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  • Hello,

  • everyone.

  • My name is David Malan,

  • and I'm so sorry I couldn't be there in person with you this week,

  • but I'm here to present on behalf of myself,

  • Brian Yu and Doug Lloyd from CS50 at Harvard.

  • If at any point during today's talk you have any questions or after the talk,

  • please feel free to drop me a note.

  • I'll keep an eye on my email throughout the day.

  • And if you'd like to get a copy of the paper in question,

  • head over now or later,

  • to or for

  • these very slides,

  • you can go to

  • So,

  • without further ado,

  • CS50 is our int roductory course in computer science for majors and non-majors at Harvard.

  • It's a one semester amalgam,

  • the course is generally known elsewhere,

  • as CS1 and CS2

  • We teach it primarily in C,

  • followed by Python.

  • And as of the past few years CS50 happens to be Harvard's largest course,

  • with over 800 or so students on campus as well as online through Harvard's Extension

  • School, 2/3 of whom have never taken a computer science course before.

  • The workload itself is nontrivial,

  • with most students spending 12+ hours per week on the course's

  • problem sets, or programming projects.

  • And in terms of the course's support structure:

  • We have lectures once per week,

  • followed by sections or recitations led by the course's teaching fellows,

  • or TFs,

  • as well as tutorials and office hours held by all of the staff,

  • which are one-on-one opportunities for help with those same problem sets.

  • Now, within the course itself,

  • we have different tracks,

  • so to speak,

  • for those less comfortable,

  • those more comfortable, and those somewhere in between,

  • whereby different demographics of students convened for different sections so that they are

  • among like minded and similarly experienced or inexperienced classmates.

  • And even within the courses problem sets do we tend to have different versions of problems for those less comfortable

  • or more comfortable that students can choose between week by week,

  • depending on the ceiling or floor that they would like to have ahead of them.

  • So the course,

  • in terms of academic honesty,

  • has a long standing and very detailed policy on academic honesty in the syllabus that

  • defines what is reasonable and what is not.

  • In fact,

  • if you'd like to look at the full detail feel free to forge ahead to


  • But in essence,

  • the syllabus allows and encourages students to collaborate,

  • particularly in pseudocode and when it comes to the thought before their programs.

  • But it does prescribe guard rails on what collaboration is ultimately allowed,

  • insofar as ultimately we prescribed

  • for all of the course's

  • problem sets that students implement their programs largely on their own and

  • write their own code.

  • An exception to this is the course's final project at term's end, where they're free to collaborate with

  • one or two classmates.

  • But in essence,

  • within the syllabus,

  • we provide this heuristic that generally guides these guard rails for students.

  • "When asking for help.

  • You may show your code to others,

  • but you may not view.

  • theirs."

  • In other words,

  • if two students, A and B happened to be sitting next to each other at office hours or in their dorms or the like,

  • and one of those students is struggling,

  • it's fine for the other student who isn't struggling to look at the struggling student's screen and perhaps

  • point out rhetorically or,

  • more explicitly,

  • what lines of code, or bugs,

  • or syntax they might want to focus on.

  • But it would be crossing the line if the student who's struggling outright looks at the code of another

  • student,

  • but again see the syllabus for more precise guard rails as well.

  • Even so,

  • despite these constraints,

  • in the course of syllabus,

  • we have the unfortunate distinction in CS50 of referring more students most every year to the

  • university's honor council or disciplinary process as a result of students having

  • crossed some line prescribed in the syllabus.

  • How we know this is that we, like a lot of universities or intro courses,

  • do run our student submissions through software be it e-tector or MOSS or some

  • other such tool with which you might be familiar.

  • And it outputs as part of that process any number of similarities that we then apply human

  • eyes to.

  • So just for context in fall 2019 most recently among our 800 or so

  • students,

  • and our 10 or so problem sets did we have some 6 million+ pairwise comparisons

  • conducted by this automated software,

  • out of which might come 1200 seemingly worrisome matches side by side,

  • two submissions that look unduly the same,

  • at which point we have a gauntlet of humans,

  • either two or three pairs of eyes that then iteratively review those matches and whittle it down to a more

  • manageable list.

  • For instance,

  • we ended up with 116 matches after initial human review,

  • and then myself and the course's more senior staff

  • each week sit down and review those matches and decide

  • collectively whether or not to send a case forward to Harvard's Honor Council or not,

  • in this most recent fall semester did we refer 38 students to the Honor Council,

  • at which point we document the case,

  • we write up the similarities,

  • provides the samples of those submissions,

  • and then it's an independent body,

  • this Honor Council that ultimately adjudicates the outcome.

  • Now,

  • in terms of what these cases involve,

  • it generally involves students having based their code on someone else's,

  • whether that's someone else's on campus or perhaps some online solutions.

  • In terms of the numbers each semester,

  • it's highly variable over the years

  • but it generally ranges between 0 and 10% of the class that we ultimately

  • refer to Harvard's disciplinary body.

  • From conversations with peer institutions.

  • we gather,

  • unfortunately,

  • that the 0 to 10% is within range of other courses, as well.

  • But it's worth noting in our case it seems to be trending upwards,

  • and that's in part because of some of the interventions we'll present here today.

  • But even so,

  • it's been of interest to us,

  • certainly over the years and to the university to reduce the frequency of these acts

  • of dishonesty themselves,

  • students copying unduly,

  • some online or some on-campus source.

  • So this paper and in turn,

  • today's talk is really a look at everything we tried over the years

  • and the spoiler,

  • unfortunately,

  • is that nothing really has worked,

  • at least more precisely,

  • and nothing has worked in our case that has put a consistent downward pressure on the

  • total number of cases.

  • But even so,

  • we do think a number of the interventions we've tried have been successful educationally,

  • ultimately transforming what has historically been purely punitive processes into more

  • teachable moments.

  • So what have we considered and

  • what have we tried? Well,

  • it's often suggested here on campus.

  • And perhaps beyond, that

  • we simply change.

  • The course is problem sets each year the programming assignments.

  • Unfortunately,

  • at least in our case,

  • the homework assignments tend not to be,

  • tend not to be as simple as problems that allow you to change the inputs and

  • expect different outputs.

  • They do tend to be programming projects unto themselves,

  • so changing the problem sets would involve rewriting and coming up with brand new problem sets.

  • And at least in my case,

  • I actually find that over time our problem sets get better over time.

  • As I work out the kinks,

  • fix bugs address FAQs within the specifications themselves.

  • And so we feel it would actually be a net negative for the sake of that smaller demographic of students,

  • simply to throw out problems that seem to be challenging a majority of students and working well overall.

  • So we've generally shied away from changing problem sets for changing problem set's sake.

  • Though they certainly do evolve by choice on our part.

  • over time.

  • It's often been suggested too why don't we just re-weight the problem sets? Make them worth much less

  • in terms of a student's final grade to put downward pressure.

  • Therefore,

  • on the

  • the pressure they might be putting on themselves and also the effect that plagiarized work might

  • have on a student's overall quantitative performance.

  • Here,

  • too,

  • we feel that that would be a disservice to the sheer amount of time that students are spending on these

  • programming assignments.

  • Indeed,

  • it is largely the problem sets that characterized students learning and hands on experience throughout

  • the class.

  • And so I've never been comfortable.

  • For instance,

  • with the idea of instituting proctored

  • exams or weighting the exams in the class much more heavily than that which the students are spending most of

  • their time on in the first place.

  • But we have tried communication each year.

  • Have we spend more and more,

  • sometimes less,

  • but in general,

  • more and more time on communicating to students exactly what our expectations are in terms of

  • academic honesty

  • Reviewing past cases that have gotten some of their prior classmates in trouble

  • albeit anonymously,

  • and sharing outright examples of code that we adjudicated to be

  • too similar or indeed identical in some cases,

  • and we even go so far as to point out examples of the kinds of things we via software are looking for.

  • Variables whose names are somewhat transposed but are still in essence serving the same function.

  • And certainly for multiple lines of code as well do we point out similarities there as well.

  • We've also focused on raising awareness.

  • Some years ago,

  • did we have the,

  • the university's dean of undergraduate education even come to one of our orientation meetings

  • at term's start to speak to students not only about academic honesty more generally,

  • but also about the course's

  • own policies and his own experience.

  • And his colleagues' own experience with,

  • unfortunately,

  • the disciplinary process that all too often results at the end of the term.

  • Also,

  • by nature of our having referred so many students over the years to this Honor Council

  • has there generally been,

  • in some years,

  • more than others,

  • just more awareness on campus,

  • of classmates who have been disciplined in some way.

  • And so we find that in parts, are numbers trending up and down

  • depending on the year as a reaction to the past year's numbers of cases and students awareness

  • thereof.

  • But we've also taken more software based approach is so built into,

  • for instance,

  • the courses software via which students submit

  • their work nowadays, is an explicit prompt,

  • to which they must answer yes or conversely no,

  • We asked them explicitly:

  • "Keeping in mind the course's policy on academic honesty,

  • are you sure you want to submit these files?"

  • The presumption being that even if a student has unfortunately crossed some line or made some poor

  • judgment,

  • they have this final chance before they submit their work and put their name on that work to say "No,

  • this is not,

  • in fact,

  • my own."

  • Unfortunately,

  • all too often have students still is typed in "yes",

  • and submitted their work despite this final prompt here.

  • But we've also added other prompts over the years to the courses

  • homework assignments via forms that the students submit a la

  • Google Forms whereby we have an opportunity to ask them not only short answer

  • code-unrelated questions,

  • but also checkboxes and the like that we require that they check we,

  • for instance,

  • in almost every problem, present students with a link to the course's

  • academic honesty policy

  • and the syllabus and ask them to check a box by requirement that they have read

  • and the course's policy on academic honesty.

  • And then later in the term,

  • do we ask them a few other related questions as well to ensure that they're not just clicking.

  • Unfortunately,

  • this too does not seem to have had a measurable effect on student's behavior.

  • But we've also focused in recent years on more human interventions interventional conversation,

  • so to speak,

  • whereby when the senior staff and I are reviewing that week submissions,

  • if we notice that some pairs of submissions seem to be awfully similar and awfully

  • close to suggestive that some line has been crossed.

  • But it's not clear cut evidence thereof,

  • we might instead ask those students to come in for a conversation to better understand how it

  • is they approach that week's problem set, how or how they didn't collaborate that particular week,

  • and ultimately, not to interrogate them toward an end of some punitive outcome,

  • but rather just to understand that process and to help them better navigate the waters next time

  • around.

  • So the outcome of this process,

  • these interventional conversations,

  • really is guidance and suggestions for how they can better structure their time together

  • if they're indeed working with some classmate and some reasonable way for the coming week's

  • problem sets, as well.

  • But perhaps most impactful was one sentence that we introduced to the course of syllabus in

  • 2014.

  • a so-called regret clause.

  • At the time,

  • we realized,

  • after years of reflection on data past that all too often were student's

  • transgressions.

  • The result of late night panic.

  • Late night stress often well after midnight when they simply, under a looming

  • deadline in our course or others, opted to make a poor decision: grabbing some code off the

  • Internet,

  • copying from some friend,

  • with or without their knowledge, and submitting it as their own.

  • And up until then,

  • we didn't have a well-defined process for how a student might own up to that sort

  • of late night mistake.

  • To be fair,

  • there was no mechanism in process preventing such students from coming forward the next day in admitting

  • they had crossed some line.

  • But with the potential penalty so high,

  • indeed,

  • the university might, as part of the disciplinary process,

  • ask that they withdraw from the college for one or more terms.

  • It's no surprise that no students really availed themselves of that explicit option.

  • And so we opted in 2014 to make it more explicit.

  • Introducing this language into the course's syllabus:

  • "If you commit some act,

  • that is not reasonable,

  • but bring it to the attention of the course's heads within 72 hours.

  • the course may impose local sanctions that may include an unsatisfactory or failing grade for work

  • submitted,

  • but the course will not refer the matter for further disciplinary action, except in

  • cases of repeated acts.

  • In other words,

  • we hypothesize that if we allowed students some 2 to 3 days, in our case, to come

  • forward after some rest, after some sleep, after some reflection,

  • after having crossed some line, that they may very well take us up on that offer,

  • reach out to us

  • before we had even noticed the transgression ourselves, and indeed turned a process that would have

  • otherwise become purely punitive into,

  • we'd hope a teachable moment.

  • Indeed,

  • after these invocations of the regret clause,

  • would we sit down, I, or one of the senior staff with the student to, first and foremost, understand what had

  • happened.

  • We would then typically zero the problem.

  • or problem sets in question,

  • but quite explicitly assure the student that we then considered the matter behind us.

  • But we also invited students to share with us any extenuating circumstances or

  • stressors that indeed had been looming on them when they made that poor choice.

  • And in fact,

  • as a side effect of this regret clause,

  • not only did we hopefully transform within the course a historically punitive process to more

  • teachable moments and opportunities,

  • it also came to light.

  • in some of these conversations that students were having particular troubles back home or

  • relationships with roommates or friends or the like struggling in other classes or struggling with issues of mental

  • health.

  • And so in those cases,

  • when a student brought forth those circumstances well,

  • could we then connect them all the more successfully than in years past with the appropriate support

  • structures on campus,

  • particularly in cases of mental health.

  • And so it's those conversations that had previously never happened that were the byproduct of

  • having introduced this clause,

  • and that first year some 19 students availed themselves of that clause,

  • coming forward to me for heartfelt and in a couple of cases,

  • tearful conversations as to what had led them to that particular point,

  • at which point we then would connect those students with right resources on campus. The year after,

  • in large part,

  • we think, because of awareness of the policy's introduction,

  • did some 26 students out of the course's student body avail themselves as well.

  • After that,

  • I suspect we weren't as strongly voiced in the class and beyond the class on the

  • availability of this clause,

  • particularly as the campus newspaper's attention dwindled after a couple of years of it in play.

  • But in more recent years,

  • with 18, 11 and 8 students having availed themselves most recently of this particular

  • clause,

  • do I suspect we're more in a band of equilibrium, indeed,

  • it seems to correlate with just how vocal we are as to the availability of this particular

  • clause.

  • Now, the introduction of this regret,

  • clause was not without issue or concern early on.

  • Indeed,

  • in so far as the Honor Council at Harvard is intended to handle all cases centrally,

  • there was concern in some circles,

  • particularly within the dean's office as well as the Honor Council itself,

  • that we were effectively proposing to handle some of our situations internally.

  • Now, to be fair,

  • we were only proposing to handle those cases that students themselves brought forward and

  • not the cases that we ourselves detected by our automated and human process.

  • However,

  • ultimately assuaging folks concerned was the introduction of one final clause to that sentence,

  • which was,

  • "except in cases of repeated acts."

  • Indeed,

  • if a student availed themselves of our clause but then made a second mistake despite that intervention,

  • we did agree to inform the honor council lest that student be crossing similar lines in

  • other classes as well.

  • Now there are other interventions we tried over the years,

  • inspired by these clauses and others that were not so succesful

  • In fact,

  • we tried deploying two years ago so called brink clause as well to the course's

  • syllabus, inspired,

  • in fact,

  • by a conversation I had with Princeton's Christopher Moretti in the past SIGCSE,

  • In fact,

  • whereby this clause's design was meant to preemptively catch students

  • before they crossed some line and was met,

  • therefore,

  • to be much more proactive than reactive.

  • In this case,

  • we asked students in formal language in the syllabus, if they feel themselves late at night about to make some

  • poor decision,

  • Googling more than they should, copying and

  • pasting more than they should, to close their laptop, to email us,

  • then close their laptop,

  • and we'll deal with it in the morning,

  • effectively giving them a blanket extension for the day until we can handle things after they've had some rest.

  • Unfortunately among the student who invoked this particular clause,

  • as best we could tell,

  • it was almost always effectively to obtain for oneself a self-granted

  • extension in few,

  • if any cases did we actually sense,

  • based on the wording of the students

  • emails and subsequent conversations that they were indeed, ironically, on the brink of doing

  • something dishonest

  • And so we actually discontinued this clause last year as a result of those impressions.

  • But we also have tried deploying even changes to some of the problem sets.

  • And in fact,

  • a few years ago did we introduce a problem set on documents,

  • similarity,

  • ostensibly about plagiarism,

  • whereby we challenge students to implement code that cross-compared two files and then

  • visualized as by highlighting the similarities or differences between the two. Very similar in

  • spirits to the software we ourselves use

  • But without describing it as a problem set on plagiarism and yet somehow as of

  • 2018

  • when we last offered that problem set,

  • did we end up referring 6 students to the university's Honor Council for having

  • crossed some line on that particular problem set. Now,

  • in terms of the results are cases have indeed varied between 0% and 10% of the course's student

  • bodies over the past 10 or so years,

  • most recently in 2019 did we refer 5% of the course's student body

  • to the Honor Council.

  • Even despite any number of these interventions in place throughout the semester,

  • you'll notice,

  • though some curiosities,

  • for instance,

  • in 2016 a spike from 2 to 10% of the course's

  • student body that actually follows.

  • Two years later,

  • the courses regret clause,

  • and this is not the result of do

  • I think any change,

  • fundamentally in student's behavior there does tend to be ebb and flow over the years,

  • based on again just how much awareness there is in a prior year of students and their classmates

  • having been disciplined through this process.

  • That partly explains the up ticks and down ticks.

  • But after 2014 truth be told,

  • did we and did I personally become all the more comfortable referring students to the university's

  • Honor Council simply because we had,

  • after 2014 offered them this window of opportunity to come forward to meet us

  • halfway by the course's regret clause.

  • And therefore in more recent years have I been much more comfortable when presented with seemingly clear cut evidence

  • of simply documenting the case,

  • referring it to the Honor Council because the students have indeed had an opportunity to handle it

  • otherwise.

  • But that particular 10% of course,

  • was then noticed

  • all in many circles on campus by way of the campuses newspaper as well.

  • And so we think there,

  • too.

  • The 4% in 2017 was,

  • at least in part a reaction to students awareness of just how seriously the course and others

  • take these processes on campus.

  • So if you'd like to learn more about this intervention in particular,

  • I would invite you to take a look at the specific language in the syllabus here again at


  • If you'd like to take a look at the paper or slides here those other two URLs again and

  • by all means, if you would like to experiment with the software we use,

  • please feel free to take a look at this GitHub repository.


  • This is CS50's own implementation of a tool similar and spirit to MOSS and eTector

  • But in this case is the repository

  • open source, is the design of the software meant to be extensible so that others can contribute heuristics and

  • algorithms and variations thereof.

  • So by means please feel free to consider this part of the open source community now as well.

  • If you do have any questions whatsoever now or hereafter,

  • please feel free to reach out.

  • And on behalf of myself,

  • Brian and Doug, this was CS50.


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CS50的學術誠信教學 - SIGCSE 2020 (Teaching Academic Honesty in CS50 - SIGCSE 2020)

  • 2 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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