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Add me on Xbox one Gt is StayGolden101
Welcome back to my wonderful adventure
You see that little spike that's over there that little tiny piece that's sticking up into the air.
I spent so much time
Building something in this game. I had to use like a video tutorial on how to make it. I did it all in survival
I didn't use creative mode. I'm very proud of it. It's still not finished I wanted to finish off the little bit here at the end
But I went ahead and I tried to build a windmill in this game. Okay? Keep the head down. Okay, this is a surprise *Happy Dolphin noise* Dolphin!
Hello! I build a windmill
Wait, am I actually keeping my head down in real life?
Look at this thing, I
Spent so long making it and it's so cool
It's not completely finished yet as you can see
I have some very special type of scaffolding going all the way around it
I had to use I wanted to build a windmill, but I wanted to do it properly. I didn't want to spend all day
Hum'ing and Huh'ing and trying to figure out what blocks go where so I looked up some images and some videos of what uhm
some windmills look like and I used a thing where somebody was building it in real time
They were using creative but I like the mad lad that I am decided to use survival to build it today
Is this even this is not even even I didn't even do it, right? This is on this block here
But it's on that block there. That should be over there. Oh man, or you should be over here. I don't know
I'm going inside and I'm going to sleep. Oh
Man, there's a there's one thing really left to doing it. Does it?
Well, I need to figure out the inside of it still
I don't really know how I get up into the rest of it
But I need to put on the actual windmill part of it. I need a lot of white wool, which I
Have a lot of bone meal
I didn't realize Bone meal made white dye and I a spent an episode one time trying to figure out how to make white
Dye and here it was all this time made out of bone, man. So
I'm sorry. Okay, it's so hard. It's so hard sometimes to be me
Okay, pawrig can still chilling out over here Finbar still in his stable, let's get the white dye out
*Bloop* *Bloop**Bloop* Everybody be a white little sheepie. I need a lot of
need a lot of stuff the people who made this originally use different blocks and they used
like more items in certain areas, but I was like "You know what? I
Think I'm good where I am." I don't even have my shears on me
'Scuse me there Pawrig.*Dolphin death noise* What?
Did a dolphin just die here?
I Just heard a dolphin die
*R.I.P Dolphin*
I didn't do anything this time. That was not me. You can't blame me for that one. I killed one of you before
Actually have killed a couple of you now. I moved my wheat field out here and I built like an aquarium
Why am I coming in this way? This is my wheat field next to my potatoes
But these are all gonna have to be moved
Now that I have a windmill the wheats all going to go around that 'cause windmills are used to make bread
Okay close. I have to plant a bunch of trees here as well because I needed so much spruce I built an
Aquarium here that worked marvelously at one point. I had a dolphin in here
I put little kelps in it because I was like
You know what? You probably need to survive with the kelp. I had a dolphin in it. I put down
Like boundaries on it so that it had like an overlap
There was a lip on it so that I kept figuring that when I went to sleep
Maybe the Dolphins jumped out. Maybe it wasn't
Low enough or wasn't high enough and the Dolphins ribs would just jump out over it and leave again
Well, I put a lip on it and the dolphin was
legitimately unable to get out of
The actual aquarium I was here for ages. I was looking at them they were here for the entire day
and they kept bumping into this every title every time to try to jump out and
Then I went to sleep and I woke up and they were gone. So I don't think you can actually keep dolphins here
But now it's just a swimming pool for my own amusement, which I never go into. Oh my god
This windmill is almost bigger than my castle that cannot be allowed to be The castle...
well, the castle with the flag is a lot higher
I should have chopped you down to size. I should have chopped out this whole middle section just did the top
Either way, it's done. It took me a gargantuan amount of time. So I'm gonna
Appreciate it while I can you guys better start making a lot of wool
Because I need like 80
To make what I want to make I would have to put the sails on this thing
How else is the wind gonna blow it how else am I gonna make my bread?
There's no other way to make bread in Minecraft. You have to use a giant windmill which you spent too long making I
Don't make the rules. I'm sorry Finbar sat here for the entire time and just looked at me making the freaking thing
You didn't even come out to help
Sam was inside Well, Sam suffered a big loss. So we're just gonna leave Sam to his own devices
The cat's keeping the creepers away. So I still need a name for the cat
I don't know what to name the cat I ran out of names
People also wanted to see me make graves
For the lost pets I should probably do that. Oh, yeah, I forgot to put slabs on the top of this. Dang it
Okay, I am way too high up why did I come here
I've broken so many bones to build this thing, but it's completely worth it. Oh man, how am I gonna do that?
Am I gonna get up there to build this part?
Who knows either way? I am going to start building with my wall right here
I don't know. What's good. Oh my god. This is the worst
You do this
And then it kind of looks like a sale in a way, you know
You've already build the thing up and around onto this as well just to make it look a little different
Then over this site it needs to be opposite
What number that I start on there the third one, okay
Building is scary in Minecraft. Oh, man. Do you think if it jumped off and landed on a sheep? I'd be fine
No sheeps are friends. Not playthings. I will say I'm very proud of the fact that I have not fallen off this thing yet
Don't jinx me
Me, okay
Every time
Should my dang mode every time I see anything it ends up happening. I've never got to die to laugh again in this game
Oh, what's that? You ended to the nether and you don't know how to do anything?
Yeah, that sounds like me. I was even holding Crouch there that time but it's cuz they fell off under there like stairs areas
Okay, okay just build listen
How this out cuz I I'm a moron and I will I will just eat myself off anything in this game. Yeah
I was holding control here and I still fell off
Okay, okay, this is a tall one
That's a tall one. That's a tall order
But it put it up
Here we go, man. Actually don't eat that much
Why didn't need a tea cuz I'm I didn't do double on all of them Oh sheep cease
I'm a big fat liar. I'm sorry
Might add more later on though if it looks good. I need to ask a very minecraft question
Why can I tie a black sheep into a white sheep, but I can't dye black wall into white wall
Why minecraft why?
Why am I not able to do that?
Also building the top of this has given me an idea for this now. I could actually make a soap proof
That's what you do. Do you steps I
Didn't know how you did it before. Oh I'm learning
Thanks minecraft. Very cool Oh
Okay, it's complete I wanted to finish off some of it on video
I do have footage of me building some of it because I was like almost towards the end
Then I was like wait people aren't gonna believe that I actually built this in
survival mode so roll the clip
So much dirt everywhere. Oh, yeah. I've no door down here. Oh, I mean an extra block gap
Because I probably should be like building ways in and out of the whole thing
Oh, I should also be putting torches everywhere
The last thing I need are freaking creep seas and stuff spawning in here
and then jumping down and then
Exploding because we all know that I can't handle creepers because for some reason I completely forgot that I can block creepers. I
Just completely forgot I didn't know
My reaction times weren't there every time a creeper shows up
I should just block them with my shield instead of trying to run away from them run. Anyway, clearly doesn't work
God, there's so much dirt
What was he doing building this thing God? Alright time for the big reveal. I'm fed up
Complete I fixed this little thing that was over here wait today
There's still a little board missing right there, but I'll fix that later
And there's also a gap at the whole way around boy. The important thing is the main part is done
The windmill is complete. Look at that
Glorious beauty. I'm so happy with the way that looks
It's rustic. It's old. It has a vintage look to it
It's Dutch, but it's it's there for the nether. It's there for the Netherlands. That's nothing really got to do with Ireland
We're not a big windmill country, but it's here for the Netherlands for the nether right here. So
It's to let you know how imposing the nether actually is each block on
This windmill is one death by lava for Jackson
That's why it's so large and imposing it needs to represent how scary the nether is to me and how bad I am again
Speaking of it. Should we go back into the nether? I think it's time we built some graves
These are to be perfect for headstones, but they don't look like that when you put them down
There's just a pole the other bits come out when you put the other two things out. Oh, man, I need headstones
What looks like a headstone these really look like headstones
What happens if I put some stone in here what else can I make uh,
I don't know. I
Guess you kind of look like a headstone
we lost two of our
Bestest companions our trusted buddies. I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry Sam
I will find you a new one a better one a new lover
Someone that you can treat right and someone then you won't squander your time with this time
Put on me trees in here because that's where they belong. That seeds not trees. Where should we build them?
We need it. We need a graveyard somewhere. It should be over here. I
Don't want Sam to see it. It's just gonna make him sad. I don't even want to see it. It's gonna make me sad
You put the graveyard out behind the windmill. So nobody has to look at it. You can come here in your moments of destitution
But does what does a grave even look like
this is this it is this is this grave and
Then put like oh
No, I wanted three
No there there's two graves
May have basic bitch stone. Oh, I could put some stairs next to them and then it'll look nice. I
Can't just make stone stairs though. Can I have to make them?
Have to make them look like this. I can't make them look like this
That might be a little trick see dick. See you now
Sam I'm trying to make them look as nice as possible. They weren't in her life for very long though
not gonna make like gold bricks
No, don't look at me like that
My house my rules see there's polished diorite there's a polished anti site slave slab andesite slab
harbors to say die right wall die right stairs
poison a polished diorite stairs
You know I'm saying polished diorite
Polished I write stairs I am a liar. Oh
Wait now I just turned them all into a frigate
Okay don't have any more or diorite. I do let's make some polished diorite
All right, Sam, I'm making their graves look nicer I
Should also make some picture frames. Do I have anything that looks like a doll? Okay
I'll put like a little frame of their faces in it. Well that's really sad actually
Look if it leaves in it, but I really want to keep the leads
It's almost like it respect the dogs
Okay, one of them loved okay, I'll put oh I should make some bowls. There you go that represents a dog, here we go
Very nice, very nice indeed. These look like graves
Not really let's make them look nice the nice bright vibrant colors are nice
Alright, there we go
They're kind of teeny-tiny because the dogs were not that big
Nice okay, get out of here tree. Stop growing in the grave Sam. Are you ready?
It's it's time little buddy
Let's go
We are here today
to mourn the loss of
our dear
doggy friends
Saoirse an unnamed pup child
Sab was their dad and Sam treated them well, but they were gone taken from us much too early
So today we honor them
Saoirse love to eat so we put in a bowl to represent the food that she loves so dearly
Unnamed pup child love this music disc
They love to boogie down and jam to music like no other dog ever had and ironically the disc is named cat
We salute you to your doggie friends
You're in our lives for a short period of time, but you left a strong mark
We will never forget you doggie friends
Sam I'll give you a moment to say your goodbyes
You ready to go Sam
Okay, good boy, I'm not even gonna put you on the lead this time let's go home Sam
Here we go. Sam eat up eat up little buddy. Oh
We have a treasure map, I got a treasure map before and I have not found the treasure that was in it yet
So I think I'm gonna bring Sam on a little adventure just to take his mind off the troubles that have happened recently
Sam would you like that? Would you like to go on an adventure with dad?
Okay, let's go a little buddy. Come on out into the boat
Atta boy atta boy hop on in oh
He's excited
Okay. We'll see you later. Okay, find the fortress Garrett the palace
The whole place is yours. You can sleep on the bed if you want. Come on hop on in sir
but oh
So excited you got the zoomies. All right, pirate man and pirates sound all fun an adventure. Where is this treasure?
Oh, we're on the map already. Is it this way?
No, that's going down
Secret pirate pirate treasure Sam and that fun. Have you ever found a treasure before Sam?
It's real fun. I
Don't have a helmet anymore
I'm a helmet break
And does your ever break if you keep falling off structures because if that's the case then my armor obviously is
Because I kept falling off stuff all the time building the windmill. Oh, there's a thing right here. How have I never noticed these?
Should have brought a hekkador with me. Ah
Scusi moi
Heck yeah Sam this isn't even the Treasury yet. This is just a random thing that I found are you feeling better? Oh
He's looking back
And he's dig his mind off it. He's very sad. Oh, it's in here. There's also a pirate ship down there
I never look at the underwater here because I'm always like wait. What am I going? Okay, it's to the right
It says it's right under me Sam I
Mean without a shovel Sam we're gonna have to use our hands
Okay, do you want out of the boat are you gonna be a good boys you get out of the boat
Curse the vanishing Sam
He's gone, wait, hey
Presto there. He is that a boy. Oh, and I'm magic told the world back in as well. Good job, Sam
Is it somewhere here? I?
Don't know we're just gonna have to find out wait maybe you should just build a workstation to build a wooden shovel
That's like a good idea
Why am I using my hand for this part the world may never know I'm a man who works in mysterious stupid ways
Wait, I have a bunch of iron on me. I forgot to just pick that up from the
Sweet. Okay. Now we just have that there Sam we can use that whatever we want
Right. Where is this treasure saying that it is get these out of my inventory for a sec
Should be. Oh
No, are you in the water that?
Says it's underneath me here. Okay, Sam, we're gonna have to build a door, you know how to build the door. I
know how to build the door Jimmy here Sam
Somewhere I'm gonna find it
Wish I had a creeper here to help me again, Sam how good your nose?
Yeah, I'm gonna help you find this thing so I have no idea where it is hey this one's a bit of a lost cause
It's just way too convoluted to try and find out it could be freaking anywhere down there
Maybe I'll come back and try and find it again sometime maybe not
Where's Sam there you are. Oh
So sorry, you can't even get out. Oh
God oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh Sam. Oh no
Oh, no say I'm Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam. There's my neat. Oh god of too many items here. Come here, please
Ray oh we go again back home. Oh, you see the pint of Guinness?
Then you see the windmill and the castle all at once
This is starting to turn into a very formidable base
People see it from distant lands and basically building Europe now at this point, it's not just Ireland
Maybe I'll build an Eiffel Tower or somewhere
Over the Eiffel Tower down there. I'll build a football stadium
I've been a whole bunch of European things. What else is European? What else should I build Oh kitty
Bye Sam
Time to head indoors, so I was told that for enchanting things I could mix
Two items. I did not know that
But I could oh wait, hold on. Wait, why would I get for this right now?
15 sweeping edge to sharpen this for
My level 30 though that would cost two so that mean I get to do another one maybe two lapis, okay, let's do this
Mainly just cuz I want to test it out. I want to see how this works. Oh
I might need more actually
Are you in there with that and then get?
sweeping edge too
Well, then I can put you in and get knocked back one. Looting three. Oh
I want that. Oh it ought to be sty Nita I need to say for that. I need to get Oh
Cuz I didn't know that in the anvil I
Can go down and I can combine them so I can put that in there and then I could put the other
Enchanted sword there and you can bind the enchantments. I didn't know that that's how it worked. I also have silk touch and
projectile protection I
Should put projectile protection on an actual piece of armor, though some of my diamond armor
And is that the same thing that as well if I put the diamond?
The helmet or so
Let's see what I would have get what I would get for some of these if I if I were to enchanting
Not that I'm actually gonna do it right now. I just want to see what would turn up at the book
I would get on breaking three on breaking two protection one on breaking three is really good
Last protection for really good
Fire protection three. Oh, I want all of these but as soon as I enchant something it switches out again, doesn't it?
Fire protection projectile protection unbreaking. So if I
forgot fire protection of one of them and then
Put the other one. What was it?
I already forgot. I just read it
Checked out protection so I could put fire protection and protect our protection or I could just put projectile protection to on something
Without having to spend or without having to need like level 30 to do it
But I don't really know what I'm doing and I'm afraid to actually commit to anything like that
So put this in here for now, at least I intended something forget another diamond pickaxe
Man, if I could get another diamond pickaxe, I don't have enough for it right now
And then if I was able to get like oh like looting three out of it or something
I guess I wouldn't need looting three out of
Looting three and a pickaxe would be great though, because I could new diamonds
Who is it another again, not of the nether lands into the nether it's all the same. It's all the Netherlands
Wait, how am I going to go into the Netherlands without a diet over there a pickaxe?
That's just not gonna work guys I need something to be able to actually pick my way through you know, one of the most basic
Bare essentials. I wonder if there's another gap out somewhere out this way
I'm doing this with some distance now this time. Let's see if we can actually go into the nether without kitten. Oh
is that
Okay, let's not do that then there's something nice about having a completely safe tunnel in the nether oh
I could sprint with ease. It's just oh god, it's not making people nervous. What's it found out that?
Why do I like to torture myself like this? Okay and cover this over. So now I know
I didn't know that that was a cat noise
Party, that's notches cat that he recorded
Slowed down and that's the sounds that the gas this make that's horrifying. Oh my God. Look at that lava pool
That is huge I have max render distance on as well and I can't even see the other side of it
That's massive I
Think there's a castle out there
This is a way around it good lord
Okay, oh my god, maybe that's not sprint
In certain directions, let's let's go around. I am too scared of lava to stay here any longer. Oh just a little baby Pigman
Right, oh
That's cute. I didn't know they could have babies who fed you who bred you
Do you guys get bread together? I'm not talking about BRE ad
Anything down there
Mexican it looks like something
Might basically just looking for a castle because that kind of yeah
That's it. That's a thing. That's like a castle walkway Oh
God okay. I need to get over there
How do we
Know God no, no, no, no, no take your time. Now take your time. Now. That's it. I
found one
another fortress
Thank ya
Okay, you want any what you want to do is build all those stairs
I'm not using my cobblestone yet. I'm gonna save my cobblestone if ghasts show up
Guys, I didn't know that the gas can't break cobblestone
But they can break this block good
It's okay a little a little ankle damage is no problem
Yeah, Oh finally
Who's gonna be searching the nether for ever and never find anything?
Let me know how I found this. I just kept exploring. Okay, I'm just gonna cover these over
So I don't walk into them, can I break the wall
Whoa a
Nether brick
Haha, that's cool. Alright, how do we get in?
Yep, you are all getting covered over and I am I'm crouching everywhere
You falling for your games again
Is there an actual entrance or should I just build up and walk in
And also, is there anything scary in there, is there something in there that's gonna kill me like much tougher enemies oh
Dude I
Have no idea how to get up here
So just build up over there whoo, I got an achievement a terrible fortress
This does seem like a terrible fortress. Oh god, this is super menacing. Oh, oh
I do not want to be here. I mean I do I do I fought very hard to get here
What is that what does it sound ooh treasure
Nether wart
Okay, I'll take it
Other than what it is or what it does, but I'll take it
Yes treasures
Oh, but oh
He had a space magic
No, what are you doing? I'm just gonna do this for right now Oh golden sword
Diamond horse armor. Oh, yeah in my soul
Hey, can I have my rocks back I
Don't like you I'm running away from you you're the bad one
No, this is awesome, this really reminds me of playing subnautica
When I was place, if not again you go down into like well
I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but you find
Crazy things and then looking for this kind of felt like that. This is exciting. I
Don't really I know that I know where it is though. I should kind of American and then come back maybe more prepared
another time
Um, I'm still gonna explore now
Okay, I I'm so disoriented I don't know where I came in oh
Okay, it's just a big man big bettor nice I like there
Okay, obsidian nice
To iron horse hammer and gold armor sweet. I'm gonna be swag, dude
If the golden armor sucks, it's flashy but the stats on it seems really bad
What are you what are you? What are you? What are you? Oh
Oh, oh, oh, it's scary
Oh god, oh god, what do we do? They may just take potshots at him
Okay, he wasn't so tough
Three swings really I wonder how many of his swings would have killed me. Well, he was like a
He'd make a weird creepy Skelly face almost
Who are you nether wart?
Can you just can you just pick up ego?
Okay, that didn't work I was hoping that you would just siphon it off to the site well then
Because I know the soul sand if you spend a long time in it you you can
You can risk actually getting burned right? Oh, I guess I could just dig it up
Crisis averted I decided not to bring torches in here because everything was bright and nothing was gonna spawn
But I did not think about using them as like a breadcrumb trail to
Get out. I think this is literally just the chest. Yeah
All right
Cuz now I don't know where I've been oh
No, his face is so topsy-turvy
Do you guys actually live here? Oh
Oh, I
Want to I want to I want to mess you up, bro
You want to go you want a tussle?
I'm Irish. Did you know that?
everybody else back home does
Well, I forgot to bring a bow. I don't even get an enchantment for your bow that has infinite arrows
That's crazy. If you can get infinite arrows and own breaking 3 on a bow, isn't it? Basically unstoppable?
Can I wanna make a run for it?
Becky's gonna kill me though
Hold on potato break Jesus. Okay. Just run. Just run. Oh my god, they're everywhere. They are everywhere
Okay, okay
That's mad
There's also a monster spawner down there
Should I destroy that people told me not to destroy monster spawners?
But I'm thinking maybe in the nether that's actually a good thing to do. Oh
Oh, oh oh no. Oh god. Oh god. Oh, god. Please. Don't kill me
What I get advancement made into fire
Septic poopers made the investment into fire. What did I get a
blaze rod
Blaze powder light-weighted pressure plate and golden. Oh, wait, those are for gold. Oh I can make fire magics
Now I'm like so totally epic
It's another monster spawner
Okay, this place seemed important down here. I'ma go explore this I
Also like that. There's no holes in the floor in the nether fortress
So I can can you just run and know that I'm not gonna fall down
Okay, I cannot want more experience though. Oh god. Oh god just two of them
Hi friends, oh
No, oh no, oh no the plan backfired it didn't work retreat
Wait, I got this watch this
Yeah, yeah, okay, what did he do to me
What's happening to me Mike Hurst, I'm a broken heart
Oh, no, I'm okay. Oh
I thought I fell in over them and you just gave me a broken heart
Nobody just block up all cause there's three of them. Wait. Are you are you really smart too? Oh, man
Wait you guys the smartness. Ah
Okay, here we are here. We are with every enemy that ever existed. I've been here. Oh
God oh god. I'm not one of these
My god Oh, God, wait at Hawaii. Ye ye, I did not blocked it off Oh
God why did I even think that I was blocked off? Of course, he was able to get through there. Okay
Thank God you at least drop something cooled for me
I'm living on edge here man. Think you've explored most of it
I'm back in the area that I started off in now
Is that is that my cue is that my cue to head back you guys proud of me I
Sectioned off an entire thing of lava what I was taking a single piece of damage. I
Just jinxed myself, didn't I?
I think my base is back in this direction. That's where my coordinates are sending me
I've learned to take coordinates of everything now the nether fortress my base
This whole area I hope I go into the right direction I should build another bridge
There's ghasts following me though, so I'm very nervous to build using that stuff
Because the can't blow up my brickies
That and this axe is a good way of knowing exactly where I'm going do this yes, yes. Oh my god
It weren't such a roundabout way to get back
Yeah, baby Oh
Stop stop. Can I just hide here? Just go just go just go just go. There's no place like home
Well, hey dude, yeah, you can you can come hang out for a little bit if you want but screw everything else
I'm back home back home right along
What an
Adventure, what's up pets? Oh
Good to see you too. I got some nether bricks. I got some obsidian. Oh
Yeah, I got some pretty
tasty here
Some of which I'm probably never really gonna use diamond or not. I'm gold gold
diamond horse armor
In case everything ever anything happens to fin bars
Not that it ever will cuz Finbar's beautiful and gorgeous and nothing will ever happen to him
We could make a brewing stent. I have a brewing stand blaze powder
Its blaze powder do also what do I need nether wart for if anything another work do anything?
But you guys in here and call it a day I
Put my nether bricks in here as well, man, let's build another nether fortress out here and loot my own thing
Okay, man, what an adventure finally I found another fortress
I did it the nether Huss have been useless to me and I didn't die once and at this time
that's a personal victory jacksepticeye has conquered his lava fears and
Detriment I'm not dumb anymore. I'm just
I'm just silly haha
I've upgraded