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  • (bell dings)

  • - Hello, and welcome to word2vec tutorial number three.

  • I am not yet actually to the part where I'm going to use

  • the word2vec algorithm model itself.

  • I'm still just in a place where I'm looking at,

  • okay, well I have words,

  • and I have numbers.

  • What does that mean, what kind of things can I do with that?

  • And the scenario that I'm using,

  • which is from Allison Parrish's excellent

  • understanding word vectors tutorial,

  • available under the Creative Commons 4.0 License,

  • please if you're basing stuff off what I'm doing,

  • also attribute this.

  • The scenario we're looking at is colors.

  • You can find that down here.

  • So what I have, is I have a p5 sketch,

  • which is loading this color database of the 954

  • most common RGB monitor colors from an XKCD survey,

  • The previous tutorial.

  • So here's my idea, this is what I'm going to do in this video.

  • I am going to take some text from

  • the rainbow Wikipedia page,

  • And I'm going to say, let's sprinkle some red on it,

  • or sprinkle some blue, or sprinkle some of this color.

  • What does it mean to add some color to it,

  • and how does the text change?

  • So, I've written a tiny bit of code here,

  • basically nothing, I introduced from the previous video,

  • I introduced a variable called lines.

  • I'm loading this text file,

  • where I just copy, paste the Wikipedia content into.

  • You can think of a different way of doing this.

  • and then, now what I'm going to do in setup is,

  • I have a global variable called rainbow.

  • I'm going to say rainbow equals join.

  • When you load a text file in p5 with loadStrings,

  • it gives you an array, where every line

  • is in a different element of the array,

  • so I'm going to say join lines,

  • and I'm going to give it a delimiter, like the br tag,

  • and then I'm just going to now add setup,

  • I'm going to say createP(rainbow).

  • So right now we should have, if I go here,

  • is we should see, and I'm going to say no canvas,

  • although I might want actually use the canvas

  • a little later,

  • we can see here I have all that text.

  • Now, what I want to do actually is,

  • I want to highlight and color anything in the text

  • that appears in the X, in the color database.

  • So I think actually, what I want to do is

  • first split this up into words,

  • so I'm going to use rainbow.split,

  • and you could check out my tutorials about

  • regular expressions and word counting

  • and all that stuff where I do this a lot.

  • I could definitely come up with a better regular expression,

  • but I'm just going to split by anything

  • that's not a character that's A through Z,

  • or zero through nine.

  • So I'm going to do this,

  • then I'm going to say i equals zero,

  • i is less than words.length, I++,

  • and I'm going to say createSpan(words[i]).

  • The br stuff is going to mess up.

  • I'm going to say this,

  • or the br.

  • Will this work?

  • Oh boy, didn't like that, did it?

  • The br stuff is going to mess that up,

  • so I'm just going to make that a space instead,

  • and now if I refresh this page,

  • there, we can see all the words.

  • Whoo!

  • Oh, woops.

  • All the words are together in one line,

  • I need to put spaces between them.

  • This is kind of a terrible idea, but I'll just do this,

  • and now, okay, so here's the thing.

  • So now, here's the text.

  • What if one of those words appears in the color database?

  • So let's look.

  • Let me just say,

  • and actually another way that I could do this,

  • like use a for of loop,

  • let word of words,

  • and then,

  • it's just a little bit nicer to do it this way,

  • If (vectors[word]),

  • if it exists, then what do I want to do?

  • I want to get the color.

  • I want to say, let color equals that (vectors[word]).

  • And then I want to say, I'm going to say

  • let span equals create span.

  • And I going to say I'm using.

  • Once again, the p5 dom library background color.

  • Wish I'd save my code from the previous video,

  • going to write exactly the same thing, r,g,b

  • and then I'm going to take

  • sorry,

  • c.x,

  • c.y,

  • and c.z,

  • c.y and c.z.

  • So let's see if now,

  • we can see some of those highlighted, there, great.

  • So anything that was in that database,

  • I am now highlighting sky, sky, red, violet right.

  • Now the other thing I might as well do that

  • is I might as well store those things.

  • So let me keep track of color spans as an array.

  • And I'm going to add span into this array.

  • And now I can start doing stuff.

  • So what might I want to do?

  • First of all, one thing I could do,

  • which is kind of interesting is,

  • let me just get the average color of all those things.

  • So what if I say, I guess I'll say,

  • let keys equal keys.

  • I'm also going to save all of those.

  • The word.

  • So let's just take a look.

  • I'm just curious here, console.log keys.

  • So we can see these are the only things in this text

  • that matched and again I should have checked

  • for two pairs of words and things.

  • I'm missing a lot of steps here.

  • But you can improve my code.

  • That would be wonderful.

  • Make your own version of this.

  • But let's at least get the average color here.

  • So let's see what the average color is.

  • So now I can say average equals create vector 000.

  • So any math that you can do with numbers,

  • you can now do with those words, because now I can say,

  • let key of keys and I can say V is vectors,

  • that's associated with that key,

  • average.add and then at the end,

  • I can say average.divide the length of all those keys.

  • Then all I need to do is,

  • find nearest that particular vector,

  • and then console log nearest purplish.

  • So the average color of this text

  • and this is directly again from Allison's tutorial,

  • she has something very similar in it is purplish

  • and if I wanted to now I could create a canvas.

  • You know very small one.

  • 50 comma 50,

  • and then I could say,

  • background avg.x avg.y avg.z

  • and we would see there it is.

  • So that's the average color and it's label is purplish.

  • Now what if what I wanted to do was actually

  • add some color or subtract some color and change the text.

  • So let's try to do this dynamically,

  • this is going to be hard but this will be extra fun. (laughs)

  • So I'm going to create three sliders.

  • R equals r slider.

  • R slider, g slider, b slider

  • and I'm going to hope that one of you watching this video

  • and gets inspired to make

  • a really interesting wonderful interface.

  • I'm going to completely ignore anything about

  • interface design here and just kind of do this raw.

  • r slider equals create slider between zero and 255.

  • And starting with zero and I'ma do the same thing.

  • And again these are p5 functions

  • and I could obviously just write these down

  • into the HTML directly.

  • But now I have three sliders.

  • And what I want to do is,

  • anytime I change any of these sliders,

  • so I'm going to say r slider input slider changed.

  • I'm going to call the same function

  • if any of the sliders are changed.

  • So I'm going to sign this slider changed event to all of these.

  • And then,

  • I'm going to write this function slider changed

  • and now I need to get the values.

  • r equals rSlider.value,

  • g equals gSlider.value,

  • and b equals bSlider.value.

  • Now, let me just make sure this is working,

  • console dot log r,g,b.

  • Okay, so let me run this.

  • And now as I move these sliders,

  • you can see anytime I move the slider, I need these sliders.

  • I'm getting this color value.

  • Now I'm going to take that color value

  • and add it to these colors

  • and then have the words change with the new color matting.

  • I probably should make it so I could subtract color too.

  • So let's actually make it let's just make it,

  • so I can add or subtract some amount

  • between negative 100 and 100.

  • Negative 100 and 100,

  • and negative 100 and 100.

  • OK, so now in this slider change

  • what I'm going to do is I'm going to go through

  • all of the spans and keys I guess.

  • I need to, I could probably be more thoughtful.

  • We'll refactor this later.

  • (bell ringing)

  • But then make these global variables

  • and I'm going to go through all of the spans,

  • let span of colorSpans,

  • and I'm going to get the key.

  • The word is the HTML of that span

  • actually you don't have to look it up.

  • Otherwise, then the vector

  • is the vector associated with that word.

  • Then I'm going to say, vector add r,g,b.

  • I think this will work, right?

  • This, this takes that vector and adds these amounts to it.

  • Then I need to say nearest equals find nearest.

  • Oh, I need to make a copy of it.

  • So I don't actually want to change that vector.

  • I need to make a copy of it.

  • So I'm going to say copy because I'm pulling

  • just a reference to the vector that's in that object,

  • and you don't want to adjust it.

  • That's the actual vector associated word.

  • I want a copy of it that I'm going to mess with.

  • And then I want to find nearest to that.

  • And then I'm going to say span html that word.

  • So look at this.

  • These are, let's take a look at these.

  • These are all the color words.

  • Let me add some more red to them.

  • This doesn't seem to be working.

  • I was so excited to see this work.

  • What did I do wrong?

  • Find V span h2 oh, nearest, nearest, nearest.

  • Right, word is the original word.

  • Nearest is the new one.

  • After I added that color.

  • I think this is going to work.

  • It's very exciting.

  • So I need more space.

  • Okay, ready?

  • Here we go.

  • I add a lot of red and I got bright red and bright magenta.

  • Let's add a lot of green I got white already.

  • And a lot of off white white right.

  • If I add, take away, let's subtract color.

  • I subtract color, now I've got black, everything is black.

  • So look at this, you could take,

  • you could take a whole text any novel you like,

  • you could say,

  • let's just re-write it with a little bit more red

  • and find any instance of anytime a color is referenced.

  • And guess what,

  • when we do this with a more generalized word effects system,

  • we could actually add, start to add

  • this idea of add red to words that aren't actually colors.

  • We might have a corpus that includes way more

  • than just these, you know,

  • 496 or whatever that number is color values.

  • So hopefully you're starting to see.

  • The idea here is that with the idea of word embedding,

  • with words associate with vectors

  • with text associated with numbers

  • that if I can do math to the numbers,

  • I can go translate back into words,

  • I can always translate those words as numbers,

  • do more math and translate back

  • and do all sorts of strange transformations like this.

  • So make a better version of this.

  • Think about what texture you're using,

  • fix that problem for me.

  • Where I look also for like pairs of words that match.

  • Make a nice interface.

  • I don't know, think about the way you design this.

  • There's so many possibilities.

  • I look forward to seeing what you make with this

  • and see you in the next video

  • where I actually now go to look at the ml5 library

  • which has a built in class.

  • Built in basically feature that allows

  • you to work with word2vec without

  • having to write all the math yourself

  • which is what I'm mostly doing in this particular video.

  • Okay, goodbye.

  • Oh, change the background as well.

  • Stop, hold the presses.

  • I totally forgot that I must also change,

  • change this as well.

  • V.x, v.y, v.z.

  • Here comes.

  • Now as I'm adding the colors

  • it's also changing what's actually

  • the background color as well.

  • We can see that that's actually changing as well.

  • Which is a nicer way of looking at it.

  • Okay now I'm really going, goodbye.

  • (lips smacking)

  • (bell ringing)

  • (upbeat music)

(bell dings)

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12.3:顏色矢量續編--用文字編程 (12.3: Color Vectors cont'd - Programming with Text)

  • 0 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary