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bjbjVwVw Marco: Hey, welcome back to another segment with the Chiropractic Source. I m
Dr. Marco Ferrucci and I would guess that most people that engage in an exercise program
do it to physically look good. Very rarely do people actually think about the benefits
beyond looking good. Today, I brought a special guest. His name is Danny Ribaudo. He is a
certified personal trainer. He is going to share with us the top five things beyond just
looking good about exercise, so Danny. Danny: Thanks Dr. Marco. Hi everybody, my name is
Danny Ribaudo and like Dr. Marco said, I m a certified personal trainer and a life coach.
What I m going to talk to you today about is five fitness facts and benefits of exercising
that most people either don t know about or don t talk about. The name of my business
is called Fitness and Beyond. I m very passionate about that whole beyond form and that s what
I m going to offer to you today. Fact number one, the human being is made up of mind, body
and spirit, three different components much like a tripod. A tripod has three legs. If
you take away anyone of those legs, the tripod s going to fall. It s not going to be able
to perform the function that is supposed to perform. The human being is the same exact
way. Fact number two, exercise boosts brainpower. It actually releases a brain chemical called
serotonin, which allows you to think clearer and think clearer longer. Fact number three,
exercise gives you energy. It produces a chemical called endorphins which allows you to feel
energized that s why most people workout during the day because then you ll have that sustained
feeling of energy throughout the day. There s always that three o clock low and we want
to take a nap, you will actually be able to break through that by exercising. Fact number
four, movement melts away stress. It releases a relaxation response within the body, which
heightens your mood, allows you to feel happier, and actually keeps depression at bay. Let
me ask you this, how do you think your relationships will be if your felt better? That s right
they d be awesome. Fact number five, exercise helps ward off disease. It strengthens your
immune system, it can slow and prevent osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, strokes and heart disease.
To me those five facts are a lot more important and a lot more vital than just looking good,
but like I said I would love to look good too, but what good is looking good if you
can t think straight, you re tired, you re depressed, and you re sick? It s not going
to work. I hope I was able to provide some information for you and also inspire you.
Thank you so much for your help. Have a healthy day. Marco: Thank you so much Danny, that
was very elaborate and perfectly said. If you would like more information about both
Danny and I, you could visit Thank you and have a wonderful day. gdR, urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags
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