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Hello, world.
This is CS 50 on Twitch.
My name is Cole Tanaka and I'm joined today by David Malin and Veronica.
Nothing both stars from prior streams of ours is making sure that everything is framed.
Well, we have a lot of people in the chat today.
We have a super awesome street.
That's super now, right?
That's the last one was super.
This one is super in the sense that it's still gonna be a miss.
This is gonna be a legend.
There's gonna be a legendary legendary I screwed I screwed that one up.
But yet today, as we will be able to see on the stream, Colton will be right back.
He's off camera at the moment.
Second is the legend of Zelda, and I don't think we can actually see super.
Well, if you press A doesn't bring it back, start.
I love this game 20 years.
Lena's winning with zero points.
I feel like we should bring it back.
We should bring it back to the title screen here.
So this is the legends over.
You need to play ledges.
All the growing up right?
I did.
This was maybe one of the second on any s game that it played.
The Super Mario Brothers came out, and I think a 1985 Zelda was 1986.
So we're kind of working our way annually through my childhood here in like, another iconic Nintendo classic to this day that continue obviously produced really good, like breath with wild being a recent Zelda game.
Did you continue sort of bi annually tri annually releasing a new classic till the Thailand You are an expert on the 1986 version of Zola in the eighties, I was just a cool 20 year old playing video games all the time.
It's just it's really right up my alley.
Well, you've aged well from the you know, I'm just getting I've never played before, so that's good.
We have sort of new and old playing this game and what's interesting, I think about Zelda is that where Super Mario Brothers was a two dimensional side scrolling where you did have a map, but it was only left to right.
Zelda allows you go up down, left to right, and even unto the Z axis, if you will underground as well.
You left and right.
I got that.
This is about as simple as it gets.
This was the original Nintendo controller.
Up, down, left right, B A start.
No, this is very few buttons.
My computer.
Just have access to the chat.
Second stop.
Maybe going frame.
As so, what we're gonna do is try to go through as much of the game as we can along the way.
Talking about game development, Colton Recall teaches a class on it X called a direction to game development.
Using Lou and a lot of games from yesteryear.
This one among you will try to make a little educational, but it's also near the holidays too.
So we figured we could slip in one more playful stream before the end of the year.
And this is a good one.
Um, and you know, I'd be nice to make Maybe is a little piece at one of these days.
Thing is kids today well, they know what the new versions of Zelda are like.
That's true.
That's true.
But we have an astronomical number of chat messages that we've made.
We should catch up.
Quite a few people actually tuned in live right now.
to, um let me just give a shout out to all the people cause I don't have time to read all the messages to be nice to start diving in.
But all the people that have tuned in So Bella cares Babak night wander through three as Lee.
I did see Brenda was there in the chat.
I believe Brenda was actually the second person to post a message.
Um, she said that she wanted her her daughter to watch us because the dog is a big Zelda fans.
Oh, good, good.
You'll learn a lot here today on the's twitch Babic Night, Bella cures for sunlight.
Fatma M.
Thank you all so much.
Robert Springer, J.
Guy made of parents Have some familiar user names.
Aiso TV says Let's go.
Okay, Gotta go.
Where does Cole?
Oh, and by the way, also Thanks everybody.
So much for following 1000 followers on twitch as of yesterday s so thank you all so much.
Anyone who's followed thank you so much.
And if you haven't fallen yet and you're watching this on YouTube, were you watching this on twitch?
Follow and you'll be able to get notifications and join us in the chat live when we play games or, you know, actually teach educational stuff to weigh.
Do a lot of that.
We can do both at once.
Yes, thank you.
Waken Multi task.
Uh, Zenobia, Thank you very much.
CPU intensive.
A lot.
A lot of people gravy.
123 Carry so many people.
Somebody great music Gold once is.
Hey, Veronica.
Tux man is dangerous to go alone.
Take this stress ball.
You know the reference?
No, it's good.
Danger area.
We'll see in just a second.
Okay, let's make a brand new, uh, weaken B CS 50.
It's less true.
We doing well, it zero We greeted that in advance.
So, Athena, Athena, you're about to get bested.
So this is the beginning of the of the game world you kind of liked.
And she gave me a motive sort of when I show you how to play.
It was inspired by exploring his own countryside, and that was a big part of what inspired the way that he designed this game.
And for example, this cave here he would explore caves as a child and go in and sort of looked for them and be mystified by him.
And that's sort of the whole Just did not think this.
This is Link.
No, this is Linkin Link.
I believe it's trying to rescue Zell.
Princess l Direct.
In the clutches of the evil Gannon is he tells, I did not know in 1986 story of rescuing some but notice I mean, this is Link.
He looks beautiful now in three D graphics on the switch and other hardware.
But, like, look, he's probably like 100 pixels.
Total top down with your much fewer than 100 fewer.
Oh, you mean Oh, yeah, yeah.
I mean, it's a big color presumably.
Is that a Bible?
No, that's a shield.
It looks like a Bible, but you can go up, down, left, right.
His little ears wait and is holding a sword in his left hand?
Not yet, not yet.
He's always not in the store.
Get no.
What's he holding?
That's this year.
His health.
That's his ear to go into this cave.
I don't know.
This is fixed.
This black square represents a k.
Okay, so let's go up here way.
Thing we just read it Dangerous to go alone.
Take this stress ball with somebody said in the chat.
Now, what's gonna happen if I touch the fire?
Is that bad?
I'm not sure I can.
Look, It looks like it's not hurting you.
So this kind of reminds me of scratch.
Like if the link is a sprite, how is it in a game detecting the fire and not letting me go further cause I'm hitting up still?
Yeah, in this case, how would this work in this case?
Both things that was called the bounding box.
Just invisible rectangle that surrounds your character surrounds a knob circle.
And by a simple calculation, where you basically see whether the opposing edges of those rectangles are separated, Okay.
Determine whether something is colliding with another box or not called access.
A lot lined, bounding bucks.
So it looks like a big rectangle.
It's not just the fire, because I can't even go up over here.
In this case, what they probably have done is they just said you can't go above why level x o interesting.
So that is pretty much like scratch.
You can express this blocks.
All right.
Should we get the sword.
We could probably do this inscribes.
That's reminds me of a couple.
We have a few students have done these sort of.
What would you call?
This is not a side stroller.
No, this is a, um it's actually adventure game.
It would be It would be a scrolling action adventure.
Tough down, actually.
That's a mouthful.
Strolling top down.
Actually, adventure, I'm not sure what they have a defined.
It is rolling.
As opposed to what?
Um, as a well, in this case, a game.
Maybe that's on one screen that doesn't candy crush for kids.
Your itch?
Multiple scenes means that risk rolling is we're sort of going to different.
Read those map changes over time where it's candy crush and space invaders.
And people want my day.
Yeah, it's just a rectangular region Are gonna get the sword.
Here we go.
Nebula purple is Professor.
Hello, Nabila.
No, uh, I killed Was there?
No, He disappeared because I took the what up?
And maybe fix?
No, we got it.
And now if you look on a So now I can shoot apparent.
I don't remember why this is the case, but Apparently, my sword throws infinite numbers of sore.
Yeah, it's like, I guess, a magical.
So the masters of magical.
So the master sword is the sort of the classic Zelda sword.
Like you get the master sword, usually by pulling it out of a stone like Arthur King.
But in this game, you actually start with the sword that has that ability.
But in the games that followed, you would only get disability once you specific got the master sword.
That was just a magical.
But now we got a pretty early.
So what's interesting about game design?
We talked about this in Super Mario brothers.
Even if you don't really know how to play like that, Black box is clearly alluring in a sort of self instructed me to take a couple of minutes, right.
You can go up left or right.
But more interesting is that black hole so they might be inclined to go in there.
Or maybe maybe it backfires.
Maybe you don't want to go in because it looks like a whole Yeah.
Looks like it.
If you keep going, which way you wanna go?
Okay, let's go.
So the left to the left So now here's your side stroller.
But now, Okay, these scare me.
So I'm gonna shoot with a They're like Spider now.
Heart looks like notice.
I think if I get this hard, it's not gonna do anything cause I already have three in my life for now.
This I don't know why he's allowed to go anywhere now.
I vaguely remember that sometimes the Bushes could be moved or something.
Is that true?
I don't know the exact ones that can be moved, but there is something I have, ah, characteristic to them.
Use an item.
A specific item.
I think I actually haven't beaten this one.
I beat the one for Super Nintendo, but this is one only be 20 years.
30 years, 30 years.
Will this be sort of like a static situation or if I restarted the game with So what you're describing is procedural generation of like the game world.
And in this case, no, this is all completely static.
Were random ization again.
Let's see what happens if I come back.
Yeah, everything.
So there are also maintain state.
It maintains safer.
The enemy's Yes.
When you're on the over which way you wanna go?
Left her up.
Uh, let's go.
Okay, here we go.
Oh, and there it looks like there's a little map on the top.
A nice one bit map.
You get a okay.
These guys look scared.
This looks like uber, actually, which is another game from my childhood.
I don't know if that probably unrelated.
They sort of want Commodore, wasn't it?
Wasn't that a commoner?
Get leaves.
I'm sure it existed on other platforms.
You want to go in the K?
Here we go.
A soon as I die, we'll change controller.
So you don't have a bunch of followers, man.
All right.
So what do you want a way?
Can we afford any?
How many?
We have zero coins.
We can't afford it.
You're not.
You're losing already.
Boring isn't the blue circle we picked.
I haven't gotten any coins yet.
Everyday, engineer Giuliano Bergamot White Wolf earned Bartos Coehlo.
He can code Kumamoto and call.
Thank you so much for going to be playing pretty soon, I think.
Okay, I got the coin coin getting You're getting wealthy That okay.
And thankfully that later games got really good at this they would actually, they would wait the general, the drop rates of the items socially.
If you had low health, you get a higher chance to get a heart.
What's a drop?
A drop?
It is the percentage chance you have to get a particular item from an enemy So we can drop you there.
A ruby, for example.
Or a heart or an error or a bomb, depending on which is all the game You're playing interesting.
So I can't fire my swords anymore.
I can only stab correct because you don't have full health.
You can only do it when you're a fool.
Well, that's misleading.
Oh, wait.
Another bounding box here.
Okay, I really want to take him out, though.
Okay, Here we go.
Box, but the okay, that's too scary.
Monster is shooting is not founded.
It's a bounding, but it still has a bounding box.
But it moved that one moves with the fire.
Yep, sort of what passed about big box.
So bounding box is in this case, the collision.
Like for eso.
Certain boxes can collide with other boxes.
And that's programmatic.
You just you decide which one to collide with each other and then you perform the captain.
We're on a way to keep going.
Just press start.
It's Veronica's.
Alright, I teed it up.
I got us three coins and three hearts.
I got three.
New heart's still here.
Why is this still the same?
But you died.
But why is your sort of Well, we're continuing, but it kind of like in Mario Brothers.
You go back to the beginning of the world.
Yeah, except Mario Brothers.
You actually do keep all the items that you've gotten, so knows that he still has his ₹3.
So you have a head.
You have Ah, leg up now.
I was at a disadvantage before I didn't have anything.
And the sword okay.
With the whitish with shot?
Not yet.
Not yet.
You could get more items, though, In which case it will be able to actually use it.
We got another fall.
So much for continuing my progress.
We'll just go this other way.
Basically seven.
Thank you for calling.
No, that's fine.
Don't get shop.
I am.
There you go.
This really does look like Hubert.
Yeah, These guys.
So there we go So we're getting money and I have not seen these levels in years.
So all of those would have taken me.
Oh, there's something maze like about this coming up.
I think right there, one of these places has that characteristic.
Yeah, I I only know bits and pieces of this specific game, so I'll be less and less helpful as we get further in what's funny with these early games, too.
It's like your point about bounding boxes like this is a grid with only a finite number of ways.
You can go up down left right, and you could just as easily draw all these trees is just like black obstructions.
But the fact that there's some texture to it just makes it so much more immerses.
Yes, yeah, and it's funny just that aesthetic detail.
Not to mention the fun music that's playing behind the scenes.
Yeah, probably.
Is this probably a sound that was recorded, or is this being synthesized based on some encoding notes?
Visiting, synthesized based on a data representation of notes?
Now that's probably more space efficient.
Much more.
That was a cool sounds.
Yeah, that was that was a follower a new follower.
Oh, that's unrelated.
Thank you to Abdel Avenue.
Welcome aboard.
To see a fifties twitch, you're up to 10 coins.
That's good.
Any has had had a two square way of channels and a noise wave channel and noise synthesized channel synthesizer channel.
And so that's why you can only ever hear two notes kind of happening at the same time.
And then that that's the noise.
I don't know where you can jab a thumb.
No, but you're a You have used your sorry.
You know, you you killed It's gonna be my turn.
Oh, protect myself from the flying.
Oh, so close.
But we're going to go back to the beginning now one of them dropped the card.
You're playing t o.
I might play here and you can keep playing all.
For the meantime, I think focus a little bit on the followers of the chip.
Means didn't exist in my day.
This is everyone saying Veronica's fine.
Veronica's funny and they're laughing.
They're saying that we were protected by Jesus because we have we have the Bible really playing.
David's not fun, huh?
That's great.
I say, Let's take it for good.
That That's an assumption.
Uh oh.
What is the ferry?
Because I just got a heart from her fall.
Oh, I don't know if it's full health, but it's a lot of heart stuff.
As opposed to what she was right next to me.
So I picked it up really quickly with that.
With that light shoot thing, you could do a lot of damage.
All right, this is where we got to last time, so I'm gonna be careful.
That's cool.
I just see like like, you see the monster sort of underwater.
Oh, and it appears, Yeah, kind of like a stops on a traffic light a little bit about giving a lot of those tells that way.
You can sort of predict where the whereto move and something for the ground where to shoot, because it will have a reference toe links current X y you can imagine this is ah, like a Cartesian coordinate system where you have it X axis and a Y axis ex being left and right y being up and down.
And everything in the game room has an X Y coordinate as its reference point.
And so all it needs to do is nowhere links x y is and basically calculate the vector between its position and links position, and then add that as a velocity to the projectile.
When you make these gestures that you gotta try not to put them in front of my same playing, I am about to die again.
So, Bronek, it's almost your turn.
So But I found a tree.
No, you found it in the dungeon.
What is it?
It's both go in.
Oh, I got you.
You you would have spawned in the dungeon.
Spawned was I mean, you really come back to life.
Now, you start here again.
But you would've started, you know, But now she knows where to go.
Way We've never been here before.
Well, I think I know they won't follow you over the screens, but I think do the doesn't remember the state of whom we've already vanquished.
It looks like it does, because when you went to the left, you cleared the enemy's out.
Anything, eh?
They weren't there anymore.
Um, Tuck's man, 29 said, What if I touch the fire when you were in the didn't touch the fun you're saying?
And he's a bug fixing 101 happens.
It's a good way Thio talk about, you know, definitely.
And things you try as you're testing a game.
Que es right?
You can't own around the booth.
But my shield it actually bounced off my shield earlier.
Do you have to hit a button to use your shields?
Yeah, just not so close.
Gaping, according to Wikipedia, is indeed an action adventure game is how this is.
So it's not a what we call it a side stroller.
Action adventure.
So chanting Oh, t d s s have you more granular definition?
Uh, no, I am, I think these guys, these guys, these guys are random.
Relatively nice.
They might have some slightly just now.
I think it will remember the state now, but doesn't remember after a game continue in Shin's after continuations.
No, I think it refreshes the whole game.
Let's see what happens over here because now these are They respond well, but it's different enemies now.
They're crabs now.
Were they different?
They were Q Bert's before.
Oh, you're right.
You're right.
So they do have some random ization of the enemies there's a little bit of random ization that eventually I think you can move these trees or rocks, but not these.
Maybe Rock said that her other daughter made a Zelda inspired game and scratch for seats with the X Project.
This is very common.
This is a lot of work, though, to make something with multiple screens.
And, yeah, each of these screens you need to have a representation of the tile data.
And so you need to keep track of that.
And some files and data me feel a bit weird because I think this is like a situation where I am so much weaker then without my sort, you know?
Yeah, again, if Israel escalates quickly, yeah, this is true, but it's good practice.
Okay, we're getting rich.
That's ₹21 in this game.
Actually, Rubies and arrows are the same.
You use rupees arrow that was closed when you get above later on spoiler alert.
It's interesting how there's artifact ing when they cross each other.
There's like some flickering when two sprites overlap each other, and I forget the exact logic that any issues is when drawing sprites when they're overlapping.
I don't know if they necessarily have a draw order per se.
And so part of it might be so if their ex wives change, I think that determines the draw.
Order this, the index of all the sprites.
And so that's why I can't get him overlapping.
You know, we can't afford anything yet.
Is that a better shields?
We have four.
I was asking cause Athena was little playing while I was getting the focus set up earlier today.
And we came into this as well.
And I'm actually not sure if you lose your shields have to buy a new one.
Because that is a thing that happens in Zelda.
There's these creatures that eat your shield.
Um, I don't know if it exists in this game in particular.
And if that's an upgrade thing, how does this work?
That's best telling you that's the price.
I'm sort of walking on top of it.
Yeah, so when you have the money, you can walk over and buy it, But you know what?
We don't have enough money for.
Any of us have $21.
It's like, Well, it's sort of like would be something that's interactive.
I think we have a new new follower.
Yeah, we do.
We D'oh!
So the new fall, Where is Rice Monster?
And in the gangster 2099.
Thank you very much.
Welcome aboard, Rights Monster.
Okay, so we have Okay.
There's some kind of platform to the North Cape ago.
Say Must've been a pain to coated scratch.
Ah, probably not.
As bad as programming in assembly would have been.
De Joe Crow seven.
High from Miami.
David Coleman.
Veronica Who?
I haven't met yet.
Chang Hero chain our own Chang gone?
Uh, Daniel Change.
Oh, gotcha.
Within a chain with an S O.
It does bounce off your shield sometime.
Yeah, If you're looking directly at something that shoots you, it'll bounce off your shoe way of looking at you can't be looking to the side if you're looking for a key feature that would have been useful to know earlier since it's not proceeded generated, some people even speed run this game.
Yeah, they definitely do Is beat in a crazy amount of time.
So that means everything is deterministic and predictable.
Uh, the layouts of the world, not the enemy's necessary.
So although you can manipulate the r N G if you're good enough.
I know speed runners are because everything is it's not based upon milliseconds.
Since you next time.
Like some programs are, you can Actually, it's based on, I think assumes the game starts a prissy a random number generator will begin and you can deterministic Lee, predict if you're good enough, what?
Things will?
You could manipulate the energy that way.
Okay, I'm just going to get rid of this guy for nice thing you did that.
Okay, now we're making.
Now we're in the first dungeon.
So now anytime we die after this point we spawned in here, we don't spot in the oval world.
Why don't you tell me?
I would have gone to wait.
We have to go buy a key, though.
Now you want to buy a key, you find a key in the dungeon, Spoiler.
I don't want to have to go back out there.
I remember these past is the name of and don't say that they now they're faster is actually called keys.
Yeah, we're the naming for all The seldom Wash is completely weird and random.
I'm sure there's some particular meaning to it.
Some rhyme or reason.
But, hey, I'm gonna use that on the door.
We should explore.
No, let's just do.
Priorities were gone through the door.
Right now.
I'm the kind of gamer that likes to go around while I'm working towards some goal and that first no other.
So this is considered gaining.
That's what Am I that bad?
I mean, winters of like, I guess I gaining when I think of it now, I think sort of like video pains.
This'd It's a loose term, by the way, we just got was a clock that freezes time.
Don't know if you remember that, but now, anytime you get that clock while you're flashing all enemies of frozen, I'm gonna try to make some progress quickly.
Then I It only last for the room.
Oh, well, then why did I leave the room apart?
These bats are harder than they look.
Although they do slow down, it seems sometimes sort of.
What was the hand for a compass?
That's him.
Um M Gandhi me.
It has an event when the hero hits a screen side like Scrabble climactic.
Nothing happened.
What do you think about what I've heard is a multi traded brute force are basically every threat takes a piece of a word list and sends a synchronous.
Http report follower again.
I'll let you answer that one.
I missed the question.
I was focused on the hand Daddio has followed.
That might be my dad.
My dad actually is going to tune in.
And that's a good thing that he uses for How was your day?
It works on Let's be posted.
Anything in the Chatham?
Not I think, Post anything in the chat yet Came all the way at a Massachusetts for this.
It took me five years, but we made it way too great.
Okay, that got specific.
Oh, okay.
I would like to think that after I clear the bat something interesting that's gonna go over things that you can't correct.
Correct environmental advantage.
You have big words for everything.
I'm sorry.
Playing so long here.
I've gotten better.
That's okay.
This is good.
These guys multiply, do they?
Uh, maybe the larger ones.
If you find larger ones.
I don't think these guys do that nice some some time yet.
So there's no key on that one.
So that particular door you can actually move through?
Uh oh, yeah.
You spoke to you.
So you didn't use a key to get through it.
That wasn't actually just kind of bumped up against that.
He's most hand.
And so, uh, east most.
So we want to just go east.
Don't think about that.
00 Oh, damn it.
You got the old man.
The fires will go after you.
Don't do that.
A nice feature.
Um, yeah, Steve.
Ron Ickes was saying he's running a multi threaded, brutal, sir.
Every threat takes a piece of a word list and send a synchronised http request Sorry.
Once more.
And he wrote a program, that brute that goes over a word list and spawns a thread that will send a synchronous http request for every word and the word list.
And he's calling that a brute force.
Sir, I'm not entirely sure if there's this boy to the problem to be solved.
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure I know based on the information.
So if you do just elaborate, Not sure what you're asking.
Yeah, He said it's in C synchronization tp request for a large word list.
Seems like it could get depending on what the what?
The CP requesters could get bulky but immature.
Um, are they playing on an actual any security?
Thanks, Mark.
You want to just find?
No, we're playing on a N E s classic, which is kind of like a raspberry pi.
There's probably what they have inside of it, but it's an intend er, a Nintendo emulator, so they produce the hardware themselves and ship it as opposed to.
If you were to get an emulator on, it was their door that we haven't unlocked.
I just haven't found it at one point.
For every enemy name that I know since I was a TV, that's probably would probably like three points didn't Didn't they make breath of the Wild like this at first to nail down the interaction with the environment?
Says Rise and Marshall, I think I did read something about that.
They made a breath breath, watches the news of the game, the newest 1 2017 2016 I think they did make a to D version of it.
I read that an article I think the dads were talking about it, but I'm not gonna Hopefully they have, like, scaffolding tools.
That makes that possible.
What they did is they probably prototype that in some easy Armin.
This was probably made an assembly.
This version, but this one need would have been an assembly.
We were talking about breathable the breath of the wild version.
What would probably have been some modern framework?
They might have even do something like Dynamic Thio.
Just test it.
Do you think so?
I have a key.
Do you think I have to unlock another door?
Yeah, so they will be.
There will be a door later in the dungeon.
And it looks like you don't have the map.
Yes, you have the compass and the compass does.
And you can see on the top left.
There's the map and you see the red thing.
The red thing is the boss, and the green thing is you.
But you don't know what the room layout looks like.
It is your mouth.
So the map and the compass sort of work in tandem.
Um, interesting for satellites.
Has always working, reading comments, hosting et cetera ET no, it's a good time.
Gold one thinks he is 50 years ago, used to play this game.
Never thought that one day I'll be able to make it at least in scratch.
Yeah, no, it's I mean, it needs is our simple enough.
It's really just the bulk of making the assets really takes the longest time.
Do you think it gets tedious after awhile?
Like I'm just thinking how many rooms there are now on?
You have to interlock them.
Scratch is not the right tool to make something particularly intricate.
I would say, Yeah, you just have to do too much.
Manual and scratch probably would be a little bit tedious in certain aspects.
Certainly, if you were to make a full version of this, I think one dungeon would be made would be doable and not super horrible.
But I think by the time you did like 345 dungeons, probably and getting over it.
But we conveniently like un convenient thing to not to get the time thing right as you're switching rooms.
Thank you.
Cold water 0996 you want to take because I feel like I've just been going in and out and not finding the room we want.
I'm trying to get to that red dot Okay, Careful.
There's gonna be something you were fishing for.
Comments like these earlier.
So as he's saying, Davis, the funnest professor I've ever met.
Ah, there we go.
Keep those comments coming.
That David is fun as well.
A swell I e don't know.
If anything.
Did anything happen in this room originally?
I don't know.
But you gotta get him on their slow down like that multi threaded brute force Kloppenburg.
You should have quite a few hits already.
Yeah, that's probably a good way to approach the problem.
I'm not sure what the context of that particular So this notion of lives this predates Nintendo, I presume.
Would Pong.
I guess they did have the notion of lives.
There wasn't lives.
It was just whoever scored first time using we'll know by losing you are by one side getting a ball into the other side.
The other person just scored a point.
So the first person to 10 0 so there's no need for lives in that model.
So do you know what the earliest game store that had this notion of heart power promptly or I would have been like a space invaders or something.
Or maybe someone they might have been implemented in some lesser known game in the seventies.
But some of those arcade games were the first ones that really I think that people knew about this.
Definitely wasn't the 1st 1 See, where is Mario was nice, because you just go right.
And you know, you're making progress this game less so it's more of a thing is, this is like an open world game to You don't actually have a linear path that's forced upon you.
You can go anywhere in the world at any one time.
Sometimes again and again and again, sometimes over repeatedly by, by the way, have access.
Coolest, professor, whatever I got.
Thank you, Vic.
You've gotta go.
Translators can make mistakes, too.
Like it never happened.
You play this?
Oh, yeah.
I don't know.
Can you?
I think it's one person game, right?
This is a single player game.
Eagle says it is a special day today.
Or just hanging out both right.
It's close to the holidays here in in Cambridge.
Yeah, they were having a staff holiday get together and the sort of this esteemed around that.
The fair is this week from Yale and Harvard.
It's gonna be a busy week.
Tomorrow onwards, it's gonna the calm before the storm as it were.
If you'd like to watch the Harvard Fair this Friday, starting at 12 p.m. Eastern time, it live dot CS 50 dot io and will likely streaming on twitch.
And on Facebook as well.
It'll be a good time.
I can't not.
That's okay.
I don't worry.
They're all there.
You found it.
That's the map.
Yeah, exactly.
Did you remember how we got here?
What happens if you don't die without killing all the monsters?
Isn't as if you mean, if you're referring to going between doors and it actually has.
That is a huge help.
Yeah, isn't it?
It looks like a magic.
I was.
I think it looks like a magic lamp.
Michael does.
Yeah, but it also kind of looks like the What is that?
The bird that represent his sheets was Ah, Valerie was when she's talking about the eagle layout for the thing, this is what she was referring thio.
Now these air interesting monsters.
It's funny, like Okay, So what I see is like a big, heavy guy with the mustache.
Is that what you see?
So these air, I believe these are mob Lynn's or Oh, you got bombs.
Okay, that's cool.
Oh, now you can hit B and explode a bomb.
So we didn't actually get Bob way.
Didn't get bombs in in the place.
The way Good.
Nice, nice.
Nice day.
I wonder.
Oh, you only have three.
Probably conserve them.
Wait, What's the difference between being a So is your sword.
And then he will be your bombs.
You could see on the top, right?
All the items have equipped.
Now, if these things tend to happen when you get rid of all the enemies on screen sometimes.
So there was a door will open soon as you get an item.
Didn't see one more head on him is a bounce back.
But can it bounce off your she'll?
Probably too close.
If the if the monsters facing will it not?
It's funny.
Some Oh.
Well, let's see how it gets this game over.
We can continue.
You'll be.
You'll be in the dungeon.
You can't.
You keep all the stuff that you have to wait.
I have the benefit of the map.
Now, you don't really lose progress in this game.
You just go back to the beginning.
Thing is, that's the goal.
Okay, boss, I guess you know, it's funny as much as I was rooting for you at the same time, you losing means I get to play.
Well, uh, I have a lot of people that were Oh, nice.
That's interesting.
They don't let you use your sword.
Your way.
I think that was my Yeah, that was my dad.
And everyone is shutting him out.
And he's saying, Hey, this map is misleading.
Unless you have to get rid of all.
Wait, I'm just gonna go around.
No, wait.
It is misleading.
Maybe you have to kill the bats first, do things?
No, Greenie 99 6 can be learned deep.
Que learning by body in this game.
Oh, deep learning by some people.
I don't know if anybody's done that with this game.
They don't with Mario.
I mean, exhaustive search would work pretty well in this game.
That's true.
That's essentially how I play.
The game is a human.
So I feel like you should be able to open a opening here.
No, I know that for sure.
Can I just say?
Well, what if you bomb one of the walls?
May I don't know if that's the case.
Look at that.
Teamwork makes the dream work here.
It's a short cut it so it's not really super.
Well, maybe you still just teleported up our teleported.
It's a hole in the wall.
Saves time.
Oh, damn it.
We need another cake.
He made a similar prototype or graphics, all the one to test.
The new mechanic says the GDC talk about it is Mr Fricke, 24 because that actually sounds pretty cool.
I want I'm curious to see that.
So here's that.
So where did the notion of ball shoot?
I did not mean to do that.
I did not mean to waste a bomb.
The notion of a boss like he's a boss.
But he is technically a dragon.
So what?
I know that I know that space invaders have this.
And that wasn't like Boston.
I don't know what My first boss by the big monster and a view I got a piece of the triangle.
What to call, Try Force, Try.
For now, there's actually more than three pieces in this game, so it's kind of a subpoena said.
It's a misnomer.
It's not really a try.
How many pieces?
I think there's seven or 867 or eight First interactive feature of our DND for the Plato system.
That's interesting.
Dungeon Dragon.
That's ways back.
Yeah, it's fascinating.
If this is happier music now, once you're above ground again what?
They released dungeon crawls.
You need money to make the court homes hundreds of dragons.
Okay, that's cool.
So they essentially the first rogue like And then, um, have we learned nothing from the past year?
What does make all right now?
Just survival, I guess.
Find something, Greenie.
99 sixes.
I like watching Harvard Professor love watching Harvard professors play video games.
Like watching a Harkness discussion.
It is.
Well, I've been stable.
Oh, let's see what happens if you go in there.
Oh, my God Has nothing to do with this.
Oh, my goodness.
Harkness Table, are you going?
Oh, I see.
Yeah, I guess.
And it kind of is because we do just do a lot of that discussion while we're playing.
So it's a little bit more or less, which is like Mr Science State or 2000.
But it's more active because we're playing.
Yeah, watching the movie.
Um, okay, maybe if we go back to the beginning of the game will be David.
Is Vanna tosses?
To be honest, David is the person who made me believe in education.
Oh, that's really sweet.
I hope I'm not changing your expectations of what we d'oh here today. 00:34:46.910 -->