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  • >> Okay.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • My name is Maxim Koretskyi, but I'm also known as the Wizard because I like to talk and write

  • about complicated stuff, topics that sometimes are seen as mysterious, and hence the name

  • The Wizard.

  • I'm going to be talking about why Angular and React, the top web frameworks we have

  • today, are so fast.

  • I will present a few JavaScript opened myself techniques that these frameworks use to make

  • JavaScript run fast.

  • Now, I work at AG Grid.

  • This is where we develop the best data grid in the world, so, if you need the data grid,

  • we have a free community version with a lot of features, so definitely give it a try if

  • you need data grid.

  • I'm also the founder of Angular and dev community where we write and publish articles about

  • advanced topics of Angular.

  • So, we will be talking about three things today: monomorphism, bitfils, and filters.

  • How many know about monomorphism, watch talks?

  • Something?

  • Okay.

  • I watched a talk by Benedict last year, gave a talk about monomorphism.

  • I will give you an overview of what it is.

  • I will talk about bitfils and how Angular uses structure known as bloom filters.

  • Let's start with monomorphism.

  • I do a lot of reverse engineering.

  • I sit at the computer with debugger and go through the sores of the frameworks.

  • These are the comments that I found inside Angular and React sources.

  • So these are the comments by technical leads of the frameworks, and they talk about hidden

  • class.

  • And internal data structures called fibre and view nodes.

  • They want to ensure that these internal data structures share the same hidden class, and

  • that is to make property access monomorphic.

  • So a bunch of words when I first encountered that, I didn't really know what they were

  • talking about.

  • We need to clarify today what is hidden class?

  • What is monomorphic property access?

  • Why is it important in what are these data structures, like fibre and view nodes?

  • Let's start with data structures.

  • Fibre nodes and view nodes in Angular are used internally to represent a template, basically.

  • When you define a component, this is the declaration of a component in Angular.

  • Angular uses view nodes, data structures, that it creates to represent a template.

  • They define the metadata needed to render the DOM, and it also specifies which part

  • of the DOM needs to be up dated.

  • Something called bindings.

  • How many of you work with Angular?

  • The same thing in React.

  • We also define components, we define a template, and React uses fibre node.

  • This is new React fibre 16 architecture.

  • It uses fibre node to represent the DOM.

  • How many use React?

  • About 40 per cent.

  • Fibre nodes and view nodes are used by these frameworks to represent a template.

  • This is something in between the declaration of a component template and the DOM.

  • What is common between these data structures is that they are used a lot when these frameworks

  • process changes.

  • Imagine there's a function called update node, an example of a function, there are a bunch

  • of functions similar to this one in both frameworks.

  • This function takes in a data structure, fibre or view node as the first parameter and then

  • it reads some property.

  • What is interesting that these kind of functions and the property access to easily exceed 10,000

  • times.

  • So it reads the data structure 10,000 times, every single times, changes are being processed.

  • So it can happen a few times per second.

  • You can imagine how many times the framework in JavaScript needs to have access to the

  • property.

  • The problem is virtual machines bike V8, it's a complicated process to figure out where

  • exactly in memory for the value of the property is stored.

  • Hence the virtual machine has optimisation techniques they use to make the process faster.

  • First, let me explain to you: when I was trying to figure out all that stuff, the question

  • I had is why is it complicated?

  • Why is it complicated to figure out where the value is, right?

  • And the answer is because of something called shapes or hidden classes.

  • That is exactly the hidden class that Sebastian talked in his comment.

  • So every single JavaScript object that you write in your everyday code is represented

  • by the JavaScript object, the object internally, inside the VM, and this also is the corresponding

  • shape object.

  • So shape defines or describes the layout, which properties the object has, and some

  • metadata, for example, the offset, where to find the value in memory.

  • You might think why do we need this shape, right?

  • Why not put all description of the properties on the object itself?

  • And the reason is memory save.

  • So, if we have two objects, on 1,000 objects, right, there's no need to describe the layout

  • every single time.

  • We can describe the layout only once, and then link this object to the shape that describes

  • the layout, right?

  • In this way, we only describe the layout once, even though we have, I don't know, potentially

  • millions of objects in memory.

  • But then, it creates a problem.

  • What if we want to add an extra property?

  • Now we want to extend the object A. We want to introduce the new property "W".

  • Well, we need to introduce a new shape.

  • We cannot add the W property to the original shape.

  • Because it would mean that the other object, the object B that points to the same shape

  • has this property, which is not true.

  • We need to introduce the new property and then the new shape.

  • Then we update links.

  • The object now, the object points to the new shape.

  • The same thing happens if we introduce another property we create one more shape.

  • And so, in fact, we end up with something called Transition Chains.

  • And it means that, when you try to access the property, for example, X, the original

  • property on the A object which points to the button on the chain.

  • It needs to go through every single property upwards and will until it finds the shape

  • that describes the property.

  • Okay?

  • You can imagine that, if you add a lot of properties in different places and modify

  • object shape, you will have a transition shape potentially with hundreds of transitions.

  • And so, every single time when you access a property, the virtual machine has to go

  • through all that process to figure out the shape that describes the layout and memory

  • of that and retrieve that information.

  • So a technique that V8 uses is to make that process faster.

  • The idea is simple: the ... is the main word here.

  • Every single JavaScript function is represented internally by the object called closure.

  • This is where the virtual machine caches some information about the function, which objects

  • are used to add parameters to this function, and the other information.

  • And feed the vector, and this is the cache.

  • This is where the virtual machine will cache some information.

  • So let me give you an example of how it works.

  • Suppose we are calling the function Get X and passing in an object with the X property.

  • The virtual machine figures out the shape for this object, right, and then what it can

  • do is that it can cache the shape of the object, and then the property, right, because we are

  • getting access to the X property, and it can couch the offset, right?

  • So the next time when we execute this function and pass in an object that has the same shape,

  • the virtual machine can only compare the shapes, and, if they match, there's no longer need

  • to figure out the shape.

  • You can just take the cache value from the offset and use it to resolve the value in

  • the memory.

  • And what it also does is it defines the state of the function, and the state there can be

  • three types of states: monomorphic state, monomorphic property access, and polymorphic.

  • In this case, it's monomorphism because it - it's monomorphic because it has been called

  • with one type of shape.

  • Polymorphic is when a function has seen four types of shapes up to four times, and megamorphic

  • is when you've been passing objects of different shapes, more than four types of shapes.

  • It's important that you pass objects of the state to one function so the state remains

  • monomorphic.

  • I read the comment that monomorphic property access can be up to 100 times faster than

  • megamorphic.

  • If you take into account this 10,000 times of access during each change detection cycle

  • that can happen several hundred times a second, you can imagine the kind of impact monomorphic

  • property access can have on the speed.

  • So frameworks use this to create - actually, what they do is they want to enforce this

  • function that takes these nodes, it uses the same shape, same hidden class for fibre and

  • view nodes, and that makes property access monomorphic.

  • You can have HTML elements, child opponents, and if you follow object-orientated programming

  • principles, you would create different classes for different elements.

  • These frameworks actually merge everything into one data structure, one class, with all

  • set of fields and they use one tag filled to distinguish between types of node.

  • This is the code from the React framework.

  • This is a function that is executed for every single DOM element, so potentially thousands

  • of times during each cycle, and you can see here that they try to distinguish by tag,

  • and then run the corresponding logic.

  • Okay, so that is monomorphism.

  • Now, let's talk about bitfils.

  • This is the other things that both frameworks happily used.

  • Bitfils is a low-level concept.

  • Those who have programmed with C++, for example, know this data structure, and bitfils is just

  • basically an array of bits - zeros and ones.

  • You can define a bitfil today in JavaScript, type OB prefix in console and you'll get the

  • binary fill.

  • Now React uses bitfils to en code side effects.

  • Side effects in React are basically just operations that the framework needs to do on DOM elements,

  • maybe place an element in the DOM, update tags, remove element, and, instead of having

  • an array of strings, for example, that define operations, they just assign places, and say

  • that, "Okay, the third bit is the update operation."

  • So, if the bit is one, I know that I need to update task.

  • If the bit is zero, it means that there is nothing to do here.

  • And I found that when I was debugging React, I'm sitting with a debugger, and I'm following

  • the spun element, and I've just updated the tag on the spun element, so I'm trying to

  • figure out what changes it will have.

  • So the effect tag is this effects filled, and it's a bitfil, so right after the render

  • face when it has process changes, the number, the value, is four, and, because it's a bitfil,

  • it's binary, so I converted it into like - here, it is actually the decimal, but I know it's

  • binary, so I converted it to binary and I got 100.

  • If you explore the fill, you can see it's a third bit, and that's exactly what I expected.

  • React encoded the update operation, so later - for example, here, when the function update

  • hosts the facts, it's executed, so, React will check every single bit and see what kind

  • of operations it needs to perform.

  • For example, update will up date the tags.

  • Now, you might be looking at that and think to yourself, "Well, why bother?"

  • This is okay, but it's still too low level, but there are a number of benefits, and advantages

  • that bitfils have over other types of data structures.

  • For example, with bitfils, there is no need to allocate memory for JavaScript objects

  • and shapes, so the virtual machine can save a lot of space, and because there is no shapes

  • and JavaScript objects, there are no references, it means that the garbage collection is a

  • lot simpler.

  • You know, you figure out the dependency graph and know which objects are safe to remove.

  • With the bitfils, it's one instruction to the processor to clear the contingent memory,

  • and that's it.

  • With the bitfil, it's a smaller contiguous memory usage and allows for fast access for

  • a single bit.

  • It's one twice operator, and that's it.

  • So that is bitfils.

  • They're used by both Angular and React.

  • The last date structure is bloom filters.

  • It's an interesting data structure.

  • This data structure is designed to answer one simple question: is it element in the

  • set or not?

  • Well, you can use an array, of course, and just go over each element, make a comparison

  • and figure out whether there is an element in the set or not.

  • It's quite long.

  • You can imagine you have one million objects, you need to go through every single one, and

  • it's pretty long.

  • Well, bloom filters allows you to do that with just one operation.

  • I show you how to do that.

  • What is good about bloom filters is you can get two types of answers - yes or no - and,

  • when you get the answer no, it means the element is definitely not in the set.

  • But when you get the answer yes, it's not actually yes, it's maybe.

  • The probability varies.

  • Because of that, this data structure is called probabilistic, right?

  • There is probability here.

  • You might be looking at that and thinking to yourself, "Who needs a data structure that

  • doesn't give you correct answer s?"

  • This data structure is used most often when you expect the answer no most of the time.

  • And this is exactly the case that I will present to you now.

  • But first, I will show you how this data structure works, so each element in the set is encoded

  • in a bitfil - one bitfils, or a few bitfils - you will have a hashing function that will

  • take a value and produce some number.

  • For example, for John, if we run the function and we get the number 2, for example, we use

  • the first letter and the code, for the letter, we will just use a binary or operator to set

  • the second bit.

  • And later, we will use the same function to get the number for John, but now we will use

  • the B twice or operator to check if the John is here.

  • You can imagine if the bit is not set, if it is zero, it means that John is not here.

  • Now, where the problem is why, yes, it's not guaranteed.

  • The problem is collisions.

  • If we use the same hashing function and we use, for example, the only first letter to

  • figure out the number, we're passing John and Jane, they have the same first letter.

  • Here we have a collision, right?

  • We end up with the John being in the set and Jane not being in the set, but the hash function

  • would produce the same value and we get a wrong result.

  • So where does Angular use this?

  • It uses in a dependency injection system.

  • So the cornerstone of the dependency injection system is an injector.

  • It's a service, a container, where you can con figure the dependencies between services,

  • and then the injectors responsible for instantiating them.

  • Whereas most systems have only single injector called Global Injector, Angular has a hierarchical

  • dependency injection, so, for the hierarchy of components, it creates an injector.

  • For each component, you get an extra injector, so you end up with a hierarchy of injectors,

  • and let's say the widget manager is provided in the top-most injector, or the bottom-most

  • one requires on the widget.

  • Angular would have to go through every single injector to figure out where exactly is this

  • service, and only when it reaches the bottom-most injector it will be able to resolve the component.

  • You can imagine it could take quite a while, for example, if every single injector has

  • ten dependencies, ten services, it would need to go through every single one of them and

  • do comparison which is a long time.

  • So what Angular does, it introduces a bloom filter for every single injector, and with

  • bloom filter, as I showed you, it's one operation to know whether the service is in the set

  • or not.

  • As I told you, the answer is most likely to go to be no, to so here, no here, and the

  • last, the top-most, the answer is maybe.

  • If we get the answer maybe, then we can do our actual comparison and find the service

  • if it is there.

  • So that is bloom filter for you.

  • Okay, so here's a bunch of protocols that, if you're interested in that kind of flow-level

  • details, I've written about reverse engineering, because I've reverse engineered webpack, other

  • tools, change detection in Angular, and reconciliation in React.

  • So here are the articles for you to check out.

  • Also, if you want to learn more about this kind of topics, you can follow me on Twitter.

  • I regularly write about some findings that I pick in these frameworks, and I've written

  • about my journey, the article you can also read.

  • So I hope that the knowledge that I've told you today that is awakened your curiosity

  • to learn more about this kind of stuff, and I want you never to stop learning, and, by

  • doing so, you will be able to reach new heights every day.

  • Because I want you all guys to be extraordinary engineers.

  • Thank you for your attention, and good luck.

  • [Applause].

>> Okay.

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偷看JS框架中的超級優化代碼,由Maxim Koretskyi主持|JSConf EU 2019 (A sneak peek into super optimized code in JS frameworks by Maxim Koretskyi | JSConf EU 2019)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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