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  • Once upon a time, a dragon tyrannized the kingdom.


  • Covered with thick black scales, its eyes glowed with hate ,…


  • and from its terrible jaws flowed evil-smelling slime.


  • Some tried to fight the dragon


  • priests and magicians called down curses to no avail.


  • Warriors, armed with the best weapons, attacked, only to be incinerated.


  • The dragon’s claws, jaws, and fire were so effective, …


  • its scaly armor so hard, as to make it invincible.


  • The dragon demanded from humankind a tribute: …


  • ten thousand men and women, randomly chosen, …


  • to be delivered every evening to the foot of the mountain to be eaten.


  • The king and the kingdom, their weapons useless, …


  • had no choice but to pay the grisly tribute, ….


  • to suffer the misery, to feed the insatiable hunger.


  • And humans, ever adaptable, came to accept the dragon-tyrant as a fact of life; …

    然而人類適應能力極強, 逐漸接受了龍暴君作為生命中一部分的事實; ...

  • knowing, even embracing, that everyone’s final moments would be in its maw.

    ...不僅是知道,甚至去擁抱: 每個人最後都將被其吞入肚內的命運。

  • How could the world be otherwise?


  • The kingdom began to teach its children that the dragon had its place


  • in the natural order and, the very meaning of being human to end up

    ......它在自然的地位, 以及做為人類最終會被它......

  • in the dragon’s stomach, their shorter lives motivating them to lead good lives.

    ......吞入肚中的意義, 人們短暫的生命激勵著他們過上更美好的生活。

  • And the dragon was helping the kingdom by keeping the population


  • from growing too fast.


  • Learning this, attacks on the dragon ceased.


  • But the kingdom still grew, slowly, and with it so did the dragon, …


  • becoming as big as the mountain on which it lived, its appetite increasing.


  • The logistics of collecting and transporting so many every day


  • to the mountain came to occupy the king’s mind more than the deaths and the dragon itself.

    ......到了山上的這件事, 比起死亡和龍本身更能佔據國王的心思。

  • The king had to hire registrars to keep track of who would be sent.


  • There were people-collectors dispatched to fetch the designated victims.


  • There were clerks who administered the pensions to be paid to decimated families.


  • And there were comforters who would travel with the doomed


  • on their way to the dragon, trying to ease the anguish.


  • And there were dragonologists who studied how these logistic processes could be made more efficient.


  • Steam engines were invented and a railway constructed leading to the dragon’s abode.

    為此,人們發明了蒸汽機, 並建造了通往龍的居所的鐵路。

  • Trains arrived at the mountain terminal crammed with people and return empty.


  • Some dragonologists also studied the dragon’s behavior and collected samples


  • its shed scales, the slime, the excrement speckled with fragments of human bone.


  • The more the beast was understood, the more its invincibility confirmed.


  • But. . . humanity is a curious species.


  • Every once in a while, someone gets a good idea.


  • Others copy the idea, adding to it their own improvements.


  • Over time, many wondrous tools and systems are developed.


  • Some of these tools make it easier to generate new ideas.


  • Thus, the great wheel of invention, …


  • which in the older ages turned imperceptibly slow, …


  • began to accelerate and humans did what would have seemed magic before, …

    ...但卻逐漸開始加速, 人類做出了在過去看起來像是魔法一般的事情,......

  • communicating instantly across great distance, building machines that could fly,


  • and many other astonishing things.


  • A few dragonologists argued it might be time argued for a new attack

    一些龍學家們認為, 應該是策畫另一波新攻擊的時候了......

  • one had invented a material so sharp it could pierce a dragon’s scale.

    ......有個人發明了一種非常尖銳的材料, 它可以刺穿龍的鱗片。

  • It would not be easy but if a huge projectile could be made out of this material

    這不是一件容易的事情, 但如果可以用這種材料製造出巨大的導彈......

  • and launched with sufficient force and sufficient precision it might penetrate the dragon’s armor.

    ......並以足夠的力量和足夠的精度發射, 它可能可以穿透龍的鱗片盔甲。

  • However, it would be difficult and expensive and time-consuming to do.


  • The dragonologists explained their proposal to anyone who would listen.


  • But the people were skeptical; they had been taught the dragon-tyrant was invincible and the sacrifices it demanded a fact of life.

    但人們持懷疑態度,他們被教導龍暴君是不可戰勝的, 它所要求的犧牲是一種生命的事實。

  • Yet when they learnt about the new material and the idea for a projectile, many became intrigued.

    然而,當他們了解到有關導彈的新材料和想法時, 許多人都很感興趣。

  • When the king read about the plans, he decided to hold an open hearing


  • it took place on the last and darkest day of the year, in the largest hall of the royal castle.

    ......它舉辦在一年中最黑暗的最後一天, 在皇家城堡中最大的大廳裡。

  • People packed in to every last seat and crowded the aisles.


  • The king's advisor spoke first: telling the people it was best they accept the inevitability of the dragon

    國王的顧問首先發言: 告訴人們他們最好接受龍的必然性......

  • and the dragon-administration department provided many jobs


  • that would be lost were the dragon slaughtered and, in any case, …


  • the kingdom's coffers were empty after building the new railway.


  • Next the leading dragonologist explained how the proposed device would work, …


  • how the requisite amount of new invented material could be manufactured.


  • Given the requested amount of funding, it may be possible to complete the work in fifteen to twenty years.

    鑑於所要求的資金金額, 有可能在15至20年內完成這項工作。

  • With greater funding, maybe twelve. However, there could be no guarantee.

    如果有了更多的資金,有可能在12年內完成。 但是,我們不能保證。

  • Last to speak was the king’s advisor for morality:


  • "Let us grant" he said "The project is technologically possible, though it hasn’t been proven to me. …

    “讓我們假設,”他說,“這個計畫在技術上是可行的, 儘管它還沒有被我證實。”

  • Presumably, you think you've got the right not to be chewed up.


  • How willful, how presumptuous, how vain. The shortness of human life is a blessing.

    這多麼恣意,多麼放肆,多麼虛榮。 人生的短暫是一件幸事。

  • Getting rid of the dragon, which might seem such a convenient thing to do, would undermine our dignity.


  • This preoccupation with killing the dragon will deflect us from realizing more fully


  • the aspirations to which our lives naturally point, from living well rather than merely staying alive.


  • The nature of the dragon is to eat, and our own nature, my friends, is nobly fulfilled only by getting eaten.

    龍的天性是吃,而我們的天性, 朋友們,只有透過被龍吃才能高尚地實現。

  • The dragon is necessary. The dragon is good."


  • The great hall was silent.


  • Then a small child yelled out from the audience: "The dragon is bad!"


  • The child’s parents turned red and hushed, but the child said again:


  • "The dragon is bad -- it kills people... it ate my Granny... I want my Granny back."

    “龍是壞的 - 它會殺人......牠吃了我的奶奶...... 我想要我的奶奶回來。”

  • The hall was silent again -- then a woman stood: “The dragon killed my parents.”

    大廳再次沉默 - 然後一個女人站了起來:“龍殺了我的父母。”

  • And man followed and stood: “The dragon killed my wife and my daughter.”


  • More and more people stood -- the simple fact that the dragon killed everyone, the loss of it, the weight of it, crashing over the hall.

    越來越多的人站了起來 - 一個簡單的事實,就是龍殺死了所有人。無數死亡的失落感如同重捶一般,摔進了大廳裡。

  • The way out from under remote, yet maybe possible.


  • The king, looking at the first child to speak, announced: "Let us kill the dragon".


  • The next morning, a billion people woke to realize they or those they loved might be sent to the dragon before the projectile launched.

    第二天早上,有十億人醒來發現他們或他們所愛的人 可能會在發射導彈之前被送到龍口中。

  • Whereas before, active support for the anti-dragon cause had been limited, …


  • it now became the number one priority and concern on everyone’s mind.


  • Mass rallies raised money for the projectile project and urged the king to increase support, …


  • which he did, passing extra appropriations bills and selling his summer castle, announcing:

    ......而國王也的確照做,通過額外的撥款法案 並出售他的夏季城堡,宣布:

  • "I believe that this kingdom should commit itself to achieving the goal, …


  • before the decade is out, of freeing the world from the ancient scourge of the dragon."

    ......在十年以內,我們將會把世界 從龍的千古災禍中解放出來。“

  • Thus started a great technological race against time.


  • To make the dragon-killing weapon required solutions to a thousand technical problems, …


  • each of which required dozens of time-consuming steps and missteps.


  • Test-missiles were fired but fell dead to the ground or flew off in the wrong direction.

    試射導彈成功發射但卻太快落到地面 或是朝錯誤的方向飛去。

  • Terrible accidents happened.


  • But there was now a seriousness of purpose, and the work continued.


  • But despite almost unlimited funding and round-the-clock work by technicians, the king’s deadline could not be met.

    儘管幾乎無限的資金和技術人員的全天候工作, 還是無法在國王的最後期限內實現。

  • The task was hard.


  • The decade concluded and the dragon still livedstill ate.

    十年過去了,龍仍然活著 - 仍然再吃人。

  • But the effort was getting closer.


  • A year later the first prototype missile successfully launched.


  • The construction of the final projectile eventually set to complete and launch on New Year’s Eve, …


  • twelve years after the project’s inauguration.


  • The last day of the year was cold and overcast, but still and cleargood launch conditions.

    今年的最後一天很冷,烏雲密布, 但無風且無霧 - 發射條件良好。

  • As the sun set, technicians scuttled around making the final adjustments and checks.


  • The king and his advisors observed from a platform close to the launch pad.


  • Further away, behind a fence, the public assembled to witness the great event.


  • A large clock counted down: ten minutes to go -- the dark slumped profile of the dragon beyond, eating.

    一個大鐘倒數計時著:還有十分鐘 - 遠處黑暗中那隻龍巨大的輪廓,仍然在吃人

  • From the crowd, someone jumped the fence and ran to the platform where the king sat.


  • He arrived, accompanied by security, in a frenzied state, his nose bleeding.

    他在安全人員的制止下到達瘋狂的狀態, 他的鼻子流著血。

  • He shouted: "The last train! Stop the last train!"


  • The young man was a junior clerk in the ministry of transportation.


  • He had discovered that his father was on the last train to the mountain.


  • The king had ordered the trains to continue to the very end, …


  • fearing any disruption might cause the dragon to stir and the missile to miss.


  • The young man begged the king to issue a recall-order for the last train, …


  • due to arrive at the mountain terminal five minutes before time zero.


  • "I cannot do it," said the king, "I cannot take the risk it will alert the dragon“.

    “我做不到,”國王說, “我不能冒險,這麼做可能會使龍驚覺我們的計畫。”

  • The clouds above their head let loose the rain.


  • “I am so sorryThe king continued, “had we started but one day earlier your father would not have to die.”

    “我很抱歉”國王繼續說, “如果我們提早一天開始,你父親就不用死。”

  • Looking at the crowd, thinking of all the losses that they and he, had endured.


  • This project should have been started years earlier than we did.


  • So many need not have been killed by the dragon, had we but awoken from our acceptance of its horror sooner.”

    要是我們能提早從我們對龍的恐怖行為的接受 中覺醒的話,有如此多的人不必被龍殺死。“

  • The young man's wailing ceased.


  • The king looked up at the countdown clock: five seconds remaining.


  • Four.


  • Three.


  • Two.


  • One.


  • Zero.


  • A ball of fire enveloped the launch pad and the missile shot out.


  • The masses, the king, the low and the high, the young and the old


  • ... that white flame, shooting into the dark embodied the human spirit, its fear and its hope.

    ......那個射向黑暗的白色火焰展現了人類的精神, 恐懼和希望。

  • It struck the heart of evil.


  • The silhouette on the horizon tumbled and fell.


  • Thousands of voices of joy rose from the masses, joined seconds later by a deafening drawn-out thud from the collapsing monster.


  • After all this time, humanity was at last free from the dragon.


  • The joy cry resolved into a jubilating chant:


  • "Long live the king! Long live us all!"


  • The royal entourage, huddling in the downpour, accumulated around their monarch.


  • So much had changed in the last hour.


  • The right to an open future had been regained, a primordial fear abolished, and many long-held assumptions overturned.

    獲得自由未來的權利已經恢復,一個原始的恐懼被終結, 許多長久的假設被推翻。

  • What do we do now?" they asked.


  • "We have come a long way. . ." said the king, "yet now we are like children again.

    “我們走了很長一段路......”國王說, “但現在我們又像孩子了。

  • The future lies open before us.


  • We shall go and try to do better than we have done in the past, for we have time now

    我們會盡力做得比過去做得更好, 因為現在我們有時間......

  • time to get things right, time to grow up, time to learn from our mistakes.

    ......有時間做好事情,有時間成長, 有時間從錯誤中學習。

  • Let all the bells in the kingdom ring until midnight, in remembrance of our dead.


  • Then after, we will celebrate and begin the process of building a better world. . . for we have time now.

    然後,我們將慶祝並開始建設一個更美好世界的過程........ 因為我們現在有時間了。

  • [Music and crackling sounds]


Once upon a time, a dragon tyrannized the kingdom.


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