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  • Jack.

  • Hey.

  • Um, excuse me, sir.

  • We're, um we're kind of going on a road trip.

  • I'm gonna make spoilers, but I have to pick up Cameron and Justin and we're doing something we're doing.

  • We're here to pick up Justin cameras here.

  • Okay, So jackets sitting on the park bench.

  • He doesn't.

  • Justin doesn't know Jack.

  • So you're just gonna walk up, see my car, and then see Jack City of the park?

  • I just wear the window.

  • Jackson camera.

  • I'm gonna yell of yo, what do I do?

  • Not recognize.

  • I could go to your bank so you could get a wing meat.

  • Just listen.

  • Inspirational talks about like like Justin.

  • You know, it wasn't recording, right?

  • Yeah, you do it.

  • No way.

  • You just sleep in there.

  • So this is the garage before the makeover.

  • Look at these seats.

  • Each other maker space here.

  • Thanks.

  • Stick would Yeah.

  • Let's go.

  • I got the toilet paper.

  • I got to go in the house and steal toilet paper.

  • Freezing it.

  • They're my air mattress deflated.

  • Grab literally concrete.

  • Remember when we used Thio?

  • Remember when we used to wake up at 38 30 and Karen heritage are still asleep.

  • Siegel started fighting.

  • Well, What happened?

  • Your phone died reason, but I can't So majestic.

  • You learned how to drive a flier drawing again?

  • Yeah, that's good.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Thing isn't working.

  • Don't look at you.

  • You're that's clean movie.

  • Did I get it or No?

  • Oh, way Movie on this.

  • Safeties on, guys.

  • I was so silent.

  • Did you get it?

  • Get it.

  • Hey, dear Cole's Cole's non compos.

  • Or do that do that?

  • Your pool?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Let's see how you're gonna shoot.

  • Really Think it hit way?

  • We're going on a hike.

  • Justin's a little girl.

  • We're going on a hike up a mountain up a hill.

  • It's Ontario cattle.

  • Work's gonna fall.

  • We're gonna get to the top of that.

  • It doesn't look that big from here, but big guys unassuming bridge use at your own risk.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Look at that.

  • We made it to the bottom of the hill.

  • Constipation.

  • Cool view, right?

  • Justin, you can't be tired.

  • You want to take a break and I'll get out my drone.

  • We're in the trail now.

  • Yeah, the guys were ahead because I was just getting the drone back in my bag and stuff I've been at the ski hill since I was, like, two years old.

  • The last time I hiked up here, I was probably eight years old or something.

  • That was quite a bit of mud.

  • Is it wrong?

  • I'm just gonna keep left and see where it takes me.

  • So I think I see it down there.

  • Just stick here.

  • I'm gonna see if this is right.

  • Oh, I think I found it.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, I found it while I was recording the whole time to break time.

  • 10 minutes into the Mmm.

  • See, you can see the hill, right?

  • Interesting boat.

  • Halfway.

  • We brought halfway halfway.

  • Yeah.

  • What'd you just say?

  • We'll park or to see?

  • Stop swearing in Russian.

  • That hawk up.

  • There was no highway already.

  • Climbed pretty good, Justin.

  • A zis way at the top way.

  • Yep.

  • So we made it to the top of the tallest ski hill in Ontario.

  • Who?

  • Just thinking Thank you.

  • We're gonna go to the nice view now.

  • Your face, Rogers.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Just fuck.

  • It's okay.

  • Just get down.

  • City boy, like I look so out of place now you got nothing.

  • What would you shoot your friends looking.

  • I'm kidding.

  • Justin, It looks okay.

  • We're gonna get through this together like some parts off touch your ass is what you're saying that could get, like, the leaves off.

  • We have a Washington.

  • It's okay.

  • Because Justin did it all for the log.

  • So if we could all have a thanks, Justin in the comments, that would be greatly appreciated that we're still going to Roger's way should have a good view under the steepest run.

  • Here, start wiping yourself off tutorial paper.

  • It looks like you're really heights all the way up to your boys.

  • Yeah, right over here.

  • This is the view.

  • Now you can't see it.

  • Sentries.

  • But you can almost you another picture, another picture.

  • Don't fall backwards.

  • I've never walked out on this hill before.

  • I was a kid over here in this play area.

  • Who shit his pants?

  • No.

  • Are you ready for this?

  • You have Ah, going grocery shopping like adults torrid by, Iet's are having that.

  • We can reach way watching bad movies all day.

  • Inspirational music.

  • E can't listen to that morning.

  • 10 seconds.

  • My brain starts hurting.

  • Unlock it.

  • Unlock it now.

  • You know.

  • Told me what really I thought you knew that.

  • You know, Jack, we got the best seats at the front.

  • I've never had the first movie you'll never forget.

  • I don't know me for family fun.

  • Large hole.

  • What'd you guys think?

  • Pretty good.

  • Walking very far away from us.

  • For some reason, I don't think I want to be seen with us.

  • It was pretty good.

  • Fantastic.

  • Yeah.

  • This movie's great tenant.

  • 10 matching thing.

  • This is like, other people's point of view.

  • It's amusing.

  • Wow.

  • 13 minutes of filming lost edit science and engineering students way.

  • Make crack it 40 something percent with Smirnoff.

  • Another 40 something percent.

  • 80%.

  • Jack, What the hell?

  • I just got your text now.

  • I'm taking a quick shit years.

  • 5%.

  • Yeah.

  • Located.

  • One chance.

  • Let's just concentrate.

  • I think it just leave it.

  • Jack wants to act like he strike, so we're gonna fill it up with Arizona.

  • He's gonna use you like we're gonna be Oh, Jack.

  • Jack, you can't drink that street.

  • Wait.

  • It's Arizona.

  • That was Arizona mixed with strawberry soda.

  • Do you guys like oh, cracking?

  • See that?

  • That's the face of a champion right there.

  • Way, way Doing Gonna jump into freezing cold water this before We're gonna die in the water.

  • Water?

  • Water.

  • Guys were jumping in the water.

  • I don't know.

  • I don't really want to do this anymore.

  • Justin doesn't make me the right.

  • We're going to jump in.

  • It's good.

  • So, Jack, cold water swam in it When you're younger.

  • You don't think so?

  • You're gonna heart attack Camera doesn't like cold water.

  • He's gonna die.

  • Do you think about your death?

  • Wow.

  • High water You guys don't re create Recreate what happens when your heart stops You jump in.

  • Wait.

  • You guys feel quick cameras gonna die I swim around And I got numb But I thought my my muscles might stop So I thought I should go back Yeah, yeah I know your work on a high school will be warm Froth Your brain hurt, Jack.

  • We got ice cream.

  • Just a psych suicidal, but yeah, Bullshit.

  • Everything's warm compared to water Press waiting cannot be your best.

  • Wow, My feet My feet hurt my feet hurt way got the Japanese mafia over here According to Jack taking conviction.

  • That's what I told her You.

  • So we're packing up now.

  • It's the end of the trip.

  • Some guys were still eating dinner.

  • But we're gonna leave this place now.

  • Our crib sleeping in the garage for three days.

  • We're leaving.

  • How was your weekend, guys?

  • Great.

  • I went pretty well, considering I plan.

  • Nothing just showed up.

  • Yeah, we stopped.

  • We didn't plan Destination by 9:13 p.m. What time you supposed to be there?

  • Eight.

  • Maybe.

  • Sanitary.

  • It's 7 20 right now.

  • Don't worry.

  • I'll drive thru intercom lovers now.

  • Bitch.

  • Bobby, are you fourth year?

  • All four of us.

  • We're gonna talk Toronto.

  • I don't even Jack that.

  • I'm like I got time Description is just in time.

  • I think I just did it.

  • Justin just left back, man.

  • I miss you guys.

  • Way road.

  • You hit her.

  • Leaving now.

  • Go back to work tomorrow.

  • Excited, Tha Thanks.

  • Yeah, I got this.

  • It's so blurry by Jack.

  • Oh, yeah, I was so much fun next time.

  • By eyes, Blurry house.

  • A great trip.

  • Me, Me some more of those for women like me.


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