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it was going on guys that they were taking a look at another piece of advance of Zeta goodness.
This is HD.
You see Premium Bandai Emergency Escape pod primrose.
So this once again is sponsored by USC Condom store.
So a big thank you to them for supporting this adventure into the wonders of advance of Zeta.
And so, if you want to check out some premium Ben, buy stuff for everything else.
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He can use that to save 10% off everything on their site.
Let's check out the box here.
As you can see, it's premium Bandai, and it's very small because all you're getting is just This kind of little thing was based good.
It's a mishmash of parts.
There's a lot of different things in here that you can do with this yet to use it basically kind of in combination with other things.
You can just have it by itself, just like that, but it's not.
It's gonna be kind of weird I think, just as it is like that, as prim roses just by itself, it's a little bit goofy looking.
But as with all things advances eight, it's all a matter of just smashing everything together and you end up with something cool.
So and just kind of typical premium Bandai style is not really too much on the outside of the box.
There is no list price for this, but remember correctly, it was somewhere around like $15 Arrange for this.
So not too bad.
That is, of course, only if you can get it at the original price, unlike with her to do.
Unfortunately, this one is not gonna be coming with any water slides where the Hoodoo doodoo only come with just a couple.
But this one doesn't come with anything at all.
So as you can see in here, we've just got just a few parts there and nothing really too much.
And then we've got our manual.
So the manual looks to be pretty involved for the size of this.
There's a kind of a lot going on in this manual.
It's pretty long, so it's gonna be a lot of this manual basically to showing you how to make different versions of different things, So here it gives you a whole lesson, says the following products are required to create the gun on Tier one.
Hazel Khosla, the Hazel next generation mass production machine equipped with through to do.
Equipped with try booster unit and equipped with enhanced shield boosters, you'll need the primrose here.
You'll need the hazel custom and expansion parts.
You know, the hazel advanced hazel on expansion parts you'll need the hazel to.
And then you also will need the G parts credited to make all the different Stephanie can make with this a lot of different things there.
We have a color guide down here, not in color, but you have the colors listed there in Japanese and English.
And then we should have our parts list around over here as well.
A second.
See, there's the runners.
They're just one full one, then a couple of smaller ones and Polly caps and a stand for this.
So down here the construction of the building, the stand first.
Then you'll get to work on making the actual just primrose itself.
I got a couple of different options here straightaway.
Whether you want to make this for with the equipped with the enhanced shield boosters, you need to make this version.
Otherwise, you'd make this version of that the main kind of backpack part of that, and just kind of threw the construction of the primrose itself there.
Then, once that's done, it kind of gives you guys to wear the place.
A couple of the stickers and then it gets into different variation things that you can make.
So this would be to make the gonna tr one hazel cole slaw, so you'll have to use in different parts.
It says you need the hazel custom, the advanced hazel hazel, too, and her to do all together to make this mess of a thing, showing you all the different steps to make that.
And so it's pretty involved.
And then over here, it's showing you how to make Theo Hazel next generation mass production machine away.
That's what that is.
And then over here we've got how to make equipped with through to do basically how to combine the primrose and her to do together on then equipped with the booster units.
How to equip this with a booster unit from the hazel to connected with the primrose there.
And then how to make this connected with this shield boosters on.
I think that about does it.
So, yeah, there's a lot going on in the manual.
Let's check out the runners themselves.
First up, it looks like we do have a sheet of Boyle stickers here.
You can see there's a few different color correcting Boyle stickers on there, and the small little set of marking sticker is basically just a few Titans test team logos there in white and black.
We've got some polar caps here in gray.
This B P c 123 and then a runner here is in three different colors, and it is marked their prim rose at the marking.
For this runner got one red part Simula.
Parts of the top of the rest of it is in.
That's kind of typical advance of Zeta off white, and you can just see how broken of its runner is how you got this section, which is for the shoulder armor parts in this section sectioned off, which is for the backpack parts, and so you can see how they're able to break this up for different releases.
And then we've got a runner.
Be one here, which is just some of the great kind of mechanical parts you'll need for this and then, as well as one RV to it should just be from this whole section over here.
This isn't that Titan's dark blue color there for a couple of pieces.
Then, of course, the stand you can use for this here in black.
That's it for them.
As you can see, it's not a whole lot in there, but some very essential parts you'll need.
If you're a big advances data fan, you want to make some cool variations, all right, but just simply built up as the primrose unit.
Here is how it's going to look on.
The included stand you haven't included saying is very simple, very basic, but I kind of highly doubt that I love you are going to be keeping the build just as this form anyway.
But I just wanted to show it to you guys.
Just do you have a look at what this looks like just as permanent unit.
But as we saw in manual, there's a ton of stuff that you can make with this.
And so I'm just gonna go over.
That's actually a little bit hard to wrap your head around, to be honest, but, ah, we'll go through it slowly and just I'll try to show you guys every variation that I can as far as just like what's shown in the manual, what you can make with this.
I think I have most of the parts and stuff available to be able to show you everything that shows here in the manual.
But there's a lot of friend stuff you can make with this.
Of course.
Just unit by itself, of course, is pretty goofy looking at the wrists out of looking thing.
But there it is.
That's cool.
The stickers look fine.
The color correcting stickers are all right looking.
And the marking stickers on their look okay on the white parts on that dark blue part of the sticker.
Not gonna be looking as great as you can see the outline of that very easily with that just being just a normal sticker, right?
So these are all the other extra included parts we have with this you're gonna need for making different variants stuff.
But the first thing first bury me come across is actually needing these parts which were actually included with the This was with the advanced hazel and expansion part set for gonna tr six.
That was the people and I set of the advanced hazel that also came with some extra parts for that's that gave him with this.
And what that gives you is the ability to make this backpack a little bit different than that is going to look like that.
And then actually, you in order to make this form of it, you need to of this kid because you need a 2nd 1 of these parts here to go like this on the opposite side as well.
So you should have two of these bits on there like that.
And then, according to the manual, actually supposed to have two of this particular shield.
But I'm just gonna use one of each like that because what?
That it was what included with the other steps sold separately.
P band.
I said here just plugged those onto the back of that like that.
And there you go.
You can make this, which is the equipped with enhanced shield boosters form of the primrose.
That is something that you could make.
All right, So back to the original form.
And just one more thing really quick.
Before we move on, I just want to point out about the cannon here on this side.
This will open up kind of difficult to get off here.
You take that off and then you put this back on in this position here for that to be opened up for the firing position for when that's opened up like that.
So all right, The next day we're going to be doing is the equipped form equipped with the tribal try booster unit, which you'll need from the hazel, too.
So the first thing is, we don't need this part so you can remove that.
But what you do need is a second cannon.
So you will once again have to have two of this kid in order to make this the proper way.
So you need to move this connection peace around the opposite way and just attached that the same way onto the opposite side.
So you'll have two of those going like that.
And in this backpack on the back of here.
You'll remove.
You won't use this.
You'll need to use your backpack from the hazel to try Brewster backpack.
They just take that.
Remove the beam saber handle, because that's not technically supposed to be on there.
And it's plugged this right onto the back of here.
There we go.
There it is, equipped with try booster unit.
So once get another form, you can make one more.
So to make the equipped with her to do form, you course will need the her to do also sold separately.
You don't necessarily have to have the white version.
Doesn't really matter which version, but, uh, this one we don't need these parts here on the front.
So just go ahead and remove these.
And for the hurt you do, you can remove this part or not gonna use that.
And you need to temporarily take off this part.
You're into angle these bits up, and then put this back on in the upset way back around on the back of the head to do like this.
And this part keeps wanting to fall off any parts of a 24 from the herd.
Ooh, Set which is going to plug into the top of your prim rose here onto the top of the backpack part there like that, and that will connect the two of these together.
And there is your primrose equipped with through to do there so created cool.
I think this is probably of those three, like, alternate forms.
This is probably my favorite one.
Just cause her to do it just looks so cool.
So the combination of the two here is probably the most uniform like version that actually looks like the real thing.
But those were the easy forms.
Now we get a little bit more complicated.
All right, so we don't need ah few parts of this, and we do need a few other parts.
So this part we do need and these little wings on the bottom we don't need We're gonna take those.
Be careful with these because they're very easy to fall out and be lost.
I think also this part here at the front.
The head.
We don't need that party.
Set that to the side and the backpack.
We don't need that.
By the way, we're building the hazel Coleslaw units so here is what we need.
This section, this section, this middle section, this section minus this part here on the top.
And then the cannon from this kid will take this part among your like, extra left over parts that you need for a 1,000,000,000 different forms and stuff, Not leftover parts is in their trash, but leftover necessary parts will take that.
Connect us together.
This is gonna form your new torso and then put this part on top of there and then the next joint apart.
Baldwin for that up on top of there and new parts for the front of the chest, once again just included with the primrose set here.
Just put those together like that and we're building up our new torso unit here.
I'm gonna stick this part here on the side, and then we have an alternate part from the one that we removed just moments ago and you'll stick this one here onto the side here in ups aside just the same way.
But with the part you didn't have to swap the part on the side.
There there is how the new torso is gonna look all just built so far just out of all the parts included with the criminal set here.
But now we get into the advanced hazel parts.
Basically, you need to do is take the front camera section of the advanced hazel and the head of the hazel custom and use these together.
So basically the hazel custom without the normal ve even with this one on there, which is the same as what you get with the advanced hazel, but in this case is meant to be all in white.
So that's why you need to use the head of the regular hazel custom.
That said, if you're gonna be painting, it doesn't matter because you just use the full head of the advanced Hazel Anyway, I know it's getting pretty complicated.
Let's just pop that onto there.
So there's how it's looking so far.
You need to take your arm from the hazel custom and put on this new shoulder armor here from the primrose set that will just pop onto their like that.
And then you have this little part that's gonna attach onto the front of their like so that is going to be our right arm over here and the same thing for the opposite arm.
We just have a new set of a shoulder armor here for this from the primrose.
And this case, it doesn't have that extra little bit that goes on the top.
It's just like that.
Pretty simple.
That will be our new left arm, then for the leg.
We're also going to use a combination of the two, mostly the leg here from the hazel custom.
But you need to also then use the special boot attachments here from the advanced hazel so that he's got the Super shoes.
They need to repeat that for the left on the right side, the one with the waste armor section here as well.
You just gonna use the waist section of the advance or the his custom, and then take this part from the advanced hazel Special equipment attached that onto the front, reattached this back onto here, Put the legs back onto here, attach our cool new upper body to the top of here as well, carefully and so there we go.
It's looking pretty cool.
We're not quite done yet, though, can a bit from the primrose will attach onto that little hard point.
There up underneath.
Is armpit there that goes in there like that on this bit?
Remember, this guy this won't act will actually attach here onto the front.
I think this one's gonna be a little bit tricky.
I just plugs onto their like so And then we need the tri booster backpack from the hazel to, and that is gonna be our backpack for this guy.
So just put that onto their We need to go back to our new parts and you need this long blade rifle parts from the rodeo.
This separate this outs and remove this little bit here in the centre for the blade.
You're going to move that to the fore position, so it's a little bit further extended out.
Then you're gonna take your beam rifle from the hazel custom and plug this onto the front of their and this bar over the back of that here and because this is now so long and unwieldy, we also have a new hand, a new trigger finger hand included with the primrose set that gives you the little bit bent wrist there.
So you're actually able to hold this a little bit better and wondering what this little hook do, Dad?
There, on the front of the shoulder is for it actually connects into the bottom of that here just for a little added stability.
And then go ahead and plug your hand into the arm if you can hear.
And you thought we must be getting close to being done right and we are close, but we're not quite done yet.
If we, of course, still need the shield, too.
For the shield, you can take your pick.
But of course, I'm gonna go with the bulk your option just because Why not?
We're already loading this thing up with everything in the kitchen sink.
They just attached that onto the arm and we're finally all done.
God dang, It takes a lot of work, and it takes the combination of parts from a lot of different kits to get this to actually be finally all together.
But you can't argue with those results.
I mean, this is like a pretty awesome, ultimate form, Hazel, if I ever saw one, so it's really cool.
I really like the look of this.
It looks fantastic when you get everything all put together, and it's just going through it, putting it together, thinking, God Dang, when this is ever gonna end, take apart from this, get a call for apart from that kid to come apart from that kid.
And then finally it comes together and you're like, All right, that's pretty awesome.
So this is really cool.
Especially if you're a big advances Ada fan like myself.
It's really cool to finally see this all put together and never would have thought I would have just like a plastic model kit version of the Hazel All slow.
But it's really cool.
So I love this.
It's really awesome.
But there is still yet actually, one more thing that you can build with the primrose set here.
Unfortunately, it's pretty simple.
So let's have a look here at the final form the Hazel next generation mass production machine.
Basically, in order to make this, we just need thio Remove Ah, lot of this stuff, huh?
For here?
So gonna remove the shield.
Need to remove this part off the front of the shoulder here.
Need to remove this long rifle in the connection piece for that out the top of the shoulder over here.
I need to remove the M O packs off the side of skirts.
For some reason, I guess, to remove the whole backpack.
And one thing that I don't like about the HD you see Hazel in all its many different forms is that this backpack is really hard to get out.
Always, the pegs are quite long on.
It plugs really far into the torso, and so it's always difficult to remove the backpacks on these.
And we're gonna also remove this part here, like between the torso and arm your move that flood the arm back onto their same thing on other side.
So that torso has a very slimmer, much slimmer proportion there, with just that little tiny torso in gigantic the backpack from our primrose parts.
And this is going to be our new backpack for this guy.
And then the beam saber handles from the hazel custom for our beam saber.
And there we go.
That is the next generation mass production machines.
They're basically just a slimmed down version of the Hazel Oslo without all the extra equipment on there.
So there you have it.
Even in this slim down form, I really like the look of this version of this as well.
So glad I got a couple of primrose sets that allows me to make some different versions of this ultimately.
So that is it for everything.
That least what discovered in the manual that you could make here with the primrose.
So we do still need yet to go over the crew to do two parts that that'll be coming up in the next video and just recently got in the HD Hazan play to Rob, which is a massive kit, will be taking a look at that one in the near future as well.
So we got some more advanced state of stuff on the way.
Thank you guys.
So much for watching.
If you're fans of advances data, then hopefully who enjoy seeing this stuff, it certainly takes a while to go through all the different forms and everything of these butts.
It's still just cool.
You can do so much with these, even if you have to sacrifice some parts here and there school.
They're able to make all these different forms and stuff again.
If you guys have any other further questions or comments to feel free to leave those down below and, as always, thinking to us again in store for their support.
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Earliest tense.
So check that out.
All right, That's it for today, guys.
I'll see you next time.
Bye bye.