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  • (tooting train whistle)

  • Hello, welcome to another holiday coding challenge!

  • Again with the snowflakes!

  • This is my second snowflake challenge,

  • but in this time instead of creating an algorithm

  • to draw a snowflake, I'm going to ask a neural network

  • to draw a snowflake for me.

  • Now, there's a lot of pieces to all of the work

  • that's gone in to making the fact

  • that I'm going to be able to do this

  • in well what probably will be about four and a half hours,

  • but really could take just about 15 minutes possible.

  • The first thing I want to reference is the Magenta Project.

  • So the Magenta Project is a make music and art

  • using machine learning research project,

  • it's an open source research project from Google,

  • and it has a ton of examples,

  • projects with TensorFlow in both Python and JavaScript,

  • and you can look through at all these featured projects.

  • The project I want to mention is, I'll just click over here,

  • is this project called SketchRNN,

  • or draw together with a neural network.

  • Now, if you've watched any of my previous videos

  • about the Quick, Draw dataset,

  • the Quick, Draw dataset is this huge collection

  • of millions upon millions of doodles

  • that users from around the world made,

  • playing the Google Quick, Draw game.

  • So what the researchers from Google Brain did,

  • you can see them credited here David Ha,

  • Jonas Jongejan, and Ian Johnson

  • wrote this paper about how a neural network

  • could be trained on all of those drawings,

  • so it could learn okay when somebody's drawing a cat

  • they kind of go like this, and then they go like this,

  • and it could start to imagine new drawings of cats.

  • And it's called SketchRNN because the kind of neural network

  • that it's using is something called

  • a Recurrent Neural Network.

  • And you might have also seen this,

  • Nabil Hassein was here and did a guest video

  • about generating texting with a Recurrent Neural Network.

  • A Recurrent Neural Network is good

  • at learning about sequential information,

  • like hello world is sequential information.

  • H-E-L-L-O space W-O-R-L-D.

  • Music is sequential information (singing a scale)

  • that's a sequence of notes and rhythms.

  • A drawing is a sequence of vectors.

  • So you can read this paper all about how they used

  • the Google Quick, Draw dataset

  • to train a model to create new drawings.

  • You could also look at their demo,

  • and this is the code by the way for their demo.

  • There's a lot involved here in all of these pieces,

  • and here's the demo right here.

  • So, I'm going to pick cat,

  • and what I can do is I can start drawing,

  • oops, I can start drawing a cat,

  • I'm just going to draw a circle,

  • and then it will pick up for me

  • and finish the rest of the cat.

  • So at some point I will do a part two of this video

  • where I actually create an interactive version like that,

  • but one of the things that is in now the ml5 project,

  • ml5 is a friendly machine learning for the web library

  • that's built on top of TensorFlow.js.

  • It works with p5 which is the open source JavaScript library

  • that I use in a lot of my video tutorials,

  • is it has a SketchRNN module for you.

  • So on the one hand you might want to go

  • and look all the way through all this code

  • and read the research paper to learn how it works,

  • but if you want to quickly get up and running

  • with playing with a SketchRNN model,

  • what we've tried to put in ml5 will help you.

  • Now, (laughs) you might notice that if I go

  • click on reference, at the time of this recording

  • it doesn't say SketchRNN here.

  • So this is actually a new feature.

  • There's a couple issues in the GitHub repository

  • for ml5 about things that don't work perfectly,

  • or need to be added, or fixed, we welcome contributions.

  • I will come back and maybe do some more videos with it

  • once it's gotten further along and there is documentation

  • but for the holiday season let's see

  • if we can get it to draw a snowflake for us.

  • So, I'm not going to be able to use the website

  • because the documentation isn't there,

  • but I've got some documentation

  • over here on my invisible computer (laughs)

  • that I can look at if I need to.

  • So what do I have?

  • I have a blank p5 sketch with just setup and draw,

  • and also at index.html I should call this

  • Snowflake SketchRNN.

  • I have also in addition to the p5 libraries being imported,

  • I have the ml5 library and again

  • at the time of this recording it's version 0.1.3.

  • Hopefully there'll be future updates to improve SketchRNN

  • and there'll be a higher numbered version.

  • So the first thing that I want to do

  • is I want to make a variable and I'm going to call it model.

  • So model, I could call it SketchRNN,

  • maybe I should call it SketchRNN,

  • I'll just call it model, model is the thing

  • that's going to hold the SketchRNN model.

  • It is all of the information,

  • the brain of that neural network

  • that we can ask to generate new stuff.

  • So we can say, hey give me a new point

  • along the path that you're imagining to draw.

  • So I'm going to say model equals ml5

  • SketchRNN,

  • and then I'm going to just put a callback in here, model ready,

  • and this is the important thing, what goes here.

  • So there are a bunch of available models with SketchRNN

  • and we can see that list here, whoops, here.

  • For example there is cat, let's start with cat maybe

  • but we can see all the other ones like

  • the Mona Lisa apparently is in there, bird.

  • So let's, whatever is available we can put cat in here.

  • I'm asking ml5 to load the cat model.

  • It's actually doing this from the cloud,

  • the model, all of the data for this machinery model

  • is stored on a server somewhere,

  • and ml5 knows how to load that for you.

  • So, then what I'm going to do is add a callback,

  • I'm going to say model ready.

  • I'm going to write a function called model ready

  • and I'm just going to say console.log model ready.

  • So let's just run this code and see if it even just works

  • loading the model without an error.

  • So I'm going to close this demo down,

  • we have my own here.

  • Okay, great the model is loaded,

  • and just to be sure,

  • oh yeah initialized SketchRNN model ready,

  • just to be sure if I put in here like tiger,

  • which I don't think is something in there.

  • Oh, maybe it is (laughs)

  • guacamole, that must not be something in there.

  • I spelled guacamole wrong even.

  • Okay, right it couldn't even find guacamole

  • and I know that's spelled wrong,

  • apologies to guacamole lovers all over the world.

  • Okay, so we've got the cat now what do I need to do?

  • The first thing I need to do as soon as the model is ready

  • is ask for something.

  • So what SketchRNN will give you

  • every time you ask for it to generate something

  • is what is referred to as a stroke.

  • Now, I'm not going to use the variable name stroke

  • in my code because stroke is a global function in p5

  • that sets the outline color of a shape,

  • and I don't want to get confused with that,

  • but the stroke is a JavaScript object with a few properties.

  • It has dx, dy, and I think it's just called pen.

  • And dx is a floating point number, some number like 1.3,

  • dy is some number like negative four,

  • and pen is a string.

  • It can either be up, down,

  • or end.

  • And what this refers to is a particular

  • stroke of a pen basically.

  • So if you could imagine dx for the change in x, delta x,

  • dy for the change in y, delta y.

  • If I were to go over 1.3 units and up negative four units,

  • basically the stroke is this.

  • This is the path of the pen,

  • that's what SketchRNN should draw right now,

  • and it should either draw it as a line if the pen is down.

  • If the pen is up it should just move

  • from here to there, right.

  • Because if I'm drawing a cat, I'm going to draw this,

  • then I'm going to pick my pen up, move over here,

  • so that action is also a stroke

  • but it's a stroke with the pen up.

  • And then pen end is when the drawing is finished.

  • So this is what ml5 does, the actual native SketchRNN model,

  • just gives you all these things as array of numbers,

  • and so we've kind of made it as a JavaScript object

  • that makes it a little bit easier to read hopefully.

  • Okay, so now coming back over here

  • I think I just say model.generate

  • got sketch (laughs).

  • Oh, oh, oh, yes!

  • Now actually, an important thing that I should probably do,

  • I don't necessarily need to do this the first time,

  • but because this is a kind of machine learning model

  • that is giving us sequential information

  • the next stroke, like the one that comes after this one

  • is quite important, it's related to this one.

  • But if I want to start over and draw a new cat

  • I need to kind of go back to the beginning

  • and say start a new cat over.

  • And so a model.reset function is the thing that does that.

  • So model.reset I'm going to call that,

  • It should be reset the first time you load it,

  • but I'm going to call that anyway.

  • Then I can say model.generate got sketch

  • and then I'm going to write a function.

  • I'm going to call it got sketch.

  • It should get that stroke path.

  • Let's just call that S and let's have a variable.

  • I'm going to have a global variable called stroke path.

  • And I'm going to set that I just going to

  • set it to null when the program starts,

  • and then when I get a new sketch I'm going to say

  • stroke path equals S, and then I'm going to say

  • console.log stroke path.

  • So let's see if we get this first thing.

  • Model loaded!

  • Undefined oh.

  • (laughs)

  • That was close!

  • (sad trumpet sound)

  • I forgot, this is actually very hard for me,

  • I always make this mistake, ml5 is written in such a way

  • that uses something called error first callbacks,

  • this is different than how p5 is written.

  • So this got sketch function is receiving,

  • what was actually undefined there was the error,

  • there was no error.

  • All the callbacks need to have an error argument first.

  • So, if I wanted to be really thorough about error handling

  • I might do something like this.

  • So I could console out the error,

  • and then if there is no error

  • now just console log out the stroke path.

  • So this should work now.

  • Load that model!

  • Ah there it goes!

  • So look at this, I need to move

  • this many pixels in the x direction,

  • this many pixels in the y direction, and the pen is down.

  • So this should be easy enough for a sample then.

  • If I have an x and a y global variable,

  • I'm going to start them in the middle.

  • Then I am going to, in the draw loop I'm going to say

  • if stroke path is not equal to null, right.

  • I got to check do I have a new stroke path, right.

  • The new stroke path will come in the callback here.

  • And draw is always looping, so draw's looping

  • to wait to see that there's a stroke path.

  • And again I could control how the draw loop works

  • with the query to the model in a different way,

  • but this is like an easy way for me to do it.

  • Draw's just going to loop, then I'm going to say

  • draw a line from x, y, to x + dx, y plus dy, right.

  • Just draw that line and then what?

  • Let's set stroke path to null again.

  • So once I'm done set that stroke path to null.

  • Okay, so we should just see that one first line.

  • Oh dx is not defined.

  • Strokepath.dx, right it's part of stroke path.

  • I don't know why, the dx and dy is in the object.

  • Here it goes.

  • Do you see it?

  • Is there a line?

  • How come I didn't see that line?

  • Oh, hmm.

  • Stroke zero?

  • Stroke weight,

  • stroke weight four?

  • What did I miss?

  • Line...

  • Oh you know what!

  • (laughs) I'm sort of forgetting.

  • I just don't want to, I just want to draw the background.

  • I'm redrawing the background, so as soon as I draw the line

  • (bell ringing)

  • that's such a mistake that I always make.

  • I drew that line but then draw looped again

  • and drew the background over it.

  • So this is a thing where I just want to draw

  • the background once and I'll draw it in setup in this case.

  • So let's draw it at setup.

  • Here we go, we're getting there.

  • Let's see that line.

  • There it is!

  • That's the first stroke of our cat.

  • So we got the first path that the neural network

  • the SketchRNN model imagined for the cat.

  • So now what we're going to do is...

  • Ah wait what do we need to do?

  • Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

  • Let's just ask for the next one.

  • So how did I ask for the first one?

  • Model.generate, I can just say okay I got one,

  • set it to null, generate and wait for the next one.

  • Also though I need to move x and y to that new point.

  • So it actually might make sense for me to say

  • like new x equals, and this will clean up the code

  • a little bit in a way that makes it more readable,

  • this is the new x value, this is the new y value,

  • draw the line from old x to new x,

  • set the stroke path to null, ask for a new one,

  • and also move x and y to the new position.

  • So now when there's a new one we should get the new one in.

  • Guess what?

  • Here we go.

  • Let's see our cat.

  • There's our cat!

  • Whoa woo-hoo!

  • And it's console logging its drawing,

  • now, that looks crazy, right?

  • Because I completely ignored the whole

  • pen up versus down thing.

  • So that's something really important.

  • And there's something that actually I didn't bother

  • to tell you that's kind of important

  • and makes it a little bit more confusing.

  • Let's take out this console.log by the way.

  • So, the thing that's extra confusing about the pen up

  • and pen down is when you get this information

  • it's actually telling you the pen state for the next stroke.

  • This is not the pen's state for this particular path,

  • it's the pen state for the next one.

  • Why is that?

  • Well, it's a little bit weird but if you think about it

  • when you first start drawing the pen is down,

  • it has to be down, that's the definition

  • of the beginning of the drawing.

  • And then when you're done you're saying

  • finish that last one then end.

  • So, what it really is it's the pen state

  • that you get in the previous stroke sets the next one,

  • and when it's end we're done.

  • So let's try implementing that, and a way we can do that

  • I think is just by having a variable

  • that's called like previous pen, and previous pen,

  • or I can just call it pen actually, let's just call it pen.

  • Because by definition pen is down.

  • So pen is going to be down to start with.

  • Pen is down.

  • And here I'm only going to actually draw it if pen,

  • whoops sorry,

  • if pen equals down then I should actually draw the drawing,

  • draw the line sorry,

  • I should always, oh I should always move X, right.

  • So I always want to move X, but I only want to draw the line

  • if pen is down, and then what I need to do

  • is here I need to say pen equals,

  • oh I am going to need like a previous pen.

  • Or can I do this like right before

  • I get the new stroke path?

  • I'm confused.

  • Oh I can just say, I can say pen equals strokepath.pen.

  • So basically the pen starts as down,

  • then I'm going to draw and then pick up that

  • for when the next time comes around.

  • So don't pick up the actual pen value from the object,

  • you might need to think about this for a little bit.

  • This is really like previous pen,

  • maybe I should call it previous.

  • Because really what I'm checking here

  • is the pen from the last time

  • 'cause I'm picking it up after.

  • Let's see if this works.

  • (snare drumrolling)

  • Look at that cat! (laughs)

  • I was waiting for like, here's the thing,

  • we don't know what we're going to get.

  • This has just been trained on what

  • users all over the world drew cats.

  • And sometimes we're going to get a nose and whiskers

  • and sometimes we're not.

  • We're going to see a variety of different cats.

  • Okay, but now we also need to figure out what to do,

  • we need to check for pen ending.

  • So, if I here were to say

  • if pen, let's set the stroke path to null,

  • we can do all this but as long as pen is not equal to end

  • then I am going to say generate the new.

  • So if pen is equal to N don't bother to generate

  • another stroke, and then I'm going to just put in here

  • else console.log

  • drawing complete, okay.

  • Let's give this a try.

  • We're going to see the cat.

  • There's out cat, there's our cat.

  • Drawing complete!

  • So maybe we should have it restart a new one?

  • And this is going to be good for our snowflakes,

  • you'll see in a second.

  • So actually instead of drawing complete

  • what I could actually do now is I could say model.reset

  • and model.generate again.

  • So this is going to instantaneously do another one.

  • Let's see if this works. (laughing)

  • Here's a cat, oh you know what,

  • it's going to do it from wherever it ended.

  • So the other thing I need to do is reset where x and y go,

  • so let's say x goes back to the middle of the screen,

  • y goes back to the middle of the screen also.

  • It takes a while to load the model, so each time

  • I'm refreshing I have to wait a little bit. (laughing)

  • So let's see our cat, I also need to give myself--

  • oh look at that it's a very different kind of cat.

  • Drawing complete now it's doing another one.

  • So this is perfect because this is exactly

  • what I want to do with snowflakes,

  • this is exactly what I want to do with snowflakes,

  • so first let's change this to snowflake.

  • Let's make this x a random place.

  • Let's make this y a random place,

  • and actually let's also translate to the center.

  • I want to translate to the center,

  • and I'll explain why in a second.

  • So actually this is going to be at random,

  • anywhere randomly in the canvas,

  • so x is going to be between negative half width

  • and positive half width.

  • Y is negative half height, positive half height.

  • And then I want to do exactly the same thing

  • whenever I finish the snowflake.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • And let's see what happens.

  • I don't know how big these snowflakes are going to be.

  • There's a nice snowflake.

  • There we go, look it's drawing snowflakes. (laughing)

  • So I wanted to create a big scene of snowflakes,

  • so I think in order to do that

  • I need to scale everything down.

  • And so I could do this in so many--

  • what if I just...

  • What if I just did this.

  • What if I just scaled all the dx's and dy's

  • by like one percent, by ten percent.

  • I was actually going to do it a totally different way,

  • but would this actually work this might be

  • an easier way to do it.

  • Yeah, there we go.

  • All right, here is our festive world of snowflakes,

  • and I am going to make this larger,

  • I'm going to get rid of the console, do this.

  • Whoops.

  • Whoops.

  • (laughs)

  • Nice big canvas.

  • Oh, there we go that's good enough.

  • Okay, go!

  • Draw snowflakes!

  • So (laughs) there we are everybody.

  • So you could imagine you could probably create

  • a whole scene with a bunch of different things,

  • and do much more.

  • I'm going to let this run for a little bit,

  • we'll speed this up so we can see what

  • this scene of snowflakes looks like in a couple minutes.

  • (light cheerful music)

  • All right, so as you can see--

  • by the way during all that time (laughs)

  • I changed the background to black, made it sort of

  • full screen and drawing the snowflakes white.

  • But you can see this is what after it's drawn

  • a whole bunch of them this is what we get.

  • So I would encourage you, this is what's going to be

  • interesting about this is oh could you save those in objects

  • and then combine this with my last year's

  • snowflake snowfall coding challenge?

  • Could you think about color, could you animate them

  • in some way, what other types of things might you do

  • with SketchRNN into a scene, so many possibilities.

  • I'm sure you will create something.

  • Take a look in this video subscription

  • for the link to the page

  • where you can submit your versions of this,

  • and hopefully when you're watching this

  • there'll be more information also

  • about SketchRNN on the ml5 website itself.

  • Okay, thanks for watching!

  • (tooting train whistle)

  • (light cheerful music)

(tooting train whistle)

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編碼挑戰#128:用ml5.js繪製Sketch-RNN雪花圖。 (Coding Challenge #128: Sketch-RNN Snowflakes with ml5.js)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary