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  • singles, hoping to find their perfect match this year, may feel like they've hit a rough patch amid the Corona virus pandemic.

  • But your dating life doesn't need to come to a complete halt, even during a time of social distancing.

  • Video exchanges are the new frontier and here to tell us what we need to know is founder and CEO of the league dating app.

  • Amanda Bradford, Amanda.

  • Thanks for being with us, and this is kind of counterintuitive because, as I ask you to give us an idea but how dating has been affected during a time like this, I think you're going to give us a fairly unexpected answer.

  • It is surprising, that is, it's quite busy out there.

  • We're seeing unprecedented levels of engagement, both in terms of logging in.

  • Users that may be logged in once or twice a week prior to this period are logging in multiple times a day.

  • We're seeing users that used to be called flaky or we're ghosting.

  • People are now responding to people at unprecedented levels.

  • We're also seeing people adopt our video features much higher right then, then February, for example.

  • So we're seeing, you know, we're seeing that people are really looking for connection and support during this time, and it is showing up in the data, for sure, and for anyone who is hearing you and ready to take the plunge.

  • You have some tips for video dating, and your 1st 1 is Look for state.

  • Great.

  • Yes, it's also surprising that you shouldn't wear your pajama bottoms on your first video date even though you can, but, you know, really dress like you would for a regular date.

  • I think both you know, whether head to toe so whether it's to kind of create more confidence in yourself, but also to show the other person that, hey, you're I'm willing to put pants on for you how we joke about it.

  • And also we know that lighting is everything.

  • So you wanna have great lighting as well, right?

  • Yes, no fluorescent lighting.

  • If you can get kind of low wattage dim light that's always a little bit more flattering.

  • And another thing we say is try to share an experience during that date.

  • So whether it's you know, playing words with friends, whether it's watching a YouTube video and pushing start at the same time, we've had users even Goto instagram live concert and kind of pretend like they're going to a concert with each other over over FaceTime.

  • So really treat it like you would, you know, a real date.

  • And I think you know, even though this is a really tough time in a scary time for everyone, it's actually a really unique time to get to know someone on an emotional level.

  • And I think that's that's important when you're dating is so kind of Look at the the bright side of it.

  • I guess we had some of the other tips up there I love have a back pocket topic, not the pandemic.

  • Also give a power compliment, but not about looks and you mentioned to share an experience.

  • But it is important to think about talking about something other than the pandemic, even though that might seem impossible right now.

  • Yeah, I could be easy to dwell on it, but I think you know, touch on it.

  • Of course it's it's top of mind, but, you know, use the opportunity to really get to know the person what they're passionate about and what drives them.

  • And, you know, I think it's It's easy to kind of spend time talking about what we're reading and seeing in the news every day.

  • So so don't kind of don't sacrifice the time you have with the person and and try to find out something really deep about them, if you can.

  • Yeah, I see a reality show out of this one.

  • You know, you dated the pandemic on video.

  • And then when this is all over, you can finally meet in person.

  • So very many.

  • Do you have some couples?

  • We do have some couples that around like week four or five of not having seen each other yet, but are falling in love.

  • So I I told him, will definitely want to follow up with them and see how it goes in the real world.

  • We will check in with you on that.

  • Amanda Bradford.

  • Thanks so much for joining us.

  • Yeah.

  • Thanks for having me.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking out the ABC News YouTube channel.

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singles, hoping to find their perfect match this year, may feel like they've hit a rough patch amid the Corona virus pandemic.

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被隔離期間的約會 (Dating while quarantined)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary