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hi there.
(標題: 如何在家做咖啡杯測)
Today we're gonna talk about how to set up a coffee cupping at home.
大家好,今天我們要來聊聊 怎麼在家裡安排咖啡杯測的環境
Now a coffee cupping is a specific sort of coffee tasting used really commonly in the coffee industry at all sections of the Value chain.
咖啡杯測是一種特定的品嘗方式 在咖啡產業各個價值鍊上很普遍的被使用
It really refers to a specific way of brewing as well as tasting on.
儘管杯測有自己沖煮和品嘗的方式 但我們不會在這複製整個流程
We're not going to try and replicate all of it.
我們會挑選杯測裡的重要步驟 來安排一個簡單可以做咖啡比較的環境
We're gonna cherry pick the best bits so that we can put on a really simple cupping and do comparative tasting.
And that's really the key.
讓你發展感官敏感度的關鍵 就是去比對品嘗不同的咖啡
The key to developing your sense of taste is to taste different coffees side by side, and this is the easiest way to do that.
The coffee industry uses capping in a host of different ways.
A buyer will cup coffee is that origin when looking for different lots, that they might want to purchase an importer makeup coffees to make sure that what arrived matches the pre ship sample a roaster makeup coffees, as part of their quality control process to make sure that they're roasting, has been up to scratch on a cafe makeup coffees to decide which coffees they want to put on that menu now As I said, there are a turn of protocols and rituals around a cupping in the industry.
We don't need to replicate off those.
進口商會做杯測來確保進口的咖啡 跟先前拿到的樣品豆味道一致
We're gonna take the most important bits to get to a nice comparative cupping.
烘豆師用杯測來做品質控管 確保他們烘出來的豆子達到標準
So in this video, I'll walk you through what you need in terms of equipment, and I think you'll have most of it at home already.
I'll walk you through the brewing process how we're gonna brew coffee in a cup ing, and then I'll walk you through the basic steps off how to cup several coffees side by side.
就像我提到的,在咖啡產業裡 杯測有許多標準和儀式性的東西
This is gonna be a two part video.
This is really the practicalities of setting up a coffee tasting at home what you need and how to do it.
我們只需要擷取杯測流程中的重要步驟 就可以實現做杯測比較的環境
The second part is gonna be about taste itself.
在這個影片裡,我會說明你需要哪些器材 我認為大部份的東西應該你家裡都有了
Acidity, sweetness, exploring most things, diving in in much more detail.
But this one, this part is just the practicalities of getting set up.
So the first thing you're gonna need is a cattle.
Doesn't matter whether it's expensive cattle, cheap cattle.
這集是怎麼準備在家做咖啡杯測的環境 你該準備什麼和該怎麼做
It doesn't have to be a goose neck.
Cattle, just a regular domestic cattle is completely fine.
Make sure you fill this with fresh cold water that's nice and soft and is good tasting.
That's important, too.
Next thing you're gonna need is a weighing scale, and you want to be weighing both coffee and water with it.
So something accurate, too 0.1 of the Graham is ideal, and then you're gonna need a coffee grinder.
不管你用的是貴或便宜的水壺 也不見得要用手沖壺
Now, in an ideal world, you want a grinder that's designed to grind through everything that you put in it that doesn't really retain any coffee.
If you have a grinder that does retain coffee and you gotta hand grinder in this situation a hand ground, it might be better.
And then you need some sort of spoons.
Now it can be something like a coffee cupping spoon.
These are designed for coffee cupping, but that's not actually that necessary.
你可以用這個秤來量出粉水比 電子秤要有小數點一位的精準度較理想
It's perfectly good to just use a dessert spoon or a soup spoon, and if you want to, you could do something really fancy.
But that's not a requirement.
You just need something of this kind of size, and you need a few of them, and then we need something to brew in.
The industry uses these.
They're called cupping balls.
It's nothing specialist, nothing fancy.
It's basically a sugar bowl.
It's a bowl of about 250 mils and volume, and that's it.
You don't need to use something like this, but if you've got a bunch of these or something like it, then that's great.
But you can use, Ah, he proof glass if you want to.
但這也不是必須的 你只要找到大概這種大小的湯匙就行了
Lots of people like to use that, but if you have neither of those things, then you can brew in just a regular mug.
That's fine in it could even be a pretty big mug, but you'll have to make some changes and adapt your recipe a little bit as you go.
接著我們要找些杯子來沖煮 這些是在產業裡用的杯子
But all you need is ideally five or six of roughly the same size things and to know how big they are.
And then the last thing you need, it's, um, coffee now have to be clear here.
這個碗的容量是 250 ml
What you don't have to do is this.
You don't have to go and buy three full bags for 564 bags of different coffees.
You can get away with getting hold of, say, 20 grams of one particular coffee, and that's enough for you to come up with it now.
你想要的話也可以使用一般的隔熱玻璃杯 很多人喜歡用這種杯子
The ideal number I would say you're starting out is maybe four or five.
I wouldn't try to get hold of 10 different samples if you're just getting used to kind of cupping coffee side by side.
Three is enough to is enough actually to have some interesting learning.
But I think four or five is really the best that just do what you need to do to get four or five little samples of coffee to taste.
總之你需要的是理想上 5 到 6 個大小差不多的杯子,並且明確知道每個杯子的容量大小
Go and talk to your local coffee shop.
最後一個你會需要的東西呢 當然就是一些咖啡啦
A lot of them are pretty interested in talking to you if you're enthusiastic about tasting coffee and you only want a few grams to do it with.
If you've got friends that by good coffee trade with them, there's loads of different ways to do it.
But all you need is a little bit of a few different things.
你可以直接跟店家說你只需要某類咖啡的樣品豆 20 克
That's really the key.
Oh, s.
對於初學者來說,我覺得準備 4 到 5 種不同的咖啡豆已經足夠了
So let's talk about how you're gonna brew coffee for your coffee cupping on.
在你正學著熟練杯測比對測試的階段 我不建議去安排 10 種不同咖啡的杯測
If you've seen my French press technique video, a lot of this is gonna be very, very, very familiar.
在這個階段,2 到 3 種不同的咖啡 就可以帶來很有趣的學習體驗
Now there's two ideas behind the way that we brew coffee and a cupping one.
但我覺得準備 4 到 5 種豆子是最好的情況
It's the way to brew coffee that has the least human interaction, right?
所以你就盡力準備可以準備的,想辦法拿到 4 到 5 種豆子來做品嘗
What we don't want to do is brew coffee in a way where our technique can impact taste.
Pour over is a great, but how you brought pour over can make it sweeter or more acidic.
So at what point are you tasting the pore over and at what point you tasting the coffee?
如果你有朋友買了很棒的咖啡豆 那你可以提議跟他們做交易
The other big idea behind this whole thing is scalability To brew.
Five pour overs would not only be time consuming, it would be really annoying, let alone trying to do 10 or 20.
This is a way that we can brew several coffees at the same time, and it's really, really, really easy.
So what's the method?
Well, it it couldn't be simpler.
We're gonna grind some coffee kind of in the finer end of medium Fine.
We're gonna pull some hot water on it and let it steep for about four minutes, just like a French press.
Then they'll be a crust that forms on the top and was stir it after four minutes.
Clean off, and if it's left floating and then we have a bowl of coffee or a mug of coffee or a glass of coffee ready to taste.
So the key things here are recipe and ratio.
所以你什麼時候想品嘗手沖咖啡 和什麼時候想品嘗單純的咖啡要分清楚
Now I'm going to recommend a ratio of 60 grams per liter now, usually for infusion brewed like this, I would recommend 75 grams a liter.
But here, brewing a little weaker, actually makes the tasting process a little bit easier.
用手沖做出 5 杯不只需要花很多時間 也會讓人覺得厭煩
And then he got recipe, right?
更別提要做出 10 杯或 20 杯的話
So if you've got, say, a 242 150 mil bowl, you don't want to use 242 150 miles of water.
杯測沖煮是一種我們可以一次沖煮多種咖啡的方法 而且非常非常簡單
You want to use 200 and that would be 12 grams of coffee.
When you brew that 12 grams of coffee it'll bloom, the phone will appear on, it will swell up in size.
That volume is typically three times to four times the weight of the coffee.
接著就對咖啡注熱水做 4 分鐘浸泡 這跟使用法式壓壺一樣
A little vary a little bit so that 12 grams will easily take up 40 mills.
Plus, the 200 equals a very full bowl in a 240 mobile.
在四分鐘後我們會做攪拌 並清除漂浮在咖啡上面的東西
If you don't have five or six cups or balls that are the same size and shape, that's okay.
You can use a whole bunch of different sizes.
If you want to, you got two choices.
這裡我會建議粉水比為 60 克粉對上 1 公升的水 (1:16.6666666667)
Either pick the smallest size this case 10 grams to 1 60 do that in all the vessels, or you could scale up and down.
雖然通常像這樣的注水式沖煮,我會建議 75 克對上 1 公升水 (1:13.3333333333)
This is pretty much twice the size, so I do 20 grams to about 330 grams of water.
The choice is yours.
再來是沖煮參數,假設你的杯子容量是 240 或 250 毫升
Whatever's easier for you now.
你絕對不會用剛剛好 240 或 250 毫升的水量來沖
When it comes time to weigh beans, weigh them into the vessel you're gonna be brewing in later.
你應該要用 200 毫升的水,12 公克的咖啡粉
It's just an easy way to keep them organized.
當你沖煮 12 公克的粉時會開始排氣形成泡沫
As you prep up, I would say you want to be accurate to ideally your target weight, give or take 0.1 of a gram.
這些泡沫會開始澎漲至約略咖啡粉重量 3 到 4 倍的大小
So if I want 12 grams in here, it's 11.9 to 12.1 is my kind of window.
所以 12 公克的粉會佔據至少 40 毫升的容量再加上 200 毫升的水就相當於 240 毫升滿杯的量
Once you grind them, weigh them again because you might have lost a liberal comfort of that grinder.
如果你沒有容量大小一樣 5 到 6 個的杯測容器的話
In addition, before you grind your main tasting sample of a particular coffee, grind through just a little handful of beans just to make sure that there's nothing left from a previous coffee and that grinder once that's done once you've weighed out all your beans.
Hide the bags.
這裡你有兩個選擇 ...
What you don't want is kind of prompt or taste notes lying around, influencing you when you taste, So make a note of what's what.
Get rid of them.
以這個小杯子來說粉水比可以用 10:160,接著套用一樣比例在其他較大的杯子
For the sake of this tasting, I'm going to set up three different coffees in three very different vessels.
I'm gonna need a couple of spare empty vessels that I'll use for rinsing and cleaning, and I'll be good to go.
So right now, I'm gonna prep my three samples and then I'm gonna boil a kettle on.
所以我也可以用 20:330 的比例來沖煮
When I come back, we'll start the testing process.
The sponsor of today's video is skill share.
Skill Share is an online community with thousands of classes covering dozens of different entrepreneurial and creative skills.
I found skill share very helpful for me in improving the videos that I make for you.
It's really helped with learning a whole range of technical skills around video creation, but because of a premium member, I can access everything.
理想的咖啡秤重大約是你的目標重量正負 0.1
So I get to feed my curiosity.
所以我如果要秤 12 公克的豆子 大概的接受範圍可以是 11.9 ~ 12.1 公克
I've been learning about ceramics and how ceramic mugs have been made.
There's also a fantastic coffee course on there from Mike Phillips, which I found incredibly useful.
Not just cause of content, but because I love learning new ways to share on present ideas school.
She is incredibly affordable.
It works out of $10 a month for an annual subscription.
一旦這些事情都做完,你也都秤重過了 請把豆袋藏起來
But if you want to try it, used the Lincoln my description down below.
這裡你不想要在杯子附近 有可以辯識豆子的提示或風味註記
It'll give you 60 days of school.
She a premium.
為了安排這個品嘗體驗,我會做出 3 種咖啡置於 3 種不同容器裡
You can learn a lot in 60 days.
The water is bored and we are ready to go now.
到時就可以開始杯測了 那現在呢 ...
If you go to an industry tasting, you'll notice that people are often already taking notes on things like the smell of the dry grounds.
我要開始準備我的 3 個樣品咖啡
There are gonna be opportunities to smell the coffee before we taste it, and that's interesting.
But if you're new to coffee tasting, this isn't a test.
If it's if it's fun, that's good.
今天這影片的贊助商是 Skillshare
If it's interesting, that's good.
Skillshare 是一個網路社群,提供了幾千個課程影片其中包含了創業或創意技能
But you don't have to take copious notes.
Skillshare 對我來說非常有用 他幫助我改進為你們製作的影片
You don't have to find dozens of words to describe things.
Don't worry about it.
Let's get into brewing.
Now I'm gonna brew on scales because I'm brewing three different recipes here.
在這裡頭也有 Mike Phillips 的咖啡課程
I've got 12 grams, 15 and 20 on.
I'll need to brood the right waits accordingly.
Skillshare 的費用相當便宜,一年的訂閱只要一個月10塊
On dhe, it's really hard.
Tu brute consistently without scales, even in the same bowls with same weight of coffee, some coffees bloom or than others.
這可以讓你有 60 天白金會員的試用期
So zero it out.
這 60 天可以讓你學習到非常多東西
And your hot water lovely.
These are a little bit hoped.
This is now perfect.
在品嘗前會有很多機會來聞咖啡香氣 這個步驟雖然有趣
Time to use the mostly useless digital assistant in your pocket.
In your phone.
Set a timer for four minutes.
你不用太花時間做一堆文字描述 先不用操心這個部份
Your timer is set for four minutes.
At the end of four minutes, we're gonna get a spirit.
我現在要在秤上做沖煮 因為我要使用三種不同的沖煮參數
I'm going to use it to stop the brewing process.
我這裡分別有 12、15、20 公克的咖啡要沖煮
We're gonna gently stir the crust on top three times and that's gonna cause much the grounds to sink to the bottom.
You, then getting it a second spoon to scrape off anything on the top that still floating, leaving a clean bowl, ready to taste.
Now again in the industry, you'll notice people smelling really intently when they're stirring that crust.
It's an interesting aroma release moment, but if you're new to coffee tasting, don't worry about it too much.
It's fun, and it's interesting, but but don't obsess over these kind of details.
The coffee industry has a bunch of other priorities around a tasting than we do at home.
So now these are nearly ready to taste.
用你的手機計時 4 分鐘
They're just a little bit too hot.
(數位助理: 好的,已為您設定 4 分鐘的計時器)
I would recommend waiting at least 10 more minutes to let them cool down.
在 4 分鐘結束時,我們可以拿起一支湯匙
Right now, they're not only so hot that they burn your tongue, but they're almost impossible to taste when they're that hot tasting gets easier.
The cooler coffee gets used this time to get rid of that, rinse water, clean up the space and get ready to cup.
Don't grab that notebook.
Drink a glass of water on, get ready.
And so now, finally, it's time to taste.
So the spoon the spoon is there so that we can just have a little sample of coffee and not have to pick up a mug of hot liquid.
That's it.
It lets us do one more thing, which is slipped the coffee.
Now you'll see coffee professionals make an astonishing array of bizarre noises as they slept.
This is mostly to cover our insecurities and make us look like we know what we're doing.
我會建議在等至少 10 分鐘讓他們冷卻一點
Really, you need a little sample of liquid, and just generally you're really just trying to gently spray the coffee into your mouth.
It's just kind of turning up the volume on the flavors that you're tasting.
Give you a spoon or a little rinse between bowls and keep tasting.
Compare and contrast.
That's the game here.
Make sure you keep tasting from hot all the way down to kind of room temperature.
The coffees.
They're gonna change so much in that time, and they'll just get easier and easier to taste.
So, like I said in a couple of weeks, they'll be another part of this, which is much more focused on exploring a sense of taste through coffee.
This is really just about the practical process of setting up and doing a coffee.
這其實大多時候是為了掩飾我們的不安全感 讓我們看起來像是知道自己在幹嘛
Cupping at home on What I want you to do is to go and try doing this.
實際上,你只需要一些樣本,然後輕輕的 ...
Set something up, give it a go taste compare contrast.
Don't overthink it.
Just think about what you like, what you don't like when you're familiar with the process, then we'll go deeper on your sense of taste and developing your palate for coffee.
I'd love your feedback down in the comments below.
Did you try this?
Have you run a cupping at home?
Did you come up with some problems.
Did you have a good time?
Did you enjoy?
It was fun.
Was it easy?
Let me know your thoughts.
I want to hear, as always.
Thank you so much for watching.
Have you have a great day?