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It's called telemedicine, and it gives you the ability to see a medical professional without ever having to leave home.
It's old done from your computer.
Oh, there you are.
Hi, Miss Fremer on Dr Mia.
Nice to meet you today.
Mia Finkelstein is the senior medical director with the AM Well medical group.
She says the past few weeks she has seen a 150% increase in telemedicine patients.
Telemedicine is booming right now because people need to see a doctor.
They need medical advice.
You're gonna feel like you're kissing your computer.
But today she is seeing this patient who was calling in with a cough and a sore throat.
Is this girl you're at a good angle.
That's beautiful.
Could give me an ah, Teresa Sievers to shave A Is a physician's assistant with USC Keck School of Medicine.
69 year old Barton Colin has an appointment with her.
He is having a problem with his lungs.
I can tell when I'm talking to you that you kind of are having to take a breath in the middle of a sentence.