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would have gamers.
Everyone was going, uh all right.
Before we get started, I am going to remove the batteries from Ultraman suits.
T go.
Forgot to set my microphone So it's gonna be kind of weird noises for a moment.
Excuse me.
Move that here every time.
I swear, no matter what, every time tightening this clamp.
Whenever I had to move my microphone whenever I'm tightening the clamp up again, I always turn it their own way without fail.
No matter what I d'oh anyway, as I was saying Yes.
I forgot to go to the store yesterday to get some batteries for this kit.
So I'm going to take them out of the led unit for Ultraman Tyga, as I guess as like, fucking a 1,000,000 people commented on that video telling me that I pronounced it wrong.
Ah, that's ah.
So I don't misplace the batteries or lose them in anyway, why don't we go ahead and just put together the led unit first?
So how's it going, guys?
No one ever did.
You guys were talking about someone eating a pizza roll or something?
Uh, one says Hi, Zack.
I just finished the 1 44 version of this kid.
And it's awesome.
Ah, you know, depending on depending on how much I end up enjoying this kit.
Oh, the music is not playing, is it?
Sorry about that, guys.
Let me see.
What's wrong with that?
I've been on how much I end up liking this.
Kids, Uh, I'm a and, uh, doing is I'm I have to check out some of the 1 44 skill kids because, uh, uh, you know, I've been interested in the 1 44 scale kids.
Uh, but not enough to want to take the time to actually building up on everything.
So maybe I will know after this.
So, like I said, if you guys watch them boxing of this not really super into Muzi anger at all, I don't really know anything about it.
It's just that this kit looked cool.
Just good.
It's so huge.
It's a cool design.
I mean, even though I'm not a big missing Irfan, I like the Infinity version redesigns of them being like much more detail on everything.
All right, Let's see.
No, that music should be playing So, missy, What It's not playing.
Um, there we go.
Please explain.
Say, if I can change the Mmm.
No, I don't know.
Okay, Anyway, you guys can hear me.
You can hear the music.
Everyone's happy.
Uh, Noriaki is time.
Yes, I I don't know.
I've gotten, uh I want to say like that when I'm not, like, live on YouTube or recording videos for YouTube that I do swear more often.
But actually, I just actually really don't, like maybe when I'm with my friends, I want to say, Like, when I'm with friends and I, like, swear more.
And it's just something that, just like, subconsciously, it's not like a conscious effort like, Oh, I don't want to get de monetized.
I don't swear when I'm making videos for YouTube.
It's not that.
It's just I don't, uh and I want to say that I do more, much more when I'm with my friends, but I think, like, actually not anymore.
I used to, but I think so many years of being a teacher here and so much time spent like not being around friends very often.
Most of the time, just like with my family.
Oh, are just, like here at home.
I think it's over the years.
I've just kind of gotten out of the habit of swearing very much.
Just probably good, you know, But I will still on the occasion.
All right.
This screw not wanting to cooperate going in there, please.
First of all, is this led?
You know, it does seem to be working.
Well, Bend, I just kind of pissing me off with this.
Ben dies.
Led units are so expensive and kind of crap, to be honest.
No being Australians, forehand comes naturally.
Yeah, I guess it depends on who I'm with.
Because, like also, just when I'm with my wife, I'm just not in the habit, really, of swearing went around my wife there just because she's not a native English speaker.
So, like, if I'm using, like, too many swear words and stuff like that, she's like, I gotta get confused.
Her English is really good.
Were most of the time communicating in English.
Even still.
So anyway, there's the led and does seem to be working pretty well.
Okay, that's good.
Now let's start on the actual kit Ted to crazy as a coot.
Can you swear in Korean?
Yeah, I can.
I really don't like it, though.
Swearing in Korean to me.
Sounds like swearing in English is fine.
I don't mind it.
And, like, I don't mind when other people do it And like like I said, I'd do it, but ah, swearing in Korean to me, I don't know.
I think it's cause of most of the context when I hear it just sounds so trashy because I hear it like when you Koreans swear a lot, especially like guys and especially young guys.
Old guys.
A lot, too, but especially guys.
And most of the time they just sound like dickheads when they swear you just sound like the most like, juvenile like losers when they're swearing.
And so I just don't really like it.
Yeah, I know plenty of swear words in Korean, uh, all the big ones, Uh, and on the chance that there's any of my ex former students watching, I won't demonstrate that, but actually problem.
Most of the Koreans wearing that I know actually learned off my ex students and a lot of just the not only swearing but, uh, Korean in general.
Actually, being like a foreign language teacher, I think, is a really good way to learn the language of the people you're teaching English to.
So, like, I'm, uh, been a teacher for a long time in Korean and from so much time doing that, my Korean has gotten better, mostly because of just learning off my students.
So I see.
But yes, I can.
It sounds weird, my friend.
One time kristen Korean has sounded really funny.
Yeah, it just it doesn't sound like it doesn't sound like that's cool as wearing an English dust.
In my opinion, uh, as for Japanese, though, like they don't really use a lot of swear words as faras I didn't know of like time I've lived in Japan and when I like the Japanese that I've learned and everything like, they don't really use a lot of Japanese just kind of out of comparison between here and there, So it's got one of those things.
But then again, that could be just an aspect of Japanese that I just never really heard Much are really got too much into All right.
Uh, so just first up, obviously, the parts for this are gigantic.
And again, if you didn't see the Unboxing video for this, then it's pretty much a mega size.
It doesn't have the mega sized name, but aside from the name, it's everything that a mega sized kid is and uses the same.
Holy Katharina is the mega sized kids, construction of the cards.
Everything looks exactly like a mega sized kid, so it's a mega size in every way but by name.
But it's just really odd.
I don't know why they didn't just call it a mega size because, like Benda has proven in multiple occasions that their labels for gum pla aren't the aren't exclusively for gumbo like we have a perfect grade, even Gillian Kit and a really great Evan Gillian Kit.
We have master grade, um, kids that are not dumb players.
Master grade Dragonball Z characters character.
I think there's only Goku, but that's just one example.
There's also the master grade.
Ah, uh, with that the other What's that?
Ah, you know what I'm talking about?
Where's I can't even find it up on my shelf there.
Or is it the paella bore this master?
There's couple master grades from that Siri's And there's this high grades from all sorts of different stories.
So I don't know why they didn't just call this a mega size.
It's very strange, you know, I've got all the parts here for the head and the torso that we're gonna be building first ahead is first.
And so let's get started.
Uh, this stuff out of the way, you see more clearly what's going on.
First of all, I just want to say hello to Jim, who's watching?
Hey, Jim, uh, demon boo.
It's not often able to catch this dream, so I'm glad you're here.
And also Kale, thanks for the donation there comparing, I swear.
Hey, Livestream!
Yes, exactly.
It's a good theme for today's live stream.
So start off here by building the singer face.
Let's see you got It's a nice close separation on this kid for sure.
I think it's gonna look even just right on the box.
It's gonna look pretty nice like this part for the eyes.
The detail of the eyes is super nice.
I'll show you guys look close in the review.
Of course, you'd be able to see a little better, but, uh, very cool indeed.
and then I see is this par?
Yvan, Is this like this?
You have a clear orange part for the eyes.
There was just a really cool detail.
And this clear orange approach goes behind that has some like detail on that behind the eyes Maur detail for behind I.
So thing like all the detail going in for the eyes on this kid is gonna be pretty cool.
Let's see.
Um, I guess those are no marks.
When I was when I was picking apart, there's this tiny little tie was sticking out there and I wasn't sure to cut those off If there I couldn't remember if they were nubs or not, but I think they are.
Part doesn't fit.
So about this off.
Ah, Has anyone tried putting led these kids?
Uh, lama, uh, there's, uh, plenty of people who do led work.
I'm not sure offhand, who would be like a good youtuber to recommend who does like a lot of led work in gumpawa in YouTube videos, except for maybe was a taco builder, I think is the name of the channel.
Um, if I am correct on that name you wanted, I'm sure You guys know?
I think he often does led work in his in his builds.
That would be kind of the best example that I could think of.
We're meant to put some stickers in here, See on these parts.
And I don't want to put any stickers on anywhere where I'm still yet gonna have to paint.
But these parts, this is just putting stickers on these clear parts here, so you should be okay.
So basically have black stickers to block light and like, mirror stickers to reflect the light to make sure that the led light is going up and lighting up the eyes really well.
So hopefully that should work pretty well to direct the light.
We'll find out soon enough.
Once we get this built up here, it will switch it on.
Seth Tune on Facebook is pretty much the led Kingo.
Yeah, it's tough to know, but he doesn't really do at least as far as I've ever seen.
You know, doesn't really ever do much in the way of like showing his progress.
I don't even think he does much like work in progress on especially know, sort of like tutorials or anything about teaching anyone how to do it as far as I've seen, Maybe he does.
I don't I'm not really a personal fan of his style.
So don't really follow his work that much, huh?
I mean, yeah, he does, like, really amazing work.
No, that is just not to my personal test.
Um, yes, a taco builder.
Otaka builder makes really great stuff.
You know, I haven't really watched a lot of his videos and things like that.
I don't really follow him that closely, but, uh, I what?
I have everything that I have seen a limited videos and things that I have seen him as workers.
Yeah, Very cool.
Good stuff.
It's kind of a shame that a ce faras I hear around online, which is I don't really pay too much attention to, but, um, when I do hear people talking about, like, some of their favorites gumpawa, YouTubers and stuff, I don't often hear that name coming up.
Maybe that's changing more.
Haven't seen one of those threads in a while.
That was a, uh, not coming, But it was a type of thread I would see pop up.
Now, and then I would get, uh I would get alerts and stuff about it, cause people will be mentioning me, but, uh, no, we have to put these stickers on the bottom.
This sticker should say not these This sticker here on the bottom here, which No.
Okay, what?
This one is just blocking the bottom of this clear part here, so I'll probably paint that black.
That'll be okay.
Excuse me.
Uh, yeah, Jim confirming that Seth doesn't do whips or tutorials.
Just final picks.
It be great if you did do more of that with tutorials and step back for, like, his output.
It's pretty crazy at least, like again last I do so for health asked.
It's just like putting step out.
I understand how he just doesn't really have time to also make whip videos and things like that.
Where is this, Uh, this piece that I'm looking for and huh is extra large pieces do a really good job of hiding the small pieces from you when you're trying to find, um Oh, because they're both still hiding in the bin.
Didn't get them out there.
From the I c U.
Oh, John Hinton.
Hopefully, you're okay.
They're in the I C U.
Where are hope?
It's nothing serious.
Uh, see?
All right, these go on here like that and stick these guys on the sides.
Even like this.
You have this clear orange part for, like, the spike at the side.
And you sort of seemed like detail underneath, down, like the clear part on that set goes to clear part on top of another clear part in the inner clear part Has some nice detail on it.
So when this is lit up should look really nice.
Like the detail is gonna be pretty intense.
There's the bottom of the head, and then we have the top of the head, which also has a very nice detail here as well.
On this car goes Uh huh.
That fits into there.
I think I mentioned this in the unboxing video.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Uh, but after posting about, I think maybe I didn't mention this in the unboxing video, but I think I mentioned just in the previous live stream.
But after posting about getting this kid, I got a message from Strider Prime.
We wanted to do a build off together with me, uh, building this kit.
So I'll be doing that.
And on that note, it's, uh, Facebook told me today, that straighter promise birthday.
So I don't think he's watching at the moment, but Happy birthday to him if you guys follow him around on other different social media or something.
So I have two birthdays.
Duvets that is right there yet in America should say it's his birthday here in Korea were a little bit ahead.
Uh, and what is this part not wanting to fit in here?
There we go to make sure that's lined up.
I had a backward that first, and then it was not lining up correctly about there.
We got it apart for the inside of his dome piece, uh, on let's see and then the parts for the outside outer armor parts.
This is gonna be a fun kid to pay.
I like working on mega size kits.
I mean, it's it's a love hate thing because the mega size kits are fun because they're so big and, like, really nicely detailed and everything, but at the same time, there not fun because they're still big and really heavily detail.
So what kind of goes both ways?
Uh, oops.
Somewhere along the lines, I've missed putting these stickers on here on the bottom side of this part who are not easy to remove this part.
How's going, Lee?
There we go.
All right, Um, where did this go?
These stickers go on underside of here.
Thes mirror stickers.
Gone under side of the head there and here and there.
So again, these should help.
And and it must be right, but that's kind of weird.
Ah, the surface doesn't seem quite right for sticking of stickers on there, but they must go on the inside like that.
There's certainly don't go on the outside.
I'm sure.
So this one's kind of tricky, because it kind of goes over out of service.
Well, there you go.
And another one on.
And this while we're doing stickers, we might as well put on the other ones which are not par for the course of miso.
Put those on now as well.
While we're here.
Oh, come back to those in a second.
I would Ah, little hello from Quebec.
Hello in Quebec.
Sticker for here.
is going to wrap around this clear part in the neck, Uh, like that block the light passing up in the neck.
And then this one wraps around the bottom part of that.
Fair enough.
And that's it for the stickers.
Just Yeah, just some stickers related to the led gimmick.
And that's pretty much it, that's all.
OK, that's good.
You don't need to worry about stickers anymore.
I just make sure these are pressed in place.
Okay, Okay.
All right.
Put this back on on.
Dhe, I'm very curious things.
Just to see how this is gonna look when it's lit up.
That's a little previa.
Oh, yeah.
And the detail eyes when it's lit up looks really cool.
That's really awesome.
And then the lights of this part of the top of the head as well I actually didn't know it was gonna like that part up also, So that's really cool when you know that you don't have the flyer attention on the top of the head top of heads lit up like that as well.
That's pretty awesome.
Uh, this is under, like, really bright light to obviously, when this is not so bright environment.
It's gonna look very cool.
Very cool and not see we can build a flyer or in his head.
So we got some really nice detail here inside this piece.
I'm gonna have to paint that up.
You got, like, a to see now is this is this is 1 60 scale, but these seats are tiny.
Those air seat, those are, like 11 44 scale seats.
So I don't know about the scaling of this unless, like again, I'm not a missing girl, Fans.
I don't know anything about it.
Maybe zinger in this, like a fly on the top of his head, is just like a couple of, like, tiny Children.
But if this is supposed to be like adults size, I don't have any.
Yeah, not really available.
I have access to, like, uh, 1 60 scale pilot figure for comparison, but yeah, these are really I mean, you're the smaller than 100 scale chairs and what I would normally see in a Gundam kids, so I'm gonna say a on that one.
All right, Let's just get the rest of this year built up, then got these parts year.
Simple enough.
A little.
This part of the kid's pretty simple, but looks good.
Anyway, is that good?
I need to steal your playlist.
Steal my playlist will play list of music.
This is not a place That's just one very long song.
Audio file.
Track off you two.
All right.
And then the canopy part on their on.
And that's that.
So pretty simple.
We had a lot of detail inside of there and, Well, well, uh, dip that canopy in some pledge to get it nice.
And Shane?
Yeah, that lives like that.
And we must have some sort of adapter for this.
I do it.
I don't know.
We'll see if we d'oh strange that they made the plug for that in, like this square shaped to fit onto this square shaped here in the head.
Why didn't just make it like a circular pegs That way you could plug this onto the just like an action base if you wanted to.
Kind of an odd choice.
But whatever the case is, that is how that goes up in there.
All right, cool.
Then you can start with the body, which is has some extremely large pieces.
Ah, I have a picture of Ah, we really apparent 25 meters toll.
So Ah, we'll see if it's 25 meters tall.
That means he should be just a little bit larger than the, um, perfect great unicorn and just drive motor.
Um, but this seems like it's going to be around the same size as the mega sized unicorn, which is 1 48 skill.
So 25 meters seems Seems like maybe should be told them that.
Well, see, I don't have a bill yet.
It's just what I can assume.
So you got a couple of parts going in there like that?
And also, the nice thing about this get compared to some of the Gundam.
Uh, the gun, the mega size kids, at least from what I can tell so far, is that the steam lines look better on this kid in that I mean, it looks like it has fewer steam lines in comparison.
Where is this piece?
Uh huh.
Hey, another big silver piece here somewhere.
Or did it disappear to, uh, for some reason, it was in the wrong place.
I would have been really sad if I would have thrown that part off.
It's like, for example, here is the center of the torso, the seam lines down here.
We have the side piece that goes over the side of that to cover it up.
Except there's a little bit steam lines still left here.
But I think that's probably gonna be covered up by the black parts of the torso.
So should be good.
Find out here in a moment in this part here on the back, that's just plugging and where the backpack is gonna pull again later.
So we'll have to take that back out for the time being.
Will stick that on there.
Um, then these parts Holy caps.
Go on here and here.
Ah, as usual.
Guys, too.
If you have questions or anything for me during the building process, any specific questions feel free.
Thio, Ask type your type of question in all caps so I can pick it out in the easier.
Or just tag me in Europe.
Your comment there.
All right.
Uh, hang on just a second to Dent in tow, huh?
You in here?
That was my own voice.
Uh, not that one here.
Uh, do you like Gundam?
I'm still not yet seen it actually.
So unfortunately, I couldn't say.
Uh okay, so the longer poor parts pointing down, Unfortunately, it's kind of hard to see the manual here.
See, that should be like that on DDE.
It should be like that.
All right.
Here we go and goes into this massive part here.
Not that one thing this on.
Um, not that one.
This one?
No, not that one.
Must be this one.
But it looks kind of different here in the mail, throwing me off a bit.
But all right, that goes in there like that.
And that goes in there like that.
Um, see, How do you feel about the rial moving Gundam?
I don't really like the design of the moving kinda design ISS.
I mean, it's gonna be cool, no doubt, but that design iss Preeti ugly.
Just whoever designed that I know I forget who was who.
Uh what is the designer for that?
But, man, I do not like the look of that.
Uh And have you looked over the led yet to see if it's the same quality as other MGP?
Yeah, James, The led looks the same as other.
Just your regular bender kids.
Unfortunately, so led units not going to be the best, it seems just kind of the typical difficult band I led.
All right, This fire, I guess, doesn't really have necessarily a front or back plug that into here for the led.
Going up through the neck on love.
Just a through All right.
Through this part.
Here on then down onto here on, then.
This part on two here or the front of the chest.
Everything should close up.
So massive.
But, uh uh, no steam line here.
So that's good, then for the back.
Owns this together here for the front.
We'll have these clear read parts, which I'm trying really hard to keep these clear read parts safe so they don't get scuffed up or anything on the fronts.
But I already got a little scuff here on the front of this one on this side.
Unfortunately, that goes there.
That goes up there like that.
Pretty gigantic on.
Let's see the lady and he put in later.
Put it in right now.
So we'll skip ahead to that.
So that goose let's turn it on on.
It goes into this piece switch should be on this side like that.
Uh, right.
I can't see him doing area.
Also kind of a tight fit in there.
There we go.
That is on.
And then that will plug on Thio here on Papa into the back there on lights up pretty well.
It's not quite as bright as it was when I was holding the led you right right up the neck.
But I still like the pretty well, eyes do look pretty cool there.
Lit up like that, So Alright, here we go.
Ah, we're building arms.
Let's move on.
How's it looking so far?
Gigantic, but yeah, really happy that there is no steam lines on this so far, at least on the head and torso Anyway, Syntex graph.
How's it going?
For the time being, I want to turn the led off, okay?
And this part is not going to be easy to get off, is it?
Oh, them?
Yeah, The promised is like with all these panels.
I forget which panel is part of the part that I want to take off in which panel is part of the part that I'm not trying to take off some not clears to wear any.
Deprive this.
And also, I don't want to damage anything, Of course, unnecessarily.
So I know it's, like, really hard to take off.
Oh, that's not good.
Shouldn't be that hard to get this off because then, like, it's kind of a pain.
Ah, Ferried.
Would you repaint this?
I am actually planning on to paint it like various in next month.
All right, well, I'm not trying to hurt myself to get this part off, but that's pretty annoying.
I want the work on that later.
For the time being, I guess we'll just move on.
Came over here to the sad.
I feel that the arms have you built any flat act send kits?
No, I have not cluster Hopper.
I've never built in Europe lacked kids.
I'm curious because I always, like, curious about any other brand of my kids and stuff on.
They look interesting.
Sort of.
I'm not really too into any of the designs.
That's kind of the reason why I've never picked up any of them.
Uh, wasn't a fan of just designs for them Can Kindergartens, you're seriously considering this kit.
Well, I would say you should consider no longer and just buy it.
That's pretty awesome.
From Shoreline Washington.
Hey, I was going.
Mike Jones.
You guys can er hit up Mike Jones at 2813308004 When you call, ask for Mike Jones.
Alexander, your raspberry pi is calling you.
Have fun.
Enjoy and see you next time.
All right, Mark over on Facebook said.
That kid looks like a big boy is about the same size of typical pizza gun of It's bigger than a P G.
It's 1 60 scale, which is typically PG size, but uh, because of his anger is larger.
1 60 scales seems more like the size of a mega sized Gundam Kim.
So I've got the mega size unicorn and the mega sized Arc 78 built up and nearby.
So I'll compare them for you guys here once this is all built up.
And then I'll have comparisons in the review, too.
Of course, we'll see just how big the size compares Soon enough.
Spark goes in here, but yeah, I mean, I can only assume that this size will be pretty much exactly the same like a mega sized kid, just because the construction of it is exactly like building a mega size kid.
Polly caps in the way you use the poly caps for different parts.
Everything so far, it's right on exactly how typical mega sized kids go.
So that goes in there.
And then here.
Now I think, as I mentioned before, though, in the last live stream, even though I do plan on painting this up soon, and I still have yet decided on exactly how I want to paint it up.
Uh, I'm still just not a fan of painting it up in just a normal color scheme because it's just too boring.
I mean, it's not boring.
It's a cool color schemes.
I'm actually tempted to to just stick with the original color scheme, but I just feel that's a little bit boring to do.
Not that it's a boring clothes, but it's boring to paint it up just the original colors rather than doing something a little more creative.
So see that song was supposed to be Yeah, right on DDE.
Where is that?
Hand cover?
No, sure Where is it?
Where is this?
Why is it not shown on there?
There's this OK, it's actually that that part's facing down that is about to put that to the wrong good thing.
I check the manual for the Big Fist, skipping ahead a little bit, too.
Building the hands here we'll have.
It looks like seam lines on the sides of the fingers and on the sides of thumb here.
So you have some steam lines on the hand, Unfortunately, which don't look too bad, you could probably actually just turned this into a panel line.
Just kind of described down one side a little bit and you could just turn that into a panel.
And so it looks like this armored panels on the top of bottom of the fingers like that.
This one here on the thumb?
No, he definitely probably gonna want to get rid of that Seem on the thumb there.
That's not too bad so far.
If that's the worst of our problems in turn of the seam line, that's a very easy, uh, and Kale No, it it comes with two sets of hands, open hands and closed fists.
Not possible at all, but they do.
They are really?
That's a detail, though.
And I do.
I haven't built any of the one of 44 scale kids, but now I'm kind of regretting that I don't have any of the 144 scale kits to compare because it would be good to be able to compare them.
Let's see, we need P C five now.
I noticed, unfortunately, too late, while I was preparing all the parts that I kind of goofed up and you use the wrong Polly cap for one part.
So I need to have skip a little part of the construction for the moment because I'm gonna have to find a poly cap that I put in the wrong place when we build up the other arm.
So, for the time being, you can at least buildup part of this year.
So that goes in there like that on this, we're gonna have to not fully close up.
You just said that to the side.
Hey, Zack, how are you doing?
Because of Corona, it's ah, It's actually kind of at least in this area where I met.
It's kind of returning to normal a little bit.
It's not a whole lot going on here.
Fortunately, so pretty lucky on both.
My kids are not going back to school to their schools.
Daycare in preschool should say on seven, and my wife is going to work.
I'm obviously working everything ready.
I don't say chill because it's still a big problem in the country and sounds wrong to say that everything's chill.
Uh, but like nothing's locked down or anything, I mean, I just compared to the States.
Nothing's locked down.
Anything here.
There's no, like, uh, forced anything.
Ah, Brian P asked.
Has there even Ben a kit you haven't painted and was happy with?
Has there ever been a kit you haven't painted?
It was happy with you means like a kit that I built it up and I didn't feel like I wanted to paint it like I was just satisfied with exactly how it was too straight out the box, and I I didn't want to paint it.
Um, I can't say that that's that's ever happened.
And this manual, it's one to stop for a minute and point out the fact that it's cool.
They made the manual in color, but It's so dark.
It's really kind of hard to see what they're trying to show here.
So if you guys were getting this kid and building it just be a little bit cautious.
Just gonna be not cautious.
Would just be patient building some of this part because it sze really dark purple.
Like so I can tell that's the front of the part of the back part just because it's so dark.
And it's so like a detailed inside of detail on the outside.
Details kind of similar just because the outside detail is so dislike odd and hectic.
But you gotta figure it out anyway.
So, huh Uh huh.
This far, it will go on to here.
Uh, sorry.
To answer the question, I think I'm a little distracted there.
Answer the question about any build I was satisfied with just straight out the box.
Not that I can think of off hand, possibly maybe some like plated get or something.
But then probably not.
Just for the fact that I don't really like, I prefer to paint, even play tickets.
So, uh, even a plaited kit?
Uh, yeah, I think I wouldn't I don't know.
if I would necessarily.
Build it up.
And then I feel like I wanted to be done with it like that.
I would still wanna want to paint it.
Okay, So, uh, before we can finish up the arm, I need to find the missing Polly cap.
So before you do that, you just get these parts particular here and just happy to give you guys as status reports on the seam line situation.
Looks like you got a little bit of steam line here on these civil parts there for the axe parts for the arm.
And it looks like we're gonna have a seam line here on the side of the upper arm, which is kind of a shame, because it really seems like that could have made this in a way that wouldn't have that seam line there.
Unfortunately, that will have a little bit of a steam line.
They're shoulders, find the forearm, is fine and is a little bit of steam line on the hand of the thumb, like I mentioned before.
But that's very much.
A little bit on the hand and a little bit on.
Besides the upper arm, that's gonna be about it with team.
So let's buy into that rogue Polly Cap, shall we should be around here.
Uh, say, uh, yeol asked, Have you build the master grade Ingram from Caleb or No, I have not.
But I do have that kid and I've been wanting to build it.
That's why I bought the kid.
Yeah, I bought the kids ages ago is probably, like, three years ago now I bought that kid.
Uh, when I was actually Gumpel shopping in Seoul with Alex, I bought the Ingram kits, and I had a project in mind for our other.
This I had, like, an idea for a but it kind of got shelved, and it's just still been on the shelf.
Uh, Kale, how about mold lines?
Mold lines also have been pretty good.
Really noticed being too much of an issue with gold mines either.
Actually, I mean, surely it's got them.
I'm not paying super close attention to that quite yet at this point, but the old lines do also seem pretty not bad.
So that's good.
None that I really jumped out at me anyway.
Uh, building.
I should I should get on building the Ingram kid, eh?
Fair enough.
I will certainly take that into consideration.
You see, on our missing cat.
Think should be No, no, I'm in the wrong page.
Where is that?
Should be this one here.
Uh like that on.
Then we can close that up, right?
Won't you close up, or is there some sort of issue?
We go on.
That's like, that's massive armed.
So you love that seam line there on the upper arm to get rid of, but again not to bad compared to mega sized Gundam kids certainly have it worse off so well.
See, we still have the legs.
The legs still could have some massive Seems we'll find out soon enough, but for the time being, pretty good.
Ah, live Streamed.
The peddler bore.
Surely when I do build that, I will.
I don't think it's the same thing that I will be able to build up very soon, but I'll do my best.
I hear your request and I'll try to trying to get to that sooner than later.
But I do have still a pretty substantial to do list here of other kids that are also waiting.
So we'll see.
We'll make our way through that.
Uh, the problem?
Is that they're still needs to be one Maur of that Polly cap, which is still missing.
So I found one, but I still need one more.
So we'll do our best here for time being Livestream the RG Eva Unit One.
Yes, I will once I get the kid.
The problem is I don't have it.
Uh, my I preordered it, but my pre order has not been fulfilled.
Just because I guess you couldn't get it.
They didn't get enough.
So I think also, see, it's like that.
This is like that should be one more of these other polar caps here as well.
This one here?
Yeah, uh, the definitely.
There's a tradition of their world war situation.
Yeah, let's see.
All right.
Um, also just want to give you guys an update on the masquerade Barbato.
So master grade Varvatos is all done all painted and everything on dhe.
Now I'm just in the process of just finishing up painting the character figure for that, I decided to paint up a character figure to go along with that.
You're still in the last work in progress video.
So there will be one more work in progress video where I'll go over just a little bit of weathering on the barbeque toasts and then also building up the character figure for that painting.
That so probably finish up that work in progress video.
Maybe today, possibly or tomorrow.
And then, uh, once the work in progress video is done, then the kid will be pretty much done, So I should be able to share with you guys.
My finished Varvatos.
Pretty soon, it's almost done.
That's good.
So we need to find one more fully cap again.
It is.
Well, here's long, but that's not for you.
It's here.
No, it's not here.
Mmm mmm.
I have to find that meantime we can put a shoulder on.
Yeah, We'll have to wait a moment while we move on to the legs.
Actually, the waist first.
Yeah, we can put that together.
I have the waist parts in the backpack parts together here can separate them out.
To be simply supposed to look like, uh, those roll my heart's then.
Kayla, you're still trying Bartos?
Yeah, I'm really happy with how the barbecues came out.
When I was doing the weathering, I wasn't so sure.
And this That kind of tends to always happen to me because I'm just not good at weathering.
So every time, doing it, always thinking like I don't know about this.
No, it's not right.
But then, when it's all said and done, it ends up looking okay.
It's passable.
It's so it's so long as the weather doesn't look too bad, then I'm fine with this.
So I think the weather and came out all right.
And so with that, I'm pleased with the results.
So, yeah, I'm looking forward to sharing that with you guys as well.
It's coming along pretty well.
Pretty cool.
Ah, building a gold frame.
Custom yourself.
Let's go.
There is the waste part.
We got these, like science garb.
It's here as well.
Maybe probably will have to remove those again, nor to put the legs on.
But for the time being, we can just pop.
It was onto there, so the way section pretty simple obviously didn't take very long at all.
Then we can build a lex.
Legs are very gigantic, so you got some massive parts here.
Like just for size reference.
Here is my nippers, which is kind of like normal sized neighbors and seal it.
These parts of the lower leg, er the same size, Like holding like a coke can tallboy regular size one.
I guess they don't make told boys of coke.
That's kind of strange, but like a tallboy beer Can, I guess, uh, love from Brown, eh?
Thank you for the love from Brunei.
Is that cap here?
It doesn't look like it.
All right, So we do need, however, is much for the hip connection, which we need to these for first.
Holy cats just sit into there.
Uh, right.
There we go.
A little nervous.
Their first thing it was not working.
Uh, see, high midnight.
That's a grenade.
You have spider?
Yeah, it looks like a grenade.
Just like that weird pattern on everything right?
Just the size of it is pretty hefty.
Have you ever play any Gundam games?
If that question is for me about Gundam games, then uh, yeah, when I was younger, I probably the first kind of game that I played a lot was gonna battle assaults the first kind of battle.
So I played a little bit, but I didn't own it.
I think a friend of mine rented it or something.
We played it a little bit, then going to battle assault two.
I owned and played a lot on PlayStation one.
And then on PlayStation two, I had a few different Gundam games on PlayStation two.
Like I had encounters in space and Journey to Jump Journey.
Journey to Deborah Wright was the name of that on Dhe wanted.
To others of that, that was like PlayStation two games, which were pretty good psionic front.
I think if I remember correctly, Exotic Front was probably the best one if I remember correctly.
But, uh, and then I played the dynasty.
Where is gonna serious?
Quite a bit as well.
Especially Dynasty.
Where is gonna three.
I think I played a lot.
I really liked that game.
I played a lot.
That was when I was in college.
That was a That was a game that I played a lot like in downtime and stuff.
When I had time being a college student, I didn't have ah, ton of time.
But when I did basically, like just like single players solo games that I played because I got played multi player games Um, Mario kart and Super Smash Brothers A lot with my friends But just like when I was by myself basically, I played ah Thanh of dinosaurs Gundam three on Bay Aneta was out, like at this time as well.
So I played those games a lot at that time and by a lot I mean, like for me have compared to probably like a a real gamer.
Probably not that much, but like by a lot, I mean more than I played other games.
So But those were fun.
Other Gundam games that I played, I did also, uh then then more recently, I do play the mobile game, So yeah, I believe that as well.
A little bit more seam lines here on these mechanical parts in here.
I'm not sure how visible.
Ultimately they're gonna be what they look like.
They're probably gonna be relatively visible.
This part here on the knee you'll have a seam line down the front of their and then on the side of the hip of steam line a little bit.
Here as well on these joint parts, it looks like See, then these parts here, but on the main number, parts that looked pretty good.
Is that the seam lines?
Ares, uh, designed as Penhall lines?
Uh, yeah.
See, you actually don't like the way she doesn't reviews.
Give her props for our content but which, like, values to needs to mature more.
It's you. 01:13:37.650 --> 01:13:38.5