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  • My name is Tripp from and today

  • I'm talking about how to not run out of things to say.

  • A lot of my students ask me what is the best way to keep up conversation.

  • I think one of the hardest parts for guys when meeting women

  • is being able to talk to them.

  • You know, they're already kind of nervous so their head is spinning in circles and

  • they can't think of the next thing to say.

  • We'll today I'm going to teach you a great trick

  • to help out with that.

  • When you're in conversation

  • the best thing that you can do

  • is listen.

  • Okay. So stop listening to all the thoughts in your head

  • and start listening to the person that you're talking to.

  • The most important thing

  • is to remain present.

  • So when you're in conversation,

  • what's happening

  • is that you guys are talking about different topics. Right, so some sort of

  • topic is being brought up and you have to pay attention to these, okay? You've

  • got to be listening to what topic is being brought up

  • because this is what you're going to use in order to continue conversation. So

  • for example,

  • let's say you guys are talking about

  • cats

  • comes up in conversation.

  • Now there's only so many ways

  • to direct this conversation about cats.

  • Say you do have a cat.

  • Now great. You can talk about having the cat, you can relate to her

  • about her having a cat. Now you have something to say.

  • Or maybe you don't have a cat.

  • Now you can start asking questions. What's it like to have a cat?

  • You know, what are some funny cat stories that you have. The best part is no matter

  • what the topic is, you always have a whole route to go.

  • All these different routes play a part in your conversation.

  • So it doesn't really matter if you know something about the topic or not.

  • Whatever at the topic is you can either ask a question

  • to be curious and find out more, maybe something that she knows about the topic,

  • or maybe you can relate it back to a story,

  • or just talk about anything else with your own personal experience regarding

  • the topic. These are the different routes for conversation. A lot of this is based

  • around improv techniques so you have to be good improvisation. So this is like a

  • social muscle that has to be worked out and that's going to be with going out

  • and having a ton of conversations. Another option for you, if you live in a big city,

  • I'm sure there's a lot of different improv classes that you can take. These are really

  • good because these help you stay focused, stay present and come up with quick

  • responses. That's what all these improv classes do so that's another option for

  • you. So let me just summarize exactly what this technique is. What you're doing

  • is you're talking to a girl

  • or guy, whoever,

  • and you're extracting a word from what they're saying

  • and you're either going to ask a question about it, make a statement about it,

  • talk about an experience that you can relate to.

  • So it's working off of tangents, taking different topics then going off

  • on tangents about it. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode of Tripp's Tips. My name

  • is Tripp from

  • Subscribe to my newsletter, my website, subscribe to my channel.

  • I always have tons of more dating tips coming out and

  • tons more videos to help you guys out with all the different aspects of dating,

  • attraction and confidence. So I hope you enjoyed

  • and I'll see you on the next episode.

My name is Tripp from and today

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如何讓對話持續下去。一個簡單的對話技巧 (How to Keep a Conversation Going: One simple trick for conversation)

  • 521 33
    黃國宣 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary