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eyes it good to be back.
All right, all right.
I went to first address the elephant in the room.
I know I look a little bit different, but that's kind of what happens after somebody gets married like you notice I talk with my hands all the time, So you probably like thinking unconsciously seen the gold ring.
And like God, there's something different about him.
But that's definitely what is the It's a gold ring Has nothing to do with the fact that I shaved my beard and I got a little bit of a little bit of color to my skin.
It was a hard decision.
But after what?
1.5 2 years, I decided I just need Thio shave it all off, actually shaved it all off with a razor all the way down to the skin, and I've actually turned it up a little bit here and there.
But I don't know this is gonna be the look for now.
I didn't need to do it for work or anything.
It's just it was just time.
Oh, let me tell you, it has been a long time since I've uploaded a video even posted on any social media, so I guess that means I have a little bit of explaining to do.
And that's right.
So it's basically been like a month since my last upload, which was salary ranges of Peter Science major, which been doing very well.
I guess a lot of you have found very good information in that video, and I've shared it around.
And let me tell you, I really appreciate that.
But the reason that I've actually been kind of m i a.
Lately let me fix this camera.
There have been a little bit M I A.
Lately is the fact that it's been literally the busiest month of my life.
I'm not saying most difficult.
I'm not saying the least fun.
In fact, it was actually the best month of my life.
But in order to really get a grasp of what is actually going on, we kind of have to rewind all the way back to May early May of 2018.
Now it's like the middle of June or whatnot, But May is really when things were just like, wow, all right, so it's early May 2018.
I'm literally in the home stretch of what I've been working towards for the past five years of my life.
And, yes, you may have guessed it, but that is obtaining my computer science degree.
Now there's a whole entire story that I could probably maybe squish into, like a 30 minute video.
But this is not that video of kind of that whole entire five years and how hectic that was all in of itself.
You know, I understand that things never really go to plan, but generally people will graduate high school, go off to college and then attend their college for four or five years and then graduate.
No, that was not the case for me between work and school and this and that.
It was really hectic because I think, I think because I was very indecisive with what I wanted to do with my life.
It's a big decision, but I'll get into that in another video if you really want to hear that.
But let's just go on.
So I had just finished off my semester and was planning to graduate May 5th 2018.
That's when I'm, you know, going into commencement, everything sitting there with my cap and gown And what not and just ready tow, Walk across the stage.
And what made this even more special than me, Just like, you know, getting my computer science degree in the whole commencement ceremony.
What not is the fact that my whole entire family was there, like my whole entire immediate family, including my fiancee, Molly?
She was a fiance at that time.
Not anymore.
She is now my wife, my parents, my brothers, my sister in law, my grandpa and my uncle and my end laws and buy in laws.
I mean, like father in law and mother in law.
They were all there, right?
Like front row to support me and cheer me on while I go across that stage.
And I literally think I looked like this the whole entire time.
I don't think there was a second where a smile left my face.
I was just so excited to have everybody there to support me and just being able to say all right, I'm done because as much as you know, looking back on it, I enjoyed it.
I was so ready to be done and finally often to the real world.
So that was all fine and dandy.
And let me just say I really enjoyed the commencement ceremony and just that whole entire experience is one that I will never forget.
However, let me just say that is only the second biggest accomplishment of the month in mind you.
This was the past five years of my life that I've committed towards.
This knows only the second I'm guessing, considering of kind of talked about a little bit.
What the first is.
That's right.
I got married.
So may 5th 1008 teams when I graduated, and that was in the Saturday the very next Saturday, May 12th 2018 is when I didn't walk anywhere, I said.
At the end of the island, I watched Molly walked down the aisle to meet.
Now that that is the memory that sticks in my head, even more so than walking across the stage, it was just It was an experience that I just don't really know how to put into words like I can use whatever words, and it won't really match the feeling I had during the whole entire ceremony and during the whole entire reception afterwards, was just it was just amazing.
But like I said, that doesn't even do it.
Justice times five Ba jillion.
That's not a number, but you get what I'm saying.
And, yes, those were two giant accomplishments.
But you may be wondering, like, why?
Why did that take so much of your time?
Well, you may know that I recently moved into a new house.
As you can see, I have, like a new office space and what not?
Well, I mean, I was doing a lot of yard work about housework, still moving in a little bit and trying to build out more of my office, which I still don't have the shelves up.
That's the only thing that's not done in this room.
But what?
I was also doing those two weeks.
It's kind of like setting up for the wedding, you know, we had were pretty good on schedule when it came to the wedding.
We had everything scheduled, and we knew when everything was happening, but everything still needed to happen.
I had to run up to Norfolk.
Mind you, this is happening in Virginia, Virginia Beach.
I had to run up to Norfolk, Get these big spools and orgy uses cocktail tables and those were really heavy.
And that just took up a lot of time.
And then I had to go get this bar from a friend, and it was just like wine barrels on the bottom with a bar top on, like it was just a whole ordeal of gathering everything.
Because if you know me, I like to save money where I can and the spools they were free and I got to keep them in that bar that was free.
It was just a borrow, but I like to save money where I can.
So if that means spend a little bit of my time to save that money, it was worth it.
So I didn't really begin to scratch the surface of what all was going on.
But I guess you can kind of get the gist of why I was so, so, so busy.
But that was made 12,018 a Saturday.
It was the following Tuesday where Molly and I left in Molly's very first flight ever.
She'd never been on a plane.
I mean, she's been in a helicopter, but she's never been on a plane before.
Up until that Tuesday.
Oh, and fun.
Fact of the day.
Tuesday flights air pretty much always cheaper than if you fly out on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, any other day of the week.
But anyway, Molly and I went to the Florida Keys in Marathon Key, to be exact.
And on the flight, she was a little anxious, like to begin with because she kind of got, like, car six year and, like, throw up or anything like that.
But she had that feeling of car sickness, but that soon passed.
It was just like that, son take off.
There's probably a little bit nervous that mixed in with a little bit of rumbling, you know, car sickness.
That will happen.
But we flew into Atlanta, flew into Key West and drove on over to the marathon key and stayed in the house and just had a beautiful time.
We went fishing on a boat.
We ate it all of the restaurants around there, and we took out some paddleboards among a few other things.
Rain to about three days out of the seven days were there, but it was still a good time.
We really needed a break after everything that we had gone through between work for each of us in school, for each of us and wedding planning for each of us and all of this stuff going on, that it was much need, like we literally got there the first day we flow early because we want to kind of, you know, have ah, whole day for that first day that we flew in.
We got to the house around two or 2 30 laid on the bed, realized the bed was really comfortable and such for, like, five or six hours and then woke up like huh.
Basically nighttime now kind of wasted that first day, but that sleep was much needed.
So we were down there for about about a week, doing everything that I just mentioned and came back on Tuesday.
Like I said, I like to save money and Tuesday flights with the cheapest.
So when we came back, that's Tuesday.
To put in perspective, the date was Tuesday, May 22nd I believe, and I started my job myself for engineering job May 24th 2018.
So we flew home Tuesday.
We had Wednesday to rest because we got home around like midnight Wednesday morning.
And then Thursday Boom was going into work.
Oh, did I forget between the wedding and the honeymoon?
Those few days, I think, goes on the Sunday or maybe Monday.
That's when this happened.
That's when I just shaved all the way down.
I did have a tan line, even though I wasn't really that tan to begin with.
I did have a bit of a tan line where my beard was.
That's half the reason why I didn't want to shave it before the wedding.
The other half is I mean, I kind of wanted the beard for the wedding, but But that happened then.
That happened then, so I just wanted to mention that.
So on May 24th Thursday, you know, I went into work.
I set up my entire workstation.
You know, I got a laptop with a few monitors, the keyboard and mouse, what not have download all of the proper software.
There's a really cool first day because this is that a smaller company, it's actually at the company.
You know, past videos where I've talked about talking to the CEO of this company on the phone And then I went to go and have a lunch with the same guy I was talking to on the phone.
That's the company I'm working with now.
But But I'll be right back myself.
Where was I?
Where was I?
Oh, yeah, I was talking about the first day.
We're so the first day of work was good is basically was me sitting on my entire workstation with the laptop in the monitors and the keyboard and the mouse.
I mean, and that was the easy job.
I just had to make sure everything was compatible and working right.
And then I had to download every like set of my actual work station.
When you come to software download, get demo, angular cli and all these different terminals and stuff, I'd like a whole list of, like, eight different software.
Some, including what I just mentioned are visual studio.
I am down with Intel, E J and Eclipse for job programming I've only used to clip so far.
And then, among other things, the cool thing is effect that the next few days I was actually gonna be on a little project so my hours would be building customer and I ended up that very first.
After I set up my entire workstation, uh, working on a prototype, that kind of got me got my foot in the door for this billable hour.
Is their partner term for that?
But we're just gonna call it a billable hour project from there on out until where we are today.
I've just been working there every single week day and just trying to enjoy myself the 1st 2 weeks.
See, this is my thought process when going into something new is that you want to have a good first impression.
I'm not saying me have a good first impression on them.
I mean, sure, of course I want to do that.
But I mean, me have a good first impression of the work.
So that's why I didn't want Thio make some videos or even work on my own projects and just kind of want to hang out, maybe do some work around the house, maybe play some games, just really do whatever I wanted.
That is when I wasn't at work, because I wanted to make sure that the 1st 2 weeks, the first impression of this new job isn't me overworking myself because I mean, let's face it, your brain is a crazy thing.
Like if something bad happened in the 1st 2 weeks of this new job or I overworked myself kind of had a bad mindset because just tired all the time.
I didn't have any time to myself with friends or family.
I would always tie it to this job because that would be really the on Lee difference, the only variable in the whole entire system.
Because, you know, I had been doing videos I had been doing.
These projects have been doing that have been doing that.
But what was the one main difference in my life?
It was this job, so I don't know, maybe maybe I'm just weird.
But that's kind of my mindset is toe.
Why didn't really want to work the 1st 2 or three weeks in that new job?
Because I want to make sure that it was the best possible experience.
Let me tell you, it has really been enjoying, but now it is what June 12th think of 2018 way have many more videos to come.
I actually have two videos already recorded with me and my beard still still happening.
So don't worry.
I will try not to confuse your Not probably won't end up reporting those videos, but I'll definitely make an intro with Beard listening in order.
Thio So you don't think it's some old video?
Concepts are still proper.
It's not like I'm talking about something that came out, you know, six weeks ago, talking like it's new.
No, it's just they're just regular videos, but that really is the best, best month of my life.
I'm glad you guys were here to listen to it and hear about it and maybe see some pictures of some videos regarding it.
However, before I go, do you just want to touch on one point?
The reason that the month of May 2018 Waas indeed the best month of my life it was because of everything I've talked about this video.
It wasn't because I was away from all of y'all because trust I missed on.
I love making these videos I love Communicating with Jury was probably good for me to step back away from Twitter instagram twitch YouTube so on and so forth.
But I enjoy.
I'm so excited for like the future of this year, in fact, that I'm married, graduated, got a job and we're going full force with this YouTube channel that it's just It's just so exciting.
I don't I don't know how to express feelings sometimes.
So it seems like I'm not excited, But I say m take me at my word and not at my actions.
I've just been talking for too long.
So have you guys enjoyed the video time?
Next time, Have a good one piece?