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  • Okay, good, so welcome to this talk and it's about advance user experience with tensorflow J's and

  • I'm Oliver

  • And this talk really is it is about user experience, but it's much more about

  • Finding good applications for machine learning in the browser and I want to kick this off because I have zero slides

  • So I want to kick this off with a stone joke

  • Hopefully no one knows it already. So this is about user experience. And oh sorry, this is about user experience in the way

  • It actually works. So hope for the internet works here. So this is what you the user do

  • So it doesn't work quite

  • Obviously guys wrong

  • Fixing it. This is I mean

  • Because you're laughing. I know you have the same feeling as me. Yeah, if you have watch people using user

  • So same thing fixing it

  • Again, yes

  • So that's the joke that I stole but obviously it worked

  • Because I think it only works if you have some sort of experience like this you think so hard about you user

  • Interface and then that's what people end up doing

  • They will figure out how to how to deal with it, but maybe not them sense you expected it

  • So this talk is about the same thing

  • Don't blame me for the for the styling

  • This is my weak spot. Oh wait

  • so, um

  • In a typical user interface. So this regard those buttons those are real buttons the the buttons down here. I'm not real buttons

  • so the buttons are just here to

  • make a point so typically

  • In a very classic

  • user interface the buttons they will light up when you hover over them to give people the the

  • certainty when you click now, you will click this button, so

  • What I had in mind was would it be at all possible to highlight the buttons before you click them?

  • So would it be possible that the machine learns? Which button are you going to click now on next and

  • You may ask what could be the applications of this and I've talked to quite some user experience people that said

  • Nothing or less and then they thought for a little bit longer. So maybe I asked you so I get something back here

  • Why would even do that? I mean highlight the button before the user clicks on it

  • Predicting which button is it going to be any ideas any takers? Yes

  • Perfect so about flows so actually I haven't implemented this but with the buttons up there

  • that's a horrible user interface because you need to click those buttons in certain order and

  • Some orders are totally don't make any sense you get weird error messages

  • This would be my next step like learn how to actually use those buttons up there because they're they're complex

  • But I haven't implemented this yet. So what?

  • What would be another reason why would you why would you do that? Yes

  • Accessibility yes, so make it easier. So that was also my fault. Yes. You have another point. Yes in the back

  • Sorry

  • Yes preload resources that was also something that I came up with

  • someone said maybe there so I don't know a server less function behind that button and you want to start it up because you think

  • Oh, the user is going to click on that button soon. You better have this thing ready or

  • Preload the next page or someone

  • I've written down some stuff. Wait. Oh

  • yeah, someone came up with the idea when there's artificial reality and it's always

  • Pretty hard to decide which detail are you going to show and then if you can predict where the user is going to look next?

  • then you can preload that stuff and

  • Again I only implemented the easiest word because I just wanted to know it's this at all possible

  • Could you even do that? And the easiest version that I implemented is just what you said

  • I highlighted the button that I think the users going to click. So, um

  • There could be heuristics to do this you could just measure I don't know

  • It's the user close to a button like this

  • and if the if it's reasonably close then you would highlight that button which I don't do now and

  • You could also check its the mouse closer to this button

  • And so they and it might all work, but it might not match the individual style

  • That someone has that used this user interface

  • for example

  • my I always use the trackpad and it's

  • extremely sensitive because I don't move much and that might mean if I want to hit this button I might

  • Briefly go over it and then go back

  • That means depending on the user that you're having and depending on the machine that you're using and how is it set up?

  • The mouse movements might be completely different. So I'm pretty sure

  • In my I'm not sure that I'm pretty sure a machine might identify me just by my mouse movements

  • Out of all of the people in the on somebody's nodding. I haven't made the experience but my mouse

  • Mouse movements are so weird. Italy makes people really nervous

  • angry

  • so

  • Having said that so what I came up with is that I said, maybe it's possible to learn that

  • Those movements using machine gun and

  • If you want to do that, the the crucial part is you need data

  • So the typical machine learning that we do you need to have data and if you don't have data

  • Probably not going to work, but fortunately I can generate data on the fly and I'm doing it like this

  • So once I hover over button, I generate a data set and typically the user would also need to click that button

  • But it would take me forever to generate just a few data samples if I really clicked on that button

  • So for the sake of this demo, I'm just counting hovering over button is a click

  • this is this is just fake or hacked but that's the only hack part and I'm doing this to

  • quickly

  • Get some data. Yeah, and what kind of data would you I mean, I'm

  • Generating data. What kind of data would you would you collect what would you do?

  • I mean if you were to predict the button I'm going to click you solve those movements. What would you recall?

  • Yes

  • Proximity you could record that I did not do this. What else?

  • Yes

  • Yes, that's what I did so I recorded XY of the mouse I recorded the Delta between the previous

  • Movement because I just get this from the mouse movie event. I just get this for free and

  • delta-t exactly what you say so and

  • There's also something really special about this. I recalled a sequence of

  • So to say time stamps and I can show these

  • If I find them on local storage, there you go, so I stole them local storage and

  • They are they give me a second here

  • And that's how they look like so this why hopefully it's big enough is it big enough for the back

  • Yeah good. So the why it's just an idea of the button and two means this one I

  • Think so. This one should be

  • One and this might be zero or maybe this is one. This is two this is three, but I'm not quite sure but why represents?

  • The button and I

  • Made this already complicated so x and y don't mean positions on the screen, but they mean the input sequence

  • This is x and y is the button that I'm going to click so

  • this is the input sequence of

  • Mouth positions you see this is position X this is position Y

  • Delta X Delta Y that means difference from the previous mouse position and this is the time step or delta T

  • So how much time how many milliseconds past from this event to the other?

  • And sometimes it's very similar and sometimes it's different

  • so that's my input and

  • I

  • Did some pre-processing on that because I was considering

  • how many of them would I really need like maybe 10 maybe 100 because I didn't know I

  • Cut all these sequences into parts and trained all of this into the model

  • So but you could like for example

  • What would he suggest that you could have taken anything else and if it works you find out by experiment?

  • That's how it works in machinery. So you make an assumption you try the model and then you see if it works and

  • well, this might work at see so I have the data now and now I

  • have this

  • This collection of buttons and I'm the only person in the world right now who knows how to

  • Use this thing because it's a horrible user interface giving a talk but user interfaces and then they playing horribly. I

  • Apologize, but that's the way it is. Now I can train on that data

  • So I collected some data and I collected some data before you see I have

  • 369 dataset that means um, I don't know my wave down here from over from outside to down here. I

  • Did some clicks to have some sample data and if you're at all into machine learning having?

  • 370 samples for three categories is nothing

  • Tippity people won't even start they will say this is not going to work. Well

  • But maybe does so I'm clicking this train model now, this is all

  • I've no fall back. That's why I'm having sweaty palms here. So this looks good

  • reasonably good

  • this is using tensorflow, Jess and

  • Tensorflow jess comes with a very nice brutalization library. I did not write this code

  • So this stuff that comes with tensorflow Jess and it shows you something and hopefully something good

  • Oh and shows me something good, but I didn't know before I kicked off this thing. So it looks good

  • What's most interesting is these?

  • Two curves down here. That's why I'm doing it now

  • and

  • These curves tell you something about how well the training process

  • Proceeds I will show you some code later

  • But let's save on the conceptual level for a while

  • And we concentrate on that blue curve and the blue curve describes over time

  • How well is the machine learning a model able to reproduce the data that that I gave to it?

  • so I've had in the mouse movement sequences and

  • as a prediction the button that is going to be clicked and now the machine learning tries to

  • learn which sequence

  • Spits out which bar and

  • the higher the blue line gets the better it is able to do that and this is around 70 percent or

  • 0.67 that means of the 70

  • Sorry off of all the mouse movements that I did 70 percent of them. The model is able to predict correctly

  • so I made some movements to the to the button and

  • That's pretty good 70 percent on that

  • pretty astonishing

  • But what's much more astonishing is the orange line because that is data points that the model has never seen that means

  • 20% which I decided deliberately I've taken off from the

  • Start now it looks good. I've taken off from from the training data, and I'm just using it

  • To

  • Constantly check how well the model is doing on something it has never seen and is anyone at all familiar with machine learning anyone?

  • When we say it doesn't look I mean would it would you have expected that

  • Who would have expected that?

  • Maybe you didn't expect that because I did make myself quite clear, but this is a pretty outstanding

  • Result so it's not something you could expect from very small training data training on this machine is a very powerful

  • GPU but it's still a laptop

  • Something like this. Typically. I don't know. It wouldn't perform that well. I'm not quite sure

  • Why does this is so welcome to the world of machinery, you make an experiment. You can't explain it just works and

  • that's my world at least javascript is also my world but also that so um

  • before we try that and I'm hope you saw I just tried trade this online we can get some more information and

  • This is also built into the visualization tools of tensorflow

  • and I'm always so happy if you guys don't see any red stuff in the console because it's it seems to work quite well and

  • This is a while. I'm hiding this for a second because what you see now, it's a very powerful tool

  • It's called the confusion matrix. I don't think it's only used in machine learning but in

  • Machine learning it actually is so what can you see on?

  • The y-axis that is this axis here

  • you see the real buttons that the model should predict because it knows those are the real buttons that means

  • left button middle button right button and on

  • The x-axis you see the prediction of the model and this is useful

  • Because in the perfect world and in the model that works perfectly you would expect all the clicks to be on that diagonal here

  • But you don't see that you see something else. So what do you see? So this means the real

  • value that the model should predict is left and

  • The prediction actually also is left that's good. But then this here

  • The predictor should be left, but it was middle

  • 22 quite a few and then the prediction should be left but it is right and

  • Then for all the three buttons so for the middle button

  • we see something that at least from my perspective was expected because the middle button is so close to the other buttons that

  • You get a lot of confusion

  • Even though it is the middle button you get a lot of confusion for either left or the right button

  • so that's also totally expected and

  • Finally for the right button that's also something that's slowly expected and also something that I would have expected for the left button

  • So it's actually the right button, but sometimes you confuse it with the middle button, but only rarely with the left

  • And this is because of the way I created those silly mouse movements

  • But it's actually pretty good even without trying the model. I now know that this model might be good. Um,

  • There are some problems with it first problem

  • This is only on the data the model had we still have no idea

  • is it going to perform well in real life I mean and

  • will I do the same mouse movements I make a little bit interesting because I'm still I still also don't know but it could it's

  • It looks good now

  • If you think you would never show this to the end user something like this and the end user would never use something like this

  • this is totally true and you can at any time heighten sting and

  • You can toggle it back in later

  • this is just tools for developers like me and

  • I also haven't shown this but while I was training it was totally usable

  • So the whole thing was was trained in real time, and the user would not have noticed that I'm training

  • Something I also did not show him. But maybe it's also too late now the hit on my GPU was immense and

  • Also the the fan of my laptop

  • Started to blow because this takes a lot of compute power on your GPU

  • Uses WebGL, so that means this this is your installation

  • You could load this in your browser right now

  • But you wouldn't know which buttons to click so don't do it because it has horrible user experience

  • Um, so that means the idea is the user clicks something you record at a certain point thing

  • this might be enough data you train the model you get all the

  • Evaluation results and then decide am I going to use it for a real prediction or not?

  • And this thing might be okay. We have one more metric and this is accuracy per button

  • That means this is this is just a number and this number there's an API for it

  • I'll just question that number and then I could write some code if the accuracy is above say 70% for all the buttons

  • I will enable that model and I can just do that

  • How shall I do that?

  • Yes, I'm gonna bit scared. I'm really so this is no show that I'm scared

  • so I can toggle the prediction and

  • I need to open the console because all the interesting stuff

  • Is still locked here. This is very early example, so now

  • Let's see. So what you see

  • I'm doing this thing where I'm pretty sure that that it will be. Okay. So just see oh it looks okay

  • So now it will predict I'm going to click the right button and there's no explanation for that

  • Yes, there might be an intuition. It changes a little bit still right button, but

  • This thing basically is a black box. So you have no idea. Why does it you just happy that it does

  • but you get some information you get some information down in the console and this is

  • probability per button

  • so these

  • So the microphone is here

  • I could have used the mouse, but then I would change this so

  • let's stick to this one, right so

  • That means the probability for the right button

  • 75%

  • the probability for the middle button is 10 and the probability for the left button is 15% that

  • Means at a certain threshold that I decided to be 50%

  • I will highlight that button and say the user is going to click that button and let's see now so

  • Middle button, you see I'm not hovering over it. I'm them just close to it

  • Left button in works, and I had sweaty hands it sort of works

  • You wouldn't probably say it's perfect. And it also seems to work on proximity. Not not of mouse path, right?

  • Maybe limit on Mouse path, but mostly on proximity

  • At least that's my impression. Would you agree?

  • Is it Mouse path?

  • It's not perfect. You see that it's not perfect, but it might be good enough

  • For anything reasonable and we just did this on the fly right here. So it's it's not something that I prepared

  • Um, but you might ask it's this maybe you asked that I don't know if you do. I'm just saying you ask

  • Is this the right way to do or would you rather?

  • Not use proximity so much but do you really the movement of the mouse is that more interesting and

  • if you value proximity or the the past of the mouse movement over a proximity and

  • That is something that you model into your model and I will show the model now

  • Hopefully

  • Sorry just enough space

  • So, um, then it's the tensor flow test part and all the other part

  • I'm pretty sure all of you could also write this is just

  • clicking and then have a mouse missed 9 then have a quick list not all that stuff and prepare the data has had a little

  • Bit but this is the part where you only have very few lines of code

  • But you need to think about those few guys of course and have variations of this so

  • This tensorflow thing is it's the tensorflow namespace

  • I'm saying I want to a sequential model. That means we have layers they follow each other and

  • The first and this now it gets interesting. So this stuff before maybe not so much

  • This says it's a simple RNN and that is the sort of neural network that can learn from a sequence of things

  • And there's a lot of stuff that you don't need to know about

  • but this will say I

  • have

  • quite sure how many maybe it's 25 I cut the the

  • mouse movements into into chunks and then have five features that means how does the input to this thing look like and

  • Then this says how many neurons do I want? And this is tony hand-wavy you just try that out

  • and typically you don't want to use too many because it needs to be trainable on the browser and

  • You saw it is if you take less it goes much faster, if you take more it might not work. So well and and

  • It also takes a lot of time and you saw the predictions were actually real time online

  • so the interesting part is

  • The evaluation of this thing was is much worse

  • Than on the other things that I will show in a minute

  • But in real life it showed it showed the behavior that people actually expected that when I moved close to a button

  • It should be highlighted

  • That's the that's a result people expected. But actually maybe you rather want something where the whole path the whole movement

  • Falls much mentor into into account and there are other

  • styles of neural networks that are better at this so you decide how much of the history do you want to keep and how much

  • interesting how interesting is their history and I have

  • Wait I have this

  • Pre-recorded because I didn't know if I would be able to make this run in return. So this thing here

  • In the middle you see it reacts much faster or much

  • Very much earlier. It was it was an earlier version of this thing

  • But it only reacts not by proximity but of the path that you did that mouse describes

  • so it's

  • Much more expensive it took much more resources to train and it's still not

  • Intuitive because if you if you just move close to the button

  • It will do won't do anything because that's not how you click on a button

  • You don't slow you go to the button and then you eventually click. This is much more

  • Much closer to what you actually do and if you want to do that

  • you will use a different type of machine learning model and

  • this different type of machine learning model is

  • Commended out here

  • it's called an LS TM which means long short-term memory network and

  • You might see that apart from this thing here

  • Where's this? It's same thing and the name is different. But the name is just name of variable. Then there's a

  • cheaper version of this which is called GRU, but

  • You could just exchange that and do different experiments see and I made some comments

  • slow to train

  • Evaluation is bad, but it actually performed really well and in its it's the network that I used for the for the second example

  • Good five minutes left so I will show some more code unless

  • They're questions right now questions

  • Yes

  • Yes, so the question is

  • Have I made something like a baseline? Where you?

  • Exit and no but exactly what you propose also was in my head

  • I'm just using the vector and I'm seeing what is the the mouse curve pointing?

  • It might be it works better, but I haven't done this and also not proximity

  • I think it would be it would be pretty easy to implement, but I didn't want to spoil it for myself. I think

  • Maybe it works better. If you do that, please contribute. It's on github make a pull request

  • I would be maybe I would not be so happy, but please still do

  • It could be better. So but the point being here, maybe that's maybe the use case is silly

  • I'm not even sure myself, but the point here is so this data it never left the browser

  • So this stays in the browser, you can download it yourself

  • But it will never reach the server of someone you don't trust in terms of privacy

  • For example, you don't want that maybe and also the model that you're training is also completely it stays on your machine

  • It will not leave your machine and the prediction will also be on your machine and it will be in real time

  • That means you do something and and the model will predict you didn't see any at least I didn't see any delay

  • And you didn't see any installation so you can start this maybe not on your phone because you don't have the mouse

  • But you couldn't start this on any laptop and it would still work if you know, which part is a click

  • And that's the point. So if you if you have anything you think that might be a good idea

  • This might be the right thing. Otherwise, it's pretty hard to explain. Why would you even do machine learning in the browser? Because

  • for example

  • the browser doesn't

  • doesn't train at least in Chrome when when the

  • The window is not upfront when it's not high light or when you look at something else. The browser will restrict your resources

  • So it's not the ideal platform for training, but it might be if you after

  • previously or

  • high activity

  • so

  • just

  • Well, hopefully to show you that it's not very hard to get this done so this is something you could copy from pretty much any

  • Tutorial and that's the whole model so model definition

  • this part

  • And this part and the other part is commented out so it doesn't count I guess and

  • the most

  • Experienced that have put into it was to make it very general with very few data sets

  • Which is typically extremely hard and this involves

  • tweaking with strange parameters where there's barely any theory to it and one of the theory sorry one of the

  • parameters that was tweaking was this drop out thing and then this patch normalization and and

  • this is just

  • experimental you've

  • You have some intuition and then you just play with it and you see when it performs well and what you see as a result

  • Of this very strong. Well sort of strong

  • Regularization so it still works with not many data sets. Sorry

  • so

  • preparation boring

  • training

  • This is training, so you have the model you call fit that means you stick in

  • the input that is the mouse movements and you get back the

  • button, but in this case you just train the model tell it this is the true data that I have learned from it and then

  • There's still too many parameters that I can't explain now, but I would be able to do that in five minutes

  • Okay, then prediction so done after that

  • This was triggered by one of the buttons. So after that you can evaluate that

  • Somewhere and then eventually you call predict on that and this is again model stick in the X data set get back

  • the Y that means the bar or

  • In this case to be more accurate the percentages of probability for each bug being picked

  • so

  • You can save that to local

  • Storage you can download that

  • And then you have two

  • files that you can store you can use the data to train that on just normal tensorflow, which also did

  • Where I exported the data I did the training

  • and then you can also

  • Export the model that you trained on a real server and load it into the browser if you really want to and the idea

  • Behind that is maybe you want to share

  • Some training experience with other people who are willing to give the data to I don't know someone else

  • Uploaded it to it

  • To a server and then you could train the general model

  • Upload it to this thing here. I could do this. It's loading remote model now and you can see I

  • Don't know if it's performing well

  • Not so much, but also not so bad. So this model that I just loaded it has been trained on a server

  • Probably more data and still works

  • So with that, I'm

  • Closing it and what I would like you to give to me is is ideas

  • So I don't with our I don't on person

  • is there anything any inspiration you got from this what you could do in the browser didn't tell me and

  • If I mean if it's great that you keep it to yourself just implement and make a lot of money

  • But maybe maybe if you need I don't know

  • Some going back and forth talk to me. I would be really happy. So thank you and have a nice conference

Okay, good, so welcome to this talk and it's about advance user experience with tensorflow J's and

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Oliver Zeigermann - 高級用戶體驗與tensorflow.js | JSUnconf 2019 (Oliver Zeigermann - Advanced UX with tensorflow.js | JSUnconf 2019)

  • 6 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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