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  • [ Applause ] MARLEY: Thank you.

  • And hello.

  • Today I'll be talking to you about the case for augmented reality on the web.

  • I'm Marley Rafson.

  • I'm a software engineer at Google on the web XR team.

  • My Twitter handle is mprafson.

  • Love to talk letter.

  • The two things today with the web and augmented reality.

  • I believe that the combination of these two things, the whole is greater than the sum

  • of its parts situation.

  • I think that the web will gain from augmented reality, and things that augmented reality

  • will certainly gain from the web.

  • So, to begin, let's start by getting everyone on the same page and let's define augmented

  • reality.

  • It's the mixing of computergenerated content with the real world.

  • To me, we can now add contextualized information into the world around us.

  • So, for example, you're trying to make a coffee at the coffee machine, and you have the instructions

  • overlaid on top of the coffee machine.

  • And implication of augmented reality is you can interact with 3D content in a 3D space.

  • So, the canonical example would be you're trying to buy a piece of furniture and you're

  • able to put it into your room before you buy it.

  • Let's look at what augmented reality looks like today.

  • Today this is smartphone AR.

  • This is run using a smart phone and basically has some understanding of the world around

  • it allowing virtual content to interact with that world too.

  • We have augmented reality on headsets.

  • Your hands would be free, and you would be free to interact with the content using your

  • hands.

  • And the third example that I think is less talked about, but I find compelling is audiobased

  • augmented reality.

  • You're seeing Bose frames.

  • It's a pair of sunglasses that have speakers that shoot audio into your ears.

  • With this example, with audio AR, you would have that experience where you're at a coffee

  • machine and you don't know what to do.

  • But instead of seeing the information, it's read off to you.

  • And it I would also like to say if you hear me say AR, that's just short for augmented

  • reality.

  • So, this talk, as I mentioned, it's also about the web.

  • Let's talk about where those two things intersect.

  • That's what we'll call the immersive web.

  • And the immersive web is the use of augmented reality, virtual reality and other 3D technologies

  • on the web.

  • It's this whole spectrum of things.

  • It can be more augmented reality than virtual reality and doesn't quite matter.

  • And you'll hear me say XR.

  • And that really just stands for wild card reality.

  • So, it could be virtual, it could be augmented reality and some combination of the two.

  • So, today what the immersive web looks like is something like this.

  • We have seen progressive enhancements of sites we use every day.

  • The left two examples, Facebook 3D posts and they're incorporated directly into the newsfeed.

  • So, that first example is a 3D model that you can interact with on the newsfeed.

  • The second is using portrait mode depth information to delightfully play with these photos with

  • a bit of depth added.

  • And the third example is from Wikipedia who about a year ago started supporting 3D models

  • in their articles.

  • So, if you're not a large company and you don't have a whole engineering team dedicated

  • to building this model viewing experience, there's a solution to that now.

  • So, recently Google, a team at Google open sourced a web component for viewing models.

  • It's called Model viewer.

  • It's fantastic.

  • Using HTML, you can add into your side around it.

  • That's an example with the astronaut which we know and love.

  • And something that's great about the modelviewer team is they're thinking about accessibility

  • early.

  • So, they've already incorporated alt text into the component.

  • So, let's say you have these 3D models on your website.

  • How do you actually get it into augmented reality?

  • So, right now what we've seen is implementations of native system viewers that allow for augmented

  • reality.

  • This is not running in a web browser, but this is slick and tight integration with the

  • web.

  • So, you would have this search result, so it's integrated into search with Google.

  • So, you can tap the button and then it intents into this native viewer and then you can place

  • it in augmented reality is the same exists on iOS and it's similarly intense.

  • And so, what I just said there was that we're using native viewers to do augmented reality.

  • But we would like to do that in the browser itself.

  • That's where the WebXR device API comes in.

  • It exposes lowlevel sensory information.

  • So, the camera pose, if you can place an object on the floor.

  • And that's under development.

  • It's open so we can all contribute to it.

  • And you can find that on GitHub.

  • And with those examples that I just shared, that's all talking about bringing immersive

  • technologies into the web.

  • But we can also bring the web into immersive technologies.

  • Two examples of XR browsers.

  • And you will see the Helio browser placing images into the world around you and then

  • Firefox Reality, which is a VR browser.

  • So, I think the immersive web today is fantastic.

  • I think it's adding information, it's making it more delightful to browse the web.

  • But when we're developing these technologies, it's important to see where we're going next

  • and to start thinking about that earlier rather than later.

  • So, when I think about a future of augmented reality, I start by thinking about how can

  • this assist me?

  • So, I think about maybe I'm leaving work one day and I'm wearing these lightweight AR goggles,

  • I'm walking down the street.

  • I'm looking for dinner.

  • So, as I look at the restaurants on the street, I'm seeing Yelp data populating with the stars

  • rating and the types of menu.

  • And maybe I also want to see photos of the food.

  • So, Instagram information's coming too.

  • And I like Pokemon.

  • So, maybe while I'm doing all of this, I'm catching Pokemon, playing Pokemon Go.

  • And when I get to the train station, I'll have information populated for me telling

  • me which train to take so I can get home fastest.

  • And as I mentioned earlier, I probably don't want to be restricted to doing this on just

  • one headset.

  • Maybe I want headphones another day from a different company.

  • Who knows?

  • Maybe I just want to use my smartphone.

  • So, when I'm thinking of this vision of augmented reality going forward, I start to see some

  • interesting things and patterns that I would like to call out here.

  • So, the first is that is inherently uses web content.

  • I want access to all the things that I already use when I'm browsing the web.

  • Another thing is it's this really interesting composition of different types of information.

  • So, that could be models or 2D pages.

  • And we're going to have to interact with them in a way that's esthetic and delightful and

  • still makes me want to use it.

  • And onethird trend that I start to see it we're really interacting with the world around

  • us.

  • I could be places information on to a building or on to a tree or on passing by cars.

  • And so, when I start to think about this vision that I want and where we are today, which

  • is mostly placing 3D models, I think there is a lot of work to go.

  • And where I see a lot of that work coming into play is with a user agent.

  • So, the definition from W3C of a user agent is a user agent is any software that retrieves,

  • renders and facilitates end user interaction with web content.

  • So, today that's usually just your browser.

  • So, you get a lot of things when you're browsing using any of the modern browsers.

  • It could be Chrome, it could be Firefox.

  • It helps you do safe browsing.

  • It renders the HTML pages for you and things like that.

  • So, to understand how a user agent will play out with this added dimension for augmented

  • reality, let's start to break down this definition of user agent.

  • So, I'll go in reverse order.

  • Start with a user agent facilitates end user interaction with web content.

  • So, what I believe is that the user should always be in control of how information is

  • presented to them.

  • So, on a modern web browser, that's preferences like default text sizing.

  • That's contrast ratios.

  • And Chrome extensions and things like that.

  • But when you think about augmented reality, we have this whole new dimension.

  • It's really immersive.

  • It's, you know?

  • And so, we need to start to think about other ways that we want to have safe browsing and

  • we want the user to be in control.

  • One example, think about physical proximity.

  • You have content that's being rendered possibly close to you and I should be able to say I'm

  • not comfortable with anything rendering closer than 5 meters away from me.

  • Or I think it's compelling to think about this in terms of sound.

  • I probably would never want to allow someone to whisper into my ear as I'm walking down

  • the street.

  • so, a lot of these considerations come into play when we're talking about augmented reality.

  • And in order to accommodate these things for the years, we're going to need an intervention

  • point for the information.

  • So, the user agent knows what's being asked of it to do this.

  • If we think of declarative content that we know and love, that would be HTML and CSS.

  • I see this future where there's declarative content that you're able to add into the world

  • around you so you could specify things like I would like float left and pin to a building.

  • Or you could say, I want the depth to be 5 meters from the user.

  • But it's up to the user agent to decide whether or not it can actually honor that request.

  • And it's in that way that it can advocate for the user.

  • So, another thing that declarative content offers is that is provides semantic understanding

  • for the user agent.

  • So, what that means is that the user agent has a view into what's being asking to rendered

  • or presented to the use.

  • I find this example extremely lie lighting of what I'm talking about.

  • If we look at the left side, you're seeing the web.

  • If given this canvas to render the object like on the web today, given an XY location,

  • you can only see the color.

  • I see a black pixel, a white pixel, a gray pixel.

  • But nothing more than that.

  • But with semantic understanding of what's actually in the scene, we have a much more

  • rich understanding of the model the and the content that we're placing.

  • So, if you look at the right side, you can see I'm looking at the windshield.

  • And it has a material that's class.

  • And it's transparent.

  • You can also see things like the tire and stuff like that.

  • And so, you can imagine with screenreaders or accessible or just translating this into

  • soundbased AR, you can actually talk about what the user is seeing.

  • So, you could say I see a van with black tires and white car metal paint.

  • So, the next part of the user agent that I'll talk about is rendering.

  • So, the user agent is response for rendering to the browser.

  • So, modern web rendering emergencies are amazing.

  • They're fantastic.

  • That's blank, echo, WebKit, things like that.

  • When you think about what they asked to do, it's mostly 2D and it's textbased.

  • They're fantastic at rendering pages like the verge at 60 frames per second.

  • And some of you might know and some of you might not, but the web already does performant

  • 3D rendering.

  • That's great and provided to the user through a Canvas element and uses WebGL to create

  • those graphics.

  • What that might look like today is this, this is not augmented or virtual reality.

  • But it's just rendering in a web page using a canvas and WebGL.

  • So, for the rendering needs of augmented reality, thinking back to the vision is this complex

  • composition and layout dynamics of content.

  • So, we're gonna probably need to build a rendering engine that can handle that from the ground

  • up.

  • Whereas the modern rendering engines were optimized for 2D.

  • And so, even though I just said that we probably want this authorized from the ground up and

  • that we don't want to use Canvas elements, we tried it.

  • So, my team experimented on this internal prototype, air web view.

  • It's a set of libraries that enable AR through native apps and web view.

  • It's a lightweight browse their you can embed into a native app.

  • The technical understanding of what we've done is that we've web rendered and using

  • that to do than we have tracking, AR Core and ARKit.

  • And we combine that with a natively rendered camera feed.

  • Let's look at what that looks like.

  • You look at the example, we have a stormtrooper and it's convincingly rendered into the space

  • around you.

  • You need to make sure that the content that's rendered moves at the same time as a native

  • camera feed.

  • Because if it's off, it completely breaks the illusion.

  • So, we have this transparent web view, it's rendering the content, and this becomes a

  • difficult technical problem.

  • Because if you're familiar, and don't worry if you're not.

  • You have a render loop that's running from the browser.

  • But then you also have a render loop that's running natively, and you also have the update

  • loop for the native tracking.

  • So, it's figuring out a way to get all of these things working together in a performant

  • way.

  • And the advantages of AR web view is it's lightweight.

  • It's only 60 kilobytes added to your app.

  • It's crossplatform.

  • So, you write code once and it works on both iOS and Android.

  • It's embeddable into native apps and you can pull down content and code on demand.

  • And that last part, to highlight the advantages of that is that you can make changes to this

  • augmented reality experience that's independent from your native app code.

  • You don't have to wait for an app release to change your AR experience.

  • So, one use of AR web view in action was at Google IO this year.

  • If you were there, you would have seen this experience that allowed you to orient yourself

  • once you're on site at the conference.

  • Using augmented reality, you could see which way you might want to go next.

  • And so, this experience is literally just a web page.

  • And these white text that say water station and eats market are just actually HTML elements

  • styled with 3D transforms.

  • So, again, AR web view, it's a prototype, it's internal.

  • We will a lot of fun and learned a lot with it.

  • So, this last aspect of the user agent that I'll talk about is that the user agent retrieves

  • content on behalf of the user.

  • And this part is so fascinating to me.

  • So, if you think back to this vision of augmented reality, you're walking down the street.

  • And you look at a restaurant and it knows what you want is the menu information.

  • And it knows what you want is the Instagram photos.

  • And so, if I was doing this today on my smartphone, I would go to the restaurant.

  • I would see the name.

  • I would type it into maybe Google search, who knows.

  • And then I would access the information that I wanted.

  • But what we have with augmented reality is this fundamental paradigm shift.

  • Now the user agent is querying on my behalf and should know what I want to see.

  • That's very interesting if in a camerafirst browser environment, the user receives content

  • rather than querying for it.

  • That means that the user gets it over the surfacing.

  • This is an interesting question off the bat.

  • We can think about modern questions like echo chambers and stuff like that.

  • Manage imagine you're in an augmented reality immersive world and you don't know when there's

  • content that you're not seeing.

  • Or you should have a way to know and have ways to set preferences on what you do want

  • to see.

  • And I think that there is kind of this pessimistic view of that.

  • But I think there's a lot of advantages of having this intermediary between you and the

  • information.

  • An example that I like to think Imagine you're a coffee drinker.

  • You wake up, you want to wear your AR glasses on the way to work.

  • You haven't had your glass of coffee, you want the bare minimum.

  • Until you get to the coffee shop, then you are ready to get the other things coming.

  • In that way, the user agent having discretion is an advantage.

  • And so, as you start to hear these things about augmented reality and maybe this future

  • where everybody is wearing headsets.

  • You might be like me yesterday in Conrad electronics thinking, that's a lot of cameras.

  • So, it's true.

  • A camerafirst future requires a lot of cameras.

  • And it's not just augmented reality that's facing these things.

  • It would be things like selfdriving cars where they have six censors, eight, a ton of sensors

  • looking at the world around it as they're processing.

  • What that means is we're capturing basic life everything that happens on the sidewalk.

  • Anything that someone wearing one of these headsets can see.

  • And so, as we try to build towards this augmented reality feature, we need to have privacy and

  • surveillance top of mind when thinking about worldscale AR.

  • So, at face value, I think one of the first things you would think about in the context

  • of privacy is that these cameras are capturing RGB data about the world around you.

  • Which is just a picture.

  • So, what happens with that picture data?

  • Is your device computing it on device?

  • Is it going up to the cloud?

  • Who owns that data on the cloud?

  • Is it going to your private cloud?

  • And then when you think about secondary data.

  • So, that's information that's extracted from this camera image which is how augmented reality

  • works.

  • You can imagine if you're building meshes around you.

  • You live in an apartment building with a distinct statue outside.

  • You walk out.

  • Your headset creates a mesh of this statue and someone could know exactly where that

  • statue is and locate you.

  • Even if they don't have the camera data, they can understand that from the derivative information

  • that's used for augmented reality.

  • And what I think, though, is that user user agents being more powerful is actually an

  • advantage in this scenario.

  • Because if we can move that information away from the developer and closer to a trusted

  • user agent, that's a positive thing.

  • But we'll need something like open source code to actually know that we're being that

  • we can trust our user agents.

  • So, to me, augmented reality and the web is an amazing partnership.

  • The web will gain a whole new access for understanding information.

  • It will be more contextualized.

  • It will be ergonomic.

  • And for augmented reality, the web for sure is an important piece.

  • It will provide the content and I love the webby principles that we use today.

  • I think as we look forward to a future with augmented reality, we need to keep those webby

  • principles in line.

  • If you are interested in using the resources today, check out the resources.

  • Look at the model viewer and see if adding 3D models increases use and context to your

  • information.

  • And also, start talking to us about the WebXR device API.

  • Everyone's opinion matters and it will be great for the ecosystem overall.

  • So, to me if the web plus augmented reality is an open ecosystem of rich, contextualized

  • information, then I'm excited and I hope that you all are too.

  • [ Applause ]

[ Applause ] MARLEY: Thank you.

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增強現實在網絡上的案例,Marley Rafson | JSConf EU 2019 (The Case for Augmented Reality on the Web by Marley Rafson | JSConf EU 2019)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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