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  • J K.

  • Can you stop?

  • You know that geese pooped on it, e I know it's so cold here.

  • Thinking about Jamaica.

  • Yeah.

  • Goodman in there, too.

  • Why?

  • We won't be able to clean it.

  • But I know my love, but there's a pen and paper.

  • Why do you try it on your hands with the pen?

  • That with the marker?

  • Let's go.

  • We have to try to take it off now.

  • Otherwise you're gonna have tattoos for the rest of your life.

  • Come, let's see if this comes off.

  • I know it comes.

  • We also have to go to school.

  • Now it's 802 I know.

  • How do you know?

  • I think it is.

  • Well, I hope so.

  • I hope you're right on homes here if you use with this.

  • So mmm.

  • Uh, on instances like these is when I remind myself why I love Canada.

  • Number one.

  • It's very favors and very kids.

  • It's the best in the summertime.

  • Okay, Time to get ready for my foot shoots that they were shooting with Design District magazine, which is from Miami.

  • And I feel really honored and touched.

  • They chose me to shoot for the magazine first.

  • I wanted to say a huge thank you to cover girl and philosophy for partnering up with me for this video and sponsoring.

  • And now I'm gonna get strayed into my quick skincare routine.

  • Look for the shoot today.

  • Usually I don't exploit in the morning.

  • I prefer to exfoliate night, but just keep back provocation.

  • My skin just feels like it needs a good, good scrub.

  • I'm gonna start with the cleansing, so I'm gonna be using the philosophy line.

  • Philosophy is my new friend, when it comes to using products for this time of year, have their sensitive and dry skin.

  • This is specifically a line that works so well with my skin type.

  • This line is gentle and house Would anyone with peaks skin which I'm experiencing right now?

  • Another thing that really stood out to me is the fact that every one of these products is formulated with a desert plant as their key ingredient.

  • Things that cactus like prickly pear.

  • And these are plants that are growing in the desert and still keep the more sure in them.

  • So that's what I mean.

  • I'm a desert flower.

  • Help me survive.

  • I just need my skin just feel all moist, fluffy and like, you know, when you touch, it just feels so that's what I did.

  • So I'm gonna start with cleansing my skin and this is the gentle detoxifying cleanser.

  • This is with Gabi.

  • The philosophy line is really simple.

  • Straight deploying, backed up by science.

  • And one cleaner said I started cleansing my scan just to clear all the dirt off before I exfoliated.

  • I do Wonder did started noticing the change in my perception and the way I choose my products.

  • Things like the way they're packaged and if it's sustainable.

  • And if they have ingredients and not necessarily need to be there, I really take extra time to show love to the products and to the companies that do take care of it all.

  • The packaging is actually consumer recycled materials, and they're recyclable as well.

  • So these are things that acceptable to support a company, and all of this is available.

  • That's a poor skin.

  • First, you guys check out in case you want up, Look into the line.

  • I'm gonna go with the gentle warming ex police.

  • This is what hope beats.

  • I always make sure that I don't over exploited I think that a lot of people do.

  • This is a gentle enough exfoliator that doesn't scratch the skin.

  • And I kind of focused on areas that I know.

  • I need a little extra attention like this.

  • Usually this will help, which is like a brighter skin and help with pores minimizing.

  • And I would say my absolute absolute favorite product part of the nature in a jar collection, which is the cleanser.

  • An exfoliator is the Sica complex Recovery moisturizer.

  • So this baby has been already using for a while now.

  • And I started once.

  • I saw signs of dryness.

  • Once I'm done with Miskin, I couldn't just to wake it up.

  • Okay?

  • I'm gonna let my skin so get oldest continents.

  • We are going to where we're going.

  • We have a shoot.

  • Yes, after the shooter have a company meeting about a look presentable.

  • But I do need to wear something that's pretty easy to work with.

  • Am I crazy to wear this right now?

  • Good luck of all area surviving the cold.

  • Maybe I'll wear boots instead of these.

  • Yes, I think that's it.

  • But look at the stamp.

  • Guys off the shorter.

  • Now that I know what I'm wearing, a need to prepare my face.

  • We are going for a very, very clean look, and I want to come with, like, a really good base for my look.

  • I am so excited to show you guys the new line from Capitol.

  • This is the clean fresh, and this is a cover girl's way of bringing a cleaner makeup that actually works, which I really admire, you know, with like, big big companies.

  • It's really hard to see what's going on in the industry and make changes so fast.

  • And you guys probably remember that they went cruelty free completely.

  • They got certified, I think, like last year.

  • The product that everyone waving about is the skim milk, which is really hydrating and moisturizing.

  • It has a low, and it has coconut oil in it.

  • So it really just brings you that kind of Dooley beautiful cover that still is readable.

  • I'm all about wearing makeup that doesn't look like makeup, and that's exactly what this is right now.

  • I'm 5 50 which is life medium, but it comes in working different shades.

  • So this is the cream blush.

  • Love this.

  • I used the ripe and ready then I'm gonna use a little bit of the cooling glow stick.

  • This is actually really one.

  • I'm excited to start trying it, especially when it starts getting warmer out because it actually is cooling when you apply it to the skin is just like this.

  • Really nice highlighter comes in different shades and then I'm gonna be using the tinted lip oil.

  • This is transparent, but they also have it in different shapes and colors and just like a really nice to the lips doesn't have, like, thick, sticky feel good.

  • It's kind of like a bomb and they live close together and I'm ready to go.

  • Okay, I have to go from there.

  • Really?

  • Okay.

  • Let's see the good easiest, please.

  • Wow.

  • After vacation, one cub is so grow, you have to live.

  • Remind yourself that you have been stronger before, so it's just a matter of time and dedication until you are there again.

  • So if you get it, I have a self care meeting with my facial lady because my skin needs a little boosting after the vacation.

  • And son, she is leaving for a long time.

  • So I'm having a little like we already managed to shoot a couple of pieces of content.

  • I have to say this like New Year's.

  • Starting pretty strongly feel refreshed.

  • Feel ready?

  • Taking over the world way, Theo.

  • Okay, today started with a bang.

  • A bang boom, unfortunate events.

  • We have, like a little all over the place situation with four of the house.

  • It feels like it's taking forever.

  • And it's completely our fault because we just all over the place.

  • So we're trying to figure that out on now.

  • We're stopping by Vera's office to choose things for the bed and all that stuff so we can get this project going already.

  • Guys, never again am I doing this ever pied Vera, you're great.

  • So it's it's working.

  • This is the longest project you have ever worked up.

  • We decided that we're straying away from the deep greens and going towards how do you call this?

  • You said this is more of us.

  • Like a stage like a d sage And like the blues, right?

  • Is there a color that when you see it fully drawn to it like these work for me?

  • Okay, now we have a client meeting.

  • It's a briefing meeting regarding a really really, really cool.

  • Hello.

  • How are you?

  • Thank you.

  • I'm really, really way are doing I can't wait for you guys to see it.

  • It's gonna be This is something something I haven't done before way are done.

  • Our meeting.

  • I'm gonna say that it's gonna be a whole new malaria coming your way soon, and I just want you guys to prepare for it.

  • Now we are on our way to our condo.

  • When gear and I met, we got engaged.

  • We moved together to a condo in the city.

  • I had Jake there and my mother lived so far away and I would commute to the suburbs to her every single day, like 40 minute drive.

  • It became kind of insane.

  • So I told Gary that we have to move closer to my mom.

  • Gary's dream to this day is to go back and live there.

  • It's very difficult for me to explain to him that moving back to a condo in the city with three kids is not a deal, but I feel like he can't let it go.

  • So we were looking for studios where we can shoot our videos into our content.

  • And we've been touring so many spaces around the city, and we can't find anything that just works for us.

  • So we are going to be converting that condo into our studio space.

  • We are actually meeting with Stacy Cohen, who is an interior designer.

  • I definitely want to change the stuff that I heard.

  • And they're like, eight years ago.

  • We need to figure that out.

  • So we're gonna meet her there to tour around and to see the vision for this space.

  • Oman Kunis, This is it.

  • Okay, we are done with the condo.

  • And now I specifically cancel my workout this morning so I can do this workout class, Joe fresh.

  • This is gonna be exciting.

  • We're going to spread and tonic, which is a really cool spot.

  • Oh, they have coffee.

  • What?

  • The worker is about an affair that was cycling and re boxing.

  • And with your yoga.

  • And I don't cycle or do yoga.

  • So this is gonna be fun, my dear.

  • Yes.

  • 2000 years later, braving the storm, Jakey.

  • And then the mama is coming for you.

  • This is like Narnia.

  • I can't even see what's happening.

  • Well, well World west, but not west north.

  • While about North?

  • Yeah, last night he could try to be invisible.

  • And maybe he makes a mess.

  • He may be Max.

  • It makes a mess.

  • Yes, one.

  • We're sleeping.

  • Whoa!

  • I loved us about Jade.

  • Jade?

  • His name J a g E.

  • What happened?

  • What?

  • Nobody didn't say anything in nine year.

  • Okay, Jakey, can you wait until he's finished his sentence?

  • Thank you, baby.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I forgot what you say now, Jake and Jade spelled the same.

  • Hi, Jake.

  • E O K.

  • On Jade.

  • Yeah, Exactly.

  • I e 00 my goodness.

  • I Don't you help me up.

  • This is slippery.

  • Look, it's ice.

  • That was fun.

  • Actually Care.

  • How does the snow taste?

  • It's good.

  • Yeah, is like a banana.

  • Or like a pepperoni money.

  • Pepperoni.

  • Give me a taste.

  • This camera is not going to survive this snow day.

  • Vani, Look how deep your legs are there.

  • Completely covered.

  • Wow.

  • Jay Kay, can you stop?

  • You know that geese proved on it.

  • Oh, my God.

  • It's my Miss Caro.

  • What happened to my eye?

  • It's makeup because you put snow on me, so it melted my makeup.

  • Okay, Friday.

  • Today's a p a day for the boards.

  • Which means that that's when the teachers are sitting and during their work.

  • And the students sit at home, which is great from be hot to move completely the content schedule and free up today, which is fine right now it's 8 a.m. No.

  • 7 57 I'm so we have a doctor's appointment with Maxie.

  • It's is one year checkup.

  • I know.

  • It's so cold here thinking about Jamaica.

  • Yeah.

  • Early Maxie haven't even open you.

  • Look at us being punctual.

  • You lived when you Now I know.

  • I know.

  • It's over there.

  • You did so good.

  • I'm sorry for you.

  • Yeah, It won't happen again.

  • Jake started his cooking classes today.

  • Family with Muffin.

  • This is great.

  • You're gonna come home every time with new stuff?

  • Not okay.

  • I have a big one for you like this.

  • Nobody.

  • Nobody made it.

  • Try the gun.

  • Yeah, Enjoy it, baby.

  • Disclosing his new spot.

  • Yeah, you know No.

  • Another crisis.

  • You don't need help.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • There's what?

  • You You You don't need to cry.

  • Next time you see something, just call me and I'll pick it out.

  • Are you okay now?

  • Yeah, well, you survive this.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Bless you.

  • I love you.

  • Enjoy your life, My beauties.

  • If you want to check my 14 even essentials you could wear every single day.

  • Click here.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

J K.

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照片拍攝GRWM,失控的旋轉,寶寶的談話|每週的Vlog。 (Photoshoot GRWM, Spinning Out of Control, Baby Talk | Weekly Vlog)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary