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Yoga Pose - Andy Ruestow and Bryan Donovan
Welcome back!
We made it to 5:00.
Oh, my gosh!
Having a great day so far?
The weather is beautiful?
So this is going to be our last talk in this room, so after this talk is done, I'm going
to encourage everyone to head over to the SitePen Track to watch our last talk of the
day, and then there's an awesome party, of course, so our last talk is going to be by
Andy Ruestow and Bryan Donovan, and this is kinda cool, actually, they are going to show
us how to use TensorFlow to rate yoga poses.
So the fun fact for both of them is kind of funny because it's like the exact opposite.
So Andy actually is going to be the one doing the yoga and he doesn't really do yoga.
He's climbed a lot more mountains than he's done yoga, but Bryan has done a lot more yoga
than he's climbed mountains, so they complement each other very nicely.
So let's give it up for Bryan and for Andy.
Hey, everybody, thanks for coming.
>> Hello.
My computer is locked here, so you can watch me type my password.
All right, so we're going to get started here with the yoga pose and if you've been in this
room earlier today, you've probably seen a lot of really great presentations.
David just gave a really great one about Imposter Syndrome which I think we're both feeling
a little bit right now.
>> Absolutely.
>> And he also mentioned some things about confirmation bias and a quick little story
about that.
I've got a wife and two kids, and they were lucky enough to come along with us on the
trip here today.
And any time I go on a work conference, my wife calls it a work vacation.
So I always explain, no, it's -- we're actually, we're learning, it's, you know, very dedicated,
we are spending a lot of learning new technologies, not learning people, so when we're driving
up to the resort yesterday and we saw the palm trees and the beautiful son, I think
the confirmation bias set in and this is in fact a work vacation.
>> She needs a vacation.
>> Well.
She's at the beach today.
>> So just a little bit about Bryan and myself.
Buyian is a software lead at Lockheed Martin.
He's been developing software for pretty much his whole life but over the last 20 years,
really as a lead developer, chief architect of a lot of cool systems.
He is really the driving force, like the conductor and really the engine to drive a lot of our
programs forward and that's where my train analogy runs out of steam.
Myself, I'm a DevOps tech lead which means that I'm not good as a developer and not good
at relations, but what I'm really good at is to be able to enable developers to be the
best at what they're at and for humans it is being creative and we're best at solving
problems and a problem we're not really good at solving is doing repetitive tasks over
and over again.
I take a lot of joy in automating all of those things, so that the creative people, especially
like Bryan, can do what they're best at.
>> Yeah, DevOps makes our life better, absolutely.
>> Andy: I little bit more on the personal side.
And to highlight how we're opposites.
I live in Upstate New York and that means that I enjoy winter and I have two small humans
as roommates and like I mentioned, they're at the beach today.
They say that you should try everything at least once once in life just to see what it's
I've done the science on this next one, you guys -- don't get hit by a car.
It's not so much fun.
And am primarily a carnivore.
>> Bryan: For myself, I live in Los Angeles, where we experience zero months of winter
each year.
I live near a beach, Venice Beach, I have two roommates, wife and dog and I've been
hit by zero cars, a much better experience.
Herbivore, so no meat and what we can both agree on it beer and coffee.
>> Andy: I think that's what make us such great friends.
>> Bryan: That's right.
>> Andy: So why are you here?
Primarily to see us make fools of ourselves.
Bryan called me up a few months and said hey, why don't you come to Southern California
and go to a conference and a couple weeks later I said, hey, Bryan, why don't we present
at that conference.
So a few of the technologies we use for yoga possess.
Node.js, I don't think they'd let us in the door if we didn't use.
>> React, TensorFlow one of the fun toys that we don't get to play a whole lot with our
day jobs.
Some pose estimation that happens in real time in the browser and then some of the deployment
things that I find pretty interesting.
>> Bryan: So React, yes, the one with hooks, really great if new tech in 16: 8 I'm sure
you've seen a lot of those, and great, we're moving over to hooks, we're going to use hooks
for this whole thing.
Look how great use state is and then I'm off using use effect and then I want to share
some global states and now I'm using use context and then I have this mutable thing that I
want to keep track of and so now I'm into useRef and then you want to use the set interval.
So you're using a custom hook called useInterval.
And it's super interesting.
Dan wrote a blogpost on how it can be used instead of set interval.
>> Yeah, it's really interesting how the underlying hook technology allows you to take the ones
that React has published and use them.
But also extend them in ways that you can be creative about and find new uses about,
like the one that Dan published for handling intervals.
TensorFlow, how many people have heard of TensorFlow?
How many have used it before?
Fewer, great.
So TensorFlow.js is cool.
It allows you to train and deploy models in a browser or in a node environment.
I think it makes machine learning easy.
We work with a lot of data scientists, and they're really big nerds and they make machine
learning actually easy, like the things that they do is really impressive and it makes
our life as more front-end and application developers, easy to take what they've done
and really just implement it, so it was fun for us to jump into TensorFlow and actually
start playing with some of the models, creating our own and seeing how we can work with them.
Another great thing about TensorFlow is the docs.
There's a handful of tools that I think have really amazing docs.
Docker is one of them.
TensorFlow had really great docs.
Bootstrap is amazing that stuff.
So when a tool has really great docs, I think it makes it easier to understand it or at
least how to use it.
>> Bryan: Specifically out of TensorFlow there's a model called pose net and what it's used
for is to determining pose information in real time or you'll feed it a video or image
and what that model will give back to you are 17 different body parts, it will show
you where somebody's eyes are, where the nose is, shoulders and you can take that pose then
and basically run your algorithm against those 17 different body parts to do whatever you
In our case, we're going to be scoring some yoga poses, but the pretty cool thing about
PoseNet where we get to see the browser and how far it's come is it runs completely in
the browser, so there isn't any data being sent out to some external server.
That pose estimation, that neural network is all running exclusively with your browser
and just use a convolutional neural net to basically return those pose and there's a
neural net under the hood that's using to determine oh, a human is in this image, these
are the parts of that human and then mapping out the XY coordinates that you can then use.
Andy: So out of the box, PoseNet ships with a handful of models.
It's a mobile mold.
It gives a lot less accuracy when coming up with the key point positions and confidence
in each of those.
There's a beefier one, called ResNet 50 which I really wanted to work and it really crushed
the processer, to the point where we were getting like 10 to 15 frames a second, which
sucks, so we couldn't go with that one.
So we used mobile net v1.
Then like Bryan mentioned, out of the box it can detect multiple people which is kind
of cool and could have some implications for different ways that you could use Posenet.
So let's have some fun with the first toy that we created.
Face detection and tracking so here's Will with some really cool glasses on.
Bryan, I don't know if you want to step out and show some code here.
>> Bryan: Absolutely so basically here ... >> Andy: Did you hit the go button?
You have to -- perfect.
There we go.
>> Bryan: Thank you.
Basically see we're grabbing that pose, the pose consists of those -- I'm 17 points that
we talked about before, and we're basically going to go into that pose, look at the key
points and say where is the nose, where is the eye, and just do some simple math here
to determine how wide the glasses are, we'll do a ratio of the image that we're going to
be using.
We'll do a calculation so just doing the inverse tangent of looking to calculate the angle
of the face so we can apply the glasses in the correct orientation and just doing a quick
translation based on the nose so we can place them in the correct spot, applying the rotation
based on the angle and we're going to draw that image onto the canvas.
So what does that look like?
Sorry, Andy.
>> Andy: Yeah, no worries.
So you can see we fully embraced the saved by the bell theme here.
Do you want to talk about how you added some key press magic here?
>> Yeah, so basically what we do, there's Andy.
Bryan: We wrapped the Pose net model in the React and basically we're hooking the keyboard
and we can do some simple logic to say we want to render this canvas on top of the video
we're seeing.
This harsh light is a little rough, but -- hahahaha [applause]
Andy: So I think we also learned something pretty important about users by coming here
and being on this stage.
It's super-easy as developers to build something in a way that you expect your users to interact
with it.
So for Bryan and I sitting in an office, sitting in our desks in our homes.
>> Andy Bryan: Nice ambient lighting Andy: Yeah, and then you come up here and
you have white background and harsh lighting so I think it's great to think that users
are going to abuse your systems, so here's a great example.
There we got Bob there.
Here's another one of the technologies that we used.
It's the Canvas API.
This is pretty need.
You're able to do basic drawing manipulations just with JavaScript.
It's native to what, all browsers?
And there's a bunch of libraries that wrap that, that make things easier.
I guess we did it the hard way just by manipulating Canvas directly but there's always a break
point where you realize, do I need this additional library?
Do I not need it?
And I think it's a good practice to try and do things yourself first, insofar as you can
still make progress.
As soon as you find yourself running into a brick wall and the progress is slowed, it's
a great opportunity to bring in some of those other tools, but because we had this simple
use case, we decided to use Canvas just directly.
A few other things we did here related to Canvas and also having access to user media
is to grab the camera that user might have available.
So there's a few different ways that that can be tuned to inspect which devices a user
has available to them whether it's a front-facing or rear-facing camera.
Bryan: So once you have those 17 key points to actually start being able to understand
or how to score how that those body parts are in relation to something else, we need
to turn those into vectors, so just basically taking each one of the 17 key points, iterating
through those, creating vectors through an additional key point and basically we're creating
a bunch of XY vectors in that space that we can start to say, OK, based on this vector,
how is it going to compare to some other vector that you're expecting?
And the way we did that is we created basically like a gold standard of a yoga pose and we
said, OK, if we were to look at that yoga pose, what would it look like in X-Y vector
space and create that model.
So that's a algorithm that's running that says let's compare that vector to another
vector and use something called cosine similarity.
If you're at 1 that means you're perfect, those vectors are completely on top of one
another, or if it's 0, it's going to be basically 90 degrees away from that if it's -1 it's
180, so you're going to be doing exactly the opposite of what you expect.
Andy: Any time you're talking to a data scientist, and you come up with a model, you can just
tell them that it's a neural net, just use your brain for it, so ...
>> Bryan: So this is basically how we did this.
This image has nothing to do with this slide.
I just wanted to get a slide of ZachG on there.
Bryan: So where Posenet gives you the pose, what we're doing is adding some additional
information to that pose so we're going to look and say we're going to create this list
of vectors, we're just going to give it the index of one part and the part index of another
part and then basically define what's that -- so the right side then is the expected
vector, so in this case we're expecting the left eye and the right eye to just be one
in the positive of X and so essentially we're looking for both of your eyeballs are level.
>> Andy: Can I jump out here and show an example of one of the models?
>> Bryan: Yeah.
So if you're familiar with mountain pose, maybe you can demo what a mountain pose.
>> Andy: Bonus points if I don't fall off the stage.
>> Just stand there literally just stand there.
>> I can climb one, I can't pose one.
>> So this is what mountain pose looks like.
We're taking every line here.
Basically lines 21-30 we're saying these are the expected vectors of that and it's actually
really simple when you define that, basically you're looking for how is that represented,
and it's basically translation invariant.
You're just looking for the direction of that vector.
Maybe if we can show -- do you mind stepping in front we can show those points?
So what you basically get from Posenet -- >> Andy: I am not here.
Where did I go?
Lost the camera.
Well, how about this: Production to the rescue?
>> Bryan: Call in the DevOps guy.
>> Andy: Might have lost the network here.
Can't use the internet for anything!
Well, we've lost network
Bryan: We'll come back ... A
>> AUDIENCE: Try Internet Explorer.
Andy: Oh, no!
Oh, I just died a little.
AUDIENCE: Check that the camera is still authorized?
Andy: Camera still authorized.
AUDIENCE: Top right.
Andy: Take all my permissions! [laughter]
Well, this is the most disappointing thing to happen today.
Well, let's go through the slides and then try and resurrect things.
man, what a fraud.
These people came for yoga poses.
>> Bryan: That's right, confidence just plummets.
Yeah, so basically for all the math people out there, this is the cosine similarity scoring
that we're using again.
It's really just taking a look at those angles of the two vectors and we go across, so if
you have, like in mountain pose it's going to look across those possible 10 vectors,
look at the one -- >> Andy: The camera is back up?
>> Bryan: Oh, it is.
>> Andy: And now it's off.
That is cruel.
Yeah, all right.
Bryan: Oh!
Andy: Come on!
I do not exist!
AUDIENCE: Restart the camera.
Andy: Different ports, everything.
What have we got?
So there's our key points.
Bryan: 17 magical key points.
Who knows how they show up.
Andy: Well, since the thing is working, why don't we go through the vectors.
Bryan: If in your poses you want to look across, say compare the shoulder to the foot, you
would have that vector available to you.
All right.
So I say at this point we need to make Andy do some yoga poses.
Bryan: So we're going to be looking at every pose from 0 to 10, 10 being the best, we'll
second him through five levels of yoga poses.
So first one, Andy, we'll be starting off with mountain pose.
Good job, 9 on mountain pose, that's good.
Next one is -- hands up.
Andy: I can do better.
Nope, I can't do better.
Bryan: Yoga pose says you can do better.
We're going on to warrior II now.
Looking good, Andy, don't fall off the stage.
Good, get that back foot up a little bit.
Oh, looking good, looking good.
And then chair pose.
Oh, nice chair pose, maybe bring those arms up a little bit more.
Lean forward a little bit more?
Andy: Nope!
Bryan: All right, 38! [applause]
So 38 is pretty good.
Wonder if anybody could beat 38?
Andy: Anyone feel like they can beat 38?
Any volunteers?
I can do it.
So what do I do first?
Mountain pose.
Yes, please, watch the edge.
And next up will be warrior I. Oh, that's nice warrior.
I do yoga.
All right, next up warrior II.
Looking good.
Andy still might be in the lead somehow.
Doesn't make any sense.
It's these pants!
Bryan: All right, warrior 3.
>> I don't want to fall! [laughter]
Bryan: Looking good, and now chair pose.
Utkatasana Oh, looking good.
Pull two points out of it.
>> Andy: I think she was handicapped there.
>> Bryan: Thank you.
Thanks, Katie.
>> Andy: Thank you, Katie.
I recode we coded it to make Andy win, by the way.
Andy: That's how to boost myself confidence, don't think I'm so good.
Oh, sure, so a few things here about design.
You tell from the slides to the actual application, we tried to embrace the Saved By the Bell
It gives them clear direction and purpose of what they're supposed to be doing.
It can convey a mood, you can tell this was not supposed to be an overly serious application
that we built, and it's -- it adds value.
When you look at like an application that doesn't have a coherent design, it just doesn't
feel as fun to interact with.
So because I haven't learned my lesson -- Bryan: Real quick while Andy brings tup, one
of our graphic designers, Eian did all the work, so a big shout-out to Eian.
Andy: Yeah, he did a great job.
Bryan: This is when you ask a developer to build you something.
Andy: And of course the camera won't work, but as you can tell, there's absolutely no
design here.
We had a canvas displaying the image with the camera and it was not fun to interact
Didn't let anyone know what to do and without that design, you can be quite lost.
I'll cut my losses on that.
So some potential next steps we might want to take if we chose to be even more serious
than we are right now.
Bryan: We missed fix the camera on this list.
>> Andy: Yes, support cameras?
So we could improve the model.
Obviously the model that Posenet model is the mobile version, a lot of the parameters
are tweaked just to be able to run on a MacBook.
Considering the wide array of devices that a user are likely to use you want to be able
to accommodate them as much as possible.
We could up our modeling game of the actual yoga poses by doing some real machine learning
TensorFlow of known good yoga poses and bad ones, as well.
Tests are extremely important.
Tim this morning gave an amazing talk this morning on test driven development.
>> Bryan: But we have no tests.
Andy: None at all.
The more costly to a user any change would be, the more valuable having tests against
those changes are.
And then some optimization.
We again did absolutely none.
Is and I don't know, adapt the Peloton model and become rich by New Year's rush.
And with that, have a super-nice night, San Diego.
>> Thank you.
Thank you, aren't computers wonderful?
They always work perfectly when we expect them to.
All right.
So thank you everyone.
This is our last talk of the day, in this room, so if we could head on over next door,
starting at 5:45 is going to be the last talk of the day.
She's going to talk about who's not in the room, how to build better products by engaging
hard to reach users and it sounds like it's going to be a great talk and I will see you
over there.
Thank you ...