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  • Welcome to A Coding Challenge, where I will enter...

  • The fourth dimension.

  • Well, I didn't really time it, I expected some dramatic moment to happen with the music

  • there but it didn't happen.

  • So alright, this is A Coding Challenge, I am so crazily excited about this.

  • If this actually works I think that, I don't know what's going to happen, stuff will just

  • like, smoke, and brain matter will start just like leaking out of my nostrils.

  • I don't even know, so wait 'til the end of this video to see.

  • Now what I'm starting with here looks like a plain old spinning cube and actually that's

  • what it is.

  • What I want to do is not just make a plain old spinning cube in three dimensions, I want

  • to make a hypercube spinning in the...

  • Fourth dimension.

  • So I want to make something that looks like this, right?

  • So this is a hypercube, otherwise known as a tesseract.

  • And I'm going to, before I start coding any of this I'm going to explain to you what that

  • is exactly.

  • So let me come over here, so I, I think my favorite dimension is one dimension.

  • No, zero, let's start with zero dimensions.

  • A point is a shape that exists in 0D, that's a zero.

  • Now the line which is bound by two points is something that exists in one dimensional

  • space.

  • This is one dimensional space.

  • A rectangle, a square, a plane which is bound by one, two, three, four lines exists in two

  • dimensional space.

  • Now notice the pattern here.

  • This is bound by two lines, this is bound by four.

  • I'm sorry, this is bound by two points, this is bound by four lines.

  • Now if I create two planes and then connect all the edges I have what is commonly referred

  • to as a cube.

  • This is something that exists in three dimensions, are the number of dimensions that we live

  • in on this planet where we live and it is bound by six planes.

  • So you can see a pattern here.

  • I was going to say you double it but this is not bound by anything I guess so this sort

  • of makes sense.

  • This is bound by zero things, this is the beginning.

  • Now what does it mean, then, to have four dimensions?

  • Well I'm not really going to be able to draw this too easily but we could make the case,

  • right, if I'm following this pattern, that four dimensions is bound by eight cubes.

  • And this is mathematically true, this is accurate.

  • The problem is I'm going to sit here and I'm going to visualize this in my head.

  • Are you doing this with me?

  • I can't, I just cannot do it at all.

  • Human beings did not evolve to understand the world in an dimensions higher than three.

  • Anyway, I could keep going on about this since this is a mathematical truth, why isn't there

  • some way that we could somehow unlock is and see this on a computer screen in some way?

  • And in fact, there is, so this is how.

  • How do we even see this?

  • How do we even see this 3D shape on a 2D computer screen?

  • Well the way we do that is by writing code like this one that I've done right here.

  • Now the truth of the matter is, in processing, which the programming language environment

  • I'm using right now, I could just say box and I would get that because I'm in the P3D

  • renderer.

  • And the P3D renderer knows how to take the mathematics of a 3D shape and project it into

  • a 2D canvas to create the illusion of the third dimension.

  • And it totally makes sense to our brains 'cause we're so used to 3D.

  • We can imagine it, we can see the 2D version of it and imagine it in three dimensions.

  • And I did, you don't have to have watched that video to watch this one but I did a whole

  • previous Coding Challenge where I made exactly this put only using the P2D renderer.

  • So I did the math of taking 3D points and projecting them into 2D, so if I can do that,

  • why can't I create the math for a 4D shape, do the projection into 3D and render it with

  • the P3D renderer?

  • The truth of the matter is I could then project it into 2D and render it with the P2D renderer

  • as well, but I'm lazy, I'm just going to do one projection.

  • And if this is true there's no reason why I couldn't create a 5D shape and a 6D shape

  • and a 7D shape.

  • And I project 7D into 6D into 5D into 4D and then into 3D and visualize it.

  • So this is what I'm going to attempt to do in this video.

  • It is going to require matrices.

  • There are other ways to do it without it or create the visual illusion of it but I'm going

  • to be using matrices and the matrices are going to be used for a couple things.

  • I need a projection matrix, this is a matrix that takes a 4D point and turns it into a

  • 3D point.

  • And I'm going to also need a rotation matrix.

  • I don't need the rotation matrix but the rotation matrix is what's going to make this funbecause

  • I can start to rotate around weird axis to see crazy things happen.

  • So this is kind of like optional but this is what's going to make the visualizations,

  • so I'm going to do the most basic wire frame version of this and hopefully you are then

  • going to make beautiful, interesting, weird things about this.

  • If somebody watching this, but who can go to the highest dimension possible in processing?

  • I would like to see that as a challenge.

  • Now if you want to learn more or see a condensed version of the explanation of what the tester

  • act is and how this works I would highly recommend, for me, I'm making this coding challenge because

  • of this particular video.

  • From, how do you pronounce that?

  • Anybody know how you say this?

  • Okay, I can't figure out how to pronounce it, I'm going to guess, LeiosOS.

  • But this is a wonderful, wonderful YouTube channel with many excellent explanatory videos

  • and this one about understanding 4D, the tesseract, is excellent.

  • So you could pause this, go watch that, come back later, all of the above.

  • Okay, alright so now I think we're good, we're good, we're good, and I minimize the browser

  • and here I am.

  • Okay, alright, now what do I need?

  • The first thing I need to do, if I'm going to make something 4D, to do something in 3D

  • I make heavy use of this idea of a PVector which is a data structure that holds an X,

  • Y, and a Z.

  • I need something that can hold an X, Y, Z, and W for that fourth dimension so I'm going

  • to make a new tab and I'm going to call it P4Vector and I'm going to say class P4Vector

  • and I'm going to say it has an X, Y, Z, and a W and it needs a constructor.

  • And it can get a X, a Y, a Z, and a W. And then I'm going to say this.x, isn't it fun

  • when you have to use the this.

  • in java 'cause it's like so rare?

  • Every once in a while you do.

  • Z, W, X, Y, Z, W, so now this is my P4Vector.

  • Alright, P4Vector, there we go, and now I am going to make this cube, this very cube,

  • all the points of the cube and actually one thing I want to do just not, I'll leave it

  • right now, I'm going to make it in 4D.

  • Zero, zero, the fourth dimension And then while I'm adding the fourth dimension I got

  • to change these P4Vector.

  • Then I've got to change this P4Vector, P4Vector.

  • And now this stuff I'm going to worry about later.

  • And let's see, we're going to watch, it's going to be four dimensions now, everybody.

  • Here it comes, four dimensions.

  • Look away This is the same exact cube, right?

  • It's the same, is that four dimensions?

  • Oh I'm so confused.

  • Well how are you even going to see this fourth dimension?

  • First of all, all the points are on zero.

  • So what you can think about it is it's flat.

  • I took a four dimensional shape and flattened it, flattened it, you know, we say flat 'cause

  • usually we're taking a three dimensional shape and flattening it into 2D so a cube if you

  • flatten it would just be a square.

  • So I took this hypercube and flattened it and I just have the cube so I need to make

  • the hypercube.

  • You know what, I'm going to, against my better judgment I'm just going to extend this array

  • to have 16 points.

  • Right, a hypercube is made up of 16 vertices because it's basically two cubes with all

  • the points connected.

  • So I am going to, I was going to make like a cube object and a hypercube as two cubes

  • but I'm going to just keep going.

  • So I'm going to say eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

  • And then I'm actually going to put this in 4D.

  • So all of these zeroes, right, they should all be 100.

  • The rest of them at negative 100.

  • I know I'm doing this in a highly manual way but first of all I find it kind of relaxing

  • sometimes just to sit here and copy paste the same thing over and over again, you should

  • try it, it's very soothing.

  • And then also I can always refactor it later but just so I really know that it's working,

  • okay.

  • I've got 16 four dimensional points,, I am going to now draw them again.

  • Okay, so it still just looks like those points.

  • What's missing here?

  • Well I'm not actually doing the projection so now it's time for me, like, I'm just taking

  • the 4D point, ignoring that v.w part and then doing a projection.

  • So really what I need to do right now is think about how I do the projection so I'm going

  • to create a projection matrix for a 4D point.

  • So this is the point X,Y,W,Z.

  • The projection matrix to take a 4D point and turn it into, oh wait, X, Y, Z, W. And project

  • it into something I can draw in 3D, X,Y,Z.

  • The idea is I want to look at the shadow of the 4D object in 3D, just like I might look

  • at the shadow of a 3D object in 2D so to do that I need a matrix that has four columns

  • and three rows so the typical way to do that would be like this.

  • One, zero, zero, zero, zero, one, zero, zero.

  • Zero, zero, one, zero, right, I think I got everything.

  • The idea here, if I actually use this matrix and perform matrix multiplication which I'll

  • link to two videos where I go through that in more detail, this actually gives me literally

  • this.

  • It's like, just chopping off the W. So let's actually put this in our code and see what

  • happens.

  • So I'm going to create a matrix.

  • Now one thing I didn't mention is I'm working with a set of helper functions and I worked

  • these functions out into separate video if you're interested but it's not, too much,

  • it's way too much to be in this video.

  • That has actually the matrix multiplication math in it, as well as some helper stuff to

  • do matrix multiplication with a matrix and a vector.

  • I'm going to have to change this to P4Vector, I'm just realizing that, but that's no problem.

  • Okay so what I first want to do is create that projection matrix.

  • So I'm just going to do it right here as a local variable and a little bit later it'll

  • sort of make sense why.

  • So I'm going to say, float projection equals, so I need to make that matrix which is an

  • array or arrays.

  • So there are three rows, 0, 1, 0, 0, and then 0, 0, 1, 0.

  • This is the equivalent of orthographic projection, if you've heard that term before.

  • Okay so now we've done that, then what I'm going to say is, P4Vector, actually P Vector,

  • I don't need it to be a P4Vector, I'm taking the 3D point.

  • P Vector equals matrix multiplication, the projection times V, okay?

  • So now it's telling me it doesn't know how to do matrix multiplication with a projection,

  • matrix, and V which is a P4Vector, which is strange because if I go in here it has a function

  • to matrix multiply a two dimensional array and a P Vector.

  • But I need this to be a P4Vector, okay.

  • Oh, vecToMatrix, doesn't know how to make a P4Vector, so I'm just going to change these

  • functions to deal with 4D.

  • M3 equals VW, so again if you want to see on a separate video where I wrote all this

  • code and now I'm just adjusting it to add this fourth dimension.

  • And then matrix to vec is going to be, you know what, I'm going to always be doing this,

  • this is fine, this stays the same, so that stays the same 'cause I still want, what I'm

  • going to get is a 3D vector inside a matrix and I want to turn it into a P Vector so let's

  • see.

  • Nobody's complaining at me and now I want to look at the projected points, projected,

  • projected, projected.

  • Here we go, oh what's wrong here?

  • Vec to matrix... array out of bounds exception.

  • I have an error somewhere, where is this called?

  • Oh this has to be four, this has to be a four.

  • So I forget that I'm in java and I really have to specify types and lengths of things

  • so that has to be a four.

  • Is there anywhere else where I need to do that?

  • We'll find out soon enough.

  • Okay, let's try this one more time, we're entering the fourth dimension.

  • Whoa, okay, it's still the same Why?

  • There are eight points in four dimensions.

  • Well guess what, if I took a cube and I showed it to you in orthographic projection facing

  • the camera basically it would look like just four points.

  • The four points on the back of the cube would be sitting right exactly behind the four points

  • at the front and you wouldn't see them as different.

  • Same thing is going on here, so what I actually need is not orthographic projection, I need

  • stereographic projection, I need to create that perspective.

  • And the way to do that is with moving, sort of thinking of a light source that has a certain

  • distance from the object that I'm casting a shadow.

  • So I'm going to create a variable, distance, and this is going to be, oh, you know one

  • thing I really should do is I'm going to take all these 100s and make them just the number

  • one.

  • I'm going to normalize my shape to just have all ones, it looks like a completely insane

  • person wrote this code.

  • And in fact, a completely insane person did write that code.

  • So I'm going to think of the camera as two units away and then the projection W is one

  • divided by that distance minus V.W, this is a sort of tried and true formula for creating

  • perspective projection.

  • And then I can put that W in here and now see what happens.

  • Do we have four dimensions?

  • Oh, I'm so close, I'm so close.

  • So I forgot that all my numbers are one so I'm just going to scale, there's a variety

  • of ways I could scale things up but I'm just going to do it right here.

  • So I multiply by 100 and now, oh look at that.

  • It kind of looks like that tesseract thing.

  • Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second, wait a second.

  • Oh this crazy, oh I got to connect the lines.

  • So first of all I need more, I guess I should make this smaller, let's make this 50, do

  • you see it?

  • That's that tesseract looking thing, the fourth dimension.

  • Our brains can't do this.

  • Connecting it will help, I'm going to connect all the lines.

  • Let's do that, I had a function that connects all the edges, I think I did this in the video

  • where I was just making a cube.

  • And these are P4Vectors now, oh no they're not, they're still P Vectors and I need to

  • connect, oh, I need to make, alright, everything's going to be okay, everybody, I'm going to

  • make an array P Vector projected.

  • Projected 3D which is an array is a new P Vector also with 16 points in it and I'm just

  • going to take projected 3D index i, there's no index, I'm going to add an index, that

  • is, I'm using this enhanced loop, I probably should just make it a four loop, let's make

  • it a four loop.

  • I got time to do that, you'll watch me do this.

  • Four int I equals zero, I is less than points.length, I plus plus and then P4Vector V equals points

  • index i.

  • So I'm manually iterating through it because now I can have this index and then with this

  • index, here, I can say I equals that projected v, projected, and then I can still draw these

  • here but now I can say projected 3D so I want to connect the various points there.

  • And so now I should see, that's just one, oh right, 'cause I got to do this twice.

  • Oh no, I got to do this all the way.

  • Oh, this is confusing I got to use the second half of the array which would be from like

  • eight to 12, I don't know.

  • I equals eight...that's not right.

  • Seven?

  • Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

  • Eight, zero to four because if I want all the, oh module is, module is four plus eight.

  • Oh I made a horror-show out of this.

  • I went out of bounds, stop the presses!

  • Okay, I now realize that, I try not to do this, I try to have my videos be very self

  • contained and there's, you know, there's a few things that you might have to watch a

  • previous video for but I think it's worth explaining this just for a second.

  • So basically what I did in this connect function is this is a connect function to just take

  • two of the points and draw a line between them, and to draw a cube, right, normally

  • I might just say box or begin shape, end shape and it's going to sort of like make all these

  • connections for me but what I'm doing, what I'm doing is I basically have points zero,

  • one, two, three, four, five, actually it's zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

  • So that function is basically saying, connect zero and one, connect one and two, connect

  • two and three, connect three and zero, connect four and five, connect five and six, connect

  • six and seven, connect seven and four and then connect zero and four, one and five,

  • two and six, three and seven.

  • That's what that function is doing.

  • And so now I have two of them.

  • If I have another one, basically, it's along the four dimensional axis, I don't even know

  • where to draw that.

  • SO first of all all of its points start at eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, and this is not,

  • somebody watching this will give me some nice adjustments about how to completely refactor

  • this in a better way.

  • But you can see now I just need to connect these.

  • So the way I think I'm going to approach that is by I'm going to add another, I think if

  • I just add, like, an offset, like I can add an offset, this is kind of silly.

  • Here and then that offset could be zero.

  • And then that offset could be seven, right, 'cause then just want to do this.

  • And so this would just be I plus offset, J plus offset, so if I do this twice, and again

  • I could do this in one loop right, I could add an offset that's eight, is it eight?

  • I think it's eight.

  • There we go, ha, so now you can see I connected both cubes.

  • Now interestingly enough, what's the fourth dimension with this kind of perspective?

  • The fourth dimension is actually like, is W. W is expressed as kind of the distance

  • between these cubes.

  • Again we can only think about it, I can only describe it to you in three dimensional terms.

  • So for example you see this here, like if I were to put one of these points like at

  • negative five, look, it's all the way out there.

  • So this hypercube isn't perfectly symmetrical.

  • One of the points, it's W location, is all the way out along that axis and I make this

  • a variable and I could slide it around and do stuff like that, but I'm not going to do

  • that.

  • I haven't actually finished the connections, though, because what I want here is I need

  • to connect all these points to those points for the visualization to be fully complete,

  • that's actually going to be pretty easy.

  • Because all I'm doing in my array of 16 points, zero connects to eight, one connects to nine,

  • four connects to 12, five connects to three.

  • So that's actually easy, that's just another loop all the way through all the points and

  • I'm going to have with an offset of zero I connected to I plus eight.

  • So this should do this last set of connections.

  • Whoops, no somethings wrong here.

  • Oh, no, no, I only need to go through half the points 'cause the first half are connected

  • to the second bunch.

  • Alright, is this right?

  • This looks right to me.

  • Oh why is it going towards the center?

  • Something is wrong here.

  • Okay so if you're out of abrupt edit, you're not watching this live, you're watching the

  • recorded version, I just spent about 45 minutes trying to debug a problem and I went off completely

  • in the wrong direction.

  • Although it was a really interesting, lots of interesting tangents, I encourage you,

  • I'll link to the time code of the livestream where you can watch that whole part.

  • But I was trying to figure out why these points aren't connecting properly an I started doing

  • things like drawing numbers where all the points were and all sorts of stuff, but actually

  • the mistake, which you may have already seen and been singing to me about it, perhaps,

  • is right here.

  • Notice these parenthesis here, the formula for the perspective projection requires one

  • minus one divided by the distance minus the actual W point.

  • As soon as I put that in now all of the points are in the right place and those connections

  • are doing what they should do.

  • The actual draw points are little bit too large for my taste right now, I'm going to

  • take this to eight.

  • And this looks better now, okay.

  • So there we can see, there's our hyper cube in 3D.

  • Sort of, okay, let's take a deep breath here 'cause that was a lot of stuff and I got to

  • figure out where I am.

  • Oh, oh yes, rotation, before I get to rotation actually let me just mention one more thing

  • about this.

  • It was pointed out in the chat by many people that instead of trying to write some kind

  • of kooky, nonsensical, crazy person algorithm like I did here to figure out where all the

  • connections are, that you could actually just test for unit distance between the points,

  • right, because if you think about a square, right, you don't connect the diagonals 'cause

  • they're not distance, they have a different distance.

  • So if I look at the distance between all the points I'll find all the connections there.

  • So that's an interesting side project for any of you as an extra to do while you're

  • watching this.

  • But I want to talk about rotation.

  • So how is this rotation even happening in the first place?

  • I'm rotating in the third dimension, which is not really what I want to do.

  • I want to rotate in the fourth dimension, then project that down to the third dimension.

  • So let's try to back up, let's try to create exactly this by rotating in the fourth dimension

  • and then projecting back down in the third dimension.

  • The reason why I'm not actually doing the rotation in the fourth dimension is 'cause

  • the rotation is happening right here with the built in native rotate Y function.

  • That means rotating around the Y axis.

  • So how does rotation actually happen?

  • Well rotation happens with a rotation matrix.

  • So here I am on the Wikipedia page and you can see this rotation matrix right here.

  • So let's come back over here and let's think about that.

  • So this is rotation matrix, cosign of theta, negative sign of theta, sign of theta, cosign

  • of theta.

  • Did I get that right, looks like I did.

  • Alright so this is a 2D rotation matrix.

  • If I were to take this rotation matrix and do a matrix multiplication with any given

  • 2D point this is exactly the math behind rotate in processing byte data.

  • This is exactly that.

  • So then what is the math behind rotate Y or rotate X or rotate Z?

  • And in fact is indeed also a rotation matrix only it's three by three rotation matrix.

  • And in fact if I come over here on this Wikipedia page about rotation matrices and keep scrolling,

  • keep scrolling and keep scrolling and keep scrolling, there we go, here it is, this is

  • the rotation matrix for around the Y axis and you can see a pattern here, right?

  • That's that 2D rotation but it's here within the Y and Z which is rotating around the X

  • axis.

  • Same pattern but between the X and the Z, between the X and the Y, that's how I get

  • all those different rotations.

  • But I want to do this in four dimensions so what I need do to, rotation in four dimensions,

  • is the following.

  • I need to pick which axis I want and I need a four by four matrix and in this case the

  • axis that I want, I'm going to use the X and Y axis and I'm going to say cosign theta,

  • negative sign theta, sign theta, cosign theta.

  • Oh and this has to be a one, apologies, and this has to be a one, right, 'cause it's the

  • identity matrix for Y and Z, basically.

  • The identity being just a one in those areas.

  • So I don't know if that's actually the right way to phrase it but anyway this is the rotation

  • matrix.

  • I'm going to call this, for 4D, this is rotation X, Y.

  • And actually what I was doing in rotate Y would be X, Z.

  • But anyway, we come back to the computer, I'm going to comment out rotate Y, so now

  • there's no rotation.

  • And actually just to be clear I'm going to start with rotate X, no rotate Z, I think

  • that'll be the simplest.

  • So I'm going to start with rotate Z, so I'm going to recreate exactly this.

  • This doesn't look super interesting 'cause of how flat it is but that's what I'm going

  • to start with.

  • 'Cause I think that'll be the easiest one to do.

  • I want to recreate that with the matrix.

  • So the first thing I have to do is before I do the projection I have to create a rotation

  • matrix and I'm going to call this X, Y rotation.

  • And that is going to equal a matrix that has, I forgot already, cosign of the angle, negative

  • sign of the angle zero, zero, sign of the angle, cosign of the angle zero, zero and

  • then zero, zero, one, zero, zero, zero, zero, one, so this is my rotation XY matrix.

  • Autoformat, there we go, okay, so now what I need to do is I need to say P4Vector, right,

  • I want to get a rotated point which is the rotation, which is the matrix multiplication

  • result of the rotation matrix X,Y with V. That point V, now this is telling me it doesn't

  • know how to do this, remember I have all those helper functions?

  • The helper functions do these matrix multiplication operations, well I do have a helper function,

  • a matrix times a P4Vector, I have that.

  • But look at it, it returns a P Vector 'cause I have the one to give me a 3P Vector back.

  • I should probably just leave everything as P4Vectors, it would make our life so much

  • easier.

  • There's not really any reason for me to use P Vector at this point 'cause I could always,

  • but I'm going to, I've done what I've done We can think about refactoring it later which

  • is like a little bit of my mantra and I'm going to say...

  • This still works, so I want to say if, so this is matrix to vec, I need another one

  • of these which does, I'm just going to write this function.

  • I don't think I need this anymore 'cause it's always going to have three dimensions.

  • That was sort of an extra thing, just to simplify this I'm going to make another function that's

  • going to be called matrix to vec four, and I'll make a P4Vector and then I'm going to

  • say V.W is this, so I made a different function and this returns a P4Vector, P4Vector.

  • So I just made a helper function that takes a, oh I don't have that up, zero, zero, zero,

  • zero.

  • That basically takes a matrix that has one column, right, this is what it is, it's a

  • matrix with one column and four rows and turns this into a P4Vector.

  • I need that because down here I now want to say, I'm going to say results equals matmul

  • A and M and then I'm going to say, if result.length.

  • So how many rows, do I have four rows or not?

  • Equals four, then return, oh no wait, I can't have it return two different types.

  • I'll just have to do this, oh, java is a weird place.

  • Right, it can't return something of a different type.

  • So I'm going to just pass a bullion in I'm going to pass our dimensions like int dim.

  • So I don't even need to figure it out, if dimensions equal four, oh no it's the same

  • problem.

  • Oh, oh I couldn't, oh no, I could just overload it.

  • Alright, I'm going to overload it, sorry everybody.

  • So this is...

  • Sorry for these digressions and making this video extra long, yay for me.

  • This is what it was before, right?

  • Returning a matrix to vec, oh no, return, sorry, sorry everybody, this...

  • There, this is what it was before.

  • Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to just, this is very awkward but I'm going to add,

  • I'm going to say a bullion or a fourth, this is sort of silly, and I'm just going to say,

  • matrix to vec four and it returns a P4Vector.

  • Okay so I made two versions of this function.

  • This is very silly, I should've just made, but it is what it is Okay, could we get back

  • to what we were doing?

  • Which was important, so now I'm going to say mat mole rotation X,Y true so this should

  • return a 4D vector then now I want to get the W of the rotated vector, right?

  • 'Cause I'm about to calculate the projection matrix, I'm not going to use the original

  • point, I want to use the point that's been calculated after the rotation and now we should

  • seeI projected V again so this down here needs

  • to be rotated also.

  • There we go, I have now created exactly zero rotation with my own rotation matrix.

  • We're getting really close everybody, this is very exciting.

  • So now I have a rotation X,Y, just to prove a point let's do rotation, what was the one

  • we saw with it spinning like this?

  • Let's do rotation X,Z meaning zero goes here.

  • Meaning a one goes here, a zero goes here.

  • Let's look at this, is this right?

  • I think this is rotation with X and Z, one in the Y and one in the W. So let's now change

  • that to X, Z here and then look.

  • There we go, I have it just rotating around what looks like the Y axis, okay, exciting.

  • Now watch this, what if I want to apply more than one rotation?

  • So here I've rotated by XZ, now I can just rotate again by rotating by X, Y, what's wrong

  • here?

  • Multiply rotation X, Y by rotated true.

  • Oh so I don't want to redeclare the variable.

  • And here we go, now we see both rotation.

  • But everything still feels very much like all I did was make two 3D cubes and connect

  • the corners.

  • So that's what you're seeing, right, because that's the shadow of what the four dimensional

  • shape in the only way our brains can process, 3D.

  • But let's really try to stretch our brains for a second.

  • What if I include, this is really where things are going to go nuts, what if I include the

  • W axis?

  • What does it mean to rotate around the W axis?

  • Think about that for a second.

  • Okay rotate around the Y, rotate around the X, rotate around the Z,, you can't even, that

  • W axis that was kind of like extruding, who knows what that's even going to be.

  • Let's see what that looks like.

  • We are now really about to enter the fourth dimension.

  • Okay, okay, okay, let's try, what do I want?

  • X, W, I don't know what's a good one to start with.

  • Let's try X, W, so I'm going to make a rotation matrix X, W. Okay here we go, so X and a zero

  • goes here, then that stays the same then this should be in the bottom and a zero goes here,

  • get rid of this comma, get rid of this zero, and then the one goes here.

  • So let's actually just for, I'm afraid to add too many rotations so let's do X, W and

  • let's comment these out.

  • So I am only using rotation around the X, W axis.

  • We're entering the fourth dimension.

  • This isn't right Something is wrong there.

  • It did something interesting though Alright, what's it that, oh, you know what most people

  • do, I think actually, is not Z, W, so let's do Z, W. Let's put this here and then these

  • go away.

  • I mean, I just want to see that I'm doing this correctly.

  • And then this would be one, zero, zero, one, so let's try Z, W and let's see what this

  • does.

  • Okay this is actually correct.

  • Now it looks really weird but I think I'm going to be able to fix this, I'm just going

  • to do something really quickly just as a test, just want to like rotate it on its side.

  • It would be this side.

  • No, something is still wrong.

  • I'm back again, I was trying to figure out why this was wrong and then I realized, oh,

  • this is actually right.

  • I'm used to seeing a certain pattern and I've just got the viewing angle slightly wrong

  • or slightly different.

  • So basically let me comment this line rotate Y out.

  • The two rotations that I'm doing right now are X,Y, Z,W. And if we do that just natively,

  • the way that I drew the cube, you sort of see the Z rotation and that W rotation projected

  • into the 3D world, it's like kind of coming in and out, almost looks like breathing.

  • And so what I actually want to do is just rotate along the X axis to put things on the

  • side.

  • And I could do that with a rotation matrix but because I have a full 3D renderer I'm

  • going to say rotate X, negative pi divided by two and there we go.

  • Now this should look like the tesseract visualization that you're used to seeing.

  • This is that W rotation like rotating.

  • And by the way, we have now...

  • Entered the fourth dimension.

  • You know, it was a little bit anticlimatic I guess.

  • But here, we're done, this coding challenge is complete.

  • And I just want to stop, I'm not going to do anymore because I'm going to leave this

  • for you.

  • Let's think about all the kinds of things you could do to this to make this more beautiful

  • or interesting or weird.

  • First of all, you know, what are all sorts of other rotation matrices you could apply?

  • What's like a three axis rotation?

  • You could certainly do that, right?

  • What multi, how many, this is a double rotation.

  • Could you do a triple or quadruple?

  • What if you tried a bunch of different other axis with the W axis, you know, I'm just drawing

  • these little points and connecting them with lines.

  • There are probably so many other ways you could think to visualize the pattern of the

  • tesseract.

  • You can now enter the fourth dimension, project it into the third dimension, and see a result.

  • I'll also make a javascript version of this using the P5GS Library which has a web GL

  • renderer, although in theory I don't even need a 3D renderer 'cause I could project

  • the 4D points to 3D and then project the 3D points to 2D.

  • If you really want a hard problem try doing that.

  • Ah, but really, I ask you, how many, how, what dimension can you project down into three

  • dimensions and visualize?

  • Can you get up to five, to six, to seven, what happens?

  • So I encourage you, I challenge you to try all sorts of weird stuff, to make some beautiful

  • art and enjoy spending time in the fourth dimension.

Welcome to A Coding Challenge, where I will enter...

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編碼挑戰#113:4D超立方體(又名 "魔術方塊")。 (Coding Challenge #113: 4D Hypercube (aka "Tesseract"))

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary