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  • So I don't know about you, but I have been to three different arenas today.

  • I thought I would check them all out before coming here!

  • Thank you for your patience, and thank you, Ellie, for entertaining you while I was setting

  • up.

  • So we are talking about ES2019 features today.

  • How many are using ES2019 features now?

  • Nice.

  • I can show you something, right?

  • The agenda that I want to go over today is basically first I want a little itty-bitty

  • intro to give you information and ECMAScript and Ecma in general.

  • Went we that you can about the minor features, the major features, and then a teeny tiny

  • out show.

  • Just clarifying that we are going to focus on the features with a little bit of information

  • on back and front.

  • Who is this person running on the stage?

  • And immediately yelling at you?

  • My name is Tara Manicsic.

  • I'm a developer advocate at this great company called Progress Google Developer Expert, and

  • the mother of this awkward ball of fluff, Toshi, but as of five months ago, I'm also

  • the mother of this adorable chunk of flesh, Niko.

  • I did poorly Photoshop my baby on to me for a picture!

  • But, thank you!

  • Do not worry worry, this isn't a photo shop talk.

  • Those thighs aren't Photoshopped!

  • I want to do a little bit of an intro about Ecma and ECMAScript.

  • So, like any good super hero, I feel that ECMAScript has an origin story.

  • It starts out with Ecma International which is actually, I learned doing this, I never

  • cared what Ecma stood for.

  • I probably should have.

  • I wanted to look into it now.

  • Some of you may know it is "European Computer Manufacturers' Association".

  • I'm very glad that we shortened it!

  • This started in 1960 because they saw how much we were using computers, and it needed

  • to be standardised.

  • From then, we knew we needed a standardisation for JavaScript, and that's where ECMAScript

  • came into play.

  • Sun, which is nor Oracle, had the rights to Java.

  • Have you heard of Java?

  • No!

  • That's the only association you will see between Java and JavaScript through Oracle.

  • Since that was taken, they went with the corresponding standard host, Ecma, and made ECMAScript.

  • So now you know.

  • So, like, again, any super hero stories, we also have these pitfalls and weaknesses that

  • "build character", right?

  • For ECMAScript that was ES4 abandoned.

  • This was the version 4 of ECMAScript that there were so many political differences in

  • the group that they just abandoned it.

  • They couldn't release it or get past their differences, unfortunately.

  • Another one is what I like to call ES6 years.

  • Yes, it's a pun.

  • It took nearly six years for them to release from ES5.

  • To 2009 in December to found 15 in June is how long it took because it was so bloated.

  • There were so many things they were excited to release to JavaScript standard that it

  • took quite a long time.

  • But, again, like the super hero arch, from those arches, we get great things.

  • For instance, TC39, which is the technical committee, really started to try harder to

  • work together and reform and do a lot of work to make smaller packages come out after ES6

  • was so big, they decided let's do something more manageable, like developers.

  • We break everything into smaller pieces, so it's more manageable.

  • That's what they did with these new after ES6, all the releases after that were much

  • more manageable.

  • So, just a quick recap.

  • I want to say what the proposal process is.

  • We're talking about our stage 4 proposals, and these, I always think I know what these

  • mean, and then I'm dumbfounded when I remember the actual process of what these proposals

  • are, because they're stage 0 which is the strawman, free form bringing in the idea.

  • Stage 1, because, you know, you have to start at one because we are programmers, or start

  • at zero, sorry.

  • And then stage one is the proposal where you have the champion of that proposal come in

  • and advocate for this idea.

  • They bring in APIs.

  • They talk about APIs, semantics and algorithms, and then version two, it's a version of what

  • will be in the specification.

  • If it makes it to stage 2, you have a good likelihood that it's going to make it all

  • the way through.

  • But, yet, there are still two more stages.

  • Stage 3 is it's mostly finished, this is the candidate.

  • And it's mostly finished but needs feedback.

  • And this is the one that is funny to me.

  • Stage 4, which we will be talking about, is finished, and I have quotations around that,

  • because, at this part, it's ready to be included in the standard, but they need to get test

  • 262 acceptance.

  • They have to do a two-spec compliant shipping, that implementations need to pass the test,

  • significant practical experience with implementation needs done, and the ECMAScript text editor

  • must sign up on the spec edit.

  • It sounds like a lot, but we have a bunch of features coming out, and they did a good

  • job of bringing them over into stage four.

  • So, let's go ahead and jump into the minor features.

  • First, I just want to let you know what we are going to do is basically give a little

  • high-level what the feature is, the name of it, who brought it to - who is the champion

  • of it, or the champions, and then a little code snippet and a little bit about the compatibility.

  • First, we have trim start and trim end.

  • Has anybody used trim left and right?

  • This is explanatory in a way, taking space away from the start or the finish.

  • This is the new alias because not all languages have a left and right, or they have a left

  • and right, but some have different ways of approaching it.

  • Start in end just make more sense.

  • This helps you classify what is white space as well, what is a hard enter, space, tabs.

  • There is a whole process to it.

  • It is as simple as this.

  • You're taking a string that has spaces around it.

  • A use case of this, say, you're filling out a form, and basically, how it goes is maybe

  • in a CSC you're getting too many extra spaces, so you need to trim it down.

  • You get trim start and trim end.

  • You see, start, finish, and then trim takes both off.

  • There you can see the compatibility is good across the board, i.e. it's a no.

  • Who would have thunk!

  • A simple prototyped description.

  • This is a string parameter that you can pass on to symbol.

  • When they made this, their thought was to help teams communicate across code and communicate

  • their intention for the code.

  • I read a comment by Grassbury said we now not use documentation for this?

  • I think the more place we put in code that isn't comments, the better.

  • You be the judge.

  • This is what it looks like.

  • We have created a symbol.

  • We have passed into a string which is now the description.

  • When we log it out, we have symbol log that contains that parameter or use the getter.description

  • and get that string.

  • This again is pretty available.

  • I got these compatibility charts from MDM, because they fit really well in slides!

  • But, some of the information wasn't exactly right.

  • Like this is available in Node 11, and they had it as marked as "no" but then I realised

  • above their compatibility charts, they have a link to GitHub, so you can correct any compatibility

  • errors that you see.

  • We just have to be proactive.

  • Okay.

  • Optional catch binding.

  • Do people here use try catch much?

  • It's in the catch clause having a parameter to bind to the exception.

  • A lot of people were using this and throwing it away, because it would cause an error if

  • you didn't have this parameter.

  • A common use case for this is say if you're using json.parse, and you know it's going

  • to throw an error if it is not json, but you don't care about the error, but want it to

  • parse anything that is JSON.

  • You throw it, log it, you don't think about it.

  • In their minds, this was superfluous.

  • Who has time for extra key strokes?

  • This ended up being one of the most controversial minor features, but we will get to that later.

  • This is what basically it looks like.

  • You're passing a parameter to your catch clause, and then usually, you want to log it out,

  • and do something with it.

  • Now you can pass up that parameter completely.

  • It is again, you can see the chart.

  • I could also just pause and let you look at the chart for is a second instead of talking

  • over it.

  • This is where you know that it is an interesting situation when the most active issue just

  • says why?

  • So, a lot of what I do is read through issues, be it like with Node modules, or with ECMAScript.

  • Even as a society, like you in a society, these are some really, really interesting

  • thoughts going into how we build our and standardise our language.

  • Like it's very inspiring to see how much people care about it, because we use it every day,

  • right?

  • So, I highly recommend looking into this.

  • Basically, how it started, as the person who opened the issue, saying that they were pretty

  • scared, let me just say, what he said, they were pretty scared that allowing this may

  • make devs forget about error-handling.

  • Does everyone here do a good job handling their errors?

  • Silence.

  • So, this is basically, he was saying it's making production code untraceable, and that

  • he thinks that errors should be logged, and we should be considering these errors.

  • We should not be swallowing them.

  • It could lead to messy coding, irresponsible coding.

  • And a few things of the comeback is basically that this is making it more intentional, so,

  • if you're leaving off the parameter, you know you're leaving off the parameter.

  • Conduct and Competence Committee be even riskier to leave it so that people automatically throw

  • that log and don't think of it.

  • And there are some cases where you, it's what you are getting back, you can't log, or it's

  • just holds up the programme, so, what you're doing here is kind of taking the road of the

  • least evil, one may say, and you're quietly swallowing your errors, and your application

  • can perform its main job, and you're not compromising the ability to troubleshoot.

  • Like, you can always add this.

  • It's not an option that you can no longer add the parameter.

  • Okay, so, we will go at a quicker pace to get you all moving.

  • But, prototype.sort is now stable.

  • This is ECMAScript spec and it made me immediately wonder what is stable?

  • This is basically a stable sorting algorithm if you're take, looking at a list that have

  • their two keys, they have the same value, they should, after a sort in the same order

  • which I will show you in the code.

  • One quick note, no-one intended, but this, cut to the quick, is intended, it's getting

  • rid of quick sort and instead using Trim sort, made by Tim Peters in 2002, and he's making

  • it more proficient by using binary insertion sort and improving the merge sort, which actually

  • allows it to work way better with the arrays that are already sorted.

  • So it is a very interesting read, and another one that I highly remedying into one day while

  • you're waiting for the bus already or on the train.

  • This is what it looks like.

  • We have multiple keys of A that have varying values.

  • This this order on top, it goes ACB.

  • When we sort it by age, we should get ACB in that same order, and it does that now.

  • There you go.

  • Moving on to major features, again, we're going through this quickly, and please feel

  • free to come and chat with me after.

  • I love talking about this stuff.

  • I will even do another little talk if you want!

  • So flat and mat map is very exciting.

  • Is anybody uses those yet?

  • Yes!

  • Right.

  • How great is flat map?

  • It's funny how exciting when you get to, "What features are coming out next?"

  • Flat is basically - it's recursively concatenating to the array dependent on how many in your

  • parameter how many levels your telling it to go down, and it's based, and then flat

  • map, simply putting, it's kind of taking map and then flat, so you're mapping through an

  • array, and then flattening it to a single-level array.

  • There is more to it.

  • With map where U getting one output element.

  • It returns a single value.

  • With Platt map, it's translated to zero or more output elements.

  • It can also return non-array values, but that is less common.

  • Then there is my favourite part of it which is smooshgate?

  • Did anybody hear about that?

  • Again, we go to the T after the code.

  • First of all, with flat in general, you see we have an array with a nested array, with

  • an array inside of it.

  • There are three levels here.

  • If we do flat, it defaults to one layer, and you have the array that is still nested in

  • there.

  • If we pass to that original array, it nests it all down, or flattens it down to one.

  • With flat map, with map, you get an array of arrays, but flat map, you get back an array

  • of those.

  • Smooshgate, the thing to me about Smooshgate, this to me is like a visual representation

  • of when I tell really corny knock-knock jokes.

  • There are 74 thumbs-down on this guy's joke!

  • Michael is one of the champions.

  • Mood Tools had a polyfill of flatten, and ECMAScript wanted there to be flatten as the

  • name of this future.

  • My husband is a programmer, and he asked me what is Mood Tools?

  • Which is a lot of people's reaction.

  • Basically, you're taking legacy code and it is stunting the progression of what people

  • - or what people consider the progression - of code.

  • There were a lot of discussions around this.

  • Basically, making sure that we are adapting correctly that we are not leaving anybody

  • behind, so they changed it from flatten to flat.

  • As we see now, we have flat, and mat map.

  • There is no Smoosh.

  • There was never a Smoosh, might still be a Smoosh, but probably not.

  • Compatibility wise, this is where it is available.

  • Last but not at least, object from families.

  • I'm a big fan of object.dat families, but that is taking a list of key-value pairs and

  • contracting it to an object which is the opposite of object.entries.

  • These somebody limitation works really well together and a good representation of that

  • is Axel Rauschmeier looks at objects and utilises them and creates different functions from

  • underscore.

  • I was trying to explain to someone how one of the biggest points of advancing the language

  • of making the standard is we make all these short cuts, or I would hardly say short cuts,

  • actually, intricate libraries to make up for what we may see as shortcomings in the JavaScript

  • language to do the job that we need to do.

  • And so, Underscore was one of those libraries, again, not a short cut, lots of work, and

  • really great work, in the Underscore library, and now we see when we bring something to

  • the language like Object from Entries how we could have advanced the language so that

  • we wouldn't need the other library.

  • This is what it looks like.

  • Basically, we start with an object that has key-value pairs.

  • When we do object be entries and pass that.

  • We get array of arrays.

  • When we want to take it out of there and treat it as an object, we - it's available on Opera

  • no matter what MDM says.

  • Real quick, we won't go over these, but if you want to have a lunch conversation with

  • me, there are some really things I found out digging into, looking into json stringify,

  • the JSON super set, which somebody was saying, when people speaking it in Spanish countries

  • say ... then there is also the prototype two-string

  • revision.

  • Looking into these, I dug into unicode and ASCII a lot, and there is a lot of really

  • cool history to that.

  • But, for now, I would just do a teeny tiny intro to say, on this stage at 1400 hours,

  • you will get to see the amazing, part of the amazing TC39 group to answer all of your questions

  • that you may have about what is coming, what has been, how to use things, and their decision-making,

  • and I also just want to - I know I personified these two groups as super heroes, but I am

  • indeed very grateful that they put the time and energy into basically giving us a better

  • coding experience, or at least putting their efforts into trying to give us a better coding

  • experience and make JavaScript better for us, so I'm very grateful, and I'm very grateful

  • that all all here today.

  • Thank you all very much.

So I don't know about you, but I have been to three different arenas today.

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