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That Ryan wasn't it.
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We do a lot of fun stuff on this channel.
Like in this video, we are taking a look at my first ever software program that I ever coated.
If I can find it, that's what we're going to do first, to see if we can find it.
If we can't find it, they're going to go as far back as possible to see the oldest program that I've ever coded that's on this computer.
So let's take a look and see if we can find that, all right?
So I don't have a few different files or folders that hold my programs and exported them over to make sure the hard drive due to, ah, little bit storage space issue.
Because my one terabyte hard drive inside this case right here for some reason doesn't wanna hook up.
Don't know if it's that problem where the Satya cable, although I've tried to different data cables, that's not the point back on topic.
All right, so I have.
I know I have some in school, obviously, because these air most my CS courses of though I also know I have, like, some some programs over in.
Ah, well, the program's folder.
I have programs over here from May.
1000 15.
I was looking for Doesn't 40.
Well, this is an option.
Some 8015.
It looks like when all that was done, at least last updated.
And then school.
We have April 6th, 2015.
We have.
Well, this is my This is my unit's class.
So that's not program.
We have some work over here, which all of this is not April paying man.
Higman was a fun one.
We have some old files.
It's ah so early 1015 files.
I think this will do the job, also make file.
But we probably just make it in, uh, box anyway, So whatever.
Now they think about it.
It wasn't doesn't 15 when I started program instead of 14.
And the reason that all I have 1000 15 is like between TCC you know, to you I had this one off semester at this private school, you know, in in Hampton roads.
And that's where I took my first programming course.
I was in Java, and all of those are I think on, like my mom's old computer.
Is that all I really had before?
I, like, invested fully into computer science.
I want to see if I liked it, so I don't have those I would love to find there's one day and I'll make remake a video like this with that program if I ever go back and find it.
But for now, I think hangman is our best bet.
I wish I could still remote desktop into the computer science, uh, server and Lennox Server, but I don't remember my password so saying they will have to do so.
This was early 2015.
My work.
All right, where do you want to start?
How about let's see if it runs and it doesn't run to have a compiler installed?
Yeah, I remember the one way to do this, and it kind of tells you right here, Savings compiler.
And it tells you do all this stuff.
I just do settings, compiler, reset defaults, and I'll find whatever needs to find.
Would you look at that auto detective installation past.
So if it come on back running.
No, no, no.
Wow, This is not a virus.
All right?
What does this say?
Let me make this bigger thistle.
But how do I make this bigger?
Forget 200 by 200.
That work won't.
I want for it to be a little bit bigger as well.
Well, fun to be all right.
Let's roll with this.
You can read that.
Oh, yeah.
Let's go with this.
All right, let's play hangman.
Think of a word from 4 to 9 characters long.
The words should not be a proper name.
Something that would normally capitalize.
Nor should it contain any punctuation characters.
Okay, Got a word.
What do you think?
Camera camera.
The A M e r.
Seven words that this is 76 words that fits the criteria.
How long is your word?
I mean, six letters.
English is hard.
So is counting.
I have missed your guesses to miss.
Do you work it in the letter E?
Yes, it does enter all of the character positions.
Oh, but I do this.
Enter all the kids over.
It emits, So I go.
Oh, no, I go over.
Oh, all right.
So c a m e So position before.
Yeah, that is pretty good.
Did you were contain the letter t So?
But are ISS Kimora?
What was that for?
So yes than five.
Oh, yeah, that's looking right.
No, you contain a.
Fortunately, though we have two A's in this.
It is in position to and six.
Enter all positions of 260 yes.
Is your work contained the letter C?
How does it know to guess this if he guesses in next, and that's pretty good.
So yes, it does in position one.
Uh, yes, M yes.
Obviously, the only area left the three, and Yeah, Mother, I have one.
Thinks you're playing.
Yeah, I didn't want you would.
I don't like this game.
All right, let's quit.
All right.
So let's take a look at the code, though.
What do you want to look at?
So we have provider?
Yes, sir.
All right.
So the same thing the provider is me.
I provide the word and the guests here is a computer.
They guess the word that I provided for them with the game this looks like essentially the skeleton, everything that seeming to link up together.
But then we also have the process of the game that has to be in the hang man.
So, basically, hang man is the actual game.
This is our order of operations for interacting with the game.
Do we have?
You know, we first have to initiate Initiate the word size.
That's the initial prompt we have to set of the game.
Well, that is initiating the word size.
So we put in six for camera guesser Word size words.
I remember seeing words in our file.
Yeah, words.
But his words, words is a bunch of words.
I guess that makes sense.
So So that's that's how it does it.
All right, I'm gonna I'm gonna you know, I'm remembering.
So we have words and we just declared the word size.
So if we say this has six characters, six letters in the word, it comes over and says, All right, all of these words that don't have six letters are eliminated.
That's his first wages process of elimination.
That first step in the process of elimination that this is it.
This is right here just eliminating all words that aren't the same amount of characters is we gave it and then we come down to bull game finish.
It was false, which means essentially sets up for this.
So we have.
This wild loop is while continues, as long as game is not finished in the game or the guests or just continues to roll through this wild loop until game is finished, which equals guesser has one or guesser has lost to the process of the game.
Let's take a look at what I d'oh provider.
All right, so we had the initial prompt.
We saw that in the beginning of hangman, and it's a prompt.
We have essentially all of this text, you know, being thrown out of us.
See out.
There's just c++ his way of saying system out.
We declared our integer l e n o l e in for length, and this isn't gathering any information, but at the same time, where is that?
We're also throwing this out there, the sea out.
How long is your word?
And that's where we get the sea in, Which is our which that we enter the length just Ellie in length, which is initially declared his interview at one of somewhere between four in nine.
So as long as the length is at one, that means it fits.
This criteria of the wild loop of length is less than four or greater than nine, and it fits this criteria right here.
So it's gonna continue to ask this until I give it an actual number.
For example, take a look.
Let's see if this actually works properly.
So how long is your word?
Right now is set to one, though obviously not crap.
How long is your word?
Right now it's set to one, so it's obviously going to be prompting us with this.
It said.
Less than four or greater than nice, right?
Never listened for Let's see greater than nine.
So let's see if we put in 11.
It should ask us this again, and it did it again and even gave us a little air message.
Look at that.
If whatever I enter here still continues to do that, then we print out this.
And then, of course, the wild continues because we haven't been able to exit the wild loop yet, So if we you know, do 15.
Same thing, too.
Same thing.
Five, though it works, and then it moves on you.
Not this but the guest, sir.
The guest, sir.
And basically everything that guests a character says within here is as long as I haven't guessed it before.
Guess it.
Just just test out one of the words, but also somewhere in here.
Unless it's in here somewhere right here.
This was like for count the number of words in which each letter can be found.
So this is eliminating more words.
Because if we say there's a letter e within the fourth spot, this number will be eliminated or this world will be eliminated.
This world will be eliminated.
This one will be eliminated as well.
So that's what this for Luke does right here.
And it just keeps on rolling through until it's like All right, all right.
We've eliminated all of those words, and then we have the guests are doing the rest of this thing, and we have the provider doing the rest of this thing, and then basically, we have the inthe game.
And to be honest with you now, to look more and more of this code.
I pretty sure this is one of those programs where my professor provided us with, like, at least a little bit of a skeleton or some of this code.
And it was us the student's job to implement that code and make it into what this is right now.
So I didn't write all of this from scratch.
I know that for effect in the main reason I mentioned that to you all is because one I don't want to lie and make you think that I did this all on my own.
And number two I don't want to make you think I did this all on my own.
So y'all are like, wow, you know, he was doing this three years ago and like, it's hard for me to even, like, comprehend what this is or I don't even know where to start.
In building one of these things.
I didn't know where to start building one of these things when I first started either.
That's why my professor started and I finished actually a very good process.
So that is a deep dive inside my hangman application from roughly four years ago.
I know it wasn't my first program I ever coated, but this I already had my mind set on what I wanted to create.
I just couldn't find the first program ever coded.
I literally am going to take initiative after this video.
Go back.
Hopefully, my mom hasn't wiped the hard drive on her computer.
I want to see if I could find some of those first programs from that Java class.
If it's from like 2014 and it's written in Java, maybe it does.
No tells a 14 written in Java.
I'll be very happy.
We'll see what what I could find.
But other than that, I mean, you saw some of these other programs that I have in here.
So let's let's take a look at some of these other pieces of work not in death like we just did.
But like Steampunk City, this is like a I want to go into it.
But this is something that created in poverty, which is essentially a programming language that you manipulate lights and essentially the code creates images is very interesting.
I may go a little bit in more detail about that one in the future, and then some of my artificial intelligence courses.
Like I mentioned earlier, I would like to go through those and kind of walk you all through those a little bit.
And then some of the other programs I could find every here and there from my past.
I think this was fun.
And then the more and more I do it, the better better I'll get.
So the more information you'll be able to gather from these videos, that would be just being like, Oh, well, look, provide or not CPP Why look at that cool While loop I have there, there's if statement inside the wild loop where to definitely expect videos like this in the near future, going over some of those other courses.
And, like I said, it begin in the video you haven't described yet.
Be sure to do so.
He made it this far in the video.
I assumed you like it.
So hit that thumbs up button.