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today we have a head to head.
We have too little domestic coffee.
Pour over robot type things, vying for your attention vying for your praise.
We have to know machines that do the kind of swirly poor thing that you might do.
If you're making a pore over, will they do it for you?
They use technology to distribute the water in a clever way.
In theory, we're gonna see if they work.
We're going to see if they're any good on this side.
We have the beam, a little 169 euro.
Poor of a machine on this side of the brand new Malita E poss, which is a very strange name that I don't understand.
This comes in at 250 euros, but it does have a grinder built into it.
We'll come back to that now.
Both of them are trying to do the same thing.
They're just trying to do a good job in a poor of a type set up.
But they go about that in very different ways.
So our talk you through how each one bruise on at the end or wrap up give you my opinion that you know which one I prefer.
Which one I might recommend.
Let's have a little look first that we have the beam.
It is a German company that make a variety of coffee and tea stuff.
170 euros is not wildly expensive for an automated pour over, but it it does feel a little bit chief in terms of the fit.
The finish.
It's a little bit plasticky.
As for how it works, the top here is your water tank, and it's interesting because it'll actually heat the water in this tank, which will come back to you in a second.
It has a little kind of pouring nozzle underneath that does the spinny spinny, and then here it's actually weighing scale.
So this machine works off brew ratios again.
It works off the 1 to 15 1 to 14 type thing, not a kind of grams per liter, which remains a frustration of mine in the world.
When you're ready to brew, you would tear off.
You're brewer, so it zero grams and then you would add some coffee.
I should have about 24 grams of coffee here.
So when I put that in, put it back.
So I got 24 grams and this thing works in the ratio on if we're gonna the ratio setting, it's 1 15 so you can obviously work out the maths involved.
You can set your brew temperature here, which is 93 to go.
It's for some reason, running the little swirly thing underneath.
I don't quite understand that, but it is now starting to heat the water here noisily.
So we begin the brewing process with a little bloom, and you can, if you want to actually take this often, give it a swirl.
It doesn't interrupt programming.
It doesn't cause the scale to reset.
It doesn't freak out.
I'm gonna let it be for this particular brew.
Now it quite often runs the little mechanism that does the water distribution when nothing's coming out of it.
For reasons I don't really understand, and it does irk me slightly because it's quite noisy.
So we're brewing.
And if I'm honest, if you're watching this go up, maybe you're thinking what I'm thinking, which is wow, that's really slow on.
The flow rate is really slow on this, and I think that's a little bit of a problem.
Well, that is noisy.
So it doesn't always do a superb job, even though the water thing is moving around of actually getting all the coffee.
Looking at the top of this kind of crust layer, it's not hugely even now.
At some point, it'll probably reheat the water in the top if it drops below a certain temperature.
That's been a kind of pattern of usage, which is not a bad thing that is trying to maintain its temperature.
As it goes.
We're done it again.
It's still doing the annoying, loud motor thing.
Even though it's finished.
I don't know.
You know why it's doing that.
But anyway, it hit its desired weight.
It did what we expected to do.
It can do its basic maths.
That's that's good.
It's slow, though, and that that when they shut up, I'll tell you why that's a problem, genuinely.
No idea why it's still moving.
Let's get this little brew out here.
If you play the flatbed challenge on Instagram, he wouldn't be submitting this one.
This bed is kind of a mess.
It's not in great condition.
On that was bang on the scales.
There's not a lot of choice about where you put the brewer right.
It can be about where I put it that I put in the wrong place.
No, no, no.
It's pretty clear way.
Put the brewer so not a great job at even extraction on this one.
But more to the point that really low, so slow flow rate for me is an issue.
It tends to push you to grind a bit coarser, and for me it lacks enough agitation to really get lots of that fresh water coming in in contact with the ground coffee.
Because I think you want some turbulence in your brew.
You want some?
Turn on this.
Just a bruise too slowly on the end result.
It's not.
It's not bad.
It just feels like this goodness left on the table, right, like it's not at the potential of the coffee or the set up.
In a way, the fact that it doesn't always nail the brew into his distribution of water is also particularly frustrating.
It's not always bad, but it's often bad, irritating a couple of other things worth noting that the solution of heating the entire water chamber is quite a simple solutions.
Quite an elegant solution, in a way.
But if you don't put enough water in and you start this brew and you walk away, it will.
Brew is normal and it won't throw out Eric owed it won't complain about anything.
It'll just brew and then just run out.
Even if this dealer a little bit of water left in the bottom of the brew, it doesn't pull absolutely everything through.
And then because I need to put more water than I need precisely for one Bruin there because it's tendency not to use the entire brood chamber.
Well, then I'm I'm wasting energy.
I'm gonna I'm gonna heat and not use 1 to 200 miles of water to stay on the safe side.
But this solution off, having a really accurate dose is good, but it it doesn't work that well in practice with this brewer.
Now, while I like the coffee cool down a second, I'll just run you through the functions of this thing here.
You had to be quick.
When you turn this on.
That's the only time you can set the time settings.
So if you've missed that need to reset the time on the clock, you go turn off and on again at the mains, which is kind of weird.
So you've got the brew mode, which has automatic and manual and auto will just do 1 to 15 ratio at 93 degrees C.
Regardless, it doesn't care.
In manual, you can program your ratio, and you can program your water temperature the way that it does that low.
If you're still in auto and you try and change your temperature, you just can't, which is kind of frustrating.
So if you go back to their switch it to manual now, we've got control over our very BP loud brute temperature that's not set.
My could go and change my ratio toe 1 to 16 because why not?
You do have the option to program it to come on in the mornings.
That's pretty simple.
If you want to do that, that's kind of it.
That's the functions.
That's the programming.
It has a cleaning function where, I presume it just heats this up.
You put some de scaler in kind of helps to de scale that whole setup, but it would just pump it through a quick taste you okay?
Not the greatest brew.
It has that slightly uneven extraction taste.
We have a little bit of hollowness and a little bit of harshness at the same time.
It's a slightly frustrating brewer from that regard.
It's not expensive.
It's got some base functionality.
It doesn't try and do too much.
It's not connected to Bluetooth.
It doesn't do the Internet of things stuff, all of which I heartily approve off.
But fundamentally, I don't want how it heats the water and issues there.
As much as it doesn't do a great job at delivering water well, Thio agitate toe properly extract the cone below it.
You could put like a Harry Okura fun to hear if you wanted to, if you weren't a huge fan of the kind of weird metal thing.
That's a thing, but I don't think that's gonna fix the fundamental problems with this thing.
But I think that's really gonna suddenly get a great coffee.
It's 100 and 70 euros on DDE that feels both cheap and expensive on one final point on build listening to the motor work.
It just doesn't sound like a high quality, long lasting motor in there it sounds cheap and noisy, and so my expectations for longevity, my expectations for this not having issues aren't hi.
I'm not saying it's going to fail.
I just wouldn't be shocked if it didn't last that long.
And now for the Malita e Poss.
And this is clearly a part of a wider launch of a couple of products, the higher end of things and, seemingly, their own line of fancy coffees.
We're not reviewing those today.
We're not reviewing slightly expensive but very simple pour over there doing.
We're reviewing this, which is sort of a lot design wise.
There's a few different textures designs, looks, feels going on here.
It's it's a lot, and at the heart of it is, of course, the classic Malita cone shape.
But this is her fancy that your filter papers, they come in a fancy and love.
Look at this.
Look at this and I get my dual d bossed later papers.
Now I'm told these are designed for a faster extraction, which I think is interesting.
This all clunks and clicks into place and in various ways and a 250 euros.
It's much more expensive than the beam, but this is very important, but you get a grinder, and that's kind of a surprising choice for me.
I guess that they're going for the I have no coffee stuff and I want the robot and I want it easy and I want a grander and I just want one thing that I plug in and I go and I guess that's an audience.
But is that an audience interested in automated pour overs?
I don't really know.
The decision to include the grinder kind of wrecks my head.
It made this very expensive, or at least probably made it expensive.
I don't know what this cost them, but it's it made it bigger.
It made it more expensive.
Now the grinder works in a kind of shocking way to me.
As for Grand Control, you've got three settings.
I'm sure you could try and keep between them, but they're kind of designed to be coarse, medium and fine.
That's that's pretty weird, but okay, so the way it works is this.
Firstly, you decide how much coffee you gonna brew you've got down here.
2468 cups.
That's the amount on each cup is about 125 mils, Based on the fact that four cups is half a liter, so little cups of coffee and on their water tank on the side, you'll see those same corresponding markings.
So you choose for couples, make four cups.
Let's do that.
Let's do half a liter.
Then you need to choose the strength right.
There you go 12 or three.
What this does is basically adjust the throw for four cups, typically the two setting and the medium.
I would get about 24 ish grams on the one setting and get 22 of the three sitting in, like 26 2 20 eight.
It's not super consistent on that kind of very into tracks all the way through.
So if I was bring two cups, I'd have literally half the amount it works.
It's reasonably accurate in terms of it'll deliver you twice as much as four, as it will do it too, and twice as much again at eight if you want that.
But but this method of controlling it is bizarre to me.
You have no riel control over how much coffee goes in, and the reliability will be OK or a times grander, but not fantastic.
And it wants you to fill the little hopper with coffee and just go that way, which I don't recommend doing.
So if you need to change coffee, it's quite awkward to get the coffee out.
If this is confusing, it's okay.
I had my brain broken a little bit, too.
So let's let's grind some coffee So it's pushed, grind.
And to be honest, these buttons down the bottom here are not very satisfying to push.
So it's in grind mode and I can set my dose.
I'm gonna go for a strength of two out of three.
I want her ready to go a pisco.
We have ground coffee.
What I will say is, if you're not using the little basket, if you're not grinding into this, if you're trying to grind into something else, know that it has massive, static issues like like Shaft gets everywhere, and that's very frustrating.
It's not too bad if you're riding into the little basket thing, but anything else I would not recommend it.
Let's get on, bruv.
We got some coffee there, and I'm gonna say that medium setting is pretty fine.
it's finally that I would have anticipated.
Now I've got the Prewett button selected so it will do a kind of bloom phase.
You can turn that off if you want to, but I think we should do the Prewett, which is a much worse.
Turn them bloom, especially when their coffee line is called bloom.
Anyway, let's brew.
Let's start with a little robot because, uh, it started now into bloom.
So we've had a little blooming phase, and that's nice.
So the way it works is this.
You got this rotating arm that has three different holes in it.
On a different faces of the brew, it seems to push water out of different holes, which I'm actually kind of into.
I think that's kind of a clever way of distributing water, not a bad looking blue the other way now.
So it tends to start in the center so that first hole distributes water and then later in the brew, as the cone rises, it does a sort of better job of using the other two holes to sort of spread the water further out.
That was obviously a oddly loud brew.
There was go the loud motor and then the pock pock of kind of a steamy brew.
That was kind of surprising.
That hasn't always happened.
But that was not a particularly pleasant sound.
Now that was a much faster brew.
Then the beam, like it delivered water much, much, much, much, much quicker, which I think is broadly a good thing.
And you know, it's not gonna win any flatbed challenge competitions either.
But it looks in slightly better shape than the resulting kind of bed off the beam as well.
And one nice little touch here.
There's a little stopper, actually, inside the currents when I pull this out doesn't drip, even though there is still liquid in there again, I want to like it, but I don't.
I think it does a better job brewing them.
The beam does.
I think it distributes the water.
Well, I think it delivers it at a good speed.
You get enough agitation.
It is a better brewer than the beam.
But why?
Oh, why?
Oh, why did you force me to buy this grinder with it?
I really don't understand it.
They don't seem to do a separate standalone option.
It is with the grinder or not.
It'll that's your choice.
It's It's it's It's the kind of giant Darth Vader with gold accents thing on.
I don't I love the look.
It's quite imposing.
It shows dirt really easily.
It shows Chef really easily and having a static problem.
That's not great for me.
I don't love that the little buttons across the bottom, but I think they're nice to push.
You don't get any kind of feedback other than the kind of beep that is a little bit delayed so you can kind of double push accidentally.
It's it's frustrating.
There's no riel control here, right?
Like there's no setting a brew times in a setting, a brute temperatures you're gonna put water in and coffee in.
But you're not even gonna control how much coffee goes in the grinder is, and it's gonna be about 50 55 grams of liter from the coffee's I've used.
But, hey, if I had a darker roast coffee, my throughput would be higher, right?
Like different coffees grind at different speeds, spinning how hard, how dense they are.
It's a kind of head record to me to have this bizarre grinder with three grand settings and no riel transparency into how much coffee grinding each time.
I want to like it more than I do on those issues.
The frustrations.
The bundling of the grinder for me is a kind of disqualifying factor.
It rules out most people who would wash this channel, who maybe have a grounder at home, right.
This is now an irrelevant product to you because you're not gonna buy another coffee grinder.
The people who want a pore over robot probably have a coffee grinder.
I think I think maybe I'm wrong and tell me if I'm wrong.
If you're watching this, you like.
No, no, no.
This is for me.
This is This is my perfect machine.
I do want to hear from you now or ranting aside, How's the coffee that coffee does?
Taste okay, It tastes okay.
It's not.
It's not bad at all.
It's quite nicely extracted just a little bit hard, but it But it's okay.
And in theory what I should do is I should load this with the same grind from the same ground as I did the beam.
But that's such an odd test for a machine that comes with a grinder right.
What's the point of assessing this directly against the unit that does something, in many ways totally different to his?
The summary.
The beam.
At 170 euros, it feels a little cheaper.
It's simple in its function, but ultimately, I think it does a great job in the distribution of water.
It doesn't brew fantastically well.
The Malita does a better job brewing.
It does.
The little sort of spray head thing here is quite nice.
I quite like the way it works.
I think that's pretty clever.
It does a good job, but the decision to take away all the control from how you grind your coffee is maddening to me and confusing.
You won't get the best out of every being that he put in there.
You'll be in the ballpark, and it'll be extremely consistent.
Brute Abreu.
But you'll never I don't think I get the best out of everything, except by luck now and again if they just took out the grounder.
If it was half the machine on half the cost of it was 125 euros and it was just on auto Brewer, that would be a Maybe that would be interesting.
Thes we're both painful thanks to the support I get from Patri on s so many of you help me out, give me a budget to go and buy a machine.
So I'm not beholden to manufacturers setting me free bees.
I don't feel like I owe them anything.
And I can tell you what I think is the truth about them.
Give you my unvarnished opinion.
I'll be giving them away.
I don't get to keep these but I'm very grateful to pay jump ball supporting me on this project.
But let me know your thoughts on the Commons down below.
Do you have one of these already?
Do you have similar thoughts to me?
Do you disagree with me?
I would love to hear what you think.
What's your experience so far?
Are you loving it?
You hating it?
Are you regretting it?
Are you delighted with it?
Leave a comment down below.
I'll say thank you so much for watching.