dried herbs.
Whack it in the oven. Thank you, see you later!
I'm not a big fan of this one, but still
Rice, pasta, beans,
Again, don't think about bland food.
Just think about spices, fresh herbs, seasoning, colors.
Meats and fish.
I mean, is fish some kind of meat?
In that case that would be saying the same word twice
I mean, I'm sorry. This is suppose to be just a title, but
What do you think? Let me know in the comments
Okay. Back to it.
I would say that on weekdays I have less meats or fish
for dinner than for lunch.
Which considering how much...uh
fish or meat I have for lunch. Doesn't make so much for dinner.
You get it?
However, a nicely roasted, you know, caramelized, sticky, crispy chicken
from time to time is a good meal.
So, guys that's it. I hope you enjoyed this...uh video
about my diet. And that you did learn something about it.
That maybe can help you in some ways.
I have to admit that it's not very sexy.
Or you know, not revolutionary.
I mean, I don't have like for example two pounds of
roast salmons in the morning. And then I switch to juices,
and then I fast for six minutes. And then I drink two liters
of melted snow.
No, it's nothing like this. It's just...
everything in small proportions...
and just a bit more of vegs and fruits
Anyway, I hope you liked it and if you did give it a like, thumbs up.
and shoutout to all your social medias,
spread it like butter.
You know that it maybe lean butter this time,
'cause it's about diets. But, other than that
you should definitely subscribe to my channel
'cause I make new videos on Sunday.
And, Wednesday it's mostly about getting the posh out of French food.
But, also you know...uh trying to share some interesting
vibes about the food, like for example
I made a challenge where I took... uh ten dollars
And I went to the market, and cooked a six courses menu
with it. Or, maybe you can have a look at my...uh latest
vlogging series I made while I was in New York.
And, it's also interesting to see that my diet is completely
different whenever I travel or whenever I am on weekends.
Anyway, take care guys. Buh-bye. Salut.