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Hello there.
My name is Richard McMann from the Psychometric Testing Company.
Past my job test dot com on in this tutorial, I'm going to teach you how to pass a spatial reasoning tests.
So I am going to cover a number of spatial reasoning test questions.
I will also get you to try some yourself when I will also give you some training.
Resource is help you pass any kind of spatial reasoning tests.
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So, first of all, what is a spatial reasoning test?
Well, a spatial reasoning test assesses your ability to look at, reorganize and manipulate two and three dimensional shapes on objects.
So more often than not, you have to visualize what an object will look like once it is rotated or constructed.
So how do we pass a spatial reasoning tests?
There is a three step process to follow.
Step number one.
We need to learn the different types of spatial reasoning test questions that are commonly used during job assessments on I will work through the different types during this tutorial.
The second step is to walk through a number of spatial reasoning test questions in a slow, step by step manner so that you can understand the fastest way to answer them again.
I will do that during this tutorial, and then Step number three is Yunita.
Practice as many spatial reasoning test questions as possible because the more you practice, the better your scores will be.
And I will tell you where you can get access to my online aptitude testing.
Sweet Once we've completed the tutorial.
So let's take a look at a number of sample spatial reasoning test questions.
Question number one.
Which answer option is made by joining all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters.
So which answer option is made by joining all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters?
Is it a Is it be?
Is it sea or is it D?
So what we have to do to answer this question is joined the corresponding letters where they are shown exactly on each of the shapes.
So we have the triangle there which would go on top of the rectangle, and then we would have the side off that rectangle that would fit up the side.
They're on the top of that rectangle There d would go on the bottom of that one.
And that small one would also fit on the top of that rectangle.
To so in your mind, you have to visually construct these shapes with the corresponding letters, so it would take that triangle on the left.
We then construct the rectangle below it.
We put sees together on the side of the Indies at the bottom.
So you'll be able to do this really quickly.
The Maur practice you undertake.
So the correct answer there is off course.
So now it's your turn to have a go at one of these spatial reasoning test questions.
Please do put your answer to question number two in the comments section below this video for marking.
We will come on each day, mark them for you.
Now on the question.
I have put a timer on the right and side.
You've got about 13 seconds toe.
Answer each question.
So I'm putting you under a little bit of pressure.
Let's see if you can do it within the time l allocated and then that will enable you to improve your scores.
So question to which answer option is made by joining all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters, is it, eh?
B C d Put your answer in the comments section below the video.
Here's a timer.
Okay, well, don't know if you need a little bit more time.
Please do feel free to pause the video.
It's important you work out the correct answer.
Have another go.
So please put your answer to question number three in the comments section below the video for marking which answer option is made by joining all of the shapes together with the corresponding letters is A A, B, C or D.
Here's a timer.
Okay, well done.
Let's move on to a different type of spatial reasoning.
Test question this time question for which answer figure contains the hidden shape.
The shape must be the same size, but it can be rotated.
So there is the hidden shape.
Which answer figure A, B, C or D contains that hidden shape.
Now the shape must be the same size, but it can be rotated.
So don't forget, we can rotate that shape so We're looking for either of those two shapes from the answer options of A, B, C or D on Aiken straightaway.
Notice that it is there at the bottom off.
So the correct answer there would be C.
So now it's your turn to have a go.
Please put your answer to question five in the comments section below the video for marking question for which answer figure contains the hidden shape.
The shape must be the same size, but it can be rotated.
There's a timer.
OK, brilliant, well done.
Don't forget.
If you are enjoying this video, which I hope you are pleased to give the video.
I like that then tells me that you enjoy the content.
Thank you.
Let's now try a different type of spatial reasoning.
Test question.
Question number six.
Which answer option is a top down to D view of that question figure.
So there's the question figure.
Which answer option is a top down to D view of the question figure.
Is it a, B, C or D?
So in order to answer these questions, what we have to do is we need to look down from the top to reveal a correct answer.
So you have to imagine that you are looking down on the top of that three D onset of cubes and that will give us the two D option.
So the two D option is A, B, C or D, and we can see there that there is a row of four cubes, and the 2nd 1 along there is one to the right and the only one that has wanted to right there and nothing else is see, So the correct answer is C.
So now it's your turn to have a go at one of these questions, please put your answer to spatial reasoning.
Test question number seven in the comments section below the video for marking which answer option is a top down to D view of the question figure.
Is it a, B, C or D?
And here's your timer.
Okay, fantastic, well done.
Let's now try a different type of spatial reasoning test question.
Let's make them a little bit harder.
Cushion Operate, which triangular prism 235 or six can be made using the net of one and four.
I'll just quickly repeat that which triangular prism to 35 and six can be made using the net of one and four.
So these are the triangular prisons 235 and six.
Which one of them can be made from either of the nets?
Net one or net, too.
So the best way to tackle this type of question is to do a process of elimination toe work out which ones they are not.
So if we look at the first net, we can see that there is a gap between those two shapes the orange arrow on the brown arrow and the same on number four.
Therefore, it cannot be three because you've got two arrows close together.
There needs to be a gap between, so it's not three.
Then if we look at that, orange arrow is pointing to the top of the triangle and the same with the brown one there, and then the orange one is pointing to the left, and that one is also pointing to the left is we're sorry to the right if you put it up up the correct way.
So therefore we can see that it's not number six because that brown, our is pointing down when it should be pointing up.
And you can also look at that orange one pointing to the right there when the orange one is actually pointing to the left.
So it's not too number two.
Therefore, through a process of elimination, the correct answer is number five.
So now it's your turn to have a go.
This is a tough one.
Please put your answer to question nine in the comments section below the video for marking question on which to triangular prisons from 235 and six can be made using the net of one on four C looking for to answer options.
Which two triangular prisms from 235 and six can be made using the net of one and four.
Please put your answer in the comments section below.
Here is the timer.
OK, brilliant, well done.
So don't forget Step number three was to practice lots of spatial reasoning test questions, and I have the perfect resource for you if the click willing.
If so, if you click the link in the top right hand corner on the video, it will take you through to my website here past my job test dot com.
You can get instant access 2 500 plus aptitude test questions, including lots of spatial reasoning test questions.
So click that Paige, have a look at them.
My online access.
You can get access to the testing Sweet on your phone, your laptop, your computer and you get unlimited access to it.
So please do give that a try.
Thank you very much for watching.
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel and please do hit the light.
But I would very much appreciate your support if you did.
And don't forget to put your answers in the comments section below on.
We will come on here each day and answer them for you.
Thank you very much.
And I wish you all the best for passing your spatial reasoning test.