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  • Hi, everyone.

  • It's really nice to be here.

  • How's it - How's your day been goin'?

  • Great. Okay.

  • So hopefully this one is not too boring to be, you know, a talk at this time of the day

  • because I'm pretty sure you have seen a lot of talks already.

  • But just briefly introducing myself for those who don't know me.

  • My name is Evan You.

  • My Twitter handle is @youyuxi, which is my Chinese name.

  • I am an independent open source developer since 2016, so

  • that is to say, I've been working just on open source independently for three years now.

  • And I work primarily on Vue.js.

  • How many of you actually use it?

  • Alright, great.

  • So it started as a side project in 2013 and I've been working on it full time since 2016.

  • And over the years of working on frameworks, right, I've learned a lot of stuff.

  • And that kind of also gives me a lot of perspective on the internal design, some of the trade-offs, decisions that people make when it comes to building frameworks, right?

  • How many of you remember the days back in like 2013,

  • when there's probably a new JavaScript framework coming out every single day?

  • ToDoMVC has a list of like 40-50 frameworks, all building the same thing?

  • And Vue kind of started around that time where I was just looking at some of these existing solutions and trying to figure out,

  • what would I do if I were to build something like this?

  • Okay, but obviously, my ideas around what should be done has evolved over time and changed a lot.

  • But today, I'm going to be talking about some of these findings, specifically, front end framework design.

  • I bet a lot of you have been using a framework, even if you're not using Vue, you probably use React, Angular or some other framework.

  • It's hard to imagine building a complex front end application without something of that sort today, right?

  • You can probably still build things with vanilla JavaScript, but we know it's going to take a bit more time.

  • However, at the same time, like because of all these frameworks,

  • I guess most of you are also kind of tired of all these framework comparisons, right?

  • This is how I look like whenever I see yet another framework comparison article pop up on Medium,

  • like "The best seven new frameworks to using 2019".

  • I just like "ew".

  • Not because, you know, not because I built Vue, and I want people to use it,

  • or I don't want to see people hating on it, right?

  • But because most of the time, these articles just focus on things like GitHub stars,

  • or NPM download counts,

  • or Stack Overflow questions,

  • these stats that you can just easily find anywhere, anybody can just google them up, right.

  • But these stats, while still kind of useful to a certain extent, maybe for marketers, right.

  • But if you're trying to make a technical decision,

  • and you're trying to compete some of these relatively mature technologies,

  • these numbers are less and less relevant above a certain threshold, right?

  • Like most of these, you know, what we use in production today probably have over 10,000 stars on GitHub, right.

  • Above that threshold, like, really? Does it really matter how many stars, like, several thousand stars this library has got?

  • It doesn't really matter that much.

  • What you should probably care more about is some of the internal technical decisions, like what actually differs these frameworks.

  • So before we dig into that, take a step back and think about all the common goals of these frameworks.

  • We all are working towards the same goal -

  • all these framework authors are trying to provide you with something that helps you to build web apps as efficiently as possible,

  • then why do we have all these different competing ideas?

  • And is it a good thing or is it a bad thing? Right?

  • So why do we have so many different frameworks, each with a decent sizable following, right?

  • Because I believe, like, React Angular Vue, each have more than half a million users.

  • So why is that?

  • I think the source, the reason is that there isn't a single good versus bad spectrum for frameworks, right?

  • People tend to ask questions like, which framework is better?

  • Just stop asking that. Because it's not that simple to say framework A is better than framework B.

  • We know that software design is about trade offs. So are front end framework design.

  • There's so many trade offs, in fact, especially in the web world, right,

  • because the web is the platform with probably the most diverse set of use cases.

  • We build all kinds of crazy stuff on the web, from the simplest page possible to the most complex application you use every day.

  • So to accommodate all these use cases, frameworks have to make trade offs not just on a single spectrum.

  • We have to make trade offs on multiple spectrums, a lot of different areas. So -

  • And today, I'm going to be talking about some of these, hopefully, giving you some insight on what to look at,

  • but due to the time constraints I won't be able to dig in to all of these possible dimensions.

  • So I'll focus on a few of them - scope.

  • So this is essentially how much the framework is trying to do for you.

  • And then the render mechanism -

  • when you use the framework, how do you express your view structure? And how does the framework handle your code? How does it actually render stuff to the page?

  • And then there's the state mechanism - mutable versus immutable, dirty checking versus dependency tracking, reactivity versus simulated reactivity.

  • Actually, I won't have time to dig into this one, maybe this will be another talk at a later time.

  • So I'll go right into scope - how much a framework is trying to do for you.

  • So let's put it on a spectrum and you'll have one end where the framework, or the library, is doing intentionally smaller things

  • where on the other end, we have more monolithic things, like frameworks that try to provide as many features as possible.

  • Excuse me.

  • So some of the iconic examples, probably most people know about, right?

  • React kind of nicely falls onto the end of libraries, primitives.

  • And Angular falls on the side of frameworks providing you with a lot of abstractions, right?

  • So React exemplifies the philosophy where the library is focused on providing a very fundamental model for thinking about UI.

  • It tries to focus on providing you with these lower level good primitives on which you can build your own abstractions with.

  • The scope is intentionally small.

  • So that's why also why React has a very, very active ecosystem, right.

  • So along with the ecosystem, React is like the bazaar where the system is sort of organically built bottom up by the community around the core model that React has established.

  • On the other end, so Angular and alongside to some of the other frameworks like Ember, Aurelia are more like the cathedral, right.

  • They're designed top down, where most of the conceivable problems that the users will probably run into has been sort of considered during the design process -

  • form validation, animations - most of the common things you will encounter during the daily development, the framework tries to provide a solution for you.

  • And in order to do that, the framework has to be designed in a way that is very top down,

  • we have to think about everything how everything works together, fits together, from day one, right.

  • And this, this scope is intentionally big, because the goal of such a design is so that when you are trying to solve a problem,

  • you will be able to find the solution within the framework.

  • Now, we call this small scope versus big scope and it's not necessarily about good or bad.

  • Again, I want to emphasize that.

  • So some pros of the small scope is, there are fewer concepts to get started with and there's more flexibility.

  • So there's more userland opportunities, right, because the framework, the library is only providing with some really low level primitives.

  • So you have a component model, you have some props, you can pass props to it, and then you can return some virtual DOM tree.

  • That's pretty much it. That's pretty much it about React, right.

  • But on top of that, you can build arbitrary complex systems.

  • So React has a very, very active ecosystem.

  • People see that they have these very flexible tools and, you know, they just run wild with their creativity.

  • So there are a lot of great ideas coming out of the React community.

  • And in addition, being intentionally small in scope, also allows the team to have a smaller maintenance surface

  • so that they can focus on the things that they believe that matters, right.

  • So the team can focus on exploring new ideas, which is why react can spend such a long time working on things like

  • concurrent mode, suspense, React hooks, and all these interesting stuff they've been cranking out in the past few weeks or months.

  • Right, they've actually been working on it for a few years already so.

  • But this is because, you know, they have a small scope, so they can focus on these things.

  • So there are some cons of small scope, obviously.

  • So first is there's more plumbing work needed when solving inherently complex problems with simple concepts.

  • So there was a talk that I really liked, by Guy Steele, called "Growing a Language".

  • So during the talk, Guy set himself a rule so during that talk, he can only use single syllable words.

  • And if you want to use any words that has more than one syllables, he has to define it first with single syllable words.

  • So he is given a very limited list of primitive stuff to to be able to construct more complex ideas with.

  • So you can imagine how that talk went, right?

  • Before he speaks every sentence, he has to like, take out a few slides and define a bunch of words before he can proceed.

  • And that's kind of like building a really complex production grade app with very, very low level primitives -

  • you have to build a lot of abstract abstractions, to make yourself more efficient along the way.

  • Now, because of that, patterns naturally emerge over time, right?

  • When we say React is really simple to get started with,

  • we're kind of ignoring the fact that you sort of more or less have to learn Redux before you can consider yourself a real React developer.

  • And then you have to know about things like higher order components, or prod - render props,

  • and then now you have to learn hooks, and the many different ways of using CSS in JS, right.

  • So all of these patterns emerge over time, and they kind of become semi required, right?

  • If you don't know about these, you really can't call yourself a React developer.

  • And oftentimes, these things are not officially documented.

  • If you go to the React website, they're not going to tell you which CSS JS solution to use.

  • You have to do your own research and learn it.

  • So that's kind of the cons of having a really, really, you know, userland dominated system.

  • Now, the ecosystem can be moving too fast, and can lead to fragmentation and constant churn.

  • And I believe anyone who's been following along in the early days of the flux, sort of, every day there's a new flux implementation,

  • and then later on, everyday there's a new CSS JS implementation, right?

  • It's good and bad at the same time.

  • The good is there are always these new ideas coming out,

  • and we're trying to figure out what is actually the best way to do it.

  • The bad thing is, for people who are just trying to follow along and get something built,

  • you have this constant FOMO, right, you're always in fear of missing out on the next best thing.

  • So we're done with the small scope, cons, and let's talk about the pros of being large in scope.

  • The most obvious advantage is most common problems can be solved with building abstractions.

  • So if you're just trying to get something built, I just need a router, I need some animation,

  • I need to fetch some data with an HTTP client...

  • A framework like Angular provides everything you need to get that out of the door.

  • So you don't actually have to look elsewhere.

  • Just read the documentation, use the framework, and you can get things done.

  • Centralized design process ensures consistent and coherent ecosystem, right.

  • So you don't have to shop for different solutions when you're running into a specific problem.

  • You just look at the framework, see what the framework tells you to do, right?

  • Most likely, it has an opinion on it.

  • So you don't have to go dig into 10 different competing solutions and figure out which one fits your use case best.

  • Now, the cons of being large in scope is there is a higher upfront learning barrier.

  • In order to get the pixel onto the screen, the hoops you have to jump through to get there.

  • This can be a big deterrent for beginners, for people without proper, or

  • I wouldn't say proper - people without prior experience in dealing with back end languages.

  • Like if you've never used Java or C#, you've only learned HTML, CSS and JavaScript,

  • reading the Angular documentation is probably a pretty humbling experience, I would say.

  • It is still for me.

  • Now, it can be inflexible if built in solution doesn't fit the use case, right?

  • Sometimes you might just feel like, I wish I could do it the other way but

  • I don't have the option to swap it out.

  • And finally, a framework that is large in scope inherently makes introducing fundamental new ideas much more costly,

  • because there are so many associated pieces that need to work consistently together.

  • And when you try to change a fundamental idea,

  • it affects every component in your system.

  • So making changes is just a much harder thing.

  • Whereas if you think about in the React ecosystem,

  • because the core team is not really responsible for a lot of these solutions in the wild.

  • When you, say, introduce hooks, which made Redux more or less redundant, it's not eally a problem.

  • So there's that.

  • OK, so now this is where Vue kind of falls on.

  • But before we dig into what Vue is doing, I want to emphasize like this is not about like how Vue is better than both of these, right?

  • Because being in the middle doesn't necessarily indicate it's the best.

  • If you stretch this spectrum long enough, you zoom out long enough,

  • you'll see like, they are actually all kind of in the optimal zone already.

  • So it's just like we slightly differ on where we think the optimal point is.

  • So each choice also kind of fits the needs of different groups of users, right?

  • It's not like one thing that can fit all.

  • So what I call the way Vue takes on the scope problem is,

  • you probably know the tagline Vue is called - we call Vue the progressive framework.

  • So being progressive in scope means framework uses a layer design that allows features to be opted in, in a progressive manner.

  • That is to say, if you don't need routing, if you don't need state management, if you don't need a built step, even,

  • you can use Vue without any of those.

  • You just pull in Vue.JS onto your page, and you can instantly start working on something.

  • The learning barrier of jumping from beginner to getting a pixel on the screen

  • is shortened by removing anything that could be in your way in your first minute of learning.

  • So this is - the low entry learning barrier is really important for us because

  • one of the missions of Vue is to allow more people to get into web development,

  • to allow people to learn this and to focus on building things instead of

  • learning about a lot of concepts that might not be necessary for your current use case.

  • But we still have documented solutions for these common problems, like as your use case gets more complicated,

  • as you're building something more complex,

  • you realize, okay, I do need a router.

  • So you're looking to the documentation, you see, okay, Vue actually does provide a router, which I can use.

  • But at the same time, the router is not a required piece and you can actually implement your own if you want to,

  • because you see how Vue's router is built and it is cleanly decoupled from the core implementation,

  • so you kind of realize that you can build your own solution too, if you want to.

  • So it's not perfect, because we being in the middle actually means we are sharing the cons of both sides.

  • So first, although we are making the adoption incremental, we are still responsible for maintaining all these things.

  • So we share the same maintenance surface problem of big scope -

  • when we want to change something fundamentally, we have to make sure the whole ecosystem moves along with it,

  • so this maintenance burden is almost the same with big scope.

  • And at the same time, because we do provide these pre built solutions,

  • our ecosystem probably will be not as diverse as, say, React, the small scope system,

  • because small scope is inherently like leaving the problem to the community

  • whereas in our case, a lot of users will be happy with our solutions and they probably won't spend time on trying to figure out their own solutions.

  • So that is the scope problem.

  • So hopefully, you can kind of, you now have an idea of where sort of -

  • this is what I think is the most fundamental difference between React, Vue and Angular.

  • This exact positioning is what defines our different user bases.

  • And I think a lot of times, we're making intentional decisions, in terms of where we stand.

  • And we, as framework designers, we know that we are attacking different sectors

  • and I think that's a good thing because different developers needed different solutions.

  • And having major frameworks covering the whole spectrum ensures everyone gets what they want.

  • Okay, so now let's talk about our rendering mechanism, i.e.,

  • how a framework allows you to express your UI structure and how it renders stuff.

  • And primarily, this is actually a pretty complex spectrum spectrum in itself.

  • It's not just a single thing.

  • So it's like a multi dimension in itself, but let's briefly simplify it and think of it as JSX versus templates,

  • that is, dynamic render functions versus static string-based compilation-based Vue expressions.

  • And then there's expressiveness versus raw performance,

  • then there's runtime scheduling versus ahead of time optimizations.

  • Some people have really strong opinions on this,but I personally feel that they are more alike, inherently,

  • they're just different strategies of expressing the same underlying idea.

  • So it's more about the technical trade offs, right?

  • So on the left, the spectrum, obviously JSX, React, and all the React-like libraries that use some sort of virtual DOM, like, pre-act, Stencil, Infernal, right.

  • And then on the other side, template-based solutions, so I'll talk about Vue later but

  • the more representative template-based solution, Svelte,

  • and then there's Ember, so that logo is actually Glimmer's logo - so Glimmer is the rendering engine inside Ember -

  • and then Angular as well.

  • So these are primarily template-based, and they compile templates into relatively lower level instructions to render stuff.

  • Now, let's talk about the pros of the JSX and virtual DOM approach.

  • The most important reason people like JSX or virtual DOM is they have the full expressiveness of JavaScript -

  • you're not confined to a arbitrary syntax, you have a language at your disposal - you can

  • it's Turing complete, you can pretty much do anything you want.

  • So you can build arbitrarily complex logic, you know, components.

  • And it's really powerful and liberating, right?

  • A lot of people like React for this particular reason.

  • And it also allows you to treat the view as data.

  • When you render a component, it always returns something -

  • it returns the tree, the virtual DOM tree that represents the current state of a component.

  • And this data can be used for a lot of interesting purposes.

  • It gives you userland possibility to build, say, testing solutions.

  • You can take snapshots based on the virtual DOM, you can render it to alternative targets,

  • people have been doing things like rendering it to terminals, PDF, Canvas, WebGL, anything you can think of that you can render to.

  • Because the view is data, and you can do anything with data.

  • Now, the cons of virtual DOM, is that it is actually inherently expensive, right?

  • Think about it, when React first came out, a lot of people are like, isn't this going to be slow?

  • And React's answer was, "Yes, it's slow, but it's fast enough".

  • But still, like, from a pure technical perspective, you're doing a lot of unnecessary work.

  • Think about this simple template where the amount of work needed to just update that single message binding in there,

  • we have to walk through the whole virtual DOM tree, and diff diff diff diff diff -

  • you just have to recursively keep going down until somehow you update this in this process.

  • So standard virtual DOM diffing cost is relative to the total size of your view, rather than the number of nodes that may change.

  • Even if you only have one node that may change, the virtual DOM diffing algorithm doesn't know.

  • The reason is the dynamic nature of render functions makes it hard to optimize for.

  • By dynamic I mean, you can write code like this,

  • you can just use a for loop to construct a children array and then give it to your parent node.

  • And God knows what other things you can do.

  • Say you can create this parent node first, then mutate its children,

  • you can push additional elements into it.

  • The compiler won't be able to cover all the possible edge cases you can do with JavaScript,

  • because JavaScript is simply too dynamic.

  • There are a lot of attempts in this space but inherently, it's hard to provide safe optimizations in this way,

  • because there isn't simply enough assumptions you can make.

  • The more assumptions you can make about the user intention, the easier it is to optimize the code.

  • And with JavaScript, it's just really, really hard.

  • Now, finally, React's solution to this problem is to instead of focusing on making virtual DOM itself faster, how about making perceived performance better?

  • So it introduces runtime scheduling, concurrent mode, time slicing.

  • But this, having this runtime solution, having this whole fiber, kind of like almost managing your own stack,

  • like entering and exiting, rendering, all the stuff requires a heavy runtime.

  • So this means whenever you load React, you have to load all the code that is necessary for handling all these complex runtime scheduling stuff.

  • That's like several 20, 30KB of JavaScript, right.

  • And that, in turn, also makes your initial loading suffer a little bit.

  • And, on the other hand, if you are compiling, rendering code from a template,

  • usually it can produce far more direct render instructions with better raw performance.

  • The reason being that the template is, by definition a very, very constrained language -

  • you can only write template a certain way.

  • For example, when you write code like this,

  • we can instantly tell that there's no way the order of these p can ever change,

  • there's no way this ID can ever change,

  • there's no way this class can ever change,

  • the only thing that can change is this.

  • So being static, and very restrictive actually allows the compiler to make more assumptions about your intention.

  • And that gives it more room to perform optimizations.

  • Think about what Svelte does when it compiles your code.

  • Everything else is static, but only name could possibly change, so

  • this P is the update function in Svelte code, and the only thing it does is change when a name has changed,

  • and then update it if it has changed.

  • So compare this to all the things a virtual DOM diffing algorithm tries to do.

  • The difference is just orders of magnitude faster.

  • So depending on strategy, template compilation, or in general,compilation-based approach can also result in much lighter runtime baseline size,

  • because it doesn't need all the complex runtime scheduling to trying to make things look faster,

  • because it's already fast, right?

  • So Svelte can produce extremely lightweight output without having to require heavy, heavy baseline runtime to accommodate to all the possible runtime behavior.

  • Now, the cons of template compilation is obviously, you are constrained by the template syntax -

  • you lose the expressiveness of JavaScript.

  • So when you are trying to build a really complex component, you'll feel like

  • Oh, I wish I can do this in the template, but the compiler does not support it, right,

  • you're out of luck, there's no escape hatch if you go the full compilation route,

  • because the more lower level the compiler output is, the less likely you'll be able to actually hook into it and do your custom operations there.

  • It's like an opa compiler that you won't be able to dig into assembly with C.

  • that's just, you know, the way it is.

  • It's as if you won't be able to debug your assembly code with C.

  • So now, lighter runtime, lighter baseline runtime may also come at the cost of more verbose output per template, because

  • when you're trying to produce code that executes as efficiently as possible, sometimes you would have to encode more information in the output directly.

  • For example, the code that Svelte produces actually imperatively creates all the elements line by line, insert them one by one, and they have a separate function for updating them.

  • In comparison, virtual DOM based results, you would have to just have one line.

  • And that's just a single expression that returns the virtual DOM structure.

  • So, runtime compilation.

  • There's a runtime compilation cost if you compile on the fly.

  • So most likely, for production use case, you would require users to compile beforehand so that places a hard requirement on a build step,

  • which is something, you know, it's just inevitable.

  • You either compile on the fly or pre built, which then involves all the node.js tool chains, which we are more or less used to now.

  • But still, if you can avoid it, it would be really nice when people are getting started.

  • Ok. So again, Vue kind of falls in the middle.

  • Again, I want to emphasize, this is not saying Vue is the best.

  • But the unique thing about Vue's rendering mechanism is we have both virtual DOM and template compilation.

  • Vue actually compile those templates into virtual DOM under the hood.

  • So we kind of get the best of both worlds.

  • We have performance - the compilation step produces specially optimized, vdom render function.

  • I'll talk about this in a bit of more details later.

  • In ver 2.x, we actually haven't fully exploited this opportunity.

  • The current Vue 2.x virtual DOM performance is probably just average virtual DOM, typical virtual DOM performance.

  • But I'll talk a bit about what we're doing in 3.0 to make this much, much faster.

  • And then there's expressiveness.

  • You can actually skip the template layer, you can drop down into render functions and directly leverage JavaScript to perform arbitrarily complex logic.

  • So this gives you an escape hatch when you feel you're constrained by templates.

  • Now, the downside is, right, although we can be really fast, we're not

  • we can probably never be as fast as say, Svelte because Svelte, it's the vanilla - its output is pretty much vanilla JavaScript.

  • Whereas in order to be compatible with handwritten render functions, Vue still has to maintain a virtual DOM, so that cost is inevitable.

  • And on the other hand, it kind of also creates a split between like, "which one should I use" problem.

  • So a lot of users, although they can actually use render function, they'll probably just never use it.

  • So now let's dig into what we're doing in v3.0 to make Vue's template compile to virtual DOM run faster than normal virtual DOM.

  • This is what we already talked about, right, this template there's only one node that would change -

  • the ideal update path is just diff this message string directly.

  • No structure is static and never changes.

  • There's only one dynamic node.

  • So if we consider this template, it's a very, very simple case.

  • It becomes a bit more complicated when you have things like v-if, which is what we call a structural directive.

  • In JSX, this is pretty much an equivalent of a ternary - based on a condition you return different branches.

  • Now, this creates a dynamic node structure, because the node may be there or may not be there.

  • So to deal with this, a naive virtual DOM diffing algorithm would have to just assume the note list has changed and try to diff the two children arrays.

  • But if we try to split it apart and see v-if separates the template into two nested blocks -

  • the outer block, if we consider the v-if itself as a node, then the outer block has a static node content, node structure.

  • Inside the v-if block it also is static.

  • Now we have two static blocks, where within each block, you will have no need to diff any node order changes,

  • the only thing you need is a flat array of the things that could possibly change inside this block.

  • Similarly, for v-for - every v-for iteration, we consider it a static block.

  • So if you have more like a v-if inside v-for you just split further into nested blocks.

  • So we end up with something I call a block tree.

  • This is just a play on something we know, but the block tree is a nested block - blocks, because

  • within each block, you have a completely static node structure, so there's no need for any sort of like recursively going down and trying to diff two children lists.

  • Within each block, you just have one single flat array of the nodes that could possibly change.

  • On top of this, we also have additional organization hints on, for example, if a node has only a dynamic class binding,

  • we have a fast path that you just directly set the class and you can go ahead, you don't have to diff the props if you don't want to.

  • You don't have to, right.

  • So the before and after is pretty obvious.

  • For the same template, previously, we had to do all the full algorithm for different everything.

  • And afterwards, we just do a single, flat, there will be a single array containing just this node with a dynamic text.

  • And the only thing you need to do is compare whether the text has changed.

  • So we did a brief benchmark with this is a list of 1000 v-for iterations - within each block, you have around 12 DOM nodes, that is a total of 12,000 DOM nodes.

  • Within each iteration, you have four dynamic bindings, some classes, some text, so that is 4000, dynamic bindings on the page.

  • And we update all of these bindings, and we do 100 runs, take the average.

  • Current v2.6, per update is 36 milliseconds and current v3.0 prototype with the new compilation strategy it takes only like around 5.4 milliseconds.

  • So that is more than six times faster in this benchmark, right.

  • Thanks.

  • So note in this benchmark alone, probably your real app probably will have a different number but you know, more or less, it's going to be a lot faster.

  • That's the baseline.

  • And then state mechanism, I probably don't have time to really dig into this.

  • So that'll be another talk.

  • But to wrap up, where is the perfect balance point here, when you're trying to design a framework?

  • The question should probably be rephrased - does a perfect balance even exist?

  • And is a single perfect balance point even optimal for JS devs as a whole, right?

  • Because, like, all of us are trying to optimize for different things, when you're building something specific.

  • For example, like, for Svelte, it's advantage is it can produce extremely lightweight code when you're building something small.

  • And it is also extremely fast uses very, very little memory.

  • So it can be used on like, even embedded devices.

  • But if you're targeting use cases where, you know, you probably have a more complex use case,

  • you have more components,

  • you want the expressiveness of JavaScript but you also want a bit more performance from the templates,

  • you can probably go with Vue.

  • And then if you don't really care that much about extreme performance but you're like "I like React's ecosystem",

  • you can go with React.

  • There's all these options you can pick.

  • So I think it's nice that the framework landscape is like a multi-dimensional space with multiple ever moving entities,

  • like think of each framework as an entity, trying to look for the balance point it believes is the best.

  • We're all trying to figure out, what's the best way to do things.

  • And there will be multiple of us always, right.

  • So as developers, you're like floating around in between these entities.

  • You're dragged towards one of them by their gravity.

  • And sometimes you may just, you know, switch around, you hop around and try to figure out which one is best for you.

  • I think that's a good thing, right?

  • But as a user, right, trying to navigate this multi-dimensional space can be daunting.

  • But if you want to pick up the framework properly the hard way,

  • then you have to understand some of these internal trade offs the frameworks are making.

  • You have to be aware of which direction this framework is heading towards and whether it aligns with what you are prioritizing in the thing you're trying to build.

  • So hopefully this talk has shed some light on that topic and could help you when you are trying to pick between frameworks in the future or

  • tell other people how they should pick a framework.

  • Thank you.

Hi, everyone.

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