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wasn't guys first night and I'm going to show you how I use the terminal window to push my I was project on to get up.
Now I'm assuming you really have a get hub account.
And I'm assuming that you already have your message.
Keep from your computer hooked up onto your get hub account.
Now, if you don't don't worry.
I left a link down description box below.
And it is to this website web page right here adding a new S H key to your get hub account.
Simple a step process very self explanatory.
If you have any trouble with that, let me know I will make a video if enough people ask for it.
Or I could just answer any problems you have in the comment section.
So keep that in mind.
Let's get started to this.
So I'm also assuming that you have Iris project already created or else you have nothing to push.
So I have Ah, I was project.
I'm going to go to that directory right now using CD CD exchange directory and I'm going to that directory.
You can type in the first part of the directory for order and then hit tab and I'll finish it for you.
Then you can hit allies to see what's inside.
And where's mine.
Oh, all right.
Looks like I haven't made one yet, so let's go ahead.
Creating extra project.
Single the application.
Let me just call this test, and I want to save it right in where I waas create create git repositories on my Mac.
I always have that checked.
And then I just accepted that and let me re hit L s.
And you'll see that now I have a test here, so I'm gonna change directory into the first test directory because as you'll see after you have another test directory.
But also you ask a project you want to be in the first test Director, remember that.
So what you want to do now is going over to your get hub account and create a new repositories.
And let me just call this test.
Why not?
And then all my default settings, or how you want it create repositories because you're pushing into this repositories, you're not gonna pull anything and then re pushback or clone anything or anything like that.
You're gonna have the initial commit from your terminal window.
So that's good.
Now we want to dio is this right here?
I have my handy dandy notebook right here.
And you wanna get in it?
Get ad dot dot Really just adds everything that's in that directory.
You want to get commit, Dash M.
And this is where you say something like initial commit or if you made a different change, that's what you do.
So get commit, commit and then get remote.
Let me just copy and paste this right here.
Keep in mind that right here isn't exactly what you're gonna do.
Of course, you're not gonna have forced night on their rico.
You're ever going to change.
And also another thing.
Let me change that already.
Another thing is, as you see right here where it says get plus SS each that is, They're so whenever I read, you know, push an update to the depository don't have to put in my user name and password to my get have account every single time.
This will just ask for it this first time, I believe and then it goes from there.
So let's do that.
Let's get pushed.
Borjan, Master and now it may ask No, it doesn't ask because already haven't set up cause already recognizes the S h g on this computer is hooked up to that.
Get, have account.
So now as we go, come on over to test we have this information in here Good to go.
And if you already have all that done and you want to update, you know, push again to that would you want to do is pull it back if you are gonna make any changes on the get hub.
But don't worry about that right now.
If you're just gonna work on the project on your, uh, Mac, then what you want to do is the same, like process.
Come to your directory, get ad dot and then you want to get commit.
I'm just heading the up error to go back and initial commit to.
That's not what I've ever name it.
But for this purpose is you'll notice that nothing to commit working directory clean.
If you changed it, then that will not say that they'll have.
Ah, they commit to commit to your help depository because you made changes and then you want to go ahead get pushed Origin, master.
And you're good to go.
And that's it.
Very simple.
I'll leave those, uh, this over here down this year's box below.